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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maintenance: 3 December 2016


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Hey everyone,


We will be performing maintenance on Saturday, December 3rd starting at 6:00AM CST (1200 GMT). This maintenance will address a number of issues including the Chapter XVI Arcann fight and the Galactic Command Planetary Mission bug. Full Patch Notes will be posted with maintenance.


We are also going to be running the final Commendation/Crystal Credit conversion, the Dark vs. Light rewards, and the Pass to Cartel Coin conversion grants at this time.


For those without Early Access to Knights of the Eternal Throne you WILL get access tomorrow, December 2nd, as intended. No downtime will be necessary. Existing subscribers will be given access by 9AM CST (1500 GMT). Any new subscribers joining the game starting tomorrow at 9AM CST will be given access at that time.







DATE: 3 December 2016

TIME: 6:00 AM CST - 9:00 AM CST (1200 - 1500 GMT)


Edited by TaitWatson
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I think I am gonna ask a obvious question... why saturday? Saturday is the day off for most people. Now people on their day off cannot play your game Tait! I for one am kinda pissed you do maintenance at this day. Just do it tomorrow please.


Also please consider changing CXP and the valor rank idiocy from cosmetic weaons PLEASE.

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Wait does this mean we're not getting our Dark Vs. Light rewards until third?


Oh I am sure a Dev will be along in a flash to tell you do not worry you will have all your rewards in the mail on Friday !



but they won't be along to say sorry guys we made a mistake we thought you guys did not care about achievements and that it would be totally ok for us to reset your 100% DVL achievements to 0 so that you can do them again! -10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


If they read this thread maybe they can acknowledge this one

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I think I am gonna ask a obvious question... why saturday? Saturday is the day off for most people. Now people on their day off cannot play your game Tait! I for one am kinda pissed you do maintenance at this day. Just do it tomorrow please.


Also please consider changing CXP and the valor rank idiocy from cosmetic weaons PLEASE.


They probably need the extra day to make sure they dont break something, oh well better 1 day late then 10 days.

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A little disappointing heroics wont be making a return to the Galactic Command. If we do them now do you still get the command points for clearing all of them on a planet or is that only if you do it through the command interface?


With the Dark vs Light list being so popular and so many people enjoying the event it seems a little unfair of people to want to deny an opportunity to bring it back next year by keeping the achievements. If you enjoyed the event why not look on the bright side, there is a good chance you will get to do it all over again in a few months, only this time there will be 9 new chapters and 5 new uprisings to try out and they can include doing them all on master mode.

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When you mean: " Dark vs. Light rewards" Does that mean ACHIEVEMENTS COUNTER GOING BACK?


No it means you'll get the rewards you were promised during the event, the companion etc. It doesn't mean the achievements would come back. Otherwise they would have said that.

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Hey everyone,


We will be performing maintenance on Saturday, December 3rd starting at 6:00AM CST (1200 GMT). This maintenance will address a number of issues including the Chapter XVI Arcann fight and the Galactic Command Planetary Mission bug. Full Patch Notes will be posted with maintenance.


We are also going to be running the final Commendation/Crystal Credit conversion, the Dark vs. Light rewards, and the Pass to Cartel Coin conversion grants at this time.


For those without Early Access to Knights of the Eternal Throne you WILL get access tomorrow, December 2nd, as intended. No downtime will be necessary. Existing subscribers will be given access by 9AM CST (1500 GMT). Any new subscribers joining the game starting tomorrow at 9AM CST will be given access at that time.







DATE: 3 December 2016

TIME: 6:00 AM CST - 9:00 AM CST (1200 - 1500 GMT)



Seriously? doing a maintenance on a saturday?!

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We are also going to be running the final Commendation/Crystal Credit conversion, the Dark vs. Light rewards, and the Pass to Cartel Coin conversion grants at this time.

I can just see it now...


Friday: We reevaluated who has earned the DvL rewards and determined that no one actually qualified, as evidenced by the lack of achievements. The DvL rewards will be going out next season, for those who participate.

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They probably need the extra day to make sure they dont break something, oh well better 1 day late then 10 days.


or since they wiped DvL achievements "as intended" along with crystals/comms w/o giving the credits, they lost track of who had what.


Maybe its far fetched, but I wouldn't put it past them

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or since they wiped DvL achievements "as intended" along with crystals/comms w/o giving the credits, they lost track of who had what.


Maybe its far fetched, but I wouldn't put it past them


*sigh* That thought was on my mind as well. I was hoping it wasn;t going to come up though and everything was going to work right. Especially since they appear to now be saying Saturday instead of Friday


We shall see...

Edited by dr_mike
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You do know that in Europe we are already december 2nd already for 7 hours and 24 minuts.


Yet Im not able to access the new expansion and Im a subscriber.


So, let me get this straight. You say people get access on the decemeber 2nd ( I get it ) but what You didnt say is that when it hits clock in USA from first to second december.


This is manipulative and missleading to all subscribers from Europe. Beacuse now You actually already stole #1 my money for subscription and then misslead me to belive that I will be able to play at midnight but ofcourse that wasnt the case.


I really really hope that someone with alot of cash and influence would sue You down to Your bones.


Beacuse incompentence and manipulation ( everything for money ) went over all limits of good taste by EA.

Edited by TilenFirman
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You do know that in Europe we are already december 2nd already for 7 hours and 24 minuts.


Yet Im not able to access the new expansion and Im a subscriber.


So, let me get this straight. You say people get access on the decemeber 2nd ( I get it ) but what You didnt say is that when it hits clock in USA from first to second december.


This is manipulative and missleading to all subscribers from Europe. Beacuse now You actually already stole #1 my money for subscription and then misslead me to belive that I will be able to play at midnight but ofcourse that wasnt the case.


I really really hope that someone with alot of cash and influence would sue You down to Your bones.


Beacuse incompentence and manipulation ( everything for money ) went over all limits of good taste by EA.


Lol and when does anything happen at midnight? No it was not misleading... not for anyone who's been playing for longer then 3 months

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15:00 GMT???? COME ON EA!!! Its been 9 hours of dec 2 where I am from... since we have no maintenance why do we Europeans have to wait another 8 hours... 17 hours passed dec 2? :o not fair for Europe!!!! Make it sooner please!!! Edited by RezusGr
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15:00 GMT???? COME ON EA!!! Its been 9 hours of dec 2 where I am from... since we have no maintenance why do we Europeans have to wait another 8 hours... 17 hours passed dec 2? :o not fair for Europe!!!! Make it sooner please!!!


Still had to wait the same amount of time as everyone else, regardless of the time it launches on the 2nd.

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