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What is Your Characters Favourite Thing to Do?


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There’s been a lot of doom and gloom lately. Let’s try to lighten it up just a teeny tiny bit. So, I’m curious. What does your character like to do the most? Do they have little habits they can’t help but do? Funny hobbies? Etc

I’ll give an example of one of my character’s, Miztli.


Miz likes to irritate the hell out of Darth Ravage at any chance he can get. Dark Council meetings are usually him sprawled nonchalantly in his throne, staring at Ravage until the latter is uncomfortable or throwing small little force disturbances his way hoping to provoke him. He’s not ashamed to admit that he disagrees with most of Ravages plans just to irritate him further. :[ Miz misses irritating him.


Now he’s out of the Empire his newest victim is Theron. Though on a much more ‘endearing’ scale. More like trying to figure out which frequency his implant is on so he can send it TBs of inappropriate 18+ content.


So, anyone else got anything to share?


Inb4 'My toon likes to go into the depths of the desert and howl like a jackal, screaming at the moons how much they hate RNG'

Edited by StarkHelsing
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Erik likes to sit on the PvP mission terminal commenting on people's outfits... especially pretty girls. He's not a good Jedi.... married his apprentice and all....


Dash likes kicking droids in the goolies with his cybernetic leg


Qi'prani enjoys sassing the Jedi Council... or just anyone in authority, usually to Kira's amusement. She also like "teasing" Doc and Scourge


Arayaska... just like zapping people. Not necessarily to death.


Mike just hangs out in the corner feeling like he's acting intmidating, being the gigantic armored soldier who looks like Mike Tyson that he is. The other toons laugh at him behind his back.


Kaz goes into warzones and collects salt from other players, then sells it on the black market to Hutts as a luxury spice. Gamertears are sweeter than sea salt.


Sarcasmus enjoys slapping his companions, yknow, "for their failure"

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It's not something he gets to do often, what with the ever mounting number of resposiblites he has to juggle, but I like to imagine that Grax'ix, my sorcerer, loves to spend time just geeking over bits of obscure lore, Sith and otherwise, with Talos.
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My female marauder asked Dr Ogurobb to create a life sized training dummy of Malavai Quinn. She spends much of her time practising combat skills on the dummy.




My Wrath is all business, but he prefers to take care of business himself. He's always out in the galaxy where ever he's needed, choking and stabbing things. He lugs poor Theron around (Theron's aways complaining about needing a vacation) while Lana coordinates from the base. Theron thinks Wrath trusts her too much, but Wrath gets bad wanderlust and can't sit around on a throne all day scowling at people. He does like to scowl, though mostly at the Republic boot lickers. He and Acina like to make fun of them together over a few glasses at the end of the day and to conspire about how to keep them intimidated and in line. :D

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Shigure (LS warrior) is a Sith Pureblood who had one of those "ALL MUST BOW BEFORE THE SITH" types of sith for a mother. And she's super racist against anyone not a sith pureblood (or, she grudgingly admits, human) and takes herself very, very seriously. So of course Shigure dislikes sith (meaning both the force-users and the purebloods) and, being one himself, does everything he can to make sith look ridiculous. He runs around wearing nothing but orange capri pants. He throws snowballs on Life Day. He rides the silliest-looking mount he can find. He throws up an Alliance flag in the middle of the Imperial Fleet. Just generally everything he can possibly think of to undermine the reputation and authority of the sith. And obviously he also married Vette. (He didn't do that just to enrage his mother; that was a bonus.)
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My Sentinel is a little bit STRANGE as what Jedi are concerned.


She is a pureblood sith, and basically she LOVES to hang around and Party hehe


RP concept, of EX sith now redeemed....long story put short.


Was sith Lord, was betrayed by other sith

To get pay back she started to foil the sith plans, then protecting the enemies and refugees

then was "discovered" by Jedi and eventually joined the order, now being fully on the light side.




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My DS Sorc like to find reasons to kill peoples lol so she is often walking around terrorizing anyone she can find :D


My Sith wrath who is LS , love hanging with Ranae or watever is her name (The voss leader) .


My BH is still trying to beat Gault at Pazaak...she is just so bad with numbers ! where is Mako when you need her brain!


My LS Agent is spying on Theron for some reason :o until Lana call her for a mission lol


My Smuggler love Money . She has an unhealthy love for it . So she is probably hoarding and counting for the zillion time the money they stole from Arcann Vault .


My Jedi consular is meditating most of the time . Unless Lana is around :o


I deleted my trooper . So don't have one in Kotfe . But one thing I know from my low level Trooper , is she has a giant canon and she shoot then ask questions . Garza keep complaining of the headech she is getting because of her . :p

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Replica, my Light Side Wrath has been feeling a little lost lately- not lost enough not to dodge Lana every chance she gets and talk to Darth Acina about being the Empire's Wrath and feels remorse for hating Marr for his stance against Vitiate/Valkorian. She had been hiding the fact that she is back in contact with Quinn- but with the Emperor gone and weird bedside spying disabled, she has been arranging a little crew reunion while getting reacquainted... her favourite thing to do- oh, that would be figuring out an escape plan from this Alliance Commander role. Also she has been hunting down a replacement Spewy as a late present for Vette.


My Smuggler, Alexandria I've always headcanoned as independent from any story and as the adoptive guardian of one of my Knights- mostly my dear Captain pulls scores and reminds Corso she isn't a one man woman and that it doesn't mean she doesn't care about him- she just can't be tied down.


My sentinel, Lariyn loves teasing Kira about actually thinking babies comes from freighters (where her adoptive guardians found her before she ended up with the Jedi) and finding excuses for vacations. When she does find her biological family- let's just say she's happier being adopted. In the mean time, despite dramatic reunions and her inevitable destiny to conquer the Emperor or fall- she is constantly trying to find a way to get Scourge to enjoy life despite what was taken from him and ending up completely zonked on Juma juice and/or somehow responsible for decorating the Grand Chancellor's office- decorating... not vandalizing, decorating. :)

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My Sith was sired by an upper echelon imperial and still visits his family members from time to time. Because of this, he enjoys political intrigue, provoking people with thinly veiled insults and upsetting his family since it's so easy.


Though he actually cares about imperial life and old imperial traditions, thus his extreme dislike of aliens and watered down bloodlines.

Edited by Radzkie
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My Warrior,Eri. Has nothing short of an Obsession with Lightsabers. She will collect all she can find, take them from fallen enemies, even try and steal them from others.


Once she has them she either displays them, disassembles and reassembles them, or strips them to upgrade her own. She also likes kittens but if anyone even suggests it they end up with a mysterious case of death.

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