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Deception Sin and Conceal Op open on a Merc


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And he literally didn't lose any hp. None. I don't even...


So my friend and I queue'd in together with our stealthies to do some lolyougotburstedbye. We found a Merc all alone running to a node in Odessan, so we engaged on him at the same time with our burst rotations, and he literally didn't lose any HP. He stood still and face tanked us for a good 8 seconds until a teammate came and helped him. This experience single-handed just caused both of us to unsub. I've seen on the forums people complaining about Mercs, but let's face it, people have been complaining about a certain class since this game launched (nerf ops pls). I did not think it was as bad as people were saying, but it really is. The game's pvp is just broken beyond repair, and, sadly, is the last nail in the coffin for this game.

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I think the problem here is you and your friend need to learn how to play your classes better. I've killed many mercs in 1v1s on my operative and a few on my assassin. The fact that the two of you couldn't is sad. They are a little op, but its nothing spectacular. You need make them waste their dcd's. It's a long fight but nothing impossible. You need to know when to stop attacking them and just cc them.
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Answer: Stun Merc /dance.....wait for next Merc CD friend stuns Merc.../dance.....then 2v1 burst the Merc and finish him off while he runs because he will......Maybe do something cray like drop an off heal on your friend or something in between.....oh and use on of the plethora of snares and roots that have no or very short CDs in the game on the Merc...almost forgot.


Alternative answer: L2P

Edited by Soljin
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Unfortunately he's right. Merc are open but not THAT op. I kill them 1 v 1 on combat Sentinel no problem. Ops burst currently sucks but not infiltrate assassins so no clue what you twould were doing.


If the Merc has enough LOS around them, then it's not a forgone conclusion vs Sent. I've tanked Sents/Maras on my Merc and if you pop your DCDs at the right time, then you can beat a lot of mixed classes 1v2, Sents included as long as the other one of them isn't a stealth or a commando.

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I forgot to include in the original message that this was a merc healer. Not that it matters, as, from what I understand, arsenal mercs are getting self heals for up to 100k.


Not it one tick, they are just like Juggs now - tick-tock tick-tock h2f. Twice. Maybe thrice... :p

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Odessen is also buggy as hell. It's one of the reasons I don't play it. I've been stuck slightly in a wall with 6 guys pounding me (that sounds rude lol) and taken no damage. I ended up using /stuck to die, but by then I was being abused of being a hacker.

I've seen some weird crap in that map. Teleporting, going through walls and floors, mods on people not showing up, people in stealth with a mod and able to set it off without getting hit. Plus don't forget the lag. It's the laggiest map in the whole game for me.

The whole map is broken as far as I'm concerned. I play one every now and then to see if they've fixed anything, but I nearly always end up leaving when I see some unfixed stupid stuff.

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All these fotm players coming to defend their new class they *think* they're good at. Mercs were completely viable in 4.0 where were you all then? Playing Sorcs? xd


Anyway OT: Mercs can pop a reflective shield while stunned that reflects 50% of the damage delt and heals them for 5% per hit. Lasts for 6 seconds. Personally I tihnk the ability is fine just needs to lose the healing on it and maybe lower the duration to 4~ seconds or so.

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All these fotm players coming to defend their new class they *think* they're good at. Mercs were completely viable in 4.0 where were you all then? Playing Sorcs? xd


Anyway OT: Mercs can pop a reflective shield while stunned that reflects 50% of the damage delt and heals them for 5% per hit. Lasts for 6 seconds. Personally I tihnk the ability is fine just needs to lose the healing on it and maybe lower the duration to 4~ seconds or so.


Mercs were definitely viable in regs, but unless they were teamed correctly for ranked, it was a disaster.


If you could play your Merc well in 4.0, then 5.0 is just ridiculously easy. I used to have great fun on my Merc before 5.0, now I spend half the match tanking 3 guys and not dying. After a while it actually gets boring and I've switched to my Sent/Mara.

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The other side of the FOTM coin is whether you meet a seasoned merc or someone who just made their first merc because they heard it's the best thing to be.


Just like the last sorc nerf/buff (more mp cost, but increased damage/healing was it?) - people who knew how to play sorc got a buff, while new sorcs having trouble managing mp weren't doing that great.


I'm also curious as to why not being able to troll and 2v1 in an objective based warzone is a reason to unsub but everyone is entitled to play the game as they want and choose where they put their money. Always sorry to hear someone leaving, but then again there's plenty of mmos out there to choose one that better fits every person's palate.

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