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For those who "unsubscribed" are you subbing again?


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Instead of reverting back to what wasn't broken (the old gearing system), they are convoluting the new RNG grind and hoping everyone feels better that there will be a very limited way buy some gear. It's pale compared to what we used to have, and will still take months for mains, which means additional months for alternate role sets. They are killing the "MMO" aspect of the game where we used to have alt toons geared to fill all the roles our guilds needed for PvP, Ops and FPs. And I firmly believe the RNG and grind is to try and cover over the lack of real new group content.


So still letting my 6 month sub expire next month.

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I feel like 5.0 was the "New Coke" for this game. People rejected it. "We hate new coke, bring back the original taste!" But rather than say, "ok -we get it, we'll bring back the original coke", the BW response is like this:


"So we are listening and fully willing to make changes for you our customers. What we are going to do, is bring back the original coke packaging and keep the new coke formula inside which we really think you'll like better once you tried 10,000 of them. On top of the can we've replaced the complicated tab system with a directional combination lock which has the solution readily available on the inside of the 12 pack box you purchased. These changes will happen in a month and you'll get an empty original can for every one you've consumed between now and then - so all retro'd for you! As always, we're totally willing to make other changes based on your feedback."

Edited by Jamtas
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I feel like 5.0 was the "New Coke" for this game. People rejected it. "We hate new coke, bring back the original taste!" But rather than say, ok -we get it, we'll bring back the original coke", the BW response is like this:


"So we are listening and fully willing to make changes for you our customers. What we are going to do, is bring back the original coke packaging and keep the new coke formula inside which we really think you'll like better once you tried 10,000 of them. On top of the can we've replaced the complicated tab system with a directional combination lock which has the solution readily available on the inside of the 12 pack box you purchased. These changes will happen in a month and you'll get an empty original can for every one you've consumed between now and then - so all retro'd for you! As always, we're totally willing to make other changes based on your feedback."


*snort* LOL


But sadly, pretty close.

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I feel like 5.0 was the "New Coke" for this game. People rejected it. "We hate new coke, bring back the original taste!" But rather than say, ok -we get it, we'll bring back the original coke", the BW response is like this:


"So we are listening and fully willing to make changes for you our customers. What we are going to do, is bring back the original coke packaging and keep the new coke formula inside which we really think you'll like better once you tried 10,000 of them. On top of the can we've replaced the complicated tab system with a directional combination lock which has the solution readily available on the inside of the 12 pack box you purchased. These changes will happen in a month and you'll get an empty original can for every one you've consumed between now and then - so all retro'd for you! As always, we're totally willing to make other changes based on your feedback."


I LOL'ed, then thought about it and wanted to cry. Your description describes how I feel about things.

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And yet you post in it.


Are you the new white knight?


I am merely trying to bring balance to the force.


These forums are no different than other game forums where the majority of people posting in it do so to complain or vent. For anyone new around here, it would be easy to get the perception that the game is rubbish, dying, broken, buggy, p2w, a rip off, and run by a company that doesn't care and who wants their game to fail so they can be unemployed for some reason.


I know Eshvara means well but threads like this don't help. It's like a one stop shop to vent your spleen all in one place.

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For anyone new around here, it would be easy to get the perception that the game is rubbish, dying, broken, buggy, p2w, a rip off, and run by a company that doesn't care and who wants their game to fail so they can be unemployed for some reason.


They'd be correct on at least four of those.


All The Best

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I am merely trying to bring balance to the force.
That's just another way to say you're the new self-appointed white knight. I am sure that your condescending remarks towards raiders will go a long way towards bringing this forum to the light.


If you were really serious you'd try to mend bridges instead of drawing lines in the sand. I guess that's why I don't buy it. That's just a matter of the end justifying the means.


These forums are no different than other game forums where the majority of people posting in it do so to complain or vent. For anyone new around here, it would be easy to get the perception that the game is rubbish, dying, broken, buggy, p2w, a rip off, and run by a company that doesn't care and who wants their game to fail so they can be unemployed for some reason.

Then perhaps you should be a mender instead of a divider.



I know Eshvara means well but threads like this don't help. It's like a one stop shop to vent your spleen all in one place.

What doesn't help is how you react. Many people have seen game forums before, not all, but many have. When a defender resorts to lowly insults you only strengthen the negative opinions.


So I wish you good luck with your endeavours as it's a free world, but if your'e serious about bringing balance then you're simply doing it wrong and you will only achieve the opposite.

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That's just another way to say you're the new self-appointed white knight. I am sure that your condescending remarks towards raiders will go a long way towards bringing this forum to the light.


If you were really serious you'd try to mend bridges instead of drawing lines in the sand. I guess that's why I don't buy it. That's just a matter of the end justifying the means.



Then perhaps you should be a mender instead of a divider.


Just because I refuse to recognise the pecking order of gamers and place raiders at the top of the food chain, doesn't make me a pantomime villain. Besides, irrelevant to this thread.



What doesn't help is how you react. Many people have seen game forums before, not all, but many have. When a defender resorts to lowly insults you only strengthen the negative opinions.


So I wish you good luck with your endeavours as it's a free world, but if your'e serious about bringing balance then you're simply doing it wrong and you will only achieve the opposite.


So it's fine for other people to spew vitriol, lies and half truths so long as it's rubbishing the game? Am I not allowed to defend a product a really enjoy playing?


And for the record, I don't believe I've ever insulted anyone. Just because you disagree with my view or attitude doesn't mean I'm insulting you.

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Just because I refuse to recognise the pecking order of gamers and place raiders at the top of the food chain, doesn't make me a pantomime villain. Besides, irrelevant to this thread.

This pecking order exists in your mind. There is no reason to call people whiners or accuse them of making bait threads solely because you feel you're so incredibly right about your opinion.


Listen, you're not shouting at people calling them names directly, but it is rather confusing to come out and call people whiners and entitled as you have and then go around saying you want to create balance. Something just doesn't add up there.

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So am I, so am I. :D


It's a thankless and frustrating battle to be sure.


It's odd, at the time of writing I'm on Tython which has 2 instances, the one I am on has 130 people. All of whom are happily chatting away and playing the game. No complaining, griping, whining or threatening to cancel subs. It is actually quite pleasant.


Contrast that to these forums, and it's like it's a community forum for a different game. I guess I just like to let anyone who wanders in here know that there are still people who actually like the game and happily play and pay for it.

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Instead of reverting back to what wasn't broken (the old gearing system), they are convoluting the new RNG grind and hoping everyone feels better that there will be a very limited way buy some gear. It's pale compared to what we used to have, and will still take months for mains, which means additional months for alternate role sets. They are killing the "MMO" aspect of the game where we used to have alt toons geared to fill all the roles our guilds needed for PvP, Ops and FPs. And I firmly believe the RNG and grind is to try and cover over the lack of real new group content.


So still letting my 6 month sub expire next month.


Oh my goodness. For real if I had to grind 500 more heroics for 4.0 b I'd stab myself :eek: 4.0 was far more grindy than 5.0. At least now you can do things like pvp and uprisings and soon ops will drop stuff.

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Oh my goodness. For real if I had to grind 500 more heroics for 4.0 b I'd stab myself :eek: 4.0 was far more grindy than 5.0. At least now you can do things like pvp and uprisings and soon ops will drop stuff.


Shhh....quiet you heretic! Don't you know your not allowed to point out the positives with 5.0? This kind of thinking can get you strung up around these parts, or worse, labelled a 'white knight'.

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Shhh....quiet you heretic! Don't you know your not allowed to point out the positives with 5.0? This kind of thinking can get you strung up around these parts, or worse, labelled a 'white knight'.


Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. :p I'm trying to be better/nicer but grinding all of my characters to 216 armor through blasted heroics bored me to tears. Oh yeah and the lovely heroics alliance grind to 20. I managed that on one toon. :p GC allows you to do whatever you want. I really have no desire to go back to heroics, crates, and crystals.

Edited by americanaussie
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It's a thankless and frustrating battle to be sure.


It's odd, at the time of writing I'm on Tython which has 2 instances, the one I am on has 130 people. All of whom are happily chatting away and playing the game. No complaining, griping, whining or threatening to cancel subs. It is actually quite pleasant.


Contrast that to these forums, and it's like it's a community forum for a different game. I guess I just like to let anyone who wanders in here know that there are still people who actually like the game and happily play and pay for it.

I know. You see, I was talking to my brother yesterday about a lot of people here threatening to unsub over the RNG system. He just laughed and said not to worry cause they're only the minority. He doesn't even play this game cause he hates the restrictions in F2P yet he's managed to be a "white knight" :eek::D

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It's a thankless and frustrating battle to be sure.


It's odd, at the time of writing I'm on Tython which has 2 instances, the one I am on has 130 people. All of whom are happily chatting away and playing the game. No complaining, griping, whining or threatening to cancel subs. It is actually quite pleasant.


Contrast that to these forums, and it's like it's a community forum for a different game. I guess I just like to let anyone who wanders in here know that there are still people who actually like the game and happily play and pay for it.


what you are experiencing is the joy from those who have finally transferred off their dead servers thanks to the low cost transfer fees. I went through that re-invigoration myself when I left Bastion for Harb last year. It will make them happy to see queue pops and the like for a while before the same endgame of the past 2+ years catches up. Hopefully for them, the announcement in January carries with it clarity on a new operation and not just more heroics ...I mean uprisings

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what you are experiencing is the joy from those who have finally transferred off their dead servers thanks to the low cost transfer fees. I went through that re-invigoration myself when I left Bastion for Harb last year. It will make them happy to see queue pops and the like for a while before the same endgame of the past 2+ years catches up. Hopefully for them, the announcement in January carries with it clarity on a new operation and not just more heroics ...I mean uprisings


My guess would be that those are new players getting a Star Wars fix after watching Rogue One.

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My guess would be that those are new players getting a Star Wars fix after watching Rogue One.


most likely - Tython IS a starting jedi world after all. I admit, even while not a new player, quite unhappy with the direction of the game... after leaving the movie theater I really REALLY wanted to play something star warsy. and original 1 to 50 stories especially very much have that look and feel of star wars. its just... by the time I got home, the urge has passed but I would imagine for people who haven't been playing for 5 years, and haven't experienced what passes for end game and its limitations yet - it would feel wonderful. I mean... when I created my first character and that title screen with its oh so familiar bombastic music and then opening crawl, it made me practically giddy, a kid watching star wars movie again.


the question is. how long will that feeling last for these new players? will they subscribe? and if yes - will they stay subscribed?

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Nah. I subbed to enjoy the new story content, but my Command Level has only risen to level 6. I have zero interest in the format they are using. The changes they proposed and the lack of anything new and fun to do will keep me as away. I've got some other games on my radar next month.
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I know. You see, I was talking to my brother yesterday about a lot of people here threatening to unsub over the RNG system. He just laughed and said not to worry cause they're only the minority. He doesn't even play this game cause he hates the restrictions in F2P yet he's managed to be a "white knight" :eek::D


OK well I don't believe the forum is a majority but there are legitimate players with concerns and their numbers are high enough that they have caught the devs attention. Thry held an unscheduled livestreamto tell us about all the new changes that and the double coin referral illustrates to me that they're somewhat desperate to bring back players. Now it may be that the double coin referral was intended to be for the movie release and that's smart too. But don't discount the people, who are upset, so easily. Most are legit. Some may be bandwagon followers but a good portion do have great concerns. Bw is listening so hopefully the changes in Jan to march will be what everyone wants.

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Bw is listening so hopefully the changes in Jan to march will be what everyone wants.


I don't know that they are listening. At least not with the intent to actually make the players happy. They're looking for what can they do that might make the players happy while still keeping the totally stupid system some idiot dreamed up.


I don't know that they have until March. My sub runs out in Feb, so for me they have until then to actually make me happy, not just put out a bunch of BS like this stream wrap up. The stream didn't say they were listening or committed to making their players happy. It siad, here, look over here and "ignore the man behind the curtain." Don't pay attention to the grind we built in or the fact we're still leaving all that RNG in and still making you grind out our stupid system.


I'd love to run BW for 1 week. I'd clean house. They'd be looking for devs who actually are interested in customer satisfaction, who actually interact with and listen to their paying customers.

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OK well I don't believe the forum is a majority but there are legitimate players with concerns and their numbers are high enough that they have caught the devs attention. Thry held an unscheduled livestreamto tell us about all the new changes that and the double coin referral illustrates to me that they're somewhat desperate to bring back players. Now it may be that the double coin referral was intended to be for the movie release and that's smart too. But don't discount the people, who are upset, so easily. Most are legit. Some may be bandwagon followers but a good portion do have great concerns. Bw is listening so hopefully the changes in Jan to march will be what everyone wants.


BW is listening enough to know people are upset, but not enough to admit the direction they wanted to take was a mistake. So they are trying to adapt their direction to player feedback but the result will be a situation that neither they or players want - but a convoluted compromise of a system no one likes or wants.


4.0 on release had upset players but there were enough new faces that initially there wasn't a sub loss so they kept on for a few months on the path they planned. Then came the stream of unsubs after the initial 9 chapters were done.


So what happens, we get Ben's first post in a letter to the community that all is well with the game never better. That letter doesn't get written if everything was well. It got written b/c that is where the subs started dropping as people decided to just wait and buy all chapters at once near the end.


Now with 5.0 release, we have 2 unscheduled livestreams and a survey. That tells me that unlike 4.0, they aren't seeing a "flood" of new players/subscriptions, hence the reaction.


Perhaps I'm cynical, but after 5 years here, I don't think they have changed that much. Bottom line (dollars) drive them. And when revenue starts to fall, that is where reaction times increase to try and salvage/save things.

They are listening, but what they aren't ready to do is admit they messed up and scrap their new system. They will keep trying to jam that square peg through the round hole as the ship sinks insisting that the peg is what will stop the leak.

"This will work, it has to!"

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It's a thankless and frustrating battle to be sure.


It's odd, at the time of writing I'm on Tython which has 2 instances, the one I am on has 130 people. All of whom are happily chatting away and playing the game. No complaining, griping, whining or threatening to cancel subs. It is actually quite pleasant.


Contrast that to these forums, and it's like it's a community forum for a different game. I guess I just like to let anyone who wanders in here know that there are still people who actually like the game and happily play and pay for it.


have u tried fleet where people have been playing longer than 15 minutes

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