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Livestream: December 8th, 2016


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ye exactly...every time they stream or patch they do not add GMT times. that sucks, i hate to search for the correct time.


one would think an International Game Studio would do that for his Customers


You do know you can just copy paste the time and zone into google and it'll tell you what the time is going to be in your own time zone right?

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I certainly hope you discuss why certain companions haven't come back. My main character is a BH and I got all my companions back except the one i spent the most time with and effort trying to max her out. I am referring to Mako of course. While others may not see it the same as me, I find companion stories to be essential to part of the game. I played through all of the new expansion waiting for her to return with some great story behind it and there was nothing.... I hope you guys are doing something with it just haven't revealed it yet.
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Raising CXP for Flashpoints and Uprisings to be competitive with Warzones. Raising gold mobs to 2 CXP and may raise higher in the future.


They "have heard your voices" regarding "wanting to go after specific pieces / rewards" (nice way to spin it to not say "you hate RNG") and are working internally to come up with acceptable ways to address those concerns - but nothing concrete to announce. (Cue people leaving in a huff because no specific changes announced.)


Same with respect to making GC more alt-friendly: "hear you", "working on it internally" but "nothing specific to announce"

Edited by DarthDymond
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As expected. They say they read all the forums and proceed to ignore responding to even one single point of players on the forums. So, to the point, no they are not learning from the past mistakes and are going to be doomed to repeat the past outcomes.


All they mentioned was raising CxP "slightly" on gold mobs and on FPs and Uprisings. And that was it.


I'm done with this. I have never seen a company so actively determined to anger their paying customers. So the only way to not be angry, is just not to be a customer.


Done posting and wasting my time with SWTOR.

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As expected. They say they read all the forums and proceed to ignore responding to even one single point of players on the forums. So, to the point, no they are not learning from the past mistakes and are going to be doomed to repeat the past outcomes.


All they mentioned was raising CxP "slightly" on gold mobs and on FPs and Uprisings. And that was it.


I'm done with this. I have never seen a company so actively determined to anger their paying customers. So the only way to not be angry, is just not to be a customer.


Done posting and wasting my time with SWTOR.


I'm with you.

F this.

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Raising CXP for Flashpoints and Uprisings to be competitive with Warzones. Raising gold mobs to 2 CXP and may raise higher in the future.


They "have heard your voices" regarding "wanting to go after specific pieces / rewards" (nice way to spin it to not say "you hate RNG") and are working internally to come up with acceptable ways to address those concerns - but nothing concrete to announce. (Cue people leaving in a huff because no specific changes announced.)


Same with respect to making GC more alt-friendly: "hear you", "working on it internally" but "nothing specific to announce"


I would not expect specifics just yet. Im keeping some degree of hope that they fix this disaster, but in the mean time.....I also may be trying other games out for once.

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I would not expect specifics just yet. Im keeping some degree of hope that they fix this disaster, but in the mean time.....I also may be trying other games out for once.

I was not expecting specifics at this stage either, I was - and still am - expecting people to announce they are leaving over the lack of specifics.

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I personally have no problem with the command experience gives me something when I'm a sub to work towards now as I expected there is a lot of WHINING mercy looks more like toddlers throwing a tantrum for not getting their way its shameful....I loved the expansion to me it had more an epic star wars feel than the class stories even did and am eager for what comes next.
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Did they really say golds are going up to 2 whole CXP? Wow, resubbing now!


The system balance has never been the issue. The issue is the system itself. It feeds on compulsion and turns what should be a fun activity--playing a video game-- into a chore. Even leveling alts with the new light/dark system feels like a grind. My new lvl 43 consular still hasn't hit Light II on Balmorra. You feel like you're spinning your wheels and getting nowhere even on silly garbage that means nothing.

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I would not expect specifics just yet. Im keeping some degree of hope that they fix this disaster, but in the mean time.....I also may be trying other games out for once.


The problem is they actually believe they have time to fix it. They might want to make a few calls to the devs that were here in the v1.0-v1.6 era when the RNG caused a lot of the players to leave in what became known as the TORtanic.


No legacy.... they may make your grind a little faster for your alts.


They are not doing anything about RNG except watching it. And they insist that RNG is fun. Obviously, they do NOT play the game.


They are not lessening the grind.


They only thing they are doing positive - is driving out a lot of paying customers.


The livestream was a complete and utter waste of time.


Anyway, I'm out. It is a waste of time leaving feedback here.

Edited by Wayshuba
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