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Lack of Hot Male Force Using Romance-able Companions


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Ditto. When people first mentioned an Arcann romance I... frowned, big time. I just couldn't see it and didn't like a single thing about him. All I wanted was to run him through with my blades but I played through KOTET on my LS Jedi who chose a path of redemption for him and damnit, I warned up to the guy. Then that e-mail came and it definitely gave me pause. Sigh. Stupid writers. :p


I know, right? For all that I'm angry and upset at the decisions the EAWare head honchos and developers have been making lately, I have to give credit where credit is due: there were at least two NPCs in the new chapters who I hated going in that I ended up being okay with if not outright liking by the end. They get a round of applause from me on that front at least. Arcann was one of those NPCs.

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I know it's been said plenty on the forums already over the years, but female characters really got shortchanged when it came to romances and flings. I wish I could remember where I saw it, but someone broke down for each class and gender the amount of available romances and flirts ranging from the class stories all the way through at least SoR and we got the shortchanged.


While I'm open to more male romanceables, Force using or not, I really would love to see a proper Pureblood love interest rather than 'here's a kiss, that's something ain't it?'. Praven would be a good option, not to mention I really want to see what his hair's like underneath the technobabushka hat.

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I know it's been said plenty on the forums already over the years, but female characters really got shortchanged when it came to romances and flings. I wish I could remember where I saw it, but someone broke down for each class and gender the amount of available romances and flirts ranging from the class stories all the way through at least SoR and we got the shortchanged.


While I'm open to more male romanceables, Force using or not, I really would love to see a proper Pureblood love interest rather than 'here's a kiss, that's something ain't it?'. Praven would be a good option, not to mention I really want to see what his hair's like underneath the technobabushka hat.


This is very true. Male toons get more potentially romanceable companions and more opportunities to pick up NPCs in the class stories than female toons do. And don't get me started on how sleeping with Doc gives the female Knight Dark Side points, but sleeping with Kira doesn't give the male Knight Dark Side points. That's kinda messed up.

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I don't necessarily care about Hot tbh or force user...or male. XD I just want female characters to have options instead of maybe one per class. The female romance options are for the most part poorly written and boring with very little nuance.


Doc is funny and his romance is unconventional but it smacks of the whole "Woman changes man's skirt-chasing ways!" trope. At least he's witty though and I dig funny guys so I like his romance.


However imagine romancing Kira instead, how much more nuanced that could be but nooo females can't romance her.


Lord Scourge if he were available would be awesome too, he could corrupt the jedi to the dark side. So many roleplaying opportunities and the availability of more quest content. First become his friend by doing something to return his emotions and all that jazz. Then slowly become an item. Awesome.


Female Sith Warriours get Quinn. He's boring and official. It's like trying to flirt with a rock. He pushes off your advances and then he freakin'





Imagine romancing Jaesa as female (LS or Dark although I'd want Light) or a real romance with Pierce (it can be unconventional, non monogamous, no marriage or whatever since he's more the casual type).


Sith inquisitors get Andronikos and tbh he's my favourite romance so far. I thought I'd hate him and fully planned on romancing someone else on that character but as a companion first of all his dialogue even in battle makes it seem like he's your friend and has your back, like he actually gives a crap about you. That's awesome. It's even more fun when you romance him. Plus the romance still works if you're playing LS so you don't HAVE to be "I kick puppies for fun" evil to romance him.


Even so, imagine romancing Ashara, how fun would that be for a DS sith. Corrupt the young pupil and then show her the power of Lesbianship. (In all seriousness I think she could be a good romance. What if she wanted to turn you light? That'd be cool!)


Imp agents get...Vector. He's also like romancing a rock...EXCEPT THIS ROCK IS COVERED IN FREAKIN' ANTS AND IT SUCKS BECAUSE THEY'RE ALWAYS THERE IN HIS HEAD. Imagine boning a guy with ANTS IN HIS HEAD. Uh, ew?


Then you get to the expansions and that's FINALLY where we have some decent options. We can romance a carbon copy of Kira there so that's cool.


Then we have Koth, Lana, and Theron. All three valid options...that you have to wait until the VERY END OF THE GAME for.


Honestly...the best solution would be just to make every companion playersexual (A'La DA2) and be done with it. Everyone can have what they want, more people can feel represented, and female players aren't stuck with the worst options in the game.


Oh, and I'm totally in support of an Arcann romance for a certain adorable forum reg. At first I was like "Uhh...okie doke, whatever floats your goat..." but then I played


and got that "I have you" line and now I'm like "....Okay. yes. It needs to happen." I'm cool with him being my commander's new BFF but a romance would rock.


Edited by Neshira
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Lord Scourge if he were available would be awesome too, he could corrupt the jedi to the dark side. So many roleplaying opportunities and the availability of more quest content. First become his friend by doing something to return his emotions and all that jazz. Then slowly become an item. Awesome.

Yes, it would be!


Female Sith Warriours get Quinn. He's boring and official. It's like trying to flirt with a rock. He pushes off your advances and then he freakin'



I disagree because I'm one of those women who loves the snot out of Quinn but this did make me lol.


Imp agents get...Vector. He's also like romancing a rock...EXCEPT THIS ROCK IS COVERED IN FREAKIN' ANTS AND IT SUCKS BECAUSE THEY'RE ALWAYS THERE IN HIS HEAD. Imagine boning a guy with ANTS IN HIS HEAD. Uh, ew?

Again I disagree but I had to laugh so much at this.. at least you're very colorful about it.


Honestly...the best solution would be just to make every companion playersexual (A'La DA2) and be done with it. Everyone can have what they want, more people can feel represented, and female players aren't stuck with the worst options in the game.

Yeah would be nice if everyone could just date whoever they wanted, I'd support that.
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Yep, what the thread title says. There is a lack. We need them. There are no shortage of female comps now...Sexxxy male force using pixels are required STAT! :eek::o


So all you peeps, lovers of Scourge, lovers of Arcann, lovers of Cytharat...and Lord Praven.


Lovers of Ravage, Vowrawn and Marr!!! Bring it on. :cool:


Edited: To reflect the joy that is Lord Praven. I feel like Star Wars Santa calling out my DEAR. :D


Hehe... craving detected! :)


if you like, I can put a suggestion thread up in the suggestion forum for "more 'force-full' beefcake needed". :D

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Y'know, I'm not an Arcann fangirl myself, but I still support an Arcann romance. EAWare even seems to be hinting at that with the in-game email Arcann sends you after you finish the new chapters!


I am so here for this romance as an option!

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I'm all for adding a hot male force using LI. However, I fail to see how Arcann is hot. :p Is he only hot because he may be the only one we will ever get?

He has an attractive model, but even so, opinions on beauty differ.:rak_03:

Some like black men, some like white men, some like fat chicks, some like em skinny, some like hairy men, and some don't.


That's life!


Tbh I fail to see how anyone likes Darth Marr's current model. Even though it's a place holder I doubt they'd ever change it. Too old and too dark!

But the voice and personality is nice, so if its just for that then I get it.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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He has an attractive model, but even so, opinions on beauty differ.:rak_03:

Some like black men, some like white men, some like fat chicks, some like em skinny, some like hairy men, and some don't.


That's life!


You forgot disfigured faces and bionic limbs. :D

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I hope Bioware finally listens and we finally get a male force-user romance :'( They really missed out on not having Scourge (and to a lesser extent, Marr) as options - and now I'm fully behind the Arcann romance! I hope the email wasn't just like an intern having fun, and is an actual hint towards a future romance...
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You forgot disfigured faces and bionic limbs. :D

I'm not gonna lie, I have a thing for scars, burns, and missing limbs (no joke, no sarcasm). My favorite character of mine is like the mirror image of Arcann with a missing eye, arm, and burn scars on the opposite side of Arcann's. It was a coincidence since that character was made long before KotFE but I loved that they were like two sides of the same coin. I dunno, it just gives so much character and visual interest. I'm pretty much in love with Jace Malcom <3 and though I didn't really like BioWare's Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Trespasser DLC that ended with the main character having his left hand severed and vowing to hunt down the former companion who indirectly caused it got me excited for a potential sequel where we could play as a character who would have to deal with the physical and emotional loss of a limb but those hopes were crushed when BioWare said they were tossing that character aside and that at most he would play the role of an invalid advisor/NPC/questgiver. :mad:

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While I'm not big on missing limbs... but I do find the cybernetic replacements strangely sexy. Video games have given me odd tastes. I do love scars, too. Varying from Garrus' rocket to the face to Arcann's... burns. I like Jace Malcom, too :p Prince Zuko is also on my top 10... who... Arcann strongly reminds me of. Vaylin could be Azula, too.. now that I think about it.


Arcann has essentially taken a spot on my list whether I liked it or not. He hits a lot of my favorite cliche stuff. I'm all for giving second chances... no matter what. I believe everyone deserves a shot at atonement.

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While I'm not big on missing limbs... but I do find the cybernetic replacements strangely sexy. Video games have given me odd tastes. I do love scars, too. Varying from Garrus' rocket to the face to Arcann's... burns. I like Jace Malcom, too :p Prince Zuko is also on my top 10... who... Arcann strongly reminds me of. Vaylin could be Azula, too.. now that I think about it.


Arcann has essentially taken a spot on my list whether I liked it or not. He hits a lot of my favorite cliche stuff. I'm all for giving second chances... no matter what. I believe everyone deserves a shot at atonement.


The avatar and kotfe thing has been discussed on reddit before, so you're not the only one.:D

And yes for scars, it adds flare.:rak_03:

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Mmm Arkous. Yes...almost became a Revanite because of him. Too bad we weren't allowed to. Whoever plays Arkous/Harkun/Cytharat...has a great voice. It's so great, that I even find Harkun appealing...if I shut my eyes. I kinda like how he calls my toon 'slave'. It's a term of endearment, I just know it LOL.


Being a voice actor junkie, I had to google Timothy Watson. He also voiced General Rakton <3.

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