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Why Most People Think Marauders Suck...


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I love marauders, but the game itself is simply biased against melee at the moment.

We desperately need some tweaking. Yeah I can do hella damage in 1v1. Trouble is getting a 1v1. or even closing to melee for that matter.


Lets not even talk about all the nerfs because of PvP and the effect they have had on PvE.


It is difficult to play, and definitely not for the faint of heart.


We need a fix, it's just that simple

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I love marauders, but the game itself is simply biased against melee at the moment.

We desperately need some tweaking. Yeah I can do hella damage in 1v1. Trouble is getting a 1v1. or even closing to melee for that matter.


Lets not even talk about all the nerfs because of PvP and the effect they have had on PvE.


It is difficult to play, and definitely not for the faint of heart.


We need a fix, it's just that simple


That's a poor game philosophy, if you ask me. If we do "hella damage in 1v1," then it should be difficult for us to get in 1v1. We need some sort of disadvantage - otherwise the class becomes imba.


IMO, Marauders are fine. Some tweaking would be nice, but as it is we're a great class. My only wish is for a short-term stun and a force push. Huge, I know...

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I think the biggest problems are people not knowing how to spec, not knowing how to use their skills, not knowing how to use their companion, and not keeping their gear up to par.


I think it is rather about surviveability and effectiveness in group pvp. The problem with melee in this game is too much CC, no DR and too many classes with powerfull ranged attacks in comparison to surviveability of melees.

Hell most of their ranged attacks are even without a long casting time and doing similar dps like melees, in close combat or from range.

Edited by BobaFurz
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You played EQ thinking that was a "harder" mmo? 8 spells and if you werent a druid or necromancer dont bother pvping, ya that was realllllly hard......


You my friend are a complete tool if you dont think that Everquest is harder than any MMO out right now. The game is still going after 10+ years and i recently quit and sold my character that i built from the ground up 8 years ago. There is way more skill involved in Everquest than there is in WoW,SWTOR, or any MMO. There's no quests in everquest that you can just go get every 5 feet you walk and get from 1-10 in an hour. Dont speak about what you dont know. I love SWTOR to death but I and anyone else who played Everquest all the way to end game raids in a top raiding guild on the server know that it is way more challenging.

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reserve your personal opinion about the people who do complain so as not to muck up any attempts to offer constructive criticism of the class with flame wars about how dumb everyone else is and how amazing you are.


95% of Marauder players completely fail at playing video games. It's surprising they can even figure out how to tie their shoes. I'd be embarassed if I failed as hard as those scrubs; they should seriously reroll a 1-button BH to end their miserable SWTOR experience. I bet they score a C on a test and get all happy with excitement, but that's what you get when you lower the bar so much that every derp kiddie can **** out performance with training wheels and feel good about themselves.

Edited by EasymodeX
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Marauder, the new E-Peen Class.



I think its very easy to filter out the stupid retard QQ from legitimate claims of poor mechanics and bugged spells.


But i do think "most", and i use this term relatively, people think the class sucks because generally speaking they are comparing it to the other classes in swtor.



Most people who come on the forums and say the class is fine and just requires a steep learning curve are trolls. The class isn't complicated, and its not hard to pick up relatively fast, the only issue is the amount of buttons you have to press, ( 5-8 vs 3 or 4).


I think for the most part the people that come on here are just trying to promote their own ego's, saying that everyone who is having trouble just sucks at the game, and that they themselves are better because they dont experience the same issues as the other individuals.


On the other hand some people come on here and complain about the class literally have no idea what theyre talking about because, well to be honest, they are noobs.


I went from seeing all the flaws in the class (mostly from pvp) to being neutral, especially when im reading this forum. I havent read any useful information without some ****** spouting utter bull*****. Most of them going "Marauders are OP in op's because theyre damage is really high" No statistics equals **** imo, "Marauders **** in PVP" Inc ss of rage marauders in full bm gear in a losing match but having 500k damage.


I mean there are some serious flaws with the class, but for some reason people refuse to see them, they dont want to see bugs fixed or issues addressed, LIke for instance, Bloated talents in the annihilation tree, the carnage tree being completely underwhelming and at the same time more bloated talents. The global cd is around 1 second, if im not mistaken, yet the time to hit abilities to keep a general rotation going (Stacks on annihilate, Gore) require 100% uptime on the boss, which for Almost All the boss's in the game currently are impossible, which end up in a huge loss of DPS. This does not even come closs to translating well in PvP. While Ive seen personally annihilation and rage do really well, carnage is lack luster, and can be countered very easily.


blargh, i havent seen a dev response on these forums since they nerfed annihilation because it was "bugged" apparently.


From all the bugs to all the terrible balance decisions they keep making, btw operatives are useless now, i think bioware seriously needs to hire more people or get off twitter and start addressing serious issues.


inb4 hate.



Edit: Global cd is 1.5 seconds, for easymodex because he enjoys trolling so much.

Edited by Hoseman
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People will always complain, even if there is nothing to complain, just for the sake of complaining.


What a good player can do with a class - any class, will greatly differ from casual / new players experience with the class itself, be it pve or pvp. A good player always analyzes the toolset of skills and how to combine them to achieve as much as they can with the class.


Is mara hard to play? By no means. Do they require more button work than other classes to succeed? To some extent yes.


Is really not rocket science, like the sniper marks spec, most peeps will pick the ballistic dampners talent, but only a small fraction will exit and re-enter cover every 6s to renew the stack, the vast majority will just root in cover from start till end of time.


Like all other classes, there are some bad mechanics / bugs with the class / specs, but those with given feedback / reports, will get fixed / modified to work as intended or buffed / nerfed depending on situation.


I like my mara, I like my sorc, and I totally enjoyed my sniper and merc, both in pve and pvp, each has a unique playstyle and skill set, approach to fights / situations, way of dealing damage, mitigating damage, or avoiding.


I have yet to see a player stopping attacking a marauder / sentinel for 6s after they pop cloak so that buff expires without giving the -20% dmg reduction. I read somewhere in the forums that an anni mara zeroes a rage one by obfuscating his smash to make it miss. Excuse me since when is smash a weapon attack? Obfuscate has no effect on tech / force abilities, but still many peeps not aware of this fact.


In conclusion, even if some players made guides, and answer questions, the vast majority still is not sure how all skills work, when is best time to use them, in what priority order etc, so performance and mara sucking or being OP varies because of the multitude of angles beeing played with.

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I will honestly say that my Mara sux. However, he is suppose to at lvl 44. When I reach 50 and start acquiring PvP pieces things will change noticeably. Even still with the noted disadvantages I have, I still am a threat and make people think twice. I love the damage I do, and it only can get better.


I love my mara! I enjoy how the class plays in pvp. Do I feel it's lacking? Sure! I have my moments, but I think the truth is that other classes are able to get away with a little too much kb/stun wise. Bioware seems to think PvP should be about stun and KB. It ruins pvp, and needs to be toned down a bit. Triple stuns make no sense. KB's that root / stun needs to be looked into and toned down, both in duration and cd.


Iam close at your lvl, my own issue currently is that It takes too long to get someone down with annhi. The class is fun and I really like it, but the surviveability is a let down since your cd for your shields are on a long cooldown. The class has no stealth and therefore you are in fights without any CD up for your defence.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Actually Ive been getting alot of hate/love in warzones lately for me doing too much damage, that I even get hate messages after/during about how Im being nerfed next patch and to enjoy my time like the scoundrels/ops did...


So I guess its really how you play, Ive gone against ALOT of really bad Marauders/Sents and can see why people would think they are bad if thats the majority example they see..


But every class has those people. Im not trying to say im awesome or learn to play or anything. But I agree with OP people want everything to be easy mode, and everything handed to them.


Much like the ops/scoundrels saying they were fine and making up false numbers saying they couldnt possibly kill people as fast as people were saying they were.. Or that "You gotta be geared to survive us, simple, get more gear". they dont want to lose the easy and silver platter.

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Am i the only one who does not understand this "Not being able to kill 2 regular mobs" nonsense? I am currently a 39 Marauder and i am done with my class quests up to 41... I swap out Jaesa/Quinn and i am goin to planets 1-2 levels before i need to and am able to take on elites.... I really just dont understand you people who cannot play the marauder the right way. you balance your agro by camoflauging when at half and letting jaesa take a little beating. If you're honestly just siting there trying to tank the entire fight and not force choking one of the adds and force screaming the other to knock them down and throwing smash in there to stun the targets then you are doing something wrong. Oh and btw i am Rage spec'd.
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Actually Ive been getting alot of hate/love in warzones lately for me doing too much damage, that I even get hate messages after/during about how Im being nerfed next patch and to enjoy my time like the scoundrels/ops did...


So I guess its really how you play, Ive gone against ALOT of really bad Marauders/Sents and can see why people would think they are bad if thats the majority example they see..


But every class has those people. Im not trying to say im awesome or learn to play or anything. But I agree with OP people want everything to be easy mode, and everything handed to them.


Much like the ops/scoundrels saying they were fine and making up false numbers saying they couldnt possibly kill people as fast as people were saying they were.. Or that "You gotta be geared to survive us, simple, get more gear". they dont want to lose the easy and silver platter.


You are lvl 50, its probably different if you are lower level or even in the early 40ies. The dmg at this lvl range is alright but you dont kill people that fast (at least my expirience with annhi), except they have no gear and thats why surviveability is an issue. As a squishy class and reliable with shields on long CD´s The class is a bit a too late bloomer for my taste. Already the operative was a long wait until lvl 36, with the maurader you need at least lvl 40.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Iam close at your lvl, my own issue currently is that It takes too long to get someone down with annhi. The class is fun and I really like it, but the surviveability is a let down since your cd for your shields are on a long cooldown. The class has no stealth and therefore you are in fights without any CD up for your defence.


You said it. And I agree completely. Considering the time and amount of stuns and KB's get slung out. What little defensive buffs marauder's have should have a lower CD that is for sure.


As I said before PvP seems to be defined by KB and stun. They last way to long. They are often mixed together. They have really low CD's. It's rather ridiculous.

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You said it. And I agree completely. Considering the time and amount of stuns and KB's get slung out. What little defensive buffs marauder's have should have a lower CD that is for sure.


As I said before PvP seems to be defined by KB and stun. They last way to long. They are often mixed together. They have really low CD's. It's rather ridiculous.


I agree with you in a sense But I have only done 1 WZ and it was Civil war.So I cannot give an opinion that matters very much.In that 1 wz when i got knocked back I would just force camo close to them(If my force charge was on cd) and then crippling Slash them.We have downfalls but 1 on 1 we pretty much mow alot of stuff down.

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ok.... not sure were the carebear thing is coming in but the point is to have fun with your spec play style. Make it the best you can be in pve or pvp learn the ins and outs try all the trees out and dont forget maybe hybrid specs too...


This is when I knew the OP has no idea what he is talking about. I'm no WoW junkie, having come from Aion; anyone who plays Marauder knows there is really only 1 viable spec if you want to max out your damage, durability, and utility. There are certainly no viable hybrid specs either. This class has forced players into a specific spec, Annihilation, because the other two have extremely glaring weaknesses, lackluster damage, and considerably less useful utility. We don't have 3 equal trees. We have 1 tree that is significantly better then the other two, and the other two that are kind of ok. Every other class in the game has at least two viable specs on an equal level; that's the real problem.

Edited by Selixx
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You said it. And I agree completely. Considering the time and amount of stuns and KB's get slung out. What little defensive buffs marauder's have should have a lower CD that is for sure.


As I said before PvP seems to be defined by KB and stun. They last way to long. They are often mixed together. They have really low CD's. It's rather ridiculous.


My dmg as annhilation is alright at lvl 40ish but it is not that high that I kill people fast, the dots tick just for 2xx-300 and you have to work for your kill. If you have no defence in group pvp you are dead before you can kill your target.

Edited by BobaFurz
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This is when I knew the OP has no idea what he is talking about. I'm no WoW junkie, having come from Aion; anyone who plays Marauder knows there is really only 1 viable spec if you want to max out your damage, durability, and utility. There are certainly no viable hybrid specs either. This class has forced players into a specific spec, Annihilation, because the other two have extremely glaring weaknesses, lackluster damage, and considerably less useful utility. We don't have 3 equal trees. We have 1 tree that is significantly better then the other two, and the other two that are kind of ok. Every other class in the game has at least two viable specs on an equal level; that's the real problem.


Rage pvp says hi.

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nice, I'll add this:

If you're QQ'ing on the forums saying the class is bad, or needs a major buff but tons of people say otherwise and have zero issues killing... take a step back and try a different approach.. .respec to a diff tree, or ask them how their playstyle is instead of telling them that they're wrong.


See, the thing is, I often see people post things like "marauders are fine" and post a video. In the video, they run around the warzone and nobody attacks them. Like, literally, the whole match maybe 1-2 times someone even TRIES to attack them.


When that happens to me, sure, Maras are fine. Usually it's people supporting the ball carrier/explosives planter, and the Mara just runs from one to the next slaughtering them. Nobody even looks at the Mara, because they're supporting their teammate and peeling.


Then the match ends, and the Mara has 400k+ damage done, and one or no deaths, and proclaims Maras are fine. And for what it's worth, I totally agree. In this scenario, Maras are absolutely fine.


But show me a video where people actually actively fight the Mara, or god forbid work as a team. It's a whole other ball game.

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