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How do i cancel my subscription?


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Go ahead. Cancel. There will never be another Star wars game like this again. Story, Comps, Romances, Choices that matter; Not even Emperor WoW has been able to deliver this level of depth in all its years. If the game should shut down, you'll all regret leaving one day just like they regretted leaving swg when it shut down. Edited by Aeristash
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I can't believe people are still buying this old "Choices That Matter" thing. No, they don't. Did you forget already how all your player's choices were basically forgotten in the expansion? Hell, in KOTET Acina barely even remembered you've ever been to Kaas, even though as a Sith Inquisitor you were a Dark Council member. Also, killing someone and them staying dead is not a Choice That Matters if it literally has no consequences whatsoever in the plot later on.


Anyway, unsubbed. Yeah, it was fun to have a Star Wars MMO, but I won't stay chained to it just because it's the only one out there.

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This needs to be a sticky (:p) or the community needs to keep it on the front forum page near the top so people know how easy it is.


If people can't figure out how to cancel, I can assure you a sticky isn't going to help them. Hint: The OP is just grandstanding for attention.

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Go ahead. Cancel. There will never be another Star wars game like this again. Story, Comps, Romances, Choices that matter; Not even Emperor WoW has been able to deliver this level of depth in all its years. If the game should shut down, you'll all regret leaving one day just like they regretted leaving swg when it shut down.


If we all unsub and the game shuts down, we won't be here to see it anyway, so I doubt we'll regret it or even care at that point.

What I regret and I'm sure many others do, is the way Bioware have systematically gone about destroying this game. I've stayed since launch and have seen how every expansion has driven more and more people away and not brought them in.

This last expansion is just the straw that's broken the camels back for many people, especially the long time loyal ones (people who have had a continuous sub since launch). When we start to leave, it's because the game has past its use by date and the only people to blame are the developers for not listening to what the majority of players actually want.

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Go ahead. Cancel. There will never be another Star wars game like this again. Story, Comps, Romances, Choices that matter; Not even Emperor WoW has been able to deliver this level of depth in all its years. If the game should shut down, you'll all regret leaving one day just like they regretted leaving swg when it shut down.


lol most of it is three to five year old content.. we've seen it..


Let it go lad go play the game and enjoy it while its still around have fun.



There really is no point in bickering anymore regardless of what side your on in this.

Edited by mfourcustom
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Maybe they already know a date for shut down and are just trying to string people along and milk us until they close them. I bet they won't even announce the closure until a day or so before and then I bet they won't refund anyone whose subs are still active or paid in advance.

I would suggest that anyone who hasn't unsubbed and is planning to stay, make your subs pay per month and don't pay in advance.

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Go ahead. Cancel. There will never be another Star wars game like this again. Story, Comps, Romances, Choices that matter; Not even Emperor WoW has been able to deliver this level of depth in all its years.

I imagine the Amy Hennig/Visceral game will probably have all of that. Besides, anybody who cancels can always pop back in later, play whatever chapters they missed, and then bail again.


If the game should shut down, you'll all regret leaving one day just like they regretted leaving swg when it shut down.

Regretting leaving Galaxies? I think that's called Stockholm Syndrome. : p

Edited by ReverendAnderson
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Go ahead. Cancel. There will never be another Star wars game like this again. Story, Comps, Romances, Choices that matter; Not even Emperor WoW has been able to deliver this level of depth in all its years. If the game should shut down, you'll all regret leaving one day just like they regretted leaving swg when it shut down.


Just to address 1 point, Bioware have essentially destroyed the romances anyway.

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Go ahead. Cancel. There will never be another Star wars game like this again. Story, Comps, Romances, Choices that matter; Not even Emperor WoW has been able to deliver this level of depth in all its years. If the game should shut down, you'll all regret leaving one day just like they regretted leaving swg when it shut down.

Choices that matter? I've been waiting for those since beta.


Emperor WoW was never set up as focusing on story (though Wrath had great story.) SWTOR delivered that initially in vanilla. 1-50 are great story lines. Then we went from 8 story lines to 2. Then from 2 to 1. Now we have single player only stories. That is not progress. That is stagnation and devolution.


Romances? Those run of the mill borefests with nothing really exciting and tropey dialogies?


Companions? You mean the 4 or 5 who weren't irritating, useless or insufferable Mary Sues? And then some companions are still not back. My BH can't get Mako back, but he can get Skadge. Great. Same with Sergeant Dust Collector, aka Rusk. Awesome. Not.


There will never be a Star Wars game like this again? Good.


As for regretting leaving? There are other, significantly better games.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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Go ahead. Cancel. There will never be another Star wars game like this again. Story, Comps, Romances, Choices that matter; Not even Emperor WoW has been able to deliver this level of depth in all its years. If the game should shut down, you'll all regret leaving one day just like they regretted leaving swg when it shut down.


Story that stops being unique after 3 chapters. Then 1 story for empire and another for republic for 1 planet. Then just 1 story for everyone. Most games have some story for everyone. So hardly unique.


Companions, other games have those as well so not unique there. All they are now is just a generic buff for damage or healing or resistance that looks like another person. They are far from unique anymore.


Romances, nothing meaningful in game with romance other than part of the story, which has no effect on the game play. You can cheat on your spouse and they still stick around and fight with you.


Choices that matter? See the last point. Only after 5 years do some of the choices actually matter. But only as far as which one of the dozens or so companions you want to kill off or let live.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Story that stops being unique after 3 chapters. Then 1 story for empire and another for republic for 1 planet. Then just 1 story for everyone. Most games have some story for everyone. So hardly unique.


Companions, other games have those as well so not unique there. All they are now is just a generic buff for damage or healing or resistance that looks like another person. They are far from unique anymore.


Romances, nothing meaningful in game with romance other than part of the story, which has no effect on the game play. You can cheat on your spouse and they still stick around and fight with you.


Choices that matter? See the last point. Only after 5 years do some of the choices actually matter. But only as far as which one of the dozens or so companions you want to kill off or let live.


Choices do matter. Or would you rather: DS choice ends in failure because sorry, you're a bad person (insert whatever word that fits) and your people chose to kill the tyrant. You can no longer play this character because you're dead dead dead. That better? Kotet is wildly different between ls and ds.

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Go ahead. Cancel. There will never be another Star wars game like this again. Story, Comps, Romances, Choices that matter; Not even Emperor WoW has been able to deliver this level of depth in all its years. If the game should shut down, you'll all regret leaving one day just like they regretted leaving swg when it shut down.


No worries. As soon as this gets shut down, they will repackage classic SWTOR minus ops and sell it as single player game for 50$ + 10$-30$ a pop for Makeb, Oricon, SOR, KOTFE and KOTET.

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To all who's gonna cancel their sub: Good bye, and take care! I hope you'll be back someday. :)


I've got some good news for you and some bad news for you. The good news is, don't worry, they aren't going to quit. The bad news is, they aren't going to quit.

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If people can't figure out how to cancel, I can assure you a sticky isn't going to help them. Hint: The OP is just grandstanding for attention.


Some probably are but I did have a friend legitimately ask how to unsub(a couple years ago). He couldn't find the button. lul

Edited by Radzkie
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SNIP,,,,, If the game should shut down, you'll all regret leaving one day just like they regretted leaving swg when it shut down.


If I leave here like I did when I left SWG? Regret leaving? LMAO! Not even a little leaving SWG so swtor will be no problem given what bw is doing.

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No worries. As soon as this gets shut down, they will repackage classic SWTOR minus ops and sell it as single player game for 50$ + 10$-30$ a pop for Makeb, Oricon, SOR, KOTFE and KOTET.


I wish I knew this would be the case. I'd love to do that- I'd buy it anyway except I'd miss all my pretty outfits. I am so part of the problem. :(

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