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It's obvious guys.


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What, precisely, is preventing you from doing that now?


Well trolling is more fun than playing the game.


He has admitted and denied within minutes of each other that he prefers trolling over playing the game. You make of that what you will, but know that when I spar with him it's with the knowledge that he's merely a troll with above average persistance, which for trolling purposes is more important than for example intelligence of course.

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Didn't you look forward to the next Star Wars movie after Ep. 7? THere's nothing wrong with wanting the next part of the story.


Actually no-I haven't seen a Star Wars film since the travesty of Phantom Menace. Pandering to fans by including all the geezers from the first trilogy didn't entice me either.


What next part of the story? The outlander with control of the Eternal Fleet will do... what?


It's not as if players will be allowed to stomp the Republic/Empire/both, more likely that a contrived plot will strip the outlander of said fleet and everything will be reset to the same Republic vs Empire status quo, making the entire two 'expansions' nothing more than a bad dream (except for Lana and Theron romances-those will keep going even as every other NPC fades into the background).

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Well trolling is more fun than playing the game.


He has admitted and denied within minutes of each other that he prefers trolling over playing the game. You make of that what you will, but know that when I spar with him it's with the knowledge that he's merely a troll with above average persistance, which for trolling purposes is more important than for example intelligence of course.


Better listen to this guy, he's an expert on casual solo players.

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Unfortunately, I don't think they new style has worked. If KOTFE was a success as the new direction, they wouldn't be abandoning it moving forward. EA's own earnings statement made mention of SWTOR being the main driver for loss of subscription revenue. They said they were going to focus on group content now with an announcement in January for more detail. Given that, thsi system makes no sense and is going to make SWTOR responsible again for loss of sub revenue come next earnings statement.


When an expansion is less than a week old and you see post after post of people not liking the new system, members of the "influencer" program speaking ill of it, the owner of a major fan site denouncing the new CXP system - something isn't right. An Expansion should bring excitement and a rejuvenated feeling to the playerbase- not anger, hostility and hopelessness.

Agreed...great post Jamtas!

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I love Star Wars. Have since I was a little kid. And I was too young at the time to care about SWG (tail on the mind) and one day I was playing WoW and heard about a new Star Wars game. I feel in love. Ya, the game had bugs...some more maddening than others...but overall I have loved almost every update. Ever 6 months I stop playing to prevent burnout. And I usually come back to find great changes that make me dive into the game again. but this whole eternal empire story is killing me. I dont want to leave this game, but it is starting to look like I might. So I will unsub and come back in 3 months...lets hope things get better.
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Well trolling is more fun than playing the game.


He has admitted and denied within minutes of each other that he prefers trolling over playing the game. You make of that what you will, but know that when I spar with him it's with the knowledge that he's merely a troll with above average persistance, which for trolling purposes is more important than for example intelligence of course.


Oh he's that guy. Well to each his own I guess.

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... so maybe now the community will wake up and make a stand for the remaining dying days of this game.


What exactly does this look like to you? The only "stand" that I can see that BW will listen to is people leaving the game (i.e., logins down per server - across ALL servers) and decreased subscription revenue due to cancelling (or failing to renew) subscriptions.


I can't vouch (as I don't "know") how much BW reads and responds to forum posts (there is a DEV Tracker page where you can see their responses to specific posts/questions, so there is SOME reading and response - just not necessarily to those that players want them or expect them to respond to). But if I were to summarize, I'd say the belief is that they don't.


However, I would also point to the large outcry that happened when they nerfed companion abilities (not that long ago) and then they restored them. In that case (and similar to the CXP nerf) BW reacted to something and attempted to apply a quick fix and got a huge negative reaction to it (in the forums). Not sure how many quit the game over it. This time, I expect it to be different.

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I'm a solo player and I'm leaving. For several reasons.


First, the quest design in the new expac - the timed Power Relays crap, that damn mouse droid. While playing I just realised that no one at BW actually plays this game. If they did, those types of quests would not be in the game.


As a solo player (for the most part - although a buddy of mine do group up to do content together now and then) I have to say that those quests were fine - something different from "Go Here, kill the X mobs in the way and click on some panel". They made the guard pattern fixed, they showed the "danger" zone where they'd notice the mouse droid. The power relays could have been improved if they had some sort of progress bar to indicate how many more you had to do - I was like "Oh ****, quick need to destroy more" without knowing if I was "on pace" or not - good to have some uncertainty (and a little adrenaline) back into the game. Heck used to be, "Oh damn, a group with two golds in it, better be careful or avoid", now that's not a challenge at all.

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Having finally gotten some characters up to 70 and have gotten some set gear from the first couple GC boxes, I'd say the GC system does have potential, but at this early stage, it does need some tweaks and adjustments.


The CXP does need to be adjusted. I can understand why they nerfed it because I've yet to see a MMO manage to estimate anywhere near close to how fast some people will powergrind content to get something/put on farm. I think it would work better if they tied it to one's membership and open it up to others who aren't subscribers where something like f2p earns CXP like it is now, Preferred gets some percentile bonus and Subs get a better percentile bonus or more options available to earn it.


I do think they should include gear tokens to the RNG just to cover one's *** in the event they didn't sacrifice enough virgins to get the pieces they need. For as much as I've gotten set pieces already, as I don't do Ops or Hardmodes, the only appeal the gear has to me is keeping me at the doable range for the content I do. To be honest, having the chance of decorations from Ops/Hardmodes, dye packs, rep tokens, or hard to find CM items would be more appealing to me. If there was a concern about people flooding the GTN with these things, they can make them bound to character or Legacy.


So, I do see potential with the GC system, but at this point it's needing to grow past whatever they had on the drawing board into something that's going to appeal to the playerbase. Unfortunately I can see it being a long and bumpy learning curve with that.

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Bioware is changing direction completely. The game we once knew will never be the same again, they may "tweak" the command system a little and make it legacy wide but thats all I see them doing, if even that, Bioware is now focused on gaining a new player base with the upcoming star wars movies plain and simple. The days of raiding are over for good in swtor. Posting on these forums has little to no effect on Biowares decision making, we all know that to well, so what I say is either accept 5.0 or leave, I myself have decided to leave the game, my sub runs out tomorrow so this is my last post.


tweaking it legacy wide would be a good move and more than enough for it to be fine i think.

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it's crystal clear that bioware won't change on the issue of cxp therefore what needs to happen is what we did to swg.


we killed swg for what they did to us with the nge. we made sure that SOE would never be able to recover from what they did to us. we took to every forum and made sure that the public knew how bad the game was and how playing it or giving SOE any money was a waste of time.


thats what needs to happen here.

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