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Official Turn Ashara Zavros Darkside Thread. (Spoilers)


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You're a slave "froced" to be a sith. What could possibly turn you to decisions of good? Ashara? she is ment to represent innocence. If you play it right she is neither light nor dark but more grey. She will question and reject some Jedi teachings IE she will embrace emotions and understand sometimes you have to do bad things to further a grander vision ( like vader/anakin.) through her she allows your charecter ( if your playing a lightside sith) to explore true freedom. Since the Sith code is the only one to actually push for individual freedom as a philosophy. Nope they got her just right. Besides she is not your true apprentice anyway.


+1 I always took the "slave" aspect to mean I wasn't a full Sith, and therefore more of the "grey" variety; thus, she's right where she should be: middle of the road.


I think it would be nice if we could "turn" companions, but IMO, I definitely wouldn't with the way I'm playing my Assassin.

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+1 I always took the "slave" aspect to mean I wasn't a full Sith, and therefore more of the "grey" variety; thus, she's right where she should be: middle of the road.


I think it would be nice if we could "turn" companions, but IMO, I definitely wouldn't with the way I'm playing my Assassin.


Then if we are given the choice for to be turned to the dark side simply don't pick it. Plus not everyone plays or roleplays their inquisitor the same way you do. What if someone plays their inquisitor as someone who embraces the way and teachings of the sith? The sith teachings pretty much demands that jedi should either be converted or destroyed since the sith view the light and the jedi way as tainted/heretical npcs in the game refer both as such.


You remember balmorra right? At the end all those jedi that is captured after the conflict guess what darth lachris says they are going to do with them? Convert them to the dark side...

Edited by lokdron
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+1 I agree why can't we influence our own companion to the dark side?


Hopefully in some patch or expansion we'll either get a new apprentice or be able to tie her down and shock her til she breaks. After all, we are the manipulators of the Sith NOT the Sith Warrior.


The funny thing is that the sith warrior manipulates people a lot more compared to the inquisitor in their story lets just say I felt more like darth sidious in the sith warrior story than the inquisitor story plus the sith warrior still has the ******ness of darth vader.

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It should absolutely be an option. It doesn't make sense for it *not* to be an option and hopefully it was only omitted because of time and resource constraints and will be added later. Nothing wrong with a slow burn after all. Shouldn't be able to turn her quickly.


As for those trying to argue that it makes sense that she is unturnable.. No.


Not only is it possible for Jedi to turn, but it's EASY for them to turn under the correct circumstances.


That's why the Jedi code is what it is. Everything they teach and practice is a desperate attempt to protect themselves from the oh-so-seductive influence of the darkside. That's why Jedi work so hard to wall themselves from emotion, because a little fear, a little anger, almost anything really can lead them off the path.

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It should absolutely be an option. It doesn't make sense for it *not* to be an option and hopefully it was only omitted because of time and resource constraints and will be added later. Nothing wrong with a slow burn after all. Shouldn't be able to turn her quickly.


As for those trying to argue that it makes sense that she is unturnable.. No.


Not only is it possible for Jedi to turn, but it's EASY for them to turn under the correct circumstances.


That's why the Jedi code is what it is. Everything they teach and practice is a desperate attempt to protect themselves from the oh-so-seductive influence of the darkside. That's why Jedi work so hard to wall themselves from emotion, because a little fear, a little anger, almost anything really can lead them off the path.


And SW use exactly those tools to turn Jaesa to the DS at the end of Act 1. And it is glorious. My absolute favorite part of the game so far. For SI to miss out on that is extremely disappointing. Particularly b/c as everyone has stated, SI is supposed to be the more devious and manipulative character.

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As for those trying to argue that it makes sense that she is unturnable.. No.


Not only is it possible for Jedi to turn, but it's EASY for them to turn under the correct circumstances.


Not to mention Ashara is a hotheaded, uncertain, impressionable padawan, perfect prey for psychological warfare.


The inquisitor class story is ALREADY all about manipulating Ashara, so you get what you need. It doesnt make sense that you cant go further and turn her fully to the dark side. It would be perfect followup. It smells more like developer timerestraints than anything. I hope they add it later on.


EDIT: I have now Ashara as my apprentice. I dont know about you,but she almost feels like darkside already.


Im not sure if this warrants a spoiler but Ill put some anyway



My conversation with her ended with: "Embrace the dark side, come with me."

She said something like: "Okay, I guess thats my only option now"

Then she becomes my companion and her robes turn from the originals into black ones. My first darkside dialog option after the change, she didnt as much as raise an eyebrow.

Her alignment is exactly zero (neutral).

I guess this is as much darkside as we can make her? She didnt get positive affection from my cruel dialog option, but she didnt lose affection either. She seems ..resigned to her fate. This is .. satisfactory for me, at least.



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Some people just can't be turned accept it lol.


Actually ashara has everything a sith needs to turn a jedi to the dark side. Its like they made it seem that she can be turned but then just did a 180 and the story went nope sorry guys she is not turning after all that work you put into trying to corrupt her not fully turning her seems like a cop out.

Edited by lokdron
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Actually ashara has everything a sith needs to turn a jedi to the dark side. Its like they made it seem that she can be turned but then just did a 180 and so nope sorry guys she is not turning after all that work you put into trying to corrupt her not fully turning her seems like a cop out.



ya it is hilarious I kill every Jedi I come across except the one that betray me and lead me in to a trap the second time I met her…


I had two DARK apprentices and left them to die so I could keep the girl who's battle cry is "a Jedi does not fear death."


Why did I even contact her in the first place? oh ya because after watching her training holocrons I saw she was not very Jedi like. she darn near had an ****** after looking at the dark datacron but yet I don’t press the issue and nudge her down the dark path she clearly seemed capable of making.


I don't much care about the relationship factor since it is fake but I hate the inconsistency with the character and class. Am I a Dark Lord of the Sith with a Jedi puppy, or is she a Jedi with a fool of a master who tolerates her continued embracing of teaching totally contradicting that of my own?


Why is a SI incapable of turning a young prideful headstrong ambitious girl who clearly felt held back and underutilized by her Jedi masters?

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ya it is hilarious I kill every Jedi I come across except the one that betray me and lead me in to a trap the second time I met her…


I had two DARK apprentices and left them to die so I could keep the girl who's battle cry is "a Jedi does not fear death."


Why did I even contact her in the first place? oh ya because after watching her training holocrons I saw she was not very Jedi like. she darn near had an ****** after looking at the dark datacron but yet I don’t press the issue and nudge her down the dark path she clearly seemed capable of making.


I don't much care about the relationship factor since it is fake but I hate the inconsistency with the character and class. Am I a Dark Lord of the Sith with a Jedi puppy, or is she a Jedi with a fool of a master who tolerates her continued embracing of teaching totally contradicting that of my own?


Why is a SI incapable of turning a young prideful headstrong ambitious girl who clearly felt held back and underutilized by her Jedi masters?


I took the assassin approach I gave the holocron to a sith lord and he let me borrow his assassins but I double crossed them and killed them all with ashara helping and when the last dude was still alive I pretty much convinced her to murder the guy and then after she kills him you see a dark aura around her and she says this I think can't exactly remember "The darkness feels really good! I felt powerful and in control when I killed him!". I was like :D oh yeah I am corrupting a jedi! I reached the enclave and she said nah bro I am not dark sided. I was like what!? wth all that work for nothing!? After that whole nonsese is over I told her to come with me and be my apprentice and become sith. That was a dark side option BTW and when we get back to the ship she starts ranting her head off saying she is a jedi and she is following the teachings no matter what.


I was like :confused: I told her you are not a jedi, a jedi would not murder a group of assassins in a frenzied rage she tries to tell me you made me do it I went nope you murder that guy yourself you did not have to listen to me. She pretty much goes oh right... I thought to myself hmm maybe i raise her affection and she will finally fall! Nope never happend. Lets just say I was disspointed with ashara I was really looking foward to the SI corrupting a jedi I mean that was one of darth sidious iconic moments corrupting anakin to the dark side.


The fact that the SW gets to do it and we can't is pretty stupid.

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So...no takers on wanting Thana instead of Ashara? :p



I would take her if I could she seems rather incompetent but she is Dark, maybe she trying to hard because her current master seems rather crass. I would also be willing to take one of the 2 that got killed.


... but they have in Ashara a character that should fit the role of a dark apprentice perfectly from what we learned about her before we met her and saw in our first meeting.

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Darth Sadist here....all is turnable to the darkside....there really is no other way...


she is turnable...just dont compromise on your weakness for affection...she will be drawn to your might regaurdless....focus on what must be done....they will join or die...you must corrupt her on the initial meeting "peace is a lie"



darkside or not this is a truth even in our realistic world.... "peace is a lie" there is allways conflict period and things other people want....and wrongs done from our predecessors that others feel need to be paid in blood...its is the truth of it all....however....in a perfect world jedi have it right.....but lets face it....communism fails...and conflict is the most reliable way to real strength in our species as human...

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While i agree that the option to turn her should be there, i rather enjoy having her as a more or less light side companion since i play my SI pure light side.


I sincerely hope that at some point in the future it will be possible to defect your faction.


Of course i want that to work both ways, for light chars as well as for dark.

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My main problem with Ashara is just how unresponsive to gifts she is. She's the only companion I've ever seen who either totally dislikes a gift or has a barely passing interest. I thought every companion was supposed to have t least one type that they gave a big, obvious "Oh this is my favorite!" response too, but after experimenting she just gives the "oh this is nice" to republic memorabilia, weapons, culture, etc.


its only up to 2000 points or 2100. then you have a new conversation with her and she "opens up" and "loves" courting/republic memoribilia. took me a few 4k credit gifts but inside 2 hours i had her up to 10k affection.

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Lets just hope bioware gives us the option to corrupt her at some point.


I would settle for a way to turn off the companion attack emotes I can only hear "A Jedi does not fear death" so many times. do they really need to say one of the same 3 things every time I attack something?


though I guess it is appropriate that such an inconsistent character would then scream for heals cry about being near death.

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