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Chapter Six of KotET chased me back to WoW and Rift (spoilers)


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Then don't give the devs **** for creating something new and fresh instead of the same old Republic vs Empire conflict that has been here for decades.


Well, as I said in another thread new and different is OK as long it is at least as good as the old that you are trying to be different from.


Would anyone really like to argue that KotFE/KotET are as good as "traditional" Star Wars?


Also just to point out that the reason the "same old Republic vs Empire conflict" has been around for decades is precisely because it is good, and it works well as a vehicle for story driven content (as attested by the myriad comics, books, graphic novels etc that have been produced within that traditional setting).


Does anyone think SwtOR within the KotFE/KotET setting will be around for decades?


All The Best

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Dear Devs,

I have no desire to have all of my abilities stripped from me so I can infiltrate a frigging party.


I really do not care about Vaylin or the rest of her family. Why should I?


Reactivated my subs to Rift and WoW after three years.


Please let me know when you fix this game for people who want to play in the Star Wars universe,

rather than the abomination which is the pathetic KotFE/KotET story line.



Boy, it is a good thing you quit before Chapter 9 then :)

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I understand not liking the story. But you're wrong when you say it's not Star Wars. Who are you to say that anyway? Did you create Star Wars? No? Then don't give the devs **** for creating something new and fresh instead of the same old Republic vs Empire conflict that has been here for decades.


It's not Star Wars to me, get it!


And yes I created Star Wars, because with every press of a key and every lick of the mouse I am creating my version of SWTOR.


Hey, the devs can do whatever they want and I can choose to not buy it if I don't like it.

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I dont care about a puzzle, I am pissed they give you a near impossible fight with Vaylin, and make her so overpowered that you say **** it after about 150 tries to win the fight


Erm, did I miss something?


Vaylin was easy. Tiresome. Boring. Grindy. Repetitive. But easy.


I was using a TK Sage in mainly 2-teens gear.


All The Best

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I dont care about a puzzle, I am pissed they give you a near impossible fight with Vaylin, and make her so overpowered that you say **** it after about 150 tries to win the fight


Yeah, it was a shock to actually get a fight that was a difficult. There is a post in the spoilers section of the forums (under story and lore) that has some strategies. For me I had to respec my 8 leveling points.

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I haven't gotten to that chapter yet, but so far there are a lot of gimmicky chapters (the walker and the mouse droid), and I haven't really cared for those parts, but at least they're relatively short.


I never understood why people want to play multiple MMO'S at a time.


When I decided to give MMOing another go (around mid-October, I think it was), I first resubbed with WoW... then logged on, looked around and saw that they'd made it even less aesthetically pleasing than it had been and I genuinely didn't even have anything I wanted to do. The Halloween thing was going on, and I think I ran a couple of those little quests and was already bored. Then I decided to resub with SWTOR. So I had both subs active for a month and never even logged into WoW again after starting back with SWTOR. Even with the unpleasant changes in 5.0, SWTOR is still far, far more appealing to me than WoW. (For one thing, pretty much every male character toon is fugly on that game, even the blood elves now. It's like they literally don't know what combinations of features make a man good-looking. They're like, "Humans are basically neanderthals, right? Yeah, just make them neanderthals.")

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The puzzle-y bit at the party was a little counter-intuitive at times but an interesting change of pace. Once I knew where I was going it wasn't so bad.


Chapter 3 is the one that I utterly despise... never doing that again... not even to satisfy my desire to pop Koth on the nose.

There are some fun bits in KotET - I love trolling Valkorion (as you can put it to Lana; "We have an arrangement; he gets to ramble on like an obnoxious blowhard, and I shower him with insults" ), and getting to pilot a frickin' Zord on Iokath (after the 51 second lag spike had ended) was delicious. Chapter 5 is the only one I would willingly repeat.

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I haven't gotten to that chapter yet, but so far there are a lot of gimmicky chapters (the walker and the mouse droid), and I haven't really cared for those parts, but at least they're relatively short.




When I decided to give MMOing another go (around mid-October, I think it was), I first resubbed with WoW... then logged on, looked around and saw that they'd made it even less aesthetically pleasing than it had been and I genuinely didn't even have anything I wanted to do. The Halloween thing was going on, and I think I ran a couple of those little quests and was already bored. Then I decided to resub with SWTOR. So I had both subs active for a month and never even logged into WoW again after starting back with SWTOR. Even with the unpleasant changes in 5.0, SWTOR is still far, far more appealing to me than WoW. (For one thing, pretty much every male character toon is fugly on that game, even the blood elves now. It's like they literally don't know what combinations of features make a man good-looking. They're like, "Humans are basically neanderthals, right? Yeah, just make them neanderthals.")


I understand, it's just that the op said he's ready to play WoW and Rift at the same time. It isn't exactly like what you're describing.

As MMO'S are generally quite different from single player games, I don't get why anyone would want to, especially when they cost money on a monthly basis.


I did like the new models in WoW, not for everyone, but some came out better than they were.

Edited by Eshvara
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I understand, it's just that the op said he's ready to play WoW and Rift at the same time. It isn't exactly like what you're describing.

As MMO'S are generally quite different from single player games, I don't get why anyone would want to, especially when they cost money on a monthly basis.


I did like the new models in WoW, not for everyone, but some came out better than they were.


Not all MMOs cost money. I currently have installed, Star Wars, Star Trek Online, WoW, LotRO, Wildstar, Rift; and I log in to each game at least once a week (except WoW as my sub was cancelled because of the stupid RNG gearing issues, and the AP grind that puishes players who play Alts - see the pattern yet?) to see whats going on, and if any friends are there we'll get together to do something.


Likewise I nearly always have 2 or 3 books on the go at a time.


All The Best

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The problem I have with it is not the idea behind the new things, its the appalling implementation.


It's like Zenimax's desire to be different with ESO - being different is OK, as long as it works at least as well as what you are trying to be different from; if it fails it doesn't matter how different it is, because its a failure.


The party infiltration was a failure of implementation IMO, because it took player from one style of play and into another style of play with no transition period. The "investigation" elements were jarring, clumsy, often badly written, and implemented in a way as to make them as least accessible as possible.


A better option would have been to incrementally reduce our combat skills as new investigative skills come on-line - maybe across the course of 3 or 4 chapters with increasing levels of infiltration and so less opportunity for overt displays of power. But that would have required more effort, better story telling, and more imagination - something we know Bioware Austin simply can not deliver.


So while I understand why they tried it, and why they wanted to try it I am reminded that Yoda once said "there is no try". If you can't do it right, don't tick people off by doing it wrong. And once again Bioware got it wrong IMO.


All The Best


Bioware gets quite a few things wrong nowadays but I can't agree with this being one of them. I thought it was a welcome shake up to the gameplay and functioned perfectly well. To ease players into this system over 3 or 4 chapters would of been of a waste of time and bloated story. It's such a simple piece of gameplay, it takes all of 5 seconds to understand.


I do agree with the OP thought. I would like to return to the Republic vs Empire, actual Star Wars.

Edited by Cosia
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I actually enjoyed the puzzle. It was a refreshing change. It really wasn't that hard to figure out. Sort of reminds me of the one heroic on Makeb that you had to do some puzzle challenges to shut of certain items. Edited by casirabit
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Not all MMOs cost money. I currently have installed, Star Wars, Star Trek Online, WoW, LotRO, Wildstar, Rift; and I log in to each game at least once a week (except WoW as my sub was cancelled because of the stupid RNG gearing issues, and the AP grind that puishes players who play Alts - see the pattern yet?) to see whats going on, and if any friends are there we'll get together to do something.


Likewise I nearly always have 2 or 3 books on the go at a time.


All The Best


But I said, "especially" the ones that costs sub. And he said he's reactivating his sub for both. Either way MMO'S require time and effort and picking up where you left off isn't the same as it is in single player games.


If you want to get the most our of your money in an mmo that has a sub and you're planning on subbing, having two different MMO'S at the same time isn't efficient.

But yeah, I suppose it doesn't matter to the op, which is fine. I only said I didn't get it. Not what he should or shouldn't be doing.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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I generally dislike puzzles, vehicles and platforming in a combat based MMO, though not so much that I'd rage and quit because of seeing them appear from time to time, and accept them in moderation, and have even seen a few that have made me smile or say 'wow that was fun / interesting'.


For KotET, I hated the first walker (long, not clear what to do, last fight a joke of mashing the 'stomp' button), enjoyed the giant droid and was ambivalent about the last walker (more comfortable by then, had its own healing mechanism, though dragged on a bit IMO).


I didn't mind the mouse droid, but didn't find it added anything to the chapter or story.


I didn't care for the timed blow up the capacitor thingies, though that was due to the crappy targeting - not the general idea behind the mission.


I hated, hated, hated the chapter with the puzzle though - mostly because even though it was easy once you got going, it was clearly designed to run you back and forth across several floors of a large map multiple times like some rat in a maze just to waste time - and I despise glaring 'let's see how much time we can waste' design elements.

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Dear Devs,

I have no desire to have all of my abilities stripped from me so I can infiltrate a frigging party.


I really do not care about Vaylin or the rest of her family. Why should I?


Reactivated my subs to Rift and WoW after three years.


Please let me know when you fix this game for people who want to play in the Star Wars universe,

rather than the abomination which is the pathetic KotFE/KotET story line.



Man.. I just came from WoW... if you are quitting for just having to do a single puzzle get ready for the KT WQ, especially one called 'Like the wind'.

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I understand, it's just that the op said he's ready to play WoW and Rift at the same time. It isn't exactly like what you're describing.

As MMO'S are generally quite different from single player games, I don't get why anyone would want to, especially when they cost money on a monthly basis.


I did like the new models in WoW, not for everyone, but some came out better than they were.


Ah, I see I wasn't clear. I meant that I agreed that I don't understand why someone would play both, or at least that I don't play more than one at a time. Because even when I had a sub to both, I only played one.


I used to have lots of male blood elves because they were all slightly different and mostly pretty. Now they're mostly all the same and have duck lips. And the female BEs have horse faces. :-( I think the only ones of my WoW characters I still like the looks of enough to play (if I weren't playing SWTOR) are my male worgens (but not in their human forms), and my female draenei and female night elves (and my male troll, who, though I tried to make him as un-ugly as possible, is always going to be ugly because he's a troll, and he's a druid so he's an animal most of the time anyway). What they did to all my other characters is enough to make me totally uninterested in playing them. I even deleted some of my lowbies because of this, since now I know I'll never be interested in leveling them.


And when I was typing 'druid' I first typed 'droid' and now I want to play a droid druid.

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I didn't mind the party chapter. I like exploring and running around seeing what the npc's are up to :) I'm nosy. I wish there were more open areas like that in the expansion.


I did not like the walkers AT ALL. It felt so slow and boring. Much of that could be that my server was lagging very badly and I almost died a few times cause nothing worked..... But even when it did work, it felt like my walker was taking tiny baby steps and I missed being able to leap around and smash things with the force. Why would a Sith, who can choke people with his mind, want to use a metal walker? :confused:


The mouse droid was cute and was very easy, I have no idea how people found that difficult.

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That was one of my favorite chapters. I must be weird :/ . I have even replayed it a few times. I like running around with the beasties and killing everything in sight.

I loved the storyline. This game has problems, but for me, story isn't one of them.

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Okay, I just played the party scene. I actually kind of enjoyed it. I'm all for more ways to get through content that aren't just killing everything. Besides, Zelda is my favorite game franchise, so obviously I enjoy puzzles. I'd like to see them do more puzzles in missions, with two stipulations: 1) keep the 'hint' button so we don't just get frustrated and give up, and 2) whenever there's an opportunity to do a puzzle, allow us to choose whether to do the mission by doing a puzzle or by just killing stuff. That way, it keeps the 'I just want to kill stuff' players happy while offering more diverse content for the rest of us.
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Dear Devs,

I have no desire to have all of my abilities stripped from me so I can infiltrate a frigging party.


I really do not care about Vaylin or the rest of her family. Why should I?


Reactivated my subs to Rift and WoW after three years.


Please let me know when you fix this game for people who want to play in the Star Wars universe,

rather than the abomination which is the pathetic KotFE/KotET story line.




I haven't laughed so hard in a long time!


I liked the party infiltration mission.


Guess the OP has never played any other Bioware games. Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin and Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen Memory come to mind as they both have missions very similar to the one in KotET. Coincidence? I think not.

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