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.. and the award for Worst MMO Business Model in 2016 goes to ...


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you cannot do operations at all. you can do I think 5 warzones per week? no ranked at all. I'm not sure why not being rewarded with gear is ok... since you kinda need gear to progress, but... ok O_O


I am just thinking they are a money machine!!

Because of that what is better. No restrictions at all, you can do PVP (ranked) and Operations all you want but don't get gear for reward.

Or the game is restricted with no Operations and few PVP per week but you do get gear for reward (the crates).


With the first you might sub to gear up, after you can go preferred with no restrictions and play with your friends.


Actually, I don't think it is okay not being able to play (having restrictions like PVP), considering all the unlocks you can buy and use a fortune on it!?

Edited by Allca
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F2p contribute nothing and thus they should complain about nothing. They're privileged that they're even allowed to grace any server space.



Yet if it weren't for F2P attracting players in the first place when the game was on it's way out shortly after launch you wouldn't be here spouting this vitriol.


There is no counter you have produced to show how this game didn't have one of the worst business models of 2016.

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Wow beaten out by Neverwinter.


Love also how this topic gets moved to off topic whilst being completely "on topic" yet posters such as "Aeristash " thread where his op basically blatantly flames a majority of the community is untouched.


Not overly surprising that there would be a rather large bias towards moderation here but for me personally it just is another reason to dislike the morals of the people in charge and another reason to stop giving them money.

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And here we are relegated to the off topic graveyard.


I'll ask again: this thread is about the game, how exactly is this off topic?


I'm actually going to email them and ask. Whilst I doubt I'll get a response I think there is no valid reason to move this topic.


Let's see what response we get if any.

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I wonder if Massively asked BW for a comment about their award?


Agree/disagree with the reasoning of the reward the important part of that whole link is the comments section imo.


The points of view expressed about SWToR are from players and ex. players so worth heeding from a BWA perspective imo.

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Agree/disagree with the reasoning of the reward the important part of that whole link is the comments section imo.


The points of view expressed about SWToR are from players and ex. players so worth heeding from a BWA perspective imo.


I did notice after you posted the thread, that white knights started posting on the review site ;)


How many work at Bio?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Yet if it weren't for F2P attracting players in the first place when the game was on it's way out shortly after launch you wouldn't be here spouting this vitriol.


There is no counter you have produced to show how this game didn't have one of the worst business models of 2016.


I've seen no evidence that the game wasn't making money with P2P and it just wasn't the amount EA/(BW?) wanted.

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I'm actually going to email them and ask. Whilst I doubt I'll get a response I think there is no valid reason to move this topic.


Let's see what response we get if any.


After seeing all the threads in this section that Bio obviously don't want people to pay attention to, I'm going to be coming to this section first everytime I login

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I've seen no evidence that the game wasn't making money with P2P and it just wasn't the amount EA/(BW?) wanted.


Read the post you quoted - did I say the game made NO money or is this a strawman argument you are endeavoring to create? Hint ... it's the latter.

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Read the post you quoted - did I say the game made NO money or is this a strawman argument you are endeavoring to create? Hint ... it's the latter.


You implied that the game wasn't making enough money to stay open before it went F2P, and they questioned if that was really the case... if you're going to take ''wasn't making money'' literally, it just makes you look pedantic. You also brought the point up of F2P saving the game yourself (and it's obviously a financial decision), so for someone else challenge your idea that it was a necessary decision by EA/BW isn't a strawman :rak_frown:


You also assume that everyone who disagrees with you is doing so because they want to defend SWTOR's business model against you, but this is the first thing the person has said to you in this thread and they implied no such thing.


That's the trouble with witch hunting; you start to see things that aren't there. Might wanna take a step back...

Edited by Dilemmas
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ncsoft has been known to shutdown even profitable games(coh). They seem to have a brain dead board that doesnt have a clue.


the problem with wildstar isn't that its completely f2p and doesn't generally punish their non subscribers (neverwinter is doing better than TOR in terms of health, for instance, and its 100% f2p). the problem with wildstar is that its unfortunately a mediocre game with mediocre community, divisive art style and gameplay and developers that are floundering. and it doesn't help that it has no built in fans due to established IP either,


although... if wildstar and SWTOR were to trade places? as in... wildstar would have an established IP with large fandom and SWTOR was a brand new unknown IP? I guarantee you that swtor would be crashing and burning far FAR faster.


that said, while it seems to be still chugging along, to me at least the biggest sign that its not doing well - is addons. or more specifically - addons not getting updated, even the more widely used ones. that means community is disengaged, dwindling. (meanwhile, my ESO addons get updates as frequently as those in WoW, at a minimum at least with every major content patch, with at least some getting tweaks and minor adjustments in between. Holiday addons show up pretty much on the same day as the new holiday gets introduced into the game.)


but I digress. you really do want your game to be consumer friendly. there needs to be a balance between nickle and diming your customers into oblivion and making it completely unnecessary to spend a single dime.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I can see why ESO got the Most Improved award.


One Tamriel is, in my opinion, the best update to any MMO I have ever played. It even trumps the Mines Of Moria for LOTRO, that ever since it launched back in 2008 I had considered the best update ever.


One Tamriel brings ALL content to ALL players, in any order the player wants. Add in that ESO has just announced what looks to be the best Housing update since WIldstar's and it is easy to see why it won.


It's F2P model is also vastly superior to SWtOR's - even though it is not without issue.


Oh, and the New Life Festival is great fun, how a "holiday" event should be done IMO.


Just subbed to ESO for 3 months, that's 3 month's worth of Subs that SWtOR will not be getting - still is gives BWA 3 months to sort out the utter fiasco they have just created.


All The Best

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