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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

5yr Veteran Anniversary Gift...a joke?


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Technically, anyone who bought the game and subbed during the first 90 days after release is a founder, at least according to EAWare. :D


Only according to EAWare. This random person who joined after me seems to think he has a better definition.


legit, I love people. Laughs for days.

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This sort of looks like a thumbing of the nose at players who gamed the chapters in 4.0 and or other reasons to sub/unsub over the years..... like protest /quits and such.


Thing is.. they need a proper "thumb" and "nose" here ... because that statue is NOT it. I doubt many players would care if they end up getting it or not. :p

Edited by Andryah
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This sort of looks like a thumbing of the nose at players who gamed the chapters in 4.0 and or other reasons to sub/unsub over the years.


Good one. They should have used something players actually care about. Not a remote piece of decoration that will be part of somebody else's stronghold that I will almost certainly never visit. :rak_03:

Edited by Alssaran
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Good one. They should have used something players actually care about. Not a remote piece of decoration that will be part of somebody else's stronghold that I will almost certainly never visit. :rak_03:




Something other players actually see when you run/drive by them in game and is truly unique to those qualifed.


This statue is just a slab of "frozen weak sauce" in my view. I should not qualify for it after I took a break a couple months after 3.0 released... but if I did.. I would /destroy it.


I'm unsure why someone has not yet branded it a /slap-in-the-face. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Something other players actually see when you run/drive by them in game and is truly unique to those qualifed.


This statue is just a slab of "frozen weak sauce" in my view. I should not qualify for it after I took a break a couple months after 3.0 released... but if I did.. I would /destroy it.


I'm unsure why someone has not yet branded it a /slap-in-the-face. :p


well.. not getting it was branded a slap in a face, does that count? but around page 2 I think (too lazy to check) I pretty much said the same thing - that its probably their dig at people who unsubbed during content drought months, especially during LvD "event"


though.. I would learn it for the same reason I have a ever growing number of decorations in my list that I never actualy use for decorating - completionist streak, but.. that's about it. honestly, I would rather they increased the limit on Rishi Idols, the ones that look like a scale with torches on either side? I like those, but only 10 per server is kinda limiting.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Does the statue do tricks? Poop credits or something? I'm actually genuinely confused why people are excited to get that statue and act like it's 'rub nose' worthy.


Maybe I just don't understand sentimental value... -shrug-


A sentimental decoration would be a "Grand Statue of Ray & Greg" in full and proper Jedi attire. :D

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Does the statue do tricks? Poop credits or something? I'm actually genuinely confused why people are excited to get that statue and act like it's 'rub nose' worthy.


Maybe I just don't understand sentimental value... -shrug-


nyah, its psychology thing. people generally don't like to be excluded. but they also love to be a part of small exclusive group.

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So let me get this straight. In order to get a statue that represents something that was recently added to the game (the Alliance), you have to have been a continuous subscriber over the past 5 years, back when the Alliance wasn't a thing and most likely wasn't even thought of at the time?


Yeah, it seems a bit lack luster to me.

But I'm not one to complain about unexpected extras, even if they're not that impressive.


I think they have a bit of a pickle here - if it's a super amazing reward, then thousands of players are frustrated.

If it's a very tame reward, then the few qualifiers might be disappointed.


Since there's probably more people who don't qualify, they went the latter route. I can't say I blame them.

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Yeah, it seems a bit lack luster to me.

But I'm not one to complain about unexpected extras, even if they're not that impressive.


I think they have a bit of a pickle here - if it's a super amazing reward, then thousands of players are frustrated.

If it's a very tame reward, then the few qualifiers might be disappointed.


Since there's probably more people who don't qualify, they went the latter route. I can't say I blame them.


Thankfully I don't care about this, because I hate the Alliance.

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This sort of looks like a thumbing of the nose at players who gamed the chapters in 4.0 and or other reasons to sub/unsub over the years..... like protest /quits and such.


Thing is.. they need a proper "thumb" and "nose" here ... because that statue is NOT it. I doubt many players would care if they end up getting it or not. :p


I wouldn't even care if it was real. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder though, some may like it for what it is. It is nice they recognise those players, would be even nicer if they gave them all a Hypercrate of each shipment for free to recognise the loyalty they've received through thick and thin.*


*Not me, I don't qualify, I was playing BF3 when SWTOR was out... or something :p

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Founders are players who have continuously subbed since release. You can't sub at release, then cancel, then re-sub just to get rewards. THAT would be lame and an insult to REAL founders!


Lol no, keep thinking that... I have the Founder title and I wasn't subbed the entire time from December 20th to the cut off date.

Edited by Newyankalt
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lol That's some stiff restrictions for a dumb looking decoration.


The only problem I have is that it is being announced retroactively, so people who may have cared about such a thing could have subbed (or not subbed) accordingly.


That said, I find it amusing that it is a decoration as opposed to something one could "proudly" display in public. BW could have at least made a 'flair' component (a "sucker" icon would be fitting), title, speeder, armor, or whatever. For five years of taking it like a champ, I feel people deserve something better than a deco (that, ironically, does look a bit like a giant sucker). Like maybe a special "walk of shame" emote :)


What I'd *really* like is some sort of flair so that I can wear (with my Founder title) that shows my lack of continuous sub time, or better yet, something that shows continually subbed through 4.0 launch (but not after). Since it's being granted retroactively, maybe they could grant (mutually exclusive) prizes for Launch-2.0, Launch-3.0, and Launch-4.0, so that people can more accurately show their level of "dedication".

Edited by eartharioch
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well.. not getting it was branded a slap in a face, does that count? but around page 2 I think (too lazy to check) I pretty much said the same thing - that its probably their dig at people who unsubbed during content drought months, especially during LvD "event"


though.. I would learn it for the same reason I have a ever growing number of decorations in my list that I never actualy use for decorating - completionist streak, but.. that's about it. honestly, I would rather they increased the limit on Rishi Idols, the ones that look like a scale with torches on either side? I like those, but only 10 per server is kinda limiting.


Oh yes, those Rishi Idols... I wish I could have more than 10! I don't understand why they restricted it artificially when you get more copies of it on every alt you make.


While I'm a big fan of stronghold decorating, I think a more appropriate reward for the 5 year veterans would have been one of those new 'flair' things for your character portrait. I mean, most people in game are never going to see your stronghold, but you can put on that 'flair' and show it off. I know I'm very fond of my Legendary Player flair from completing all the class stories. I like showing people that minor accomplishment.

Edited by AscendingSky
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because this well thought out post prevents people from complaining


Complaining about what? A decoration they don't even desire? Or rather secretly desire but would rather not say in some misguided attempt to depreciate the value because they think it'll be deemed as worthless junk anyone can claim? Carry on I say. If nothing else, at least their tendons will be getting some exercise.

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Oh yes, those Rishi Idols... I wish I could have more than 10! I don't understand why they restricted it artificially when you get more copies of it on every alt you make.


While I'm a big fan of stronghold decorating, I think a more appropriate reward for the 5 year veterans would have been one of those new 'flair' things for your character portrait. I mean, most people in game are never going to see your stronghold, but you can put on that 'flair' and show it off. I know I'm very fond of my Legendary Player flair from completing all the class stories. I like showing people that minor accomplishment.



Looking at the statue it seems the only flair that would match it is sadly already in game. -Pokes at the Legendary Player Flair-


I don't know. Congrats? Maybe, I don't know. Haha.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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Complaining about what? A decoration they don't even desire? Or rather secretly desire but would rather not say in some misguided attempt to depreciate the value because they think it'll be deemed as worthless junk anyone can claim? Carry on I say. If nothing else, at least their tendons will be getting some exercise.


lmao wat


calm down brah

Edited by Radzkie
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