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Ben and Bioware Out Of Touch with Players


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What more can I say. Ben Irving and Bioware are completely out of touch with the player base of swtor, it's like they are talking to player base of a completely different game.


All this says to me is that it's time for members of the team to move on (Ben) and get some fresh blood into the team who listen and have the players best interests at heart.




Ultimately, success and player satisfaction keep subs/players and draw more in, which means in around about way, players pay for your salaries. If the game fails, you need another job. Maybe EA have one lined up for you, maybe they don't. But from EAs past behaviour and lack of ethics, do you really trust that all of you guys have a secured position to transition into another EA project. They have a history or just unilaterally putting whole divisions on the unemployment line. You'd want to hope that doesn't happen because no ledgitmate, customer, player orientated gaming company will want to take on people who have zero regard for the player base.


And the answer is yes, I am pissed, lots of people are. I am salty, I'm QQing, I'm raging. Get over it and damn well listen.

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Ever consider the idea that you and your feelings do not make up the entirety of the "player base"? I understand when people are passionate and emotions are raw, they tend to believe others should also feel the same way. SWTOR appeals to a very diverse audience that play this game for a multitude of reasons. You have to realize while you may not be happy, there are certainly others that are.

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Ever consider the idea that you and your feelings do not make up the entirety of the "player base"? I understand when people are passionate and emotions are raw, they tend to believe others should also feel the same way. SWTOR appeals to a very diverse audience that play this game for a multitude of reasons. You have to realize while you may not be happy, there are certainly others that are.


I don't speak for everyone, but my own observations. But I'm betting I'm on the side of the majority based on the percentage of posts and members of people's guilds who are against the current problems vs those who see none, like yourself.. I'm sorry if you are not part of that majority. I obviously don't speak for or represent your point of view.


So yes, I have considered it,

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I don't speak for everyone, but my own observations. But I'm betting I'm on the side of the majority based on the percentage of posts and members of people's guilds who are against the current problems vs those who see none, like yourself.. I'm sorry if you are not part of that majority. I obviously don't speak for or represent your point of view.


So yes, I have considered it,


You do a fine job of reppin all us boys (even if your not one....) who lost lads to this games failure to function as a proper MMO should...


I'm demoralized.. But wouldn't be the first time this games demoralized me and maybe a high percentage of their own player base...


anyway the bosten major is on for anyone who likes dota 2 or moba's great games so far....


I'll just leave this here.



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Ever consider the idea that you and your feelings do not make up the entirety of the "player base"? I understand when people are passionate and emotions are raw, they tend to believe others should also feel the same way. SWTOR appeals to a very diverse audience that play this game for a multitude of reasons. You have to realize while you may not be happy, there are certainly others that are.


lol. Everyone is a member of the Camarilla whether they want to be or not.

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I don't speak for everyone, but my own observations. But I'm betting I'm on the side of the majority based on the percentage of posts and members of people's guilds who are against the current problems vs those who see none, like yourself.. I'm sorry if you are not part of that majority. I obviously don't speak for or represent your point of view.


So yes, I have considered it,


Oh I am very much betting you are on the majorities side in this fiasco.

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What more can I say. Ben Irving and Bioware are completely out of touch with the player base of swtor, it's like they are talking to player base of a completely different game.


All this says to me is that it's time for members of the team to move on (Ben) and get some fresh blood into the team who listen and have the players best interests at heart.




Ultimately, success and player satisfaction keep subs/players and draw more in, which means in around about way, players pay for your salaries. If the game fails, you need another job. Maybe EA have one lined up for you, maybe they don't. But from EAs past behaviour and lack of ethics, do you really trust that all of you guys have a secured position to transition into another EA project. They have a history or just unilaterally putting whole divisions on the unemployment line. You'd want to hope that doesn't happen because no ledgitmate, customer, player orientated gaming company will want to take on people who have zero regard for the player base.


And the answer is yes, I am pissed, lots of people are. I am salty, I'm QQing, I'm raging. Get over it and damn well listen.

Why would it be any different this time? When have they actually made a meaningful change based on player feedback/outrage? They've gone from 218 servers to 4 that are still alive, and they STILL don't realize it's their mismanagement that has caused it...they clearly don't get it...at all.

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Why would it be any different this time? When have they actually made a meaningful change based on player feedback/outrage? They've gone from 218 servers to 4 that are still alive, and they STILL don't realize it's their mismanagement that has caused it...they clearly don't get it...at all.


They must have an EA parachute that will drop them into another EA division. I wonder how many of those EA parachutes were packed by the same management team? Because I certainly wouldn't want to put my trust in them all opening.

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Ever consider the idea that you and your feelings do not make up the entirety of the "player base"? I understand when people are passionate and emotions are raw, they tend to believe others should also feel the same way. SWTOR appeals to a very diverse audience that play this game for a multitude of reasons. You have to realize while you may not be happy, there are certainly others that are.


pot - meet kettle.

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TBH, I like the Galactic Command System. I think upping the cxp from flashpoints and uprisings is a good start. They still need to implement a catch up mechanic in some fashion. The loot tables can still be adjusted. But, there's at least a decent first step coming Tuesday. I'd say operations should be upped as well, but I do understand their point. There's a middle ground there that I don't know of yet, but I'm for sure aware that it exists. Maybe the answer is upping hard mode operations from their current levels to double what they drop or something, and nim to triple or something along those lines since time spent is a factor or could be a factor in those cases.


Where I may agree is on the front of future group content. If they believe that coming out with 5 new uprisings along with master mode for all uprisings, is the group content needed I'd beg to differ. They need 8 man and 16 man content period. I also don't think the green and blue gear are things that should drop in crates. They are simply disintegration fodder since crafted stuff is more easily obtained. So its just additional cxp. Same with gear shells which are just cxp gains.

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I have to admit though, while they didn't tell many of us what we wanted to hear at least they didn't dodge the harder questions. Let the hate flow if you must, I get, I'm still miffed about several things. But at least they tackled the more controversial topics and didn't just take softball questions, so I'll give them kudos for that.
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What more can I say. Ben Irving and Bioware are completely out of touch with the player base of swtor, it's like they are talking to player base of a completely different game.


TBH, the more I think about this and various events of the last few months, the more I do not think they are. What I believe is they are now marching to the beat of a different drummer - and that drummer is EA.


I will not say more, but I have seen this behavior many times in the corporate world (and the outcome is never good).


I am now convinced this is extremely intentional.

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I have to admit though, while they didn't tell many of us what we wanted to hear at least they didn't dodge the harder questions. Let the hate flow if you must, I get, I'm still miffed about several things. But at least they tackled the more controversial topics and didn't just take softball questions, so I'll give them kudos for that.


They p*ssy footed around the topics and gave answers like a politician would with misdirection. While others they just completely ignored.

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I have to admit though, while they didn't tell many of us what we wanted to hear at least they didn't dodge the harder questions. Let the hate flow if you must, I get, I'm still miffed about several things. But at least they tackled the more controversial topics and didn't just take softball questions, so I'll give them kudos for that.


They took the questions and did the typical corporate speak thing - gave an answer that wasn't really an answer. In fact, their go to line a lot of times was "we are monitoring the situation".

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They took the questions and did the typical corporate speak thing - gave an answer that wasn't really an answer. In fact, their go to line a lot of times was "we are monitoring the situation".


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying their answers were necessarily all good . I guess I just expected them to cherry pick the good stuff only, pretend concerns were unfounded, etc. I guess I just had low expectations

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Preach on! I just cancelled my sub after watching Bioware troll us in that live feed. They can earn my sub back when they produce a game worth playing; not a mindless cxp farm that drains the joy of playing this game right out of you.

5.0 is a complete failure of an xpac for anyone who loves to do challenging group content. All you story only players can have what's left of this once great game; because the Op's words aren't for you, they are for me, and for everyone like me who is frustrated by the Dev's actions despite the continued decline of this game. My sub runs out in mid January, so instead of grinding cxp and maybe getting a good drop, I'll be here givingthe Dev's the "feedback" they asked for in the stream. Flame on!

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Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying their answers were necessarily all good . I guess I just expected them to cherry pick the good stuff only, pretend concerns were unfounded, etc. I guess I just had low expectations


What they did was, in a way, even worse than just ignoring things. They pretended to address concerns, but all they did was say "we'll monitor it" and then move on to the next question. That's denigrating our intelligence; all of us can read between the lines and see they don't intend on doing anything about the problems, they just want to look like they are.


Even if they do make minor tweaks to the RNG gearing system, it's still an RNG gearing system and a lot of people fundamentally object to an RNG gearing system. Changing the exact amounts of CXP gained by various activities does not stop it from being an RNG system. That is what is going to make people unsubscribe.

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What they did was, in a way, even worse than just ignoring things. They pretended to address concerns, but all they did was say "we'll monitor it" and then move on to the next question. That's denigrating our intelligence; all of us can read between the lines and see they don't intend on doing anything about the problems, they just want to look like they are.


Even if they do make minor tweaks to the RNG gearing system, it's still an RNG gearing system and a lot of people fundamentally object to an RNG gearing system. Changing the exact amounts of CXP gained by various activities does not stop it from being an RNG system. That is what is going to make people unsubscribe.


I don't agree with your first paragraph. I think they are addressing things. I'd agree however that they are too slow at the moment. For example, a catch up mechanic for people with junk luck should have already been in the game when this launched. Not having that is akin to when they didn't have a group finder. One of those things where you're like..."you guys knew you needed this right?...come on..."


To your second paragraph I'd say that's a fair point. If someone is so against something that's perfectly fine from a principle stand point. I do wonder though, since I think this is the biggest problem right now, is that if they had real new content to sink their teeth into would they object (of course assuming they could catch up and cxp levels were more properly balanced)?

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The problem is that they launched a system with a lot of missing parts. No alts mechanic, no catch up mechanic and it was told to them months before.


Then the players call them on it again after launch and their anwser is We will monitor it.


The last time they launched a system like that, in 6 months, they lost 75% of the playerbase and it almost killed the game.

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I don't agree with your first paragraph. I think they are addressing things. I'd agree however that they are too slow at the moment. For example, a catch up mechanic for people with junk luck should have already been in the game when this launched. Not having that is akin to when they didn't have a group finder. One of those things where you're like..."you guys knew you needed this right?...come on..."


To your second paragraph I'd say that's a fair point. If someone is so against something that's perfectly fine from a principle stand point. I do wonder though, since I think this is the biggest problem right now, is that if they had real new content to sink their teeth into would they object (of course assuming they could catch up and cxp levels were more properly balanced)?


Being vague and not actually answering questions is what most of us are pissed off about this live stream. Which is only adding fuel to the fire already out of control about the issues.

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The problem is that they launched a system with a lot of missing parts. No alts mechanic, no catch up mechanic and it was told to them months before.


Then the players call them on it again after launch and their anwser is We will monitor it.


The last time they launched a system like that, in 6 months, they lost 75% of the playerbase and it almost killed the game.


Maybe that's the point. They already know a date for shut down and are just trying to string people along and milk us until they close them. I bet they won't even announce the closure until a day or so before and then I bet they won't refund anyone whose subs are still active or paid in advance.

I would suggest that anyone who hasn't unsubbed and is planning to stay, make your subs pay per month and don't pay in advance.

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I think they're out of touch because of the 'returning companions' thing.


They only hear in bits in pieces. Like with the companions, they decide to return the most craptacular boring characters that very few give two craps about first...then they hear people getting upset that these irrelevant sh*tastic characters are crapping up the story and slowing it down and not to waste time on *them* and work more on the story...but then what they take away from that is beyond insane...


They decide that because we don't care about the crappy characters, that it must mean we don't care about ALL the comps and are upset about *all* comps getting returned and decide that the ones people wanted most and cared about most won't be returned anytime soon. Who even knows when?


It almost feels punitive.


Players: Stop returning comps no one cares about, we want our LI's and favorites back. Don't waste time with the crappy comps, use that time to focus on story and give us back our favs.


Bioware: Oh, so you think us returning the crappy comps is buggering up the story huh? We're dragging it out eh? Well then, we're just not going to return any of them then. So there! *blows razzy* Suck on that, eh? Maybe by 2020 we'll decide to give back Quinn, Vector, Scourge, Jaesa, Kira, Elara, etc. Maybe. If you don't p*ss us off.


That's how it feels to me and it's frustrating.


Just like trying to get them to let us earn the GC XP across legacy so we can play all our toons, seems to be falling on deaf ears too.


Players: We want to play more alts, give us more toon slots so we can make more toons.


Bioware: *grudgingly* Ok, here take some slots it'll cost you CC, so that's still a win for us...but because you kvetched so much about it, guess what, we're going to make it so you can really only ever play one toon, ever again.


Maybe I'm reaching, I don't know, but that's how it feels to me, anyways. :/

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lol. Everyone is a member of the Camarilla whether they want to be or not.


The first rule of the Masquerade is you don't talk about the Masquerade.


On a non-inside joke note, after watching the stream, I don't know that the designers are out of touch. I do think they realize there are issues with GC. They admitted as much and are working on ideas on making it better. We'll see how it works out. GC is not so broken it cannot be fixed. Hell they called the two biggest issues with it, the lack of goal setting and the speed for alts.*


Group pve content is the issue. We know it, they know it. Uprisings are a step in the right direction, a solid design choice. Ops are a big part of the solution. We'll see what comes next month.


*Before general speed is brought up, there are plenty of ways to grab command exp seriously fast. As to RNG, sure it sucks but the game already has systems in place to mitigate it. A big one is pulling mods and such, out. They addressed this and part of the answer is we are still working on it.

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