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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

RNG IS EXCITING! - Ben Irving - My proposal


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So after watching last night producers livestream i started to wonder about this what they said there - apparently Bioware like randomness when you play game and get rewards.


Well its soon Christmas time and everyone likes christmas presents because you dont know generally what you will get :)


So i thought why not make Ben and other Bioware staff salary starting from next year each month as random surprise?


I mean you work for one month and invest your time and energy into making this game, then when its time to get your reward as salary it will be random payment. I think EA would like this too because odds are on their side that they will have pay less each month. Some will get bit more with added bonus like a named Mug or fancy toy just to cheer you up to try again next month.

Those who invest a bit more energy into work can have special bonus to get salary few days sooner than written in contract.


I think its quite EXCITING to work like this dont you think?

Its like christmas every month!

Edited by Divona
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So after watching last night producers livestream i started to wonder about this what they said there - apparently Bioware like randomness when you play game and get rewards.


Well its soon Christmas time and everyone likes christmas presents because you dont know generally what you will get :)


So i thought why not make Ben and other Bioware staff salary starting from next year each month as random surprise?


I mean you work for one month and invest your time and energy into making this game, then when its time to get your reward as salary it will be random payment. I think EA would like this too because odds are on their side that they will have pay less each month. Some will get bit more with added bonus like a named Mug or fancy toy just to cheer you up to try again next month.

Those who invest a bit more energy into work can have special bonus to get salary few days sooner than written in contract.


I think its quite EXCITING to work like this dont you think?

Its like christmas every month!


Oh, oh, I have something to add!


Every time they buy a meal from the company commissary, the next three hours will count as 25% more work when that maybe-paycheck arrives!

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This is a good analogy. Put a bunch of time and effort into something and you MIGHT be rewarded. I call that depressing, not exciting.


How is it "exciting" to spend a weekend grinding for that last piece you need, only to end up with nothing to show for it? You might as well have gone outside and done something productive, or actually exciting.


The thing that got me is when he said if it becomes a problem, they will do something about it. IF?!?! More like WHEN. The only certainty in randomness is that nothing will be equitable. It will be a problem, it's just a matter of time. The rest of us can see it coming.


I'm seriously wondering if they are gamblers. I have never gambled a penny because I do not find it exciting at all, because I know that the system is designed to take my money. There's no chance there, it's entirely designed that way. I don't think that getting ripped off is exciting in any way, unless you want to use the definition of "exciting" to mean "being made angry."

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To relate it more directly to us paying subscribers, how about each month an unknown, random amount of money is debited from our cards up to the current $15/month subscription, but in reality probably something much lower. If they think RNG is so fun that we're eager to gamble our time and effort, seems only fair they do the same.
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It's funny you're comparing loot crates in SW:TOR to a monthly salary... since getting geared now feels like a job.


I think you're supposed to do things you enjoy like fps and pvp etc and you get rewarded for those. You aren't supposed to be grinding gold mobs for gear kind of thing. Focus less on gear and more on playing the parts of the game that you like.

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I think you're supposed to do things you enjoy like fps and pvp etc and you get rewarded for those. You aren't supposed to be grinding gold mobs for gear kind of thing. Focus less on gear and more on playing the parts of the game that you like.


What I enjoy is operations and playing lots of alts, but PVP on one character is by far the most efficient way to grind cxp. Every time the mood strikes me to play a different character, or maybe do something other than PVP, I remember that I have limited playtime, and if I don't stay on my "main" and PVP, I will never get a command rank outside of tier 1.

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What I enjoy is operations and playing lots of alts, but PVP on one character is by far the most efficient way to grind cxp. Every time the mood strikes me to play a different character, or maybe do something other than PVP, I remember that I have limited playtime, and if I don't stay on my "main" and PVP, I will never get a command rank outside of tier 1.


SOOO NOT TRUE. They are about to raise the cxp on uprisings and ops by 50-80% to make them worth considerably more than pvp. That'll happen Tuesday

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What I enjoy is operations and playing lots of alts, but PVP on one character is by far the most efficient way to grind cxp. Every time the mood strikes me to play a different character, or maybe do something other than PVP, I remember that I have limited playtime, and if I don't stay on my "main" and PVP, I will never get a command rank outside of tier 1.


What about those of us who utterly detest PvP in this game and have absolutely no interest in participating in the pile of ****? I'd sooner spend my weekend painting walls and then watching them dry then engage in PvP in this game and yet the entire thing feels like we're being forced into an aspect of the game we simply have no desire to undertake. It's grossly unfair. Unless I've misunderstood something?

Edited by Ulfrik_Wulfgar
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<---- Tried to watch the archive of the stream just now.


Stopped after barely 90 seconds.


Couldn't go back --there is a limit to how much oozing, oily, self-deluded smugness I can tolerate, and those two didn't just exceed it, they absolutely obliterated it.


I'll stick around for the 5th Anniversary event --just to put an explicit coda on things-- but that's it, I am *********** done.




K, watching more now in small doses...


Seriously, who in every Hell that ever was/is/ever will be do these two think they are?


More to the point, how stupid do they think we are?

Edited by midianlord
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What about those of us who utterly detest PvP in this game and have absolutely no interest in participating in the pile of ****? I'd sooner spend my weekend painting walls and then watching them dry then engage in PvP in this game and yet the entire thing feels like we're being forced into an aspect of the game we simply have no desire to undertake. It's grossly unfair. Unless I've misunderstood something?


What is it you like? They are about to make fps, ops, uprisings, and veteran story lines worth 50-80% more on Tuesday so it'll be worth it more to do them over pvp.

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Be patient folks, i'm sure the RNG will extend beyond those crates in the future! Soon, RNG will occur every time you log in your character, so he'll look different each time! Not only the face/body type, but the outfit, gender and species too......at least among those you have unlocked...... Would be totally exciting, wouldn't it!? Who wants to play the same boring character every time...... :mon_trap:


But yes, this is a damn, good, thread.

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This is a good analogy. Put a bunch of time and effort into something and you MIGHT be rewarded. I call that depressing, not exciting.

that sounds terribly like some people are mistaking a game for work. if you put a lot of time and effort into an activity you don't enjoy just to get a payout then congratulation: you have fallen for a skinner box. such unhealthy approach to gaming is stupid and bad for both the players and the games.


rewards should just be a nice bonus on top of an overall fun experience - but never become the main reason to play.

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SOOO NOT TRUE. They are about to raise the cxp on uprisings and ops by 50-80% to make them worth considerably more than pvp. That'll happen Tuesday


They didn't say anything about boosting ops. They said about FP and Uprising. Uprising, with how fast they are, might get close to WZ for the CXP vs Time. For the FPs, unless it's a really fast one with a good group, it won't be as rewarding for the time spent and there is an obligation of result.


For PvP, you just need to do your big hit or big heal 1 time and you get the rewards at the end.

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They didn't say anything about boosting ops. They said about FP and Uprising. Uprising, with how fast they are, might get close to WZ for the CXP vs Time. For the FPs, unless it's a really fast one with a good group, it won't be as rewarding for the time spent and there is an obligation of result.


For PvP, you just need to do your big hit or big heal 1 time and you get the rewards at the end.


Exactly. In a WZ, if most of your team quits partway through, you still get credit for the match. In a FP, if half your team quits partway through, congratulations, you're screwed. You can either sit through the queue for a replacement (something that can take a VERY long time if you're needing a tank or healer), or quit the FP to start all over again, wasting all that time!


I'm tired of people claiming they 'deserve' BiS participation trophies for doing the easiest damn content in the game just as much (if not more, with the really special snowflakes) as the people who actually put a ton of effort into tackling the hardest content.

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Apples and oranges. Work pays the bills and food. This is a GAME. We play not to pay bills. People play the lottery and slot machines for the chance of getting something.


But RNG is EXCITING!!!! Surely Ben wants RNG in every aspect of his daily life so it can always be EXCITING!!!!



Edited by AscendingSky
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rewards should just be a nice bonus on top of an overall fun experience - but never become the main reason to play.


So you wouldnt mind at all if with each game update all the gear would always be the same and you could only change your outfit and color crystals or pets.

Hmm maybe that could work. You pay monthly just to log in and kill mobs then log off without gear progression. Just for fun. I wonder how many people would play game like that where you pay monthly fee to run around with same gear year by year. Afterall people play game because of story with monthly fee.



Thanks for replies. I think Bioware is well aware that they have been very customer friendly this year and santa should give them nice presents with some texts like best community manager or best expansion idea of all time.

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Apples and oranges. Work pays the bills and food. This is a GAME. We play not to pay bills. People play the lottery and slot machines for the chance of getting something.


when your having to do the same crap over and over and over and over again for that one thing it becomes a job (and not a good one either)

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