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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bravo Bioware for not giving into kneejerk reactions of a vocal minority


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Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


The system needs some tweaks, I admit it but it's really not bad overall and DO find the results screen exciting (I know you guys are getting mocked for this statement) when opening crates. I was pleased to hear you're analyzing the data and are willing to be accommodating to some of the few legit concerns. I personally would like to see something done to encourage playing with our alts.


Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.

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Agreed. they should take the hit up front in gamer loss. Don't back down ever even if faced with glaring mistakes and bugs and roll backs and RNG slot machine casino mechanic. Hey, thats why people came to swtor anyway.


Not really discussing gamer concerns and letting things slide as long as they can. Thats how you run a successful business. That keeps players around in droves.


Listening to player and gamers that know what RNG is and how terrible it is, is a complete waste of time. There is no way gamers can know anything about RNG gearing as they claim to. It's impossible for them to know better than bw and impossible for them to see how the current system is current playing out in its current design.


String those suckers along and let RNG ride in a massive grind that hinders all gamers be it gearing or just limiting alt play. Have no backup plan ready for bad design in gearing but claim "They are monitoring the situation and implement a solution later." Why a solution later? Because when you know its screwed up now and you're not prepared, you have to sting people along for a solution later. Also saying, "Lets see how it plays out. " :rolleyes:


There is no reason to listen to anyone except whats in the bw echo chamber as they pat themselves on the back for a job well done in making swtor was one of the fastest games to ever go F2P. A mighty success indeed.


Don't listen to that majority. No way they know anything. :cool:

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Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


The system needs some tweaks, I admit it but it's really not bad overall and DO find the results screen exciting (I know you guys are getting mocked for this statement) when opening crates. I was pleased to hear you're analyzing the data and are willing to be accommodating to some of the few legit concerns. I personally would like to see something done to encourage playing with our alts.


Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.


Keep telling yourself that as the servers shut down for lack of paying customers. I am sure that will be very comforting for you when the lights turn off for good.

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Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.


In another words ignore anyone who doesn't agree with the system?


Yes, even I will admit the system, in theory, the system sounds good, but it is FATALLY flawed by the extended time consumption required to get crates and the incredible requirement of fortunate gear drops to get anything of even the smallest value.


Now watch everyone feed this troll.


Don't mind if I do.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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But they did listen to the "vocal minority" and may tweak the system.


They also brought up the bingo card and many other points the "vocal minority" were concerned about such as the cxp not being rewarding enough in uprisings.

Edited by Radzkie
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I see it didn't take long for the bullies to fall over themselves with insults. Sad but predictable but I'm sure all be quitting any day now, right?


So instead of trying the few arguments against your point you just go "Your all meanies!!!" and pull a strawman argument running joke? Normally I would be more humorous but yeah... I almost died from that live stream.

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But they did listen to the "vocal minority" and may tweak the system.


They also brought up the bingo card and many other points the "vocal minority" were concerned about such as the cxp not being rewarding enough in uprisings.


I clearly stated they are some legit complaints and some people providing constructive feedback. These voices were heard. The bingo card was simply to show they had a good sense of humor when dealing with children.

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I clearly stated they are some legit complaints and some people providing constructive feedback. These voices were heard. The bingo card was simply to show they had a good sense of humor when dealing with children.


So the "vocal minority" does have some legit concerns then? In your opinion.

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Sad but predictable but I'm sure all be quitting any day now, right?


You and BW can only hope right? What better way to make things better is to get the ones that are passionate enough to post on their forums to leave.


Genius move Mr. Fisher. Genius!

Edited by Quraswren
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Sorry Bruticis, but your not going to beat Aowin anytime soon, let alone Mad Cuz Bad in terms of trolling threads, although mad cuz bad did have some pretty good points at times...


So instead of trying the few arguments against your point you just go, "You're trolling!!!"

Edited by Bruticis
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Who are you Op? Do you know what the majority of the player base wants? How do you know your opinion is shared by most of the community? Do you have some hard data to back up your statements? If so, I'd like to see it. Show us you know what you're talking about. Because I know a whole lot of people that would disagree with you.

As a matter of fact, how do we know you are a player at all? You could be a bioware employee posing as a player and sticking up for your employers; or you could just be some story only, gear doesn't affect me, casual who would like to see the world burn for anyone who doesn't play like you do. You could even be a subbed player who believes what you posted.

Every time the Devs do something unpopular our community gets a little bit smaller. Sooner or later this community will be too small to support keeping the game running in its current form. Then where will you be? Playing SwtoR on Steam maybe.

The key to a successful MMO is having just enough content to keep ALL segments of the player base happy, not just one. Having fresh WZ, Ops, FPs, and Story along with a gearing system that is relatively simple for all but the most hardcore players is key to a long lived MMO. So don't be so quick to be that bioware fanboi; demand more of your game Dev's (co-workers) or we could be seeing you posting on the WoW forums in a few months.......

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Well you haven't responded rationally to anyone's argument as of yet so there's really not much on the table to presume as of right now. But remember, you will never beat MCB!


Fair point, allow me to respond to some of the insightful comments in this thread.


Aren't there rules against the mothers of the devs posting in the forums?

I can officially declare I am not one of the developers mothers or fathers.


Wow, Peter, you're right, that was liberating! I should start trying to engage the gang more frequently. Thanks for helping me see the light.

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I see it didn't take long for the bullies to fall over themselves with insults. Sad but predictable but I'm sure you all will be quitting any day now, right?


12 more days for me. Still going to play until then and if I manage to stop dreading opening another RNG gear box I may stick around.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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So instead of trying the few arguments against your point you just go "Your all meanies!!!" and pull a strawman argument running joke? Normally I would be more humorous but yeah... I almost died from that live stream.


I like how he equates all disagreement with his opinions as insults. It's like no one else is ever allowed to be right, only him!

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