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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

(Thank you thread) IF everyone is unsubbing, then why...


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That is a non sequitur. The one does not lead to the other.


And besides, you have no right to complain because your original post said:


So do not complain about insults when you started throwing them around yourself. I find such false generalisations very insulting.



If intelligence makes you laugh that does explain a thing or two. It's all on yourself that you derailed your own thread's point by starting with insulting another group of people. Again you have put no thought in your comments. If I ignored parts in your comments, it would be because they have the least merit to be considered. I do not feel compelled to respond to every little bit of nonesense, but your insult was clear and you got some back. Deal with it.



And here you demonstrate again that you are only capable of jumping to conclusions instead of being able to consider multiple possibilities. It's this type of reasoning that lead me to my original conclusion about you.


As I am not happy with the current state of the game, that is the opinion I'm voicing here. One reply that pops up regularly is the idiotic comment that I should unsub if I hate it so much. I already have so it's a moot point. So this is my way of dealing with that pointless reply. Now people can see that they don't have to tell me to unsub because they can see I already did. I also did it in a normal letter type and a more subtle colour.


Now if I had done it in bright red with huge letters, you may have had a point, but as it stands it's again a sign of you not using your brain but just blurting out the first thing that comes to your mind because you feel offended. Again you started with the offensive language, you have only to thank yourself for that. If you really wanted to have a moral high ground then your own comments should reflect that.


So really, keep exaggerating things if you want. It only makes you look more like a raving fanatic and that's cool by me.


Just remember that I'm one of those people who doesn't want gear for free or BiS gear in 5 days, that I'm a person who didn't say any majority is leaving the game and I said that I do NOT expect SWTOR to die just because I and a number of others are leaving, but you do have the shortsightedness to throw around a general contempt towards people who are critical and unsubbing and then have the gall to get upset when I am being less than positive about you in return. That's just rich.


Well you really didn't understand my point, did you?


It's simple, you can't be positive about this game in these for a without being insulted. it's as simple as that.


Also please show one post of mine where I am insulting you or anybody else. Time to check on the definition of words you use before, you know, actually using them. And no amount of latin expressions will make you look smarter, sorry.


YOU started your post with "you are not very intelligent, are you?" See, this is an insult and the definition of a troll reply.

I also got the following:


white knight

story mode ape


see? that is insults.


Now regarding your signature, you have every right to put whatever you like in it. I was just mentioning the irony of your critics regarding my thread.


Also, why did you remove your signature? Maybe what I said wasn't that silly after all...:rolleyes:

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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.



Wait till their/our subscription time expires... :rolleyes:

You need exactly 2 months to get pre-order bonuses and play in KOTET chapters and sub will run out ~dec 2016 or early jan 2017.

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You make it seem like raiders are the only population that matters in the game...this hasn't been true in years. Due to the fact that EAware hasn't come out with any new ops (and most likely won't for quite some time), the raiding population has plummeted over recent years. This paved the way for casual players, such as OP there, to make up the majority of the population that plays SWTOR now, and hence the reason why EAware is focusing more on content for them rather than for elitist s**t bags such as yourself. So you can't get BiS a week after a new expac? Go cry to your mother. Fact of the matter is, nearly all end-game content (minus NiM stuff) is still doable with the old 224 gear. There are a few fights out there (such as Styrak HM) that will be difficult due to the insane dps check, but I hear tell that this is actually doable in 230's with some blue's thrown in. This makes NiM content--which, by the way, very few groups actually do--the only content currently not technically doable until you get better gear. But that's how it's supposed to work. If you get gear capable of downing all NiM content within the first week of a brand new expac, then what's the point of even playing the game? You don't like it, don't bash on other people a**hole. Go back to WoW where they give you everything on a silver platter.


NO EAWARE put out two solo player garbage xpacs because the majority of their MMO player base left long ago so they woke up and figured out you people are the only ones that are dumb enough left to milk for cash.. lol why you may ask? your hopeless and you'll take any crappy point and click content you can get as long as you feel like your living out your star wars wet dreams. :rak_03:



Go punch more sky troopers and save the WORLD mate. Than buy some cartel packs while your at it so you look "cooler" the next 28 times you do it.

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I've never been a sub via credit card i'm a time card boi since 2012, I resubbed to play the new kotet chapters and although they were annoyingly long they were worth it too, i just finished them an the uprisings too and right now theres nothing else to do in game for me.


The producer should have thought on releasing new endgame content too. not the first time, whatever...


Guess i'll resub again when 6.0 is released....

Edited by psikofunkster
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Wait till their/our subscription time expires... :rolleyes:

You need exactly 2 months to get pre-order bonuses and play in KOTET chapters and sub will run out ~dec 2016 or early jan 2017.


I have been reading comments like this since 2011.

Edited by Yyrmega
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I have been reading comments like this since 2011.


And how many servers did we have in 2011? Compared to how many servers we have now in 2016? 100 to 8? And some of those remaining servers are ghost towns?


Obviously a lot of those people who made those comments back in 2011 did leave the game! So maybe you ought to listen to those comments now!

Edited by AscendingSky
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NO EAWARE put out two solo player garbage xpacs because the majority of their MMO player base left long ago so they woke up and figured out you people are the only ones that are dumb enough left to milk for cash.. lol why you may ask? your hopeless and you'll take any crappy point and click content you can get as long as you feel like your living out your star wars wet dreams. :rak_03:



Go punch more sky troopers and save the WORLD mate. Than buy some cartel packs while your at it so you look "cooler" the next 28 times you do it.


If you're not playing this for Star Wars, what are you* doing here? I thought [insert MMO title here] was so much better than this "non-MMO"; why would you waste your time here?




*you being anyone that is here hoping for the highest-quality MMO experience like it hasn't been evident for some time that this is not the MMO you're looking for

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I will never understand this small population of Bioware enablers. The game isn't doing well; why on earth would you pretend otherwise? Don't you want it to improve? Are you so sensitive and insecure that other people having a bad time somehow impedes your ability to have a good time?


Other than the two great storylines with the last two expansions, the game development has done EVERYTHING wrong. There hasn't been a single positive change - from DvL to the rehashed events to the loot system - since ... honestly since they added the last lot of raids/WZs. Since they last actually produced content, and didn't just try to artificially elongate the gearing path and rewind the hamster wheel.


I understand that you come back for a month and want everything to be great - but it isn't. Most of the servers are dead (with few exceptions) and the game is suffering. People will not stay for this new loot system. That isn't an empty threat. Guilds are leaving - on the launch week of a new expansion, servers are empty. The game won't be sustianed by those that return for two weeks, fill up a few instances, and then leave again.

Edited by TheGreatFrosty
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People like you, you know Story Mode hero's. Ruined this game. with you "I can't raid so why do they get to have gear and I don't" mentality.

It's pathetic.


You were quite able to get gear with comms with you could have the 220 gear after a month or so. That is fine for doing story mode . Heck you don't even need gear to do story mode.


But no, story mode heroes gotta have the same gear as high end HM/NIM raiders.


So now I gotta out up with terrible RNG. I have no set pieces. I am a sorc heals and it makes it damn hard to heal harder content than story with out the set bonus. WHich I could get after a few Operations. Heck even story mode dropped token gear. But nope. I can't do that now. I gotta grind content as my healer to get the set bonus which is luck of the draw and yet lvl 30 and no set bonus. I have to try and do HM's in 230 blue modded gear because I have not even got 230 purple modded gear yet.


So, think about it. That stops heals and tanks from queuing up for HM's right. Nothing guilds or solo's can do about it except grind content until you get decent gear to do HM OPs/FP's.


SO basically I get left out of the team because rng was not good to me. Is that even fair?


But johhny nobody never stepped into a HM raid/flashpoint in his life has better gear then me. Rubbish system is rubbish. Hue hue I do story mode and get better gear than dedicated HM raider hue. yeah freak you.


As a HM\NM raider I can empathize with you on this and what you wrote seems like what happened and it's frustrating. Regarding raiding, I'm a sorc healer on my main too, and I'm keeping my 224 set bonus armor pieces while swapping out the 224 mods and enhancements for 230+(when it's better) until I get higher set bonus armor pieces. I was able to raid HM SNV in my mostly 224 gear with a few 230 mods and enhancements on Tuesday so it's doable but slightly harder. The good thing is that I've heard the set bonus works with your 4.0 bonus so they didn't change the set bonus like the did previous times.


The RNG is horrible and is adversely affecting raiding and the drops from Ops bosses are mostly trash. If they'd bring back unassembled ops tokens dropping from Ops bosses and made CXP legacy bound I could live with 5.0 since it wouldn't be so grindy and hostile to the 20+ alts that we made for the legendary and DvL events. Only Bioware would make two back to back events mandating the creation of 16 alts only to make 5.0 alt hostile.

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By allowing everyone to have better gear, the game makes it possible for people who are not raiding 24/7 to play Operations or HM fps more easily. how is that a bad thing??


And I have been here since before launch, I have played plenty of HM raids and operations.


It's a bad ting because it's not true. If you have indeed played plenty of HM raids like you say then you're being dishonest because you know very well that better gear doesn't mean people can just show up and play HM content (when I PUG for SM Ops or event Ops bosses I see they can't even show up and pass SM content frequently even with good gear) since HM content requires actually knowing your class (something that seems to have disappeared from many players since the first 12XP event), knowing the fights, and working as a team- most of the time in voice chat. Even HM Flashpoints require a knowledge of your class (threat management, triaging, etc), knowing the fights, and some level of coordination in chat or voice, and easier gearing for normal PVE players won't solve this dilemma just as we saw when casual players started demanding nerfs to the Bloodhunt HM FP during the DvL event.


If gearing was the only component affecting success everyone in 220 or 224 OPs gear would have just showed up and ROFL stomped the Walkers, underlurker, and Revan in ToS but it didn't happen because success depends upon more than easy access to gear and real HM Ops (not KP or EV) aren't casual friendly since cohesive Ops groups work on bosses for days or weeks wiping and trying again over and over until we get the fight down and no HM group will ask a random PUG to join them unless they already have the HM achievement because they don't want to waste time and credits wiping.


In 4.0 people had ready access to 208-220 com gear (216 and 220 Com gear also dropped in Ops making it faster) which allowed non-raider players to run SM ops very quickly and they were also bolstered. I'd argue that the 4.0 system allowed causal players to gear and run SM ops much faster than with this extremely slow and grindy RNG system...which is actually working against "more people in Ops and FPs faster like you said above since they don't have a method to plan out getting commendations\crystal to purcahse gear, instead they have to rely on the fickle RNG Gods.

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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


Maybe it's because they turn off the automatic-renewal and they're simply playing what they paid for? That, and you can play the game without purchasing a subscription. Maybe they will play the game but it's not worth paying for anymore?

Edited by SlthBounteHuntah
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