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Thanks for listening to us


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They half listened which os better than usual.


Unfortunately, they had a working system and replaced it and instead of putting it back, they have to do something different so they can introduce more bugs and stll keep the RNG we don't want. At least it's less RNG.

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It's a step forward, I'll grant you that. I guess it finally got through to Ben "RNG is EXCITING!" Irving that not everyone likes to play the lottery constantly. Either that or some EA exec took them all to task for the drop in subs and forced them to backpedal on the all RNG all the time gearing system.


That said, I find it funny that people said the 4.0 gearing system needed to be replaced because it was somehow 'too complicated' for casuals and new players to understand... and now they're replacing it with an even more complex system!

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Very Good step in the right direction.

I think this slows down progression from 4.0 which was way too easy (and a fault of level syncing/priority operations) , and makes it more in line with gearing when only 1-2 operations gave out the current highest end game gear. There will be an RNG chance with non final bosses to get the piece you want, and then the added components needed from GC crates to turn in.


Now 2 follow-ups


1) what will the cost be? Too may components vs just right, vs just a few

2) Will there be new operations? Getting the gear through ops to speed things up is better, but gearing to play 2 year old+ operations for the 500th time still not the way to keep people/bring them back.

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Yes thank you for listening to us.. the "evil vocal minority". :) Very grateful for the changes.


If they're willing to backpedal on "all RNG all the time" gearing this fast, then obviously we were a vocal majority! If most people loved the new system and no one was unsubbing, after all, they'd have no reason to backtrack so soon. The numbers they were 'monitoring' must have looked pretty dire for them to sign up for this much additional work on a just-released half-expansion.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Then continue posting what you're unhappy about.


RNG was perfect as it was. Everyone was on a balanced field, with none having the slightest advantage over the other aside from where lady luck decided to grant Favor. Then a bunch of whiners start complaining because they're not getting rares like water, which they never should, and bio backpedals. Why even bother working for gear when it's simply manufactured in a vendors shelf? What's the point? Where's the challenge? Where is the glory in simply buying ones prize at will? Can it even still be called a prize? Or simply another production line utility? Bah. :mad:

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RNG was perfect as it was. Everyone was on a balanced field, with none having the slightest advantage over the other aside from where lady luck decided to grant Favor. Then a bunch of whiners start complaining because they're not getting rares like water, which they never should, and bio backpedals. Why even bother working for gear when it's simply manufactured in a vendors shelf? What's the point? Where's the challenge? Where is the glory in simply buying ones prize at will? Can it even still be called a prize? Or simply another production line utility? Bah. :mad:


Excuse me, how dare you criticize BW's decision!

Edited by Radzkie
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RNG was perfect as it was. Everyone was on a balanced field, with none having the slightest advantage over the other aside from where lady luck decided to grant Favor. Then a bunch of whiners start complaining because they're not getting rares like water, which they never should, and bio backpedals. Why even bother working for gear when it's simply manufactured in a vendors shelf? What's the point? Where's the challenge? Where is the glory in simply buying ones prize at will? Can it even still be called a prize? Or simply another production line utility? Bah. :mad:


You say RNG was even for everyone? Are you not allowed to join OPS runs? Are you not allowed to run WZ's for gear. I'm sorry, but everyone who can get command crates can also join and OPS run, or que for PVP. You act like you've been excluded somehow. It is still a balanced playing field.

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That's a lovely strawman you've built there. Why do you keep insisting on beating it?


Puh-leeze. People couldn't handle playing to win so they lobbied for a pay to win system. Insta gratification at its core. That's the reality of the situation. Games are no longer about playing, they're about paying ones way to the top.

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RNG was perfect as it was. Everyone was on a balanced field, with none having the slightest advantage over the other aside from where lady luck decided to grant Favor. Then a bunch of whiners start complaining because they're not getting rares like water, which they never should, and bio backpedals. Why even bother working for gear when it's simply manufactured in a vendors shelf? What's the point? Where's the challenge? Where is the glory in simply buying ones prize at will? Can it even still be called a prize? Or simply another production line utility? Bah. :mad:


It seems to me you miss the entire point. The gear is not the prize. The gear is what you need to move on to the next harder content. The gear is a tool. The prize is actually clearing the content and moving on up the ladder.

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Puh-leeze. People couldn't handle playing to win so they lobbied for a pay to win system. Insta gratification at its core. That's the reality of the situation. Games are no longer about playing, they're about paying ones way to the top.


That's still a lovely strawman you've built there. Funnily enough, pay to win is what people were calling the "all RNG all the time" gearing system when CXP boosters were introduced. I don't recall you complaining then. Now people will get rewards for actual in-game effort as opposed to buying CXP boosters and grinding the easiest stuff in the game... so it's less pay to win.


I mean, how dare you argue with EAWare's decisions! You're just the vocal minority! You're bullying people by stating your opinion! So now I'm going to bully you back and insult you and your playstyle and intelligence! Blah blah blah...


Have I pointed out the hypocrisy enough yet to make it crystal clear?

Edited by AscendingSky
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Puh-leeze. People couldn't handle playing to win so they lobbied for a pay to win system. Insta gratification at its core. That's the reality of the situation. Games are no longer about playing, they're about paying ones way to the top.


Explain how this hybrid system is pay to win now, when it wasn't before when you could buy CXP boosters?


Seems like you're just saying things to be contrary, like some other forum trolls.

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That's still a lovely strawman you've built there. Funnily enough, pay to win is what people were calling the "all RNG all the time" gearing system when CXP boosters were introduced. I don't recall you complaining then. Now people will get rewards for actual in-game effort as opposed to buying CXP boosters and grinding the easiest stuff in the game... so it's less pay to win.



Excellent paragraph. Very well said. I think this change is very welcome.

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It seems to me you miss the entire point. The gear is not the prize. The gear is what you need to move on to the next harder content. The gear is a tool. The prize is actually clearing the content and moving on up the ladder.


Nay. Common gear is a tool. The rare drop you get from completing the challenge is the Prize. That in turn helps you complete greater challenges and gather greater Treasure.

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That's still a lovely strawman you've built there. Funnily enough, pay to win is what people were calling the "all RNG all the time" gearing system when CXP boosters were introduced. I don't recall you complaining then. Now people will get rewards for actual in-game effort as opposed to buying CXP boosters and grinding the easiest stuff in the game... so it's less pay to win.


I mean, how dare you argue with EAWare's decisions! You're just the vocal minority! You're bullying people by stating your opinion! So now I'm going to bully you back and insult you and your playstyle and intelligence! Blah blah blah...


Have I pointed out the hypocrisy enough yet to make it crystal clear?


Time for a class lesson I see. Cxp boosters merely altered ones Command experience by a marginal gain, they did not in any way alter the drop chance of boxes. So no, Cxp was no more pay to win than the common xp boosters provided in game. However static vendors with 100% guaranteed items? Very much pay to win. You have no case. :rolleyes:

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Cxp boosters merely altered ones Command experience by a marginal gain, they did not in any way alter the drop chance of boxes.


They did alter the speed at which you gain lock boxes. Someone who gains five lockboxes a day has more chances at great gear than someone who gets two. The fact both have an equal chance of winning said gear only factors in later. Even if we use the law of total probability, the one with five lock boxes a day has a better chance at obtaining good gear than the one with two lock boxes. He has more consecutive rolls a day to try, and he'll be faster in gearing to dominate the content.


Spin it all you want. It might not be pay to win (seeing as everyone could eventually get that gear), but it is definitely pay to accelerate. Both are tremendously hideous concepts.


However static vendors with 100% guaranteed items?


Stop trolling. There is no way doing content for tokens and exchanging them for gear is in any way pay to win by any meaning of the word.

Edited by Alssaran
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Time for a class lesson I see. Cxp boosters merely altered ones Command experience by a marginal gain, they did not in any way alter the drop chance of boxes. So no, Cxp was no more pay to win than the common xp boosters provided in game. However static vendors with 100% guaranteed items? Very much pay to win. You have no case. :rolleyes:


How are static gear vendors that you can only use if you get drops off of operations bosses--you know, actual in-game effort, no real world money required--more pay to win than a system where ALL gear drops out of RNG crates that you can pay to open faster? If you could buy those ops tokens, I'd agree it was pay to win... but you can't. You have to actually work as opposed to throwing snowballs all day. So again, it's less pay to win than before. And for all your ranting about 'pay to win' now, you don't seem to have any trouble with the actual 'pay to win' CXP boosters!


I don't think you're even listening to yourself anymore. If you were, you'd realize you're the one who has no logic on your side, and therefore no case. Give that poor strawman a rest; what did it ever do to you?

Edited by AscendingSky
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