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Game Hangs on Exit


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I am hitting over 200 fps in-game now @2560 x 1440 use to be limited to around 110 fps so that is one change have noticed with the engine after this patch.


Have not had issues exiting yet (touch wood)


Will be Keeping an eye on this thread at present


Agreed, the frametate increase is noticeable, but I have found it's inconsistent - Corellia was notgiving me the 192 fps I was getting on Belsavis and Voss. I run fullscreen at 1920x1200 but I have an old processor and 4gb memory, so not expecting superfast framerates.

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Hangs on me every time. Alt-Tab or WindowsKey-Tab lets me see my taskbar and windows but if I select another app, the SWTOR app is still covering the entire screen and I can't see Task manager.


My solution was to create a new shortcut and place it on my taskbar. The command line is "C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe /IM swtor.exe /F" and giving it Admin rights.


Now, when it hangs, I can WindowsKey-Tab and click this shortcut on my taskbar. Kills SWTOR nicely. Just a bandaid until they fix it.

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If you run in full screen and swtor is the only program running, you have to use Windows+Tab, because in windows 10 Alt+Tab moves between open windows and if there is only one open window..........


Bioware doesn't have a monopoly on strange programming..


Didn't know that. It's literally been years since I last ran a game as the only active program. You could try Ctrl-Alt-Delete-ing your way into the Task Manager (as long as it's not set to Full Screen) and opening any random program. Should work fine from there.

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Didn't know that. It's literally been years since I last ran a game as the only active program. You could try Ctrl-Alt-Delete-ing your way into the Task Manager (as long as it's not set to Full Screen) and opening any random program. Should work fine from there.


that is the only way if like me you only have swtor running. I have a pc that was the bee's knees when I built it 7 years ago, so best not to have other programs running with swtor. If I remember to have an explorer window open then windows+tab works, but I'm old and forget.....

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So, I've been able to dig up some old threads for this issue, but they were from like 5 years ago and did not necessarily pertain to my situation (at least the threads I found).


Running Windows 8.1 Professional

8 GB of RAM

i5 Quad Core CPU (4690k)



Just about every single time I log out and go to exit the game, it just hangs on a black screen with the yellow/gold mouse cursor still present. I then have to Ctrl+Alt+Del, go into task manager, and then kill the swtor.exe process (which reports that it is not responding btw).


The old threads I found were for XP machines, and I didn't really see any solid fix or suggestion.


Well, it's now 5 years later, and I'm wondering if there are any suggestions/fixes for this issue? Repair to be run? Files/Patches to be installed? Anything? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.


Use alt+F4 to quit the game right from the logged on character. The game been doing this since launch and Alt+F4 Is the work around just don't hold alt+F4 to long as it will cycle through each window that is below swtor till you get to your desktop and then get the Log out of windows Screen

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Me and my two rl friends who play also have this issue, but only since the first maintenance/server shut down the other day (the one where they fixed the exploit).

ETA: Instead of quitting whilst logged on a character, DO THIS:

  1. Hit "escape" and click "log out"
  2. on character selection screen choose "EXIT" to quit the game

I can confirm this avoids the fail quit crap.


Unfortunately this doesn't work for some people. I've being going through that process for years since SWTOR would often crash when exiting from a character, but since 5.0 the game crashes from the character select screen :(


As I mentioned earlier, I now press Windows key in the character select screen to minimize the game, and then right-click on the SWTOR icon on taskbar & click Close Window.

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I've been having this issue as well, on a Windows 8.1 system. I used to have this problem in the past, but that was back when I played on a potato of a computer running Vista. The issue stopped when I built a new computer. Ever since 5.0 though, I've had to force the game to quit either through the Task Manager or by minimizing the game and right clicking the Close option on the task bar. The game always shows as 'Not Responding' in Task Manager too.
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I found that logging out and then existing game from character select helps me a lot whereas quitting from ingame makes me hang.


Just wanted to throw that in here.


This. It definitely helps.


Ending task or ALT F4ing should also work. It seems to vary.


Hope they fix this for good soon.

Edited by GhostDrone
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This. It definitely helps.


Ending task or ALT F4ing should also work. It seems to vary.


Hope they fix this for good soon.


Yes logging first helps. The hang happens less. But it still happens. I'm on Windows 10. When it hangs, the only way I can quit the game is too log out or go into powershell and kill the process.


It's funny.. the command points the dev's do an emergency maintenance to nerf, but they don't fix this?

Edited by cagthehack
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Having the same issue here, only started happening with 5.0a. I will try some of the things suggested in previous post's, as right now when it happens I'm forced to ctrl-alt-del and sign-out and log back into my Windows account as I haven't been able to get to the Task Manager... and wasn't aware of the Win10 windows-tab/alt-tab difference pointed out earlier.


OS: Windows 10 64-bit

CPU: Intel i6600K @ 4.2

GPU: AMD R9 270X

Ram: 16 GB

Software: Windows and drivers all up-to-date.


Issue happens regardless of time spent in the game - whether it's just logging in for 5 minutes to send crew out on missions, or 1-2+ hours of serious game play.

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I'm getting something like this too. The game freezes upon exit. Sometimes it closes down after a few seconds of waiting, but if it takes longer than ten seconds, then it has hung indefinitely and needs to be killed manually. Windows 10 usually detects this and asks if I want to force-kill it.


On the other hand, if I hit ALT+F4 from the character selection window, then the game shuts down without delay. This is a workaround, but we shouldn't have to do this.


It hasn't happened before version 5.0, this is a new feature of 5.0.

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Me and my two rl friends who play also have this issue, but only since the first maintenance/server shut down the other day (the one where they fixed the exploit).

ETA: Instead of quitting whilst logged on a character, DO THIS:

  1. Hit "escape" and click "log out"
  2. on character selection screen choose "EXIT" to quit the game

I can confirm this avoids the fail quit crap.


I have had this exact problem long before 5.0. I believe it started before the 368.39 version of the geforce drivers, probably long before that. Honestly its been going on for what seems like a year so I just deal with it. I used to run triple widescreen 5760 x 1080. Despite upgrading from dual 770 GTX to dual GTX 980 Tis to use with 4K resolution it has persisted. The workaround posted above only works rarely (for me) to avoid a blackscreen exit. I can just left mouse click repeatedly until it brings up the windows "This program has stopped working" box. I've submitted the error reports via windows error reporting. It has definitely happened since I upgraded to Win 10 but that's been over a year now. I *THINK* that sometimes, after a big patch, it will exit cleanly once or twice before the problem resurfaces. I'm currently using the NVidia 376.09 drivers and I have the directX 9.0c redistributable. I always use Wagnardmobile's display driver uninstaller and then cleanly install the nvidia drivers. I do not use the nvidia inspector optimizations. I should note that for me, the crash occurred regardless of using BitRaider or the non-streaming launcher, which I switched to >6 months ago.

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