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So Jaesa has gone insane....


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best forget about her as she is off searching for powerful artifacts.


I appreciate this has come from a lying Jedi who offered to join my cause them disappears from my command and companion roster instantly. But that is the direction the creative team are going in? Your wife is insane best forget about her cause anything you had, such as her claiming to be devoted to you and your legacy is over?


And what response do we get, a chance to run this Jedi through for suggesting such rubbish, nope we shrug and ask about her skills with a lightsaber.


Is this the end of Jaesa then?


Was Rachel Leigh Cook too expensive to bring back as a voice actress?


Can you forgive and look to heal Arcann and recruit other blood thirsty insane killers into your ranks but if your wife goes a little crazy looking for artifacts thats it, no option to try and track her down and see if you can help her or if your really darkside condition her like they did to Vaylin?


Is that closure for the Sith Warriors apprentice and possible wife?

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Wait I'm confused, they stopped taking companions away?


And what sort of 'dumb sht' are companions saying? I'm very lost atm.


There's an option for you to ask Master Ranos about Jaesa.


I don't know what the guy above me is talking about.

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Master Ranos is female.


She says 2 different things depending on whether you had light or dark Jaesa. The op has already spilled the beans about dark Jaesa.


About Light Jaesa, Ranos says "





"I know the name. Reminded me of myself. Young Jedi turns her back on the council and seeks her own path. Stories about her popped up from time to time during my journeys. She was out there on the frontier, standing up for people. Fighting the good fight.


Always wanted to meet her. Even tried to track her down. Never found her.


Maybe she doesn't want to be found."




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Wait I'm confused, they stopped taking companions away?


And what sort of 'dumb sht' are companions saying? I'm very lost atm.


I don't know if it is on purpose or not, but both my wife and I got to keep our old companions on characters who we started KOTFE after the patch. On characters who did KOTFE before the patch, they are gone.

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On my sorc, it has me ask Master Ranos about Ashara.


She says





"Headr stories in Wild Space about a Togruta Force user. Supposedly she'd turned her back on the Sith and Jedi. In some of the stories, she was a hero, taking out bad guys and helping people in need. In other stories, she was the bad guy.


Hard to say which ones are true, though. Details were always sketchy. Sorry i can't be more help'





I'm a ds sorc, but it sounds like it would be the same for a ls.

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I don't know if it is on purpose or not, but both my wife and I got to keep our old companions on characters who we started KOTFE after the patch. On characters who did KOTFE before the patch, they are gone.



...Valkorian still refer to your romanced companion, and do you still receive the letter from the romanced companion even though they're still with you?



If so, that would be pretty weird...

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Anyone know what she says about Scourge and Kira? I didn't know Ranos was female, like I said I don't have the comp so ;)


Here are a couple videos I found showing her conversation options about Kira and Scourge (note that the one with Kira assumes she'd been romanced, there is a non-romanced version but it only changes slightly):







The channel also lists Nadia as another potential conversation option for Consulars.


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Nadia on a consular..





"We crossed paths a few years ago in the Unknown regions. Didn't realize she was your Padawan. Makes sense though. She was obsessed with finding you.


When you disappeared, most of the galaxy thought you were dead. But a few folks - like Nadia - figured you'd gone into hiding. She refused to give up on you.


She kept going deeper into Wild Space, hoping to find you. Eventually, she didn't come back. Sorry I don't know more."





I didn't romance nadia, not sure if it would be different.


I didn't romance any of them, actually.

Edited by Ralei
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Here are a couple videos I found showing her conversation options about Kira and Scourge (note that the one with Kira assumes she'd been romanced, there is a non-romanced version but it only changes slightly):







The channel also lists Nadia as another potential conversation option for Consulars.


Aww thanks so much for that! I hope the part about Scourge is true and not just a morality tale. :)

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Here are a couple videos I found showing her conversation options about Kira and Scourge (note that the one with Kira assumes she'd been romanced, there is a non-romanced version but it only changes slightly):







The channel also lists Nadia as another potential conversation option for Consulars.


Kira... D:

Now all we need is an option to say, "I will never, EVER give up searching for her. [desert the Alliance and go find her, dang it!!]"


Is there an option for non-force-users to ask her about their romanced companions? A smuggler asking about her husband Corso, for example?


And about dark-side Jaesa... well, sadly, that makes sense. :/ The Sith Warrior seemed to be the only thing keeping Jaesa even slightly stable. Once that girl snapped at the end of Act I, she snapped. And once the warrior was gone...she broke even harder.

All the same, though, I really do wish there would be a mission in the future to go find Jaesa and, y'know, actually ASK "So...are you okay? Is our marriage over, then?" etc. rather than rely on secondhand rumors.

Jaesa: *shows up a year later* You never looked for me!? *is perfectly sane*

Warrior: A Jedi said you had gone insane and cared only about power.

Jaesa: ........that sounds even lamer when you actually say it out loud, you know...

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I really wish we knew if the still missing companions were coming back. I told myself that if they didn't come back during KoTET, I'd start summoning them through the terminal on Odessen. I've already gotten Ashara and (dark) Jaesa back, and was going to do the rest (of the ones I wanted) as I did KotET . (Ashara was just a test I did months ago to test out the terminal) Edited by JediQuaker
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So far you are being told second hand oh your LI is probably dead, insane or lost in deep space, is that it for those companions and the creative team are done with them?


If this were real life, sure bad things happen lots of people go insane at the thought of me not being in their lives anymore. But as a story arc and creative choices surely if you are writing so many of the more interesting characters out of the story its worth saying this right at the beginning to then allow it to have some impact on the unfolding events. How many Jedi would have pardoned Arcann if they had known he killed Kira, how many wouldn't go and find him and kill him on the spot if they made the mistake of letting him live. Or how many Sith Warriors would shrug, you stuck me in Carbonate for 5 years, this drove my wife insane but who cares of course I will forgive you.


And how does it play out, in the old text style dialogue with no follow up. Seriously, the Empires Wrath being told just forget about your wife and what does he do he goes on to ask about how this jedi is doing. Who on the creative team is making these decisions and thinking that is giving the customer what they want!


And then look at the companions we did get back, why pick those ones and have the interesting ones lost.

Edited by Costello
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I am of two minds on this:


1) Sounds cool to hear about them at all (I didn't see any option to ask about a companion on my smuggler? maybe I missed it or it's only force users).


2) Why was this not in the patch notes? And... reading some of the dialogue posted here, it's not all reassuring. Some of it really sounds like, "I heard rumors that your [person] went into space somewhere and [did things]. I was never able to find them and they could have done [x] or maybe [y], it's hard to say. You know how rumors are!" Like it sounds a little on the too meaningless side.

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I am of two minds on this:


1) Sounds cool to hear about them at all (I didn't see any option to ask about a companion on my smuggler? maybe I missed it or it's only force users).


2) Why was this not in the patch notes? And... reading some of the dialogue posted here, it's not all reassuring. Some of it really sounds like, "I heard rumors that your [person] went into space somewhere and [did things]. I was never able to find them and they could have done [x] or maybe [y], it's hard to say. You know how rumors are!" Like it sounds a little on the too meaningless side.


Yeah. I'm just hoping that these snippets mean to say "This is what we have in mind for [companion], but we're not sure yet if we can fully realize those plans so [rumor]". Like in Scourge's case (sorry, love the man), it could be they're genuinely considering bringing him back cured but they're not sure yet how to go about it as they haven't ironed out the details thus 'possible tale of morale', or however that Jedi put it to cover their as.ses in case it doesn't work out as hoped.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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