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Bravo Bioware for not giving into kneejerk reactions of a vocal minority


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You and BW can only hope right? What better way to make things better is to get the ones that are passionate enough to post on their forums to leave.


Genius move Mr. Fisher. Genius!


I am sure that Biowares show of fortitude will make them feel better when they are unemployed. Because EA values devs that can kill a Star Wars IP based game off.

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Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


The system needs some tweaks, I admit it but it's really not bad overall and DO find the results screen exciting (I know you guys are getting mocked for this statement) when opening crates. I was pleased to hear you're analyzing the data and are willing to be accommodating to some of the few legit concerns. I personally would like to see something done to encourage playing with our alts.


Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.


My wife, a casual player, got her first box and armor item and was thrilled.


OPS vendors relegate most of the player base to second class.

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They've pointed you at the pages which show server populations have not rebounded, kid. There's no big influx of players like you're claiming. Those are the facts. You're trying to avoid that point by flapping your arms around and shifting the goalposts. Seems like you're the one having trouble keeping up with the conversation. :D




Bruticis I am still waiting for you to prove with numbers that you are so keen on everyone else to provide, to back your claim that it is the vocal minority that dislike the current situation and the majority of players like it?


It would seem the vast majority of players have quit the game, if you are going to use labels like minority for those that are unhappy with the game, what you mean is that the majority of players have left, of the minority that remain, the majority of those that post are unhappy and you wish to trivialize these as a vocal minority. While in effect the people happy with the game of those that have played it are the minority, vocal or otherwise. With even more server mergers likely to be announced in the new year due to further shrinking player base, in a game that you can play for free.


It seems to be an unscheduled dev live stream (where Eric appears to be on holiday) is a reaction to the loss of subs, the claim to be willing to be flexible and monitor the situation is a an attempt to buy some time from the player base while they try to work out what to do. With talk of increased gain and an option to work towards a single piece of gear clear indication that they are very much aware from their figures that things aren't working as planned.

Edited by Costello
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My wife, a casual player, got her first box and armor item and was thrilled.


OPS vendors relegate most of the player base to second class.

I am happy for your wife. Now since she is casual - with some probability it will be the last item of value she has seen in a long time. That is RNG, that is the issue.


The second sentence is quite interesting. Often raiders are considered or described as elitist, but to me it seems as if some casuals had an inferiority comlex. All raiders I know couldn't care less about who gets what, they are just interested in how they can plan progression. While for your wife the great piece is the goal, for many raiders it is the starting point, as it is required for content that is tuned for said gear levels. That is the difference.


And scaling rewards prorportionally with difficulty is what makes competitive societies run, just btw.

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I am not even going to comment on the OP's statement. But i see some references to torstatus within the thread.


Torstatus shows a slight increase in players logging in, in the past week. That slight increase is shown on 7 servers which are the "most occupied" ones, with ofcourse TRE and Harbinger still being the top 2. With a slight increase i mean they have now an average of just above "light" occupation. Except for the top two ones (TRE and Harbinger) they tend to go to the middle between "light" and "standard" occupation (average).


There was a slight peak in the weekend after launch towards "heavy" occupation. But this only occurred on the top two servers. This slight peak has not been seen again.


Letting the 7 servers aside, the other 10 servers are dead. They show no increase at all, they never go above "light" status.


Good to mention here: torstatus only shows people logging in. It doesn't show subs or active playing (like group finder stuff). You can't draw the best conclusions out of it, but what we CAN conclude is that there is a slight increase in players logging in, but that slight increase is still very far from the "oh my god, so many players are returning and playing the game" since the slight increase puts the increased servers just above "light".


Now we should monitor (to keep Bioware's words) how this develops in the months to come.

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I am not even going to comment on the OP's statement. But i see some references to torstatus within the thread.


Torstatus shows a slight increase in players logging in, in the past week. That slight increase is shown on 7 servers which are the "most occupied" ones, with ofcourse TRE and Harbinger still being the top 2. With a slight increase i mean they have now an average of just above "light" occupation. Except for the top two ones (TRE and Harbinger) they tend to go to the middle between "light" and "standard" occupation (average).


There was a slight peak in the weekend after launch towards "heavy" occupation. But this only occurred on the top two servers. This slight peak has not been seen again.


Letting the 7 servers aside, the other 10 servers are dead. They show no increase at all, they never go above "light" status.


Good to mention here: torstatus only shows people logging in. It doesn't show subs or active playing (like group finder stuff). You can't draw the best conclusions out of it, but what we CAN conclude is that there is a slight increase in players logging in, but that slight increase is still very far from the "oh my god, so many players are returning and playing the game" since the slight increase puts the increased servers just above "light".


Now we should monitor (to keep Bioware's words) how this develops in the months to come.


The slight increase might also be because people logged in to play the new story (which was released last week) and are planning to not log in or they'll unsubscribe until the next expansion, especially since BW didn't give anyone anything super substantial to do other than 10 minute uprisings and the gear grind.

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Back to the same old story - quoting TorStatus as factual figures (you know all they do is take the data from Bioware's published data, right?).


How many player does it say are on when it's "Light" and how many at "Heavy"? Without knowing any of the levels or tolerances, all TorStatus shows is a pretty picture that I'm going to pin up on the fridge.

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Back to the same old story - quoting TorStatus as factual figures (you know all they do is take the data from Bioware's published data, right?).


How many player does it say are on when it's "Light" and how many at "Heavy"? Without knowing any of the levels or tolerances, all TorStatus shows is a pretty picture that I'm going to pin up on the fridge.


Yep, TORstatus has been wrong all this time, Bastion is really full.

It's bad to act on assumptions.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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I see it didn't take long for the bullies to fall over themselves with insults. Sad but predictable but I'm sure you all will be quitting any day now, right?


. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


Im sorry but you started flinging insults by calling people who have issues spoiled children.


Also im tired of people assuming they are the majority and anyone who disagrees with them are the minority you have no idea weather your sentiments are shared by others hell for all we know players who dont post on the forums could hate the changes but just quit, or they could love it and more players could be coming back.


So while you feel justified calling people children just remember you dont sound mature and grown up when you assume your opinions are what everyone else agrees on.

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Yep, TORstatus has been wrong all this time, Bastion is really full.

It's bad to act on assumptions.


For someone who keeps accusing other people of using "strawman" arguments, you seem to be pretty adept at it yourself. Never said it was wrong - said it has no actual figures for any kind of comparison.


"Server A had 14,153 players last week and 12,256 this week" would be a good example of how to do a comparison.

"Server G was purple last week and is orange this week" means nothing to anyone.

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For someone who keeps accusing other people of using "strawman" arguments, you seem to be pretty adept at it yourself. Never said it was wrong - said it has no actual figures for any kind of comparison.


"Server A had 14,153 players last week and 12,256 this week" would be a good example of how to do a comparison.

"Server G was purple last week and is orange this week" means nothing to anyone.


Torstatus works only with the available data. The whole light/standard/heavy/very heavy/full bs is bioware's idea.

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For someone who keeps accusing other people of using "strawman" arguments, you seem to be pretty adept at it yourself. Never said it was wrong - said it has no actual figures for any kind of comparison.


"Server A had 14,153 players last week and 12,256 this week" would be a good example of how to do a comparison.

"Server G was purple last week and is orange this week" means nothing to anyone.


Bad example.

It does mean something when you know that purple represents a higher threshold value than orange. Exact numbers are not needed to say that last week was higher than this week. You only need actual numbers to make a higher/lower statement when you have two yellow or two purple states, or don't know which represents the higher/lower value. You don't even need to know which values they represent, just which is higher or lower. (A quick and easy assessment is pretty much the purpose of the color coding of values/ranges of values.)


Of course, for exact statements you need exact numbers. But just the fact that the states haven't changed at all or not by much, is an indication that the grand, overwhelming influx is not happening. And if you want to check if dead servers are still dead, just log in to one. They're only "Light" because "Dead" is not an option.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Bad example.

It does mean something when you know that purple represents a higher threshold value than orange. Exact numbers are not needed to say that last week was higher than this week. You only need actual numbers to make a higher/lower statement when you have two yellow or two purple states, or don't know which represents the higher/lower value. You don't even need to know which values they represent, just which is higher or lower. (A quick and easy assessment is pretty much the purpose of the color coding of values/ranges of values.)


Of course, for exact statements you need exact numbers. But just the fact that the states haven't changed at all or not by much, is an indication that the grand, overwhelming influx is not happening. And if you want to check if dead servers are still dead, just log in to one. They're only "Light" because "Dead" is not an option.


Do all the colours mean the same thing on different servers? Do the colours mean the same thing all the time, or are they different at different times (if there are more players at peak times, does it still register as "light" because it's "light" for that time of day)? Are the changes "live" or do they only change when someone at Bioware can be bothered to change the status of the server? Are they even linked to server populations, or are they just there to distract the people with the pretty colours?


Numbers can be compared, these meaningless terms can't.

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Do all the colours mean the same thing on different servers? Do the colours mean the same thing all the time, or are they different at different times (if there are more players at peak times, does it still register as "light" because it's "light" for that time of day)? Are the changes "live" or do they only change when someone at Bioware can be bothered to change the status of the server? Are they even linked to server populations, or are they just there to distract the people with the pretty colours?


Numbers can be compared, these meaningless terms can't.


You miseed the part of not knowing if capacity was added prior to KotET launch during the downtime. BioWare doesn't share this information with players.


I suspect the only people who really know aside from BioWare what the server populations are currently like, compared to this time last year are the credit sellers. No doubt they've found a way of not only spamming every players inbox (minus a few, because I found a way to get around that spam :p), but also keeping a record of the number of players they've posted to. I would imagine that is standard practice for them.

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Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


The system needs some tweaks, I admit it but it's really not bad overall and DO find the results screen exciting (I know you guys are getting mocked for this statement) when opening crates. I was pleased to hear you're analyzing the data and are willing to be accommodating to some of the few legit concerns. I personally would like to see something done to encourage playing with our alts.


Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.


"A dozen or so"




"some tweaks"


You are either a Bioware employee, a troll or a moron.

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