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For those who "unsubscribed" are you subbing again?


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what you are experiencing is the joy from those who have finally transferred off their dead servers thanks to the low cost transfer fees. I went through that re-invigoration myself when I left Bastion for Harb last year. It will make them happy to see queue pops and the like for a while before the same endgame of the past 2+ years catches up. Hopefully for them, the announcement in January carries with it clarity on a new operation and not just more heroics ...I mean uprisings


Also, it's Christmas holidays where more people have time off. Of course more people can play and TOR Status shows a decline in the dying servers and people are transferring across to more populated servers- thus showing the merits of merges but I'm yet to see a true recovery. That would mean instant pops every day at APAC prime time, like there was back in July/August on Harbinger on all PvP brackets.


Pretending has never saved anything.

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BW is listening enough to know people are upset, but not enough to admit the direction they wanted to take was a mistake. So they are trying to adapt their direction to player feedback but the result will be a situation that neither they or players want - but a convoluted compromise of a system no one likes or wants.


4.0 on release had upset players but there were enough new faces that initially there wasn't a sub loss so they kept on for a few months on the path they planned. Then came the stream of unsubs after the initial 9 chapters were done.


So what happens, we get Ben's first post in a letter to the community that all is well with the game never better. That letter doesn't get written if everything was well. It got written b/c that is where the subs started dropping as people decided to just wait and buy all chapters at once near the end.


Now with 5.0 release, we have 2 unscheduled livestreams and a survey. That tells me that unlike 4.0, they aren't seeing a "flood" of new players/subscriptions, hence the reaction.


Perhaps I'm cynical, but after 5 years here, I don't think they have changed that much. Bottom line (dollars) drive them. And when revenue starts to fall, that is where reaction times increase to try and salvage/save things.

They are listening, but what they aren't ready to do is admit they messed up and scrap their new system. They will keep trying to jam that square peg through the round hole as the ship sinks insisting that the peg is what will stop the leak.

"This will work, it has to!"


I think completely abandoning 5.0 isn't neither a fast nor valid option for many reasons. It'd probably break the game to roll it back to 4.0. Coders will have Xmas. Don't take that away from them. They have to look ahead and likely patch this up as best they can and change 6.0. Sounds like the new xpac isn't far off and is in the work in progress state. Changes would be easier to implement into 6.0.

Edited by americanaussie
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have u tried fleet where people have been playing longer than 15 minutes


Yep, full or credit seller spam. A sign of a healthy game full of players with disposable income.


I prefer to use the credit sellers as a gauge of a games status, not the doom and gloom of these forums. Credit sellers wouldn't hang around if there was no money in it.

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I don't know that they are listening. At least not with the intent to actually make the players happy. They're looking for what can they do that might make the players happy while still keeping the totally stupid system some idiot dreamed up.


I don't know that they have until March. My sub runs out in Feb, so for me they have until then to actually make me happy, not just put out a bunch of BS like this stream wrap up. The stream didn't say they were listening or committed to making their players happy. It siad, here, look over here and "ignore the man behind the curtain." Don't pay attention to the grind we built in or the fact we're still leaving all that RNG in and still making you grind out our stupid system.


I'd love to run BW for 1 week. I'd clean house. They'd be looking for devs who actually are interested in customer satisfaction, who actually interact with and listen to their paying customers.


The changes they are making are as near to meaningless as can be. One piece per op for the entire team is not going to help even a little. And still tying it to their broken command rank makes it worthless. Its just a smoke screen change, lots of words no real action.

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No i will not. Take a look at my post history. You will find very little. For the most part ive been a happy customer. Ive played since beta, also since day one and up until now ive never had any complaints with any of the expansions or the game in general. Even when i took a few breaks a couple of months i never once unsubbed. So im not just one of the regulars (doom and gloom naysayers) im speaking for myself only.


These changes are just too much. Why did they go RNG? It sucked with BM Bags and it sucks now. Its so slow and the drop rate is terrible. Since the launch ive gotten one piece. Why make it so alt unfriendly when just before it was implemented they promoted a system built on creating alts? NO WAY im doing this with 17 characters


Its no longer fun, its tedious, its boring and its stressful. That means its time to look elsewhere. I never liked rng, my hatred for it is what prevented me from ever buying cm crates. I dont like gambling. I bought what i wanted from players. Now the whole character advancement is based on it. I cant even bring myself to play for free much less continue to pay.


Even if i had the top gear..what good is it? Ill just be running the same stuff ive been doing for years. When are they going to learn this story approach is only good for a few hours.

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I'm new and had to subscribe just to feel like I was testing the game properly this post makes me wonder if it was a waste


It's up to you. Not everybody hates it but a lot of people must've unsubbed because Bioware's never reacted this fast to negative feedback.


It's not like the bigger servers are dead, they're not, but it seems more people are leaving than they expected. Don't get me wrong, I like SWTOR as such. I just don't like this random gearing system they put in. It's just that this issue affects the entire way you play at level 70 and well, that's kind of a big deal for a bunch of people.


So it all depends on how important end game gearing is to you and if you like total random gearing or not. If that doesn't affect you, I'd definitely give this game a go because it has a lot of good stuff in it.

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The changes they are making are as near to meaningless as can be. One piece per op for the entire team is not going to help even a little. And still tying it to their broken command rank makes it worthless. Its just a smoke screen change, lots of words no real action.


Yep. That's BW for you.

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Oh my goodness. For real if I had to grind 500 more heroics for 4.0 b I'd stab myself :eek: 4.0 was far more grindy than 5.0. At least now you can do things like pvp and uprisings and soon ops will drop stuff.


I never had to grind any heroics in 4.0 for endgame gear. What are you talking about?


You can grind heroics for gear now though.

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Guys, most are complaining about RNG, but guys RNG is here to stay and more games are picking it up. I'm just surprised SWTOR took so long to embrace it.


Far as I go, I don't know which way I'll jump.

Most games also offer content that encourages players to stay subbed...SWTOR made the mistake of assuming RNG was new content in itself...it isn't, and that's a huge issue that 5.0 still has...

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Most games also offer content that encourages players to stay subbed...SWTOR made the mistake of assuming RNG was new content in itself...it isn't, and that's a huge issue that 5.0 still has...




You can get away with grinds and potentially RNG with new content and systems. Not with doing 2+ year old content over and over. Esp on heels of event spanning several months having players grind this content towards rewards and achievements (achieves which were then stripped away)


New content goes a long way. Making 5 heroics that last 10-15 mins each as your new repeatable content doesn't suffice

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You can get away with grinds and potentially RNG with new content and systems. Not with doing 2+ year old content over and over. Esp on heels of event spanning several months having players grind this content towards rewards and achievements (achieves which were then stripped away)


New content goes a long way. Making 5 heroics that last 10-15 mins each as your new repeatable content doesn't suffice


They are not heroics they are called "uprisings" and are different, these ones are just reskined FP without being FP with tons of bugs. Mediocre stuff...and they are even releasing more in January...they are lost. :(

Edited by psikofunkster
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They are not heroics they are called "uprisings" and are different, these ones are just reskined FP without being FP with tons of bugs. Mediocre stuff...and they are even releasing more in January...they are lost. :(


I think uprisings are more like a heroic than a FP, but that may just be me and the group of people I play with. The final boss is more like a FP due to health, but everything leading up to it just feels like a heroic.

But I can an argument that it is somewhere in between them.


But that in itself is a testament that this is not at a level to be the end game repeatable grind.

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I think uprisings are more like a heroic than a FP, but that may just be me and the group of people I play with. The final boss is more like a FP due to health, but everything leading up to it just feels like a heroic.


Being fair? uprisings are uprisings they are not FP or heroics. :D

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Guys, most are complaining about RNG, but guys RNG is here to stay and more games are picking it up. I'm just surprised SWTOR took so long to embrace it.


Far as I go, I don't know which way I'll jump.


We'll see. I am sure BWA are not going to throw GC out but the changes coming with 5.1 do seem to go back about halfway to what 4.0 was. That's quite a big step away from RNG again after such a short time.


To be honest, if BWA are looking at other games to see what they need to do, perhaps the mistake was that they forgot to check what players here would enjoy.


It's the mix of total RNG gearing and extremely little content in the last two expansions that make for a dangerous cocktail that leaves a very bitter after taste for many players. How many? I have no idea, but considering BWA's incredibly quick reaction, there have to be a lot more unhappy people than they expected. The question is why they didn't see this coming? It was clear from the start that there was resistance to this and they just dismissed it and thought it'd be fine. Just like they did in year 1 and the game almost fell over and died. Not saying it's as bad this time but the attitude from BWA seems to be the same. I would've thought that wasn't worth repeating.

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I think uprisings are more like a heroic than a FP, but that may just be me and the group of people I play with. The final boss is more like a FP due to health, but everything leading up to it just feels like a heroic.

But I can an argument that it is somewhere in between them.

Absolutely agree! They're nowhere near a FP in terms of design, but tbh, there are Heroics with more depth than the uprisings have.
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I just decided not to sub again for the foreseeable future.

I've been on the fence since before 5.0, but wanted to give it a chance. I did so, but I haven't been satisfied.

The story was mediocre - much better than KotFE for sure, but still felt like the wrong story to be told in an MMORPG and especially not SWTOR.

Galactic Command, while a promising idea, seems to be half-baked at best, and causes me more stress than enjoyment.


I can't see a reason for me to keep paying for this game. I'm going back to WoW for a while. If I like it I'll even splurge on Legion... if/when I get bored with that I'll probably check back on how SWTOR is doing.


6 days until my sub runs out.


10 days here and counting....:rolleyes:


Next year is gonna be though for this game...

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I have to agree with that.

It is insanely grindy it takes so much time to get basic set bonus gear.

I am GC level 50 and i've gotten 1 bonus set piece.


And this is exactly why we need 4.0's operations loot system to return in it's entirely, not only 5\8 bosses dropping an unassembled RNG token, but known loot tables for bosses and each boss dropping a known token. Gearing for end game content should not be left to the RNG gods; Guilds and players should be able to plan on how to gear their main, off spec, and alts. If they can't raiding will almost die out completely. It's already almost impossible to find a Group Finder Op on Harbinger on the nights that I'm not running with my guild as a healer on the Empire side. In 3.0 and 4.0 Imperial Healers popped almost immediately and I've waited for over an hour several times before logging off since 5.0.

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Nope, not subscribing again. I wish I had timed my sub better so that it would have expired after KotET rather than renewing just before, but I was hoping it wouldn't be as bad as we expected. I used to have a three-month sub, as it was better than one month of course, but I changed it as I didn't want to be locked in too long. And I still haven't had time to get around to playing KotET, so it gives me more time to procrastinate on that.


We all knew this RNG CXP system would be painful and evil, and BWA is apparently so deaf or stupid that they ignored all the warning signs. Unless they want the game to crash and burn, hm. Anyway, crazy conspiracy theories aside, the extra nerfs in the weeks after (gold mobs from 10 CXP to 1) was them just adding insult to injury.


The lack of new content (don't care about uprisings) is just another major problem. There's not even a new daily area to gather new crafting materials, they just reused old Zakuul space.


I probably would have let my sub expire months ago, but I was holding on for the HK-55 mission. It was fun, but not worth the 10 months, but I was hoping it would be a good sign for the future (the droid moveset, the fun nature of it), but guess it really was just an outlier.

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