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Vaylin should be hotter...


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Theron has gone up precisely 400% in attractiveness since I took that damn jacket off :D


LOL, yeah. I liked the jacket, but I was sick of it after so long. I liked being able to change up his clothes. :D

Edited by Lunafox
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This had been said in various ways already, but I'll say it again, anyways.


Crazy, psychotic ***** does not translate well to hotness. No, it does not. Vaylin is a crazy psychotic to the nth degree. There is nothing redeemable about her. She is bat-**** crazy, and there is nothing you can do to make her domesticated, or at least reasonably usable.


She is out of control nuts. It is why she is scruffy looking, and it is why it looks like she is not taking care of her looks. She is incurably crazy. Therefore she cannot be "hot."


Now, if you still find that "hot," then I must submit to you that you, yourself, are fu%k#d up in the head. Or rather, your in-game character is....

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Theron has gone up precisely 400% in attractiveness since I took that damn jacket off :D


LOL, yeah. I liked the jacket, but I was sick of it after so long. I liked being able to change up his clothes. :D


I gave him some random stuff to wear. I know he hates it, but I feel better about it. One day, I'll put together a bad-@ssed outfit for him. One day...

Edited by WorldSmasher
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This had been said in various ways already, but I'll say it again, anyways.


Crazy, psychotic ***** does not translate well to hotness. No, it does not. Vaylin is a crazy psychotic to the nth degree. There is nothing redeemable about her. She is bat-**** crazy, and there is nothing you can do to make her domesticated, or at least reasonably usable.


She is out of control nuts. It is why she is scruffy looking, and it is why it looks like she is not taking care of her looks. She is incurably crazy. Therefore she cannot be "hot."


Now, if you still find that "hot," then I must submit to you that you, yourself, are fu%k#d up in the head. Or rather, your in-game character is....

I like it how you speak of it as a fact.:rak_03:


I love this thread. People with different opinions who don't feel the need to make personal attacks are the win.



Yes! (:

Edited by Eshvara
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I'm alright, thanks though.:rak_03:

While I would have loved a Vaylin companion, she's utterly dead now.:rak_03:


That's where the Sith Voodoo comes in.


We take her spirit ... stuff it back into her body ... throw some bacta/kolto on the wound ... let some Sith Sorcerers do their thing ... and boom ... problem solved.

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That's where the Sith Voodoo comes in.


We take her spirit ... stuff it back into her body ... throw some bacta/kolto on the wound ... let some Sith Sorcerers do their thing ... and boom ... problem solved.


If I was going to do that, I'd do it to Marr, I wouldn't waste it on NailzOnChalkboard.

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That's where the Sith Voodoo comes in.


We take her spirit ... stuff it back into her body ... throw some bacta/kolto on the wound ... let some Sith Sorcerers do their thing ... and boom ... problem solved.


Having a half rotted zombie Vaylin companion would be quite entertaining if they gave her a good shamble animation and she could only make zombie groans :D

Edited by Damask_Rose
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  • 8 months later...

Actually I thought Vaylin and Lana both looked really good then again it really depends on each person’s eyes and what they find attractive and what they don’t find attractive?…


I think Lana is pretty but her creepy Sith eyes are the only thing about her that really make her unattractive but everything else okay. Then again all the women in SWTOR aren’t real people and videogame women aren’t attractive as much as real women who they are supposed to be based on.


I am sure the women that these women on SWTOR are based on are much much more attractive then just a bunch of polygons and data entry.

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I've never been one to judge on someones physical appearance, but given everything Vaylin went through in her life, she is in surprisingly good shape, even better shape than I am! :eek:


I thought her choice of attire was unusual at first too, but if you look at all the other female Zakuulans, nearly all their outfits have their 'goods' on display.

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They look like "People" which is something I've always liked about "Star Wars". Lana, Vaylin, Senya too they're all *Attractive yes but really what's the cause to have all (Insert 3 Trending Super Model Names) type's here? Believe it or not Farrah Fawcett and other "Very Attractive" actress's tried out for the "Princess Leia" role but it was "Carrie Fischer" that won the role because of her "Feisty Sense" and believability that she "Fit the Role" Lucas intended. The other cast members also were picked not on Looks but fitting the role (Wow K. Kennedy sure missed that). I always thought Lana was a bit "Boney" really and Senya was never intended to be anything other then Valkorians wife..ish and The others Mother. I never liked Vaylin although I did think she was very attractive (That personality *Greatly destroys anything positive from her Looks).




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They look like "People" which is something I've always liked about "Star Wars". Lana, Vaylin, Senya too they're all *Attractive yes but really what's the cause to have all (Insert 3 Trending Super Model Names) type's here? Believe it or not Farrah Fawcett and other "Very Attractive" actress's tried out for the "Princess Leia" role but it was "Carrie Fischer" that won the role because of her "Feisty Sense" and believability that she "Fit the Role" Lucas intended. The other cast members also were picked not on Looks but fitting the role (Wow K. Kennedy sure missed that). I always thought Lana was a bit "Boney" really and Senya was never intended to be anything other then Valkorians wife..ish and The others Mother. I never liked Vaylin although I did think she was very attractive (That personality *Greatly destroys anything positive from her Looks).





I agree. I appreciate that they had some female companions who looked real, not like Barbie dolls. The male companions and NPCs have a wide variety of looks; no reason the same cannot be true for the ladies.

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I've never been one to judge on someones physical appearance, but given everything Vaylin went through in her life, she is in surprisingly good shape, even better shape than I am! :eek:


I thought her choice of attire was unusual at first too, but if you look at all the other female Zakuulans, nearly all their outfits have their 'goods' on display.


I always thought she should have sturdier clothes, tbh. It all looks too soft, cheap and flimsy - especially her hood.

I don't mind the model of her robes, but yeah, the material.



They look like "People" which is something I've always liked about "Star Wars". Lana, Vaylin, Senya too they're all *Attractive yes but really what's the cause to have all (Insert 3 Trending Super Model Names) type's here? Believe it or not Farrah Fawcett and other "Very Attractive" actress's tried out for the "Princess Leia" role but it was "Carrie Fischer" that won the role because of her "Feisty Sense" and believability that she "Fit the Role" Lucas intended. The other cast members also were picked not on Looks but fitting the role (Wow K. Kennedy sure missed that). I always thought Lana was a bit "Boney" really and Senya was never intended to be anything other then Valkorians wife..ish and The others Mother. I never liked Vaylin although I did think she was very attractive (That personality *Greatly destroys anything positive from her Looks).






The same goes for the male characters in SWTOR. Some of them are hot, certainly, but most just look like regular people. And some are Vector ( <3 ), and have very handsome faces and bug eyes and unflattering clothes. :p Or they're Theron, handsome and smart and traitorous.

....should've just romanced Skadge, tbh. He might not look like much but maybe he wouldn't bring so much drama.

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You could play dress up with him too ... you dress him up as a Scion, I'll dress up as a Horizon Guard and ... you know.


Can my Sin dress up as Outlander? And... you know.


It's not the hood, it's the torn and dirty hem of Vaylin dress that suprise me.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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You could play dress up with him too ... you dress him up as a Scion, I'll dress up as a Horizon Guard and ... you know.


Zakuulan army!! Sounds kinda cool.:rak_03:

But on topic, even though it's old, I think she looked fine maybe a little gaunt and worn, but I don't expect her to look like a doll after everything. It's something the Devs did a good job on. That along with her voice. Yes it's screechy, but it's right for her character. I appreciate that. :)

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