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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Knights of the Enternal Throne Survey


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Hey folks!


Good catch on the 50 characters. That section is meant for quick/brief feedback, but not quite that brief. We have alerted the team of the issue and they are looking into allowing more characters in that field. Thanks!




Eric, I would like to do the survey, but don't seem to have received the email, is there a way I can get it?

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I didn't get this survey. But if it's all about KoTET, then I would have no input because I haven't played it. I still haven't finished KotFE. Maybe that's why I didn't get the e-mail - perhaps it was only sent to those who played it.
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I haven't seen anyone cancel yet, just a whole lot of empty threats as usual.


4+ years full time monthly sub here, cancelled two weeks into 5.0. Never ever contemplated unsubbing before, especially not because of a Expac but 5.0 was a ridiculous change.


http://imgur.com/a/WUMU9 - screencapped just for you.


18 days left, sticking to it until I can assess what the 5.1 changes will do. So here is your first of many, many examples, although I get a sense you're just here to be a douche anyways. If you're actually active in game you would have noticed how many names and guilds simply aren't in game anymore and have disappeared since 4.0.

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4+ years full time monthly sub here, cancelled two weeks into 5.0. Never ever contemplated unsubbing before, especially not because of a Expac but 5.0 was a ridiculous change.


http://imgur.com/a/WUMU9 - screencapped just for you.


18 days left, sticking to it until I can assess what the 5.1 changes will do. So here is your first of many, many examples, although I get a sense you're just here to be a douche anyways. If you're actually active in game you would have noticed how many names and guilds simply aren't in game anymore and have disappeared since 4.0.


So you canceled but you aren't leaving yet and you might be back....OK, way to stick to your principles I guess. I wouldn't notice names and guilds missing, you're right about that. I turn them off and mute gen chat.

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So you canceled but you aren't leaving yet and you might be back....OK, way to stick to your principles I guess. I wouldn't notice names and guilds missing, you're right about that. I turn them off and mute gen chat.


Yeah, based on how 5.1 works out will determine if I resub. I don't really want to leave the game, I love the game, but current state of it doesn't feel satisfying at all. I can assure you I'm not the only one, not sure what you're arguing about. I know what you're saying about historically people always claiming they'll unsub over silly crap, but you can at least acknowledge 5.0 outrage is definitely a little different to previous.

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Yeah, based on how 5.1 works out will determine if I resub. I don't really want to leave the game, I love the game, but current state of it doesn't feel satisfying at all. I can assure you I'm not the only one, not sure what you're arguing about. I know what you're saying about historically people always claiming they'll unsub over silly crap, but you can at least acknowledge 5.0 outrage is definitely a little different to previous.


Did you watch the livestream?

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Well thats great after we already answered it. I was amazed that my 2 line response was 350 characters and I had to chop it down to what seemed like 3 bullet points that were very vague.


Same, I reduced it to three bullet points, which required abbreviations and pidgin English to fit (and no actual bullet point bullets). Reduced a paragraph explaining the specific ways the setup of the Galactic Command and the command points system was negatively impacting my play and how to fix it, had to trim it down to "GC < grind" and hope it was understood.

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I responded but found it pretty ridiculous that when they ask "How can we improve KOTET" you are limited to 50 characters. What can you really say in 50 characters that is constructive or meaningful?


Meaningful feedback within 50 characters:


"Get rid of the crappy RNG system, NOW!"


Here you go, it'd fit in 40 characters!

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Yeah, based on how 5.1 works out will determine if I resub. I don't really want to leave the game, I love the game, but current state of it doesn't feel satisfying at all. I can assure you I'm not the only one, not sure what you're arguing about. I know what you're saying about historically people always claiming they'll unsub over silly crap, but you can at least acknowledge 5.0 outrage is definitely a little different to previous.


I'd just ignore him. He is in denial, or has somehow deluded himself into thinking this is supposed to be KOTOR3. He quit the game for over four years and then came back last year. Shortly thereafter he appointed himself to be SWTOR's White Knight.


I've been here since beta and I can't recall a post xpac survey prior to this one. He keeps saying "empty threats" while ignoring all the people that still have time left on their subscription. Personally, I'm paid through February and I will make my opinion known regardless of what he wants me to do.

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New Operations.


The story was really good. It was amazing tbh, and fit with many classes and had class flavor.


But Uprisings are literal trash. You claim you want to focus on group content? Uprisings are not group content. They feel like gimped star fortresses, content that was already meaningless before that you grinded for decorations. You'll make uprisings give more CXP of course, so that more people spam them and your metrics look better, but MAKE NO MISTAKE.




That you think they are is a fundamental mistake on your part. You've created farmable content, not difficult content. Do not create farmable content, create content that rewards after progression. You need to buff CXP from Operations, as progression slows down CXP gain significantly.


Uprisings should've been a single boss each uprising, not 3. You attempted to speed up the regular flashpoint experience without understanding that speeding up bosses makes them easier. Make one HIGH QUALITY BOSS for an uprising that requires progression, rewarding those who can progress and kill the boss an avenue for farmable CXP.


Imagine if every uprising was one boss at the difficulty of HM Lost Island, and once you killed it you got a ton of CXP, and if you could get a good strat together you could farm that boss for more CXP? ( YOU PROMISED ON A LIVE STREAM VETERAN UPRISINGS WOULD BE ON THE LEVEL OF LOST ISLAND HM.)


Right now, 3 people and a companion can just blitz a veteran uprising. They can be soloed for crying out loud.


HOW is that difficult content?


Make real group content, if your focus is going to be group content. Make new bosses that do not mechanically recycle from old flashpoint and operations bosses (Trail of Agony anyone? Force Execution? DvL bosses are just rehashed ops bosses...)



Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Eric, I would like to do the survey, but don't seem to have received the email, is there a way I can get it?


Same, never got one. I would be very vocal about my hate, loathing of galactic command anything...I am also very annoyed you failed to return all our companions by now. All of them, not the ones no one uses, but all of them.

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Eric, I would like to do the survey, but don't seem to have received the email, is there a way I can get it?


If it's a real survey done by professionals, most probably there is no way to influence the sampling. Adding a way to do it for anyone outside of the random sample will bias it and invalidate any value it can offer.

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If it's a real survey done by professionals, most probably there is no way to influence the sampling. Adding a way to do it for anyone outside of the random sample will bias it and invalidate any value it can offer.


It would have been better to just send it to all subscribers. I've been hearing from a lot of pvp only people that they didn't get an email. It's probably just coincidence because I know you pvp, but do you do a lot of pve too?

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I'm just going to copy/paste my survey from the other thread since this seems to be the official one now:


I'd also like to give my actual survey answer here and join others in pointing out how "be specific" and a 400-character limit are oxymoronic to the point of absurdity and is another fail to add to how the developers seem to think these days.


The developers are so out-of-touch with the (paying, forum-posting) players and what I/we would like to see in this game that I/we love that I'm actually considering leaving for the first time since launch. I'm just so bored and disenchanted right now that even my fandom of all things Star Wars won't be able to keep me interested much longer.


I'm hesitant to even bother taking the time or spending the energy to offer this feedback but here goes nothing:



  • The game has been dumbed-down to the point of sheer idiocy.
    From crafting to the Mastery stat to companions doing everything for us. This is my first and only MMO and there were *many* things I had no clue about when I started, but you know what, I'm not a moron and even if it took me a little time to learn things it was fine and expected. Now, however, I can mash the keyboard or just have my companion do everything for me and that's not cool.
  • Stop the Cartel Market stuff for 6 months.
    Put that time/energy/money towards taking care of issues and bugs that have plagued the game for years.
  • No more chapters or same-story-for-all concepts.
    When the game launched I had 8 different stories to play which I'd only repeat a few times (ie having a DPS Trooper and a Tank Trooper) and possibly not repeat the stories for months or years. Now, nothing changes, so after I play KotFE/KotET once or twice I just end up space-barring through everything so all that time and energy and money spent making those cut scenes only to be viewed a few times seems like a huge waste.
    When KotFE came out I'd say 14/22 of my characters did all chapters. Then, as each new chapter came out, I found that fewer and fewer of my characters played each one cuz I just didn't want to. By the time chapter 16 came out I only finished it with 3 characters.
    Now that KotET is out, I've completed it on exactly ONE character and really have no desire to do it again, not even to go all Dark choices. I just don't care anymore.
  • Suggestions Forum
    This forum is full of great ideas that (paying players) have suggested, in many cases more than once, for years but instead of taking a look at their viability and/or implementing them we get things and changes that *nobody* has ever suggested.
  • Developer <-> Player Communication
    Currently it's virtually non-existent and that's a shame. Paying players are here trying to reach out to the developers to the point of begging but to no avail.
  • Bots
    I'm sure I'm not the only player who's reported the same bots farming heroics and nodes 24/7 for weeks/months/years and they're still there. You say you want our help but then when we go above and beyond to give it nothing happens. What kind of message does that send?


TL;DR - Five years in and for the first time ever I'm ready to leave, not cuz I want to, but cuz I feel I'm being shown the door.

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It would have been better to just send it to all subscribers. I've been hearing from a lot of pvp only people that they didn't get an email. It's probably just coincidence because I know you pvp, but do you do a lot of pve too?


I used to. The last month i've only been doing forum pvp. Otherwise, yes, it'd be best to send it to all subs, but since the survey was not just "put x here" it'll probably have to be analyzed by people and not software so I can understand them trying to reduce the expenses and rely on smaller sample size.

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I'm just going to copy/paste my survey from the other thread since this seems to be the official one now:


I'd also like to give my actual survey answer here and join others in pointing out how "be specific" and a 400-character limit are oxymoronic to the point of absurdity and is another fail to add to how the developers seem to think these days.


The developers are so out-of-touch with the (paying, forum-posting) players and what I/we would like to see in this game that I/we love that I'm actually considering leaving for the first time since launch. I'm just so bored and disenchanted right now that even my fandom of all things Star Wars won't be able to keep me interested much longer.


I'm hesitant to even bother taking the time or spending the energy to offer this feedback but here goes nothing:



  • The game has been dumbed-down to the point of sheer idiocy.
    From crafting to the Mastery stat to companions doing everything for us. This is my first and only MMO and there were *many* things I had no clue about when I started, but you know what, I'm not a moron and even if it took me a little time to learn things it was fine and expected. Now, however, I can mash the keyboard or just have my companion do everything for me and that's not cool.
  • Stop the Cartel Market stuff for 6 months.
    Put that time/energy/money towards taking care of issues and bugs that have plagued the game for years.
  • No more chapters or same-story-for-all concepts.
    When the game launched I had 8 different stories to play which I'd only repeat a few times (ie having a DPS Trooper and a Tank Trooper) and possibly not repeat the stories for months or years. Now, nothing changes, so after I play KotFE/KotET once or twice I just end up space-barring through everything so all that time and energy and money spent making those cut scenes only to be viewed a few times seems like a huge waste.
    When KotFE came out I'd say 14/22 of my characters did all chapters. Then, as each new chapter came out, I found that fewer and fewer of my characters played each one cuz I just didn't want to. By the time chapter 16 came out I only finished it with 3 characters.
    Now that KotET is out, I've completed it on exactly ONE character and really have no desire to do it again, not even to go all Dark choices. I just don't care anymore.
  • Suggestions Forum
    This forum is full of great ideas that (paying players) have suggested, in many cases more than once, for years but instead of taking a look at their viability and/or implementing them we get things and changes that *nobody* has ever suggested.
  • Developer <-> Player Communication
    Currently it's virtually non-existent and that's a shame. Paying players are here trying to reach out to the developers to the point of begging but to no avail.
  • Bots
    I'm sure I'm not the only player who's reported the same bots farming heroics and nodes 24/7 for weeks/months/years and they're still there. You say you want our help but then when we go above and beyond to give it nothing happens. What kind of message does that send?


TL;DR - Five years in and for the first time ever I'm ready to leave, not cuz I want to, but cuz I feel I'm being shown the door.


QFT : this is exactly like I feel actually. And the fact that we should wait till 24th of january is a real pain. I understand that gathering/analyze raw datas take some time, but... no communication till this term is at least upsetting. So I guess devs expect us to continue the painful grinding and that the whole situation would chill out ?


Well... Once again we're abandonned.

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