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  1. Meh, they have nothing to worry about shadowfail: an expansion with so many terrible game systems in place and terribly written lore that the few wow-loyal players left are still on Classic and hyping TBC.
  2. It sounds a lot like the client cannot talk to the servers so it keeps waiting (does it ever timeout?). Do you have any security applications that enforce application controls? Kaspersky is known for doing this. The native windows firewall is next on the list: you might want to temporarily disable it just to check if the client loads properly. Finally, it could be memory: not sure where, since the OS seems to be working properly so the main memory might be fine which would indicate that the root of the problem could be the VRAM.
  3. I think it is because the way it might have ended between them two: either Koth noticed that Lana seem to be obsessed with locating the outlander to the point that he considered that the relation will be doomed the moment she actually found him and made her choose (and we know what was the outcome) OR Lana was straight up with him and told him that the fun was over the moment the outlander was found but Koth still clings to the hope that maybe the Outlander will reject her or just dismiss her and Lana would be back to him. The second option sounds more likely as Koth does not seem to openly resent the outlander although he might just be very good at shielding his intentions. From the point of view of Lana, what they had was just a fling or a good time between friends that got a bit intimate, once the outlander was found, it was time to be serious so no more 'good times with Koth'.
  4. I can't believe that some people are actually surprised by this. Even when you are playing chapters 2 and 3, the question pops more than once about the nature of the relationship between Lana and Koth and they seem to avoid the issue by deflecting the question or providing as little information as possible but never explicitly denying it. Even then, you can tell something is (or was) going on by the way they address each other, for example, right after the ship crash in the endless swamps. They seem to know each other 'very well' and you can tell in the dialog that they are closer than it seems but your presence is the reason why the relationship is no more. In fact, back to the swamp again, after you get the Gravestone to lift up; if you are romancing Lana, Koth will interrupt the kiss by kicking stuff down and making it seem accidental, however you can see closely that he was already spying before the kick happened which means he did it out of jealousy.
  5. Man.. I just came from WoW... if you are quitting for just having to do a single puzzle get ready for the KT WQ, especially one called 'Like the wind'.
  6. This. The whole thing is a PR event from Zakuul government to accomplish two goals: one, they justify the brother's disappearance and two, they get the population to side with the government emotionally. Even then, Vaylin tells a half truth, although it is true that Arcann killed his brother, it was more as an accident than 'murdered' (as this is the way Vaylin chooses to reveal to Senya). Vaylin is aligning her ducks to take out Arcann.
  7. Not to defend BW but this is some flawed logic you have here: you could just unsub and play F2P until whenever they are done with the KOTFE arc. Let's say they announce they finish in December, you can resub in December and guess what, the expansion just costed you $15. Of course this means you lose whatever 'subscriber rewards' they might provide for staying subbed month to month but considering that they are optional/vanity items, nothing is lost (yes, even HK55 can be considered a loss as he was not supposed to come back). And 'downgrade me'? What's up with that?
  8. Is that all you want to be? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  9. In some way he kind of was, being able to imprison the emperor himself is no small feat which ironically also makes the warrior the main responsible for the release and the mass murder on Ziost. I have been reading some threads in the Lore forums about this and it makes sense looking at it this way: when Baras' minion is about to kill the SW, the hands of the emperor save the warrior thus the warrior feels indebted to the emperor. Releasing the emperor imprisoned in Voss makes all the sense if the warrior was looking forward to settling a debt or just serving a powerful master.
  10. Good point actually, I had forgotten that the Warrior meets the emperor himself (itself?) while being in Voss. So the player, by playing different classes, actually meets 5 incarnations of the same emperor. You also bring up an important point: Baras somehow was able to contain the emperor in Voss, perhaps his computers might have some data on how he was able to achieve this (or Baras himself is brought back from imprisonment to Dromund Kaas to answer a few questions, if you let him live in the SW story).
  11. Considering that the emperor seems to always require a 'host' of sorts (see the Jedi Knight story, you meet two different people with both being the emperor in essence, you see a 3rd one when in KOTFE and now a 4th by using the outlander), it seems plausible that a method of elimination such as the one in the Sith Inq story would make sense (extracting/transferring the emperor's essence) but it would not be enough. Zach barely had power by the time she attempts to take over the Inquisitor's body and she even asks for the inquisitor's help in providing her with power to overtake Khem's body, this is the only reason why it is possible to extract her: too weak to resist Khem. I think the only way for the emperor to die is for his host to die while being possessed and then render him unable to transfer to another host. Maybe we will see one of the companions perform the ultimate sacrifice/act of heroism: become the emperor and then jump into a black hole or some other null space environment where the emperor might still leave but cannot interact with the universe anymore. An alternate ending would be similar to the one in the ending of Bubblegum Crisis where the emperor becomes a sort of god by integrating himself with everything in the galaxy (organic and non-organic) but without having direct control over anything, this scenario fits because he achieves his goal: he never gets to die and finally transcends death. I'd would like to propose that, if given the choice to the player, make sure you send Quinn to be remembered as the hero (or barely redeem himself at least from the Sith Warrior point of view) that, after receiving a beating so severe it would be censored in most systems in the galaxy, he has the strength to take the place of a host for the emperor and then jumps (or gets pushed) into a black hole. Kaliyo is also a suitable replacement if Quinn somehow is killed before this.
  12. So 'utter gibberish' = a factor of 2? jeez... at least I actually tried to show it was more than 12 chances.
  13. After spending $480... (plus the ones outside the CM that he got in the GTN), yeah that is a lot of 'persistence'.
  14. Your theory is only right if the hypercrates (30 packs) have the items decided the moment you buy them, this is, the game already knows what you are getting as soon as you receive the hypercrate which means you get 12 chances. I believe this is not the case, the items are decided when you open each individual pack which sets a higher chance (30*12 = 360 chances)
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