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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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What is wrong with RNG? Last 10 Command packs on my main 7 identical pairs of boots, 3 identical ear pieces. As a subscriber since pre launch (early access) I am a hairs breadth from deleting my subscription and the game from my hard drive.


If fair, more interesting progression means no progression at all, what is there to play for?


It does make it easier for new players, by getting rid of the long term subscribers with experience and previous commitment - is that what was really intended?

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Alright one more chance since you moved on a baby step from the argument. Why is slow progression gated by randomness good compared to a predictable and controlled method by the players, regardless of the speed players were geared in 4.0, which was due to priority ops and mainly KP/EV than anything, not the entire system being broken.


It's about control and managing the player base. If BioWare gives control of progression over to players, then the community will always be divided. Thus, taking this more intrusive approach allows BioWare more control over gear distribution and then they can take actions accordingly based on metrics. All BioWare is doing is making it easier for itself to manage the player base and keep the experience inclusive and friendly.

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So do me a favour, either actually read what I write or just don't reply. Currently you're just talking down to people and attacking them and your post count is impressive there. There is no need for that if you truly wanted a reasonable discussion. For it to be reasonable both sides have to be able to move towards each other. It's working between me and BWA, maybe not as fast as I like but I see the movement. Why are you so bent on hating people that don't share your views?


You really have me all wrong. In fact, I have stated multiple times that there are some potential pitfalls, such as how the distribution of gear will look like in six months and new players coming into the game. BioWare will have to make adjustments and tweaks, which is to be expected. MMOs are never done and Galactic Command, as I have stated multiple times, is phase one. More phases will be coming and BioWare will act accordingly.


I have not insulted anyone. I have not attacked anyone. I am merely doing the best I can to explain the OP and to highlight the positives of this system. Not everybody likes it. I understand it. However, what everybody needs to understand is just because you don't like something doesn't mean others agree with you. We have to remember that everything BioWare does is for the benefit of the majority of the player base.


If their system is so "out of touch" with your understanding of the game, then perhaps you just don't represent the majority anymore. That's not to say you should be ignored, and I urge you to continue providing feedback so BioWare does make an experience that's more enjoyable for everyone, not just the majority.

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It's about control and managing the player base. If BioWare gives control of progression over to players, then the community will always be divided.


Well, the community sure seems to be united (for the most part) on this...




And I like the idea of GC. I like that players form all walks can earn the end game gear that they want


I just don't like that it is the only way and that it random and gearing is based on luck now. Bad luck in GC I think will cause more to quit the game than bad luck on rolls in groups.

Edited by Jamtas
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What is wrong with RNG? Last 10 Command packs on my main 7 identical pairs of boots, 3 identical ear pieces. As a subscriber since pre launch (early access) I am a hairs breadth from deleting my subscription and the game from my hard drive.


If fair, more interesting progression means no progression at all, what is there to play for?


It does make it easier for new players, by getting rid of the long term subscribers with experience and previous commitment - is that what was really intended?


I think you are going about opening command crates the wrong way. While it would be nice to get a purple every single time, that's not the purpose of the system. Ben actually talked a little bit about this in the last live stream. For years people have sen purples as the "normal" gear and every other gear set was obsolete and considered trash.


BioWare is trying to change our perceptions of gear so that "purple" isn't the only gear worth having. Yes, of course the set piece bonus has amazing benefits. That being said, that doesn't mean all other gear sets should be disregarded until we get those set bonuses. Purple is supposed to be rare and an incredible reward when we get one. Finding a purple is supposed to mean something rather than being expected.


I really think that's the issue many players have now. Their expectations are skewed and incorrect for how the new progression system works. That's not to say that you shouldn't be frustrated, and your complaints have credibility to them. However, I think you also have to understand this allows BioWare to control and manage how fast progression is for a majority of the player base.


There will be the lucky ones and unlucky ones (approximately 10% of the community) who will get their set pieces fast or perhaps never get a set piece. BioWare understands this and they will make adjustments, as they already are, to make sure the system better represents the players and what we want.

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Well, the community sure seems to be united (for the most part) on this...




And I like the idea of GC. I like that players form all walks can earn the end game gear that they want


I just don't like that it is the only way and that it random and gearing is based on luck now. Bad luck in GC I think will cause more to quit the game than bad luck on rolls in groups.


This is just something we can't know. Only BioWare will know how the community is reacting to GC. There will always be the vocal minority who will speak the loudest and are the most likely to unsubscribe. That doesn't mean everybody else shares that sentiment or will follow suit. I honestly don't believe there is going to be a mass exodus because I don't believe this is a major concern for a lot of players. The expansion just came out and folks are still enjoying themselves. It will be more telling a month or two from now how folks are adjusting with GC. Considering a small portion of the community is already hitting tier 2, it doesn't sound like it will take long for players to get to command rank 300.

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It's about control and managing the player base. If BioWare gives control of progression over to players, then the community will always be divided. Thus, taking this more intrusive approach allows BioWare more control over gear distribution and then they can take actions accordingly based on metrics. All BioWare is doing is making it easier for itself to manage the player base and keep the experience inclusive and friendly.


Sort of sounds like a dictatorship imo... control should be given to players to accommodate various skill levels and play styles and the problem is that players aren't balanced. Everything is luck dependent now so no player is truly equal, everyone has to suffer and be forced to be put onto a terrible grind and since everyone's luck is different, no one is truly equal. Once again, that is NOT explaining the RNG factor itself, is a good thing in swtor, only the galactic command system.

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Crud, is this the new 'Game is dead' thread?


The game will survive. There will be enough misguided persons to buy cxp boosters to compensate for the loss of subs. Now, if you mean is the game going to be fun.... well that depends on your definition of fun.

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Unless you mean I have to sacrifice a chicken at midnight on a crossroads under a full moon before clicking to open it, I sure have no idea what you mean.

Tried that... Chicken fled when I ignited the lightsaber... Didn't go after it, as it managed to cross the road.. Opened up a crate afterwards, got stuff that could make the Jawas happy.. Oh well, maybe in the next decade.. :jawa_cool:

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If their system is so "out of touch" with your understanding of the game, then perhaps you just don't represent the majority anymore. That's not to say you should be ignored, and I urge you to continue providing feedback so BioWare does make an experience that's more enjoyable for everyone, not just the majority.

You use a lot of language that suggests that YOU are in tune with the majority. That YOU know what's best for the game. That YOU know what players want.


Do you actually believe this to be the case?


From where I sit, the views you express are only echoed by a very small fraction of people who visit this forum. Who are themselves a very small fraction of total players.


Meaning that your views potentially only represent 1% of 1% of the total players.

Edited by Khevar
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The game will survive. There will be enough misguided persons to buy cxp boosters to compensate for the loss of subs. Now, if you mean is the game going to be fun.... well that depends on your definition of fun.


Pretty sure those "misguided" players could care less how you feel. Swtor has been in the top 5 of mmos every month this year thanks to these "misguided" players.



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Pretty sure those "misguided" players could care less how you feel. Swtor has been in the top 5 of mmos every month this year thanks to these "misguided" players.




I truly wish that you spend all your money, sell your car, your house, your kidneys to make sure you buy enough hypercrates. And after that BW will surely proclaim that you are the biggest hero that defended them and put on a huge memorial tombstone on your grave. But don't worry, it was for the good of BW you made all those sacrifices.

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Pretty sure those "misguided" players could care less how you feel. Swtor has been in the top 5 of mmos every month this year thanks to these "misguided" players.




Cool white knight post dude (or dudette, can't really tell here). Unfortunately, those numbers are all pre-5.0 and pre-uproar over the RNG grind introduced there. Thus, your impressive stats are meaningless.


But A for effort. :rolleyes:

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The game will survive. There will be enough misguided persons to buy cxp boosters to compensate for the loss of subs. Now, if you mean is the game going to be fun.... well that depends on your definition of fun.


Nah, I meant in reference to a certain other thread that pointlessly went on for decades as the OP of that thread tried to bash his opinion and pov into the heads of others to no avail.


I see Aowin as feverishly running around playing whack a mole with all those who don't see things his way. Discussion is one thing but the OP persistently refuses to accept anyone else's point of view and feels the eager need to respond to every single other poster who disagrees. That's not a discussion in my eyes, that's just hammering everyone down with a sense of "I'm right and you're wrong, period!". Then again given the arrogance that drips from the thread title, I'm not surprised. At this rate I'd dare the OP to take a 6 month break from the game and then come back to see just how inclusive and equal the stuff he argues for is. Hell let him make a new account come June and see if he, as a new player, can hang with the veterans as inclusively as he believes, thanks to the glorious system that's the GC.


And the game is fun for me but I'm only here for the story, personally, so I'm not in the same boat as others are though I fully understand and respect your plight where GC is concerned.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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And the game is fun for me but I'm only here for the story, personally, so I'm not in the same boat as others are though I fully understand and respect your plight where GC is concerned.


I wasn't trying to invalidate the story. In fact i did find KotET story really good. The problem for me is that once i finished it there was nothing for me to do in the game besides GC grind. Which i refuse to do. There are a lot of asian grinders where the grind is at least fun. BW make me grind old content. I wish you all have good time playing KotET, but i'm out.

Edited by Tsetso
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I wasn't trying to invalidate the story. In fact i did find KotET story really good. The problem for me is that once i finished it there was nothing for me to do in the game besides GC grind. Which i refuse to do. There are a lot of asian grinders where the grind is at least fun. BW make me grind old content. I wish you all have good time playing KotET, but i'm out.


I know you weren't, don't worry about it. :) And I agree, I stopped dead after I finished KOTET however, I am still after all this time quite passionate about the classic stories as well, the original class acts and it's those that keep me around, not the new stuff. I understand fully where you're coming from though and I wish you all the best and enjoyment you find elsewhere!

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Inclusiveness. It's really that simple. I've been playing this game since closed beta. I've participated in every major update and every major expansion. This game has slowly but surely been streamlined (some would argue simplified) over time. The goal? To make a more inclusive and accepting experience.


One of the biggest problem with all MMOs is newcomer retention. MMOs historically have a bad track record with encouraging new players to join. Why is this? The game is set up in such a way that benefits the veteran over everybody else. This is particularly true with endgame gear progression.


The moment a new player comes into the game, they are instantly at a disadvantage and a massive learning curve is needed to understand the complexities of the system. For a veteran to the MMORPG genre, this may not seem like a big deal. However, to folks who have never played an MMO, this is a daunting task.


These anti-newcomer systems discourage new players and prevent the game from truly growing over time. The longer the MMO is around, the less likely newcomers are to join. Herein lies why Galactic Command is an ingenious system.


BioWare has equalized the playing field and made a system that is fair to all. Whether you are a veteran of five years or you just started playing today, everybody has the same opportunity to achieve gear. Some of you may not like the RNG element, but the actual concept for Galactic Command is solid and worth saving.


The nay-sayers who say the system is abhorrent and has ruined the game are those who believe they are entitled to the best gear immediately. Admittedly, this mentality is BioWare's fault. After Battlemaster Bags were removed, BioWare had a knee-jerk reaction and implemented a system where achieving PvP gear was far too easy. This is also true of raiding where gear pieces were switched out with tokens to make the gearing process that much faster.


These "quality of life" changes for the veteran player were great, but not necessarily for anybody else. Galactic Command looks to rewrite the many mistakes BioWare has made with gear progression for years. Some of you may not like how it has tremendously slowed down gear progression. But, you should also probably re-evaluate yourselves and ask are you really entitled to having the best gear within days of a major expansion launching.


Galactic Command is a system that benefits all, not just the few. I am a veteran player and I support this new system.


It does not benefit all, it benefits the lucky.


Random Number Generators or RNG's is gambling. It doesn't take genius to apply this to the real world philosophy, preying on people with gambling and creating the false sense of excitement of possibly winning.


I don't mind the new system, but I hate playing towards false goals. The Command crates are garbage. They will only supplement the end game players true goals, which is earning schematics in operations and crafting your own gear.


For those of use that have set bonuses it's not a problem, and for those new players it's going to be hell trying to get a set bonus.


I have been saying remove set bonuses from equipment and give it to the characters ability since Swtor version 2.0

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The game will survive. There will be enough misguided persons to buy cxp boosters to compensate for the loss of subs. Now, if you mean is the game going to be fun.... well that depends on your definition of fun.


Its the star wars IP, they could have a game that involved people throwing bantha dung at eachother and nothing else and some people would play it just because its star wars. What is the minimum subscriber count that EA will allow before they flush? Only they know, maybe it will work, maybe bw austin will be getting pink slips, only time will tell. Going on your 2 month vacation just after you drop the hammer on your yearly "content" dump in not the brightest schedule you could think of.

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