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I guess they will nerf KP next


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I spent 45 minutes in group finder waiting for veteran uprising or FP to pop(it didn't happen).


Really sad to what this game has been reduced!


What do you expect when everything is balanced to be played by a DPS. There are less tanks and healers and I expect those numbers to fall farther.

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What do you expect when everything is balanced to be played by a DPS. There are less tanks and healers and I expect those numbers to fall farther.


my main has always been a PT tank, since 1.0. i've invested an awful lot of time and money in them


I feel no need to play this charachter anymore


uprisings need ideally 3 dps and a healer


KP farms need 6/7 DPS and 1/2 healers


there are no need for tanks anymore

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And before that trash in heroics areas. I'm just taking my time through the story and I've got a massive 4 ranks @ chapter 6 so far and that's with 2 uprisings thrown in.


Kind of sucks I can't just have a fun experience in this game anymore playing at my casual speed and expect to be able to gear up what so ever.


For players with the sort of time to put in like me who also enjoy raiding or PVP this game has effectively become not worth playing anymore ( once I slowly get through the story ).


Luckily for my there is an absolute **** ton of other games I need to catch up on. :)


I got one char up to 70 and 2 GC (no uprisings, though). I think I'll spend a night Bestia farming to get the rest of my alts to 66, but I'm not playing kotfe/kotet on more than a few chars. Normally, I'd just PVP the alts to max and get a set of PVP gear that would work fine in any SM op if my guild needed me to switch ac/role, but now I'm not going to waste time on PVPing since I only need level 66 to send 8 crafters and my guild left at 4.0 launch.


On the plus side, lots of un[der]played games in steam, and winter sale should be coming up right around the time my sub runs out.

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I spent 45 minutes in group finder waiting for veteran uprising or FP to pop(it didn't happen).


Really sad to what this game has been reduced!


You don't need 4 people. Get a friend and 2 companions and that's all you need for those veteran uprisings. I did it with my 4.0 gear.

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They'll nerf champs

Then they'll nerf whatever's the next efficient

Then next

Then next



This system encourages farming


Eventually they'll have to nerf the game


Pretty much this. There will always be a single most efficient way to farm cxp.

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O These *are* Exploits and Cheats - no matter how much you want to slice it. Devs have got to do something about it soon. .


You must be new here.


Bestia farming starting long before 5.0 hit. Though it's popular AGAIN because 5.0 just hit. If it was an exploit it'd already be addressed.

Edited by Radzkie
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my main has always been a PT tank, since 1.0. i've invested an awful lot of time and money in them


I feel no need to play this charachter anymore


uprisings need ideally 3 dps and a healer


KP farms need 6/7 DPS and 1/2 healers


there are no need for tanks anymore


Not to mention Powertech/Vanguard tanks are ****ed up right now, with their entire rotation borked because talents aren't procing, and no fix in sight.

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No one is doing anything but easy farming made possible by Bioware. This obviously is not how Bioware intended the game to be played. Then Bioware came out and said this exploit of gaining fast easy CXP, the main intent of the game, is not an exploit, yet no one is plying the game the way it was meant to be played. Maybe the players should have more say as to what they consider an exploit that makes the game unplayable as it was meant to be played. After all, it is our money being wasted on a constant grind of old content in order to play at all.
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Instead of focusing on all this stupid nerfing of the amount of points received for each npc kill, they could solve all this by creating a max limit of the AMOUNT of CXP you get for each mission/op/arena/heroic you do. You also wouldn't get the CXP unless you are actually IN said event, so you can't farm locations. This way farming would be pointless.


Even still, they need to greatly increase and balance out the amount of CXP you get for all the content because it seems clear they want us all to PvP.

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Well Melissa, go take care of your kid that is of course much more important (and I do mean that), but next time double check your numbers please before posting them or just don't post them at all. I assume you just want to be helpful but it doesn't help anyone if the numbers are not actually correct.


Thanks. I do apologise for being wrong/misunderstanding. They're increasing fps and uprisings to help people gear up faster for ops. Raiders who solely raid have a valid argument. I wish there was hope for them but I can clearly see their disappointment and the reason for their concern. I'd love for the new content to be 9 more ops and pvp stuff/uprisings, with some fix to make cxp grind and the rng better and more rewarding. I can see that. It's a shame BW can't see the whole picture. Again, my apologies for the misunderstanding /being wrong.

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How do you start an uprising with 2 persons?


Group with someone, take the mission from the terminals (check the fleet) and use the travel item in your inventory (just like heroics).

Be warned that unless they have fixed it, some quick travels were working and some weren't. So take them all and see which one works.

Just one advise for the uprising in the imperial ship: when you have to start jumping from one side to the other in the last boss, your companions may get stuck, so instead of using the clickable things to jump, just run around.

Edited by Tadagyt
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Personally, I think it's sad the game has devolved to the point where CXP farm is the predominant group activity.


I totally understand it. I did it for a few hours. I got bored, but since 5.0 it's been the only time I actually saw the bar moving at a reasonable pace. IMO if you're going to have a **** gearing mechanism in a game with no new content, I don't see how it can be any other way.


It's a shame the studio has gone this direction, simply to create an another monetization stream.


New content would have made them so much more money. I really wish we had a real studio running this thing.

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Lol, since 5.0 half of the forums is just people arguing with AmericanAussie.



Haha. Seriously. I think you give me far too much credit. I've been so insanely busy this week that I've not really even had much time to play let alone argue with people. There are some highly volatile posts that I've avoided altogether. But if it's true, then people will need to find another person to keep them entertained. I'm done now.

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Actually they just need to just trash the command crate stupidity and make, you know, CONTENT. New planets, new ops, new quest lines . . . the stuff that real expansions are made of. Not some little bar and a disintegrate button. What the hell kind of expansion is that??
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my main has always been a PT tank, since 1.0. i've invested an awful lot of time and money in them


I feel no need to play this charachter anymore


uprisings need ideally 3 dps and a healer


KP farms need 6/7 DPS and 1/2 healers


there are no need for tanks anymore


Wrong, well kinda anyway. Many KP farms use 3 DPS and 1 healer. That way you get 32 cxp instead of 20. Although works better with 1 tank, 2dps and 1 heals. Less work for the healer that way.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Considering they "fixed" EV with the last patch, I can't believe people are actually doing this... It's clearly not intended since they fixed the previous instance people were doing this in...


EV? Thought what they fixed was the mobs that come out of the vortex in TFB no longer grant cxp. Could just farm them forever if you stayed away from the vortex

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OP has got a point. LFG KP CXP and Bestia farming is all I see in chat lately in Fleet. And it really has turned me off into wanting to be in Fleet on either faction. These *are* Exploits and Cheats - no matter how much you want to slice it. Devs have got to do something about it soon. They diminished Credit/Gold Farmers by changing some mechanics in the game (blue chests). Devs can do something about it again, but only if they're willing.


you have no idea what an exploit or a cheat is. If the devs nerf this, they will see an even larger account loss. This is not the time for a knee jerk reaction like the last 90% nerf

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