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Lv50 premades destorys the fun of PVP


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I have had great fun in pvp so far.. Until today where i meet 10 times in a row a lv50 premade.. Fully geared and so on. They blast our *** of and we can't do a **** about it. A dont come and say "you get a boost to match up" i can take most people my own lvl down, in or out of a BG.. 50s?


Even with the boost i wont even get close becuse of the gear diffrence. This is ennoying and kills PvP.. I am allso kinda worried about pvp when i get lv50? I don't want pvp to be a lv50 faceroll.


The only thing that can truely fix this is Brackets. Why wasnt this implamented in the first place? or at least a bracket alone for 50s becuse having them run around facerolling lv30 and under is just retarded.

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So if it's to much for you, stay the hell out of the WZ till you are 50 or gain friends?


Simple solution to your issue.


Yes, because people that enjoy PvPing should never go near PvP just because they don't meet the elitist criteria bar. :rolleyes:


And this is why PvPers are looked down upon.

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Not just the fact that level 50's have better gear, but also they have better ABILITIES that just wreck the lower levels.


EXACTLY! Somehow people posting to stop the QQing about the Warzones don't speak about the ABILITIES difference between lower levels and higher levels. Those make a HUGE difference in stopping/CCing your enemy and avoidance of damage aka buffs.


We had 4 players once beating on a lvl 50 for about 15 seconds and we only reduced it's health down to maybe 10% at best, then help arrived and it was all over for us in seconds.


Lvl 50's are just ruining Warzones right now. Plus these 50's are helping the lower levels, on their team, to STAT Pad so they level faster and thus even more future 50's getting raised to widen the level pop difference that much more. :rolleyes:


Just a Vicious cycle that really wont stop unless they place higher levels in their own Bracket/Warzones or whatever.

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So if it's to much for you, stay the hell out of the WZ till you are 50 or gain friends?


Simple solution to your issue.


I run premades with friends and guildies all the time. if we meet another group/guild and their 50 they wreck us without a sweet :p it's not about to much for me. Its just silly how broken 50s vs the rest can be.


Yes we arent 50s yet becuse we arent people who dont have jobs and play 24/7 to get 50 to be able to wreck ants in WZ :p

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Meh its Variance there are plenty of not 50 premades you can run into. I mean if you queue solo you are asking for a beating typically. Also people dont understand how expertise works, in some cases getting bolstered at a low lvl actually increases your damage. Obviously being 50 helps. However you would be surprised how well you could do against a group of 50s in a premade group of your own if you are more skilled and organized. One thing I learned from most people who rushed to 50 they are not that great at PvP. Sadly PvP is an elitist activity if we like it or not. Very organized planning can do very well vs a group.


Also to note I have queued with a full premade of 45+s and sometimes lower levels can win it really depends on your 4 other pugs. Just practice makes perfect, however if it makes you unhappy or gets you stressed enough to post in a forum where same complaint has been talked about for months then you might want to take a step back a bit.


When the game has way more 50s they are implementing the level 50 only bracket and all can rejoice and complain about 49s in their queues.

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This issue was brought up in testing, way before launch, and they did nothing about it then...kinda sad really. I think they assume their bolstering system takes these kind of things into account, but as we've all seen it clearly does NOT!
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It's something you're going to have to live with for a bit until there's a decent enough level spread to support brackets. You don't want to be penalized for not getting to 50 as quickly as someone else but neither should they be penalized for hitting 50 by getting to a near empty bracket.


Give it some time.

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Why should we have to wait until 40+ to play PVP with any realistic hope of winning though?


If there are even one or 2 decent geared L50 in most WZ they can win the game on their own. What is the point of that? Some players will level solely in WZ - the XP is actually pretty good but they are turning lower lvl players away from it by this bizarre mechanic.


Bolster is one of the worst ideas I have seen in an MMO. I'm not whining, I still play WZ but get despondant. Why should I wait til 50....you'll end up with high lvl players who don't know how to play the games properly as theybwill have had no chance to learn it at lower levels. Most ppl just think it's a DM anyway ;)

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Step 1: Reach 50.


Step 2: Get friends.


Step 3: ???????


Step 4: Profit!


I'm lvl 50 have PvP gear and like a challenge, face rolling groups that aren't equipped to give a decent fight is boring and uneventful. I know people that don't know how to play there class enjoy ganking and spanking players less capable :rolleyes:, but some of us actually enjoy balanced competition.

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The problem is't the level 50s it's you low levels draging the team down -_-


Yes i'm looking at you noobie who just turned 10 and wanted to do A WZ.


There needs to be brackets in like a month when theres a wide range of levels.

Edited by Aragingbull
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The problem is't the level 50s it's you low levels draging the team down -_-


Yes i'm looking at you noobie who just turned 10 and wanted to do A WZ.


There needs to be brackets in like a month when theres a wide range of levels.


God knows what server you play on, but my server has a very wide range of levels. We have several raiding guilds already and generally there's a queue to join. Bracketed PvP should have been part of the initial PvP design!


The game was about a year late so it's not as if there wasn't enough time to implement the several lines of code that would allow bracketing...

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You know, this really was a non issue untill poeple finally got to 50.


I'll admit, it is frustrating as a Sorc going against level 50s, becuase I don't feel like I can scratch them. It is like they have on some sort of super damage reduction armor. BUT Luckily most of the time all they want to do is kill stuff. Sadly levle 50 snipers are like God to me and the Melee classes just annoying.


In Huttball, if my team of Pugs can managed to battle the opponents off our side of the map, we can normally get at least 1 score and even win it.


Personally when playing the Warzones I don't notice the level untill I notice I'm getting pwned really bad.


The issue with level 50s will sort itself out on it's own. There are still enough new player to fill in games and get stomped, and enough people who are making alts to experience the other class's stories.


And don't worry about facerolling when you hit 50, You will have plenty of seasoned 50's to prevent that from happening. Personally I'd take this time to get good at defending yourself against these overpowered monsters so when you become one you can better combat them.

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Answer: (Level bracket-based Matchmaking)

At least a bracket for under level 35 and one for above level 35.

'Bolster' does not make a level 15 equal to a level 50. No matchmaking is only fun for higher levels and does not make for a good pvp system.

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I vote we ignore this post for 3 months.


In 3 months we can all revisit this when we have a level 50 toon we can play on.


So in reality the current complaint is "these guys leveled faster than me and now I have to pvp against them ***."




It is more like "people who don't have work or anything else to do leveled faster and are now wrecking" instead. I am not a troll for me this is a big issue. I see more and more people leave once they see that its a group of 50s from the same guild becuse people don't know they havent the chance becuse of Gear/Ability atvantage...


Why make it so the once who "have no life" is supose to wreck? and not let people who work and do other stuff aswell who dont have time to play 24/7 get to have any ability to deal with the issue?.


The problem is't the level 50s it's you low levels draging the team down -_-


Yes i'm looking at you noobie who just turned 10 and wanted to do A WZ.


There needs to be brackets in like a month when theres a wide range of levels.


Lets see you level to 50 withing a week when you have work, irl issues and friends to hangout with? if you do then bravo for you. Not everyone have that luxary..


and for thoes who wonder i am not a troll or i am not supose to be. This is a issue i want fixed that can be fixed with just brackets.. how hard is it?...


Edit: I allso have to add once you get 50? what about then? will it be fun to keep killing people at lower level? i mean comon sure it can be fun the first week or so but you gotta think that there is ALLWAYS GONA BE LOW LVL PEOPLE.. even if its alts og if its new people. they will get the same experience as we get now (the once whos not 50 atleast) which is ennoying..


And think in about a mounth or so? when its merly only 50+.. low lvls will join people will keep trying the game and people will rage "why is there low lvls in my BG? god we gona lose now" yada yada.. I hope you get my points if you dont your just a sick elitist.

Edited by Sapler
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People need to remeber that there are no xserver WZ's so implimenting a bracket system is going to have very serious draw back in the future. Once everyone is lvl 50 then they would just be playing themselves, but what about the occasional lower lvl that wants to PvP. Now he is in extreamly long ques or just never gets to PvP. While it certianly is no fun PvPing against people who out gear you realize that team coordination will more than likely trump gear, its when people are facing premade lvl 50's that the pain train really comes. You now have a coordinated group of players who out gear everyone else and that will always be difficult to beat.


I do wish they would impliment in their queing system a measure that attempted to match premades with premades first, even if it ment bumping their position in que up to be matched with another premade. Segregating premade and pug, in my opinion is only going to hurt those who are making premades and lead them to attempting to exploit game mechanics to get their whole team in at the same time. If all the premades claiming they are doing it for competition then maybe bioware could impliment a vs premade option to allow those that really are after the competition and not face roll fun times to que against each other.

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The reason for the bolstering is because the game is new. If there were brackets right now the ques would take years, especially for those people who are 50. Those people would only be able to get into 1 warzone a day.


I for 1 am thank full for the bolstering. I get to play with all my lvl 40+ friends in pvp because of it. Without it I would have to roll with no bodies.


I don't know if you are just having back luck or what. I am only lvl 17, I have mostly green, but some blue gear, and I am obviously missing most of my skills. However, I am an avid gamer, I have played pvp in every sort of game you can imagine, and I am fairly good. On my Server in my situation I get top 5 almost every game. most of the time top 3. I don't know if this has a lot to do with queing with friends, but who knows.


I think people just need to stick to it and give it a month or so before totally bashing the current pvp system.

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