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So who did you choose to save?



I knew I should save Vette because Torian would go out fighting, but...I spent 2 mil leveling up my Torian. I love Torian. There was no way in hell my Jedi was going to lose Torian. Vette, rip my heart out, scene was sad. Followed by the horribly sad messages you get...from well everyone...I'm fine with my decision, Torian was the better fighter, and I considered Torian and my Jedi to be pretty darn close friends.


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Granted I haven't gotten this far yet due to available gaming time, but knowing about the choice already, I'm going with it's going to depend on which character I'm running through it with.


Obviously if they're romanced, my character's going to save them. But for the others, it's going to depend on how I've played them. I'm guessing it'll probably be a 50/50 split.

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Since I've only played KoTET with my lightsided Sith warrior so far, I chose to save Vette since she's basically my warriors oldest friend and like a sister to her. So it would have felt wrong to save Torian instead.


I'm thinking that for my Sith Warrior too. After all, Vette's only known her slightly longer than her husband and since he's still MIA, she's going to be a bit overprotective towards those she's close to who are still around.

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I chose Torian.


Vette has always annoyed me so there was definitely some personal bias involved HOWEVER my Wrath is also Lawful Evil and to him, Vette was simply a present from Baras. Weighed against the value of a Mando warrior, the choice was a fairly obvious one for Adraeus. And her line about almost believing Saresh was the final nail in her coffin, for both me and him. He would've Force Choked her for that lack of faith had the game allowed it. :mad:

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And her line about almost believing Saresh was the final nail in her coffin, for both me and him. He would've Force Choked her for that lack of faith had the game allowed it. :mad:


Strange, in my game she was apparently the first to call bullcrap.


And onto the choice? Vette was my first companion, she was also my character's wife, and she was still one of my favourite characters. I chose Torian. Hardest moment of my Warrior's life, especially when Vaylin then took her and gave him a glimmer of hope that she'd get out of this alive. To be a good Commander, you gotta realise when you need to put your emotions aside.

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Choice was pretty easy for my Knight.


Torian? Hardened soldier, battle tested and trained, used to fighting impossible odds and coming out ahead.


Vette? Effectively a civilian specialist, albeit an extremely talented one and experienced one. With the right support, she can be an invaluable asset... but alone, she's dead meat.


I mean, I knew the game was going for a Virmire decision, duh. But my Knight felt that Torian is a soldier, he's not only the one more likely to find a way to survive and maybe even win, but he's also the one that came into the battle ready to die... and what Mandalorian doesn't want to go out in a blaze of glory?

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Choice was pretty easy for my Knight.


Torian? Hardened soldier, battle tested and trained, used to fighting impossible odds and coming out ahead.


Vette? Effectively a civilian specialist, albeit an extremely talented one and experienced one. With the right support, she can be an invaluable asset... but alone, she's dead meat.


I mean, I knew the game was going for a Virmire decision, duh. But my Knight felt that Torian is a soldier, he's not only the one more likely to find a way to survive and maybe even win, but he's also the one that came into the battle ready to die... and what Mandalorian doesn't want to go out in a blaze of glory?


But he didn't go out in a blaze of glory.

He was taken alive - much dishonor in Mando culture - and then forced to heel before Vaylin like a dog before she made him squeak, squeal and die in front of your.


His death was the most ignoble companion death I can think of, making Kaliyo/Jorgan, Rusk/Skadge and Senya look dignified in comparison.


I'll always remember him as my little Mando doggy from now on.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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But he didn't go out in a blaze of glory.

He was taken alive - much dishonor in Mando culture - and then forced to heel before Vaylin like a dog before she made him squeak, squeal and die in front of your.


His death was the most ignoble companion death I can think of, making Kaliyo/Jorgan, Rusk/Skadge and Senya look dignified in comparison.


I'll always remember him as my little Mando doggy from now on.


Well, she didn't know that was going to happen at the time :(.


And yeah. Complaints about the obviously-echoing-Virmire-ness of it aside? That neck-snap was brutal...

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I chose to save Vette because I thought if worse came to worse and we couldn't make it in time Torian would at least die a heroic death on the battlefield but holy crap. The way he actually died...I had a hard time sleeping last night T_T I love both of those characters and I've been playing since a few months after launch so they've been with me for literally years and now no matter how I play it one or the other will be brutally and pointlessly murdered like a dog right in front of me. Companions I would rather have sacrificed:


Lana, Temple, Kaliyo, Lokin, SCORPIO, Xalek, Ashara, Andronikos, Theran Cedrax, Zenith, Nadia, Pierce, Broonmark, Jaessa, Gault, Skadge, T7, Doc, Rusk, Jorgan, Fourex, Yuun, zombie Vik, zombie Lana.

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On my two main characters I saved Vette both times but for different reasons.


LS JK - She saved Vette because in her eyes Vette is a civilian, yes she's been helping us out but she's no soldier, no force user, just a talented civilian wanting to help and risking her life for us. She saw Torian as a warrior who knows war and what it means and that he as an honourable Mando would fight to the death and have a better chance than Vette. My JK I imagine would be pretty torn up about it though.


DS SI - He saved Vette but the why is much different than my JK. He saved Vette because she has shown him to be a valuable asset he can use when required in very particular situations. From my SI POV he already has Shae on his side (as a companion now to) and I know it sounds horrible but to him Torian is just another Mando who can easily be replaced by another (this is my SI's thoughts not mine because I do personally like Torian). If Vette hadn't proved herself useful it would have been a different story.


I haven't taken my SW who romanced Vette through yet but sorry Torian there is no way he is putting you ahead of his wife. :cool:


EDIT // Anyone seen any clips of what happens if you're romancing Vette and don't choose to go after her? I imagine it's going to be heartbreaking.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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He got his neck snapped, that's a pretty tame death. Yeah, it hurts Torian's pride, but it better then what he would of gotten with the skytroopers.


Pride is a big thing for Mandalorians though. Better to go out in a blaze of gunfire overwhelmed by enemies than being brought to heel, made to squeak, and die on your knees like Torian did.


The ONLY thing that made that death a little bit okay was that Shae Viszla's letter indicated that she didn't get the full report on how he died. She said he died a hero and all that.


I saved Vette because she IS a civilian and saving innocent lives is what my characters (who have gone through KotET at least) are all about. My DS characters will choose differently, if I run them through. Torian was a soldier. Soldiers die. None of my characters actually SAID that to him (it was an option) but that was the thought process behind it. On top of that, Torian EXPECTED to die. HE outright said it. I really thought he would get his honorable death and was surprised and sad that he didn't. And Torian isn't even on my radar of characters I especially like. He exists and that's about it (female BH hasn't met him yet in her vanilla story, so my opinion might change when I romance him). And I, as the player, was actually really sad.


(Which is nothing like the Virmire choice for me, because I didn't really like EITHER Ashley or Kaiden. I was just put out because I used them the most because I mostly got human gear so they were decked out in the second best armor and I lost all of Ashley's when she died.)


This is NOT to say that my character's weren't saddened by this fact and going forward, Torian's brutal death will haunt them though.


Edited by AngFour
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Pride is a big thing for Mandalorians though. Better to go out in a blaze of gunfire overwhelmed by enemies than being brought to heel, made to squeak, and die on your knees like Torian did.


The ONLY thing that made that death a little bit okay was that Shae Viszla's letter indicated that she didn't get the full report on how he died. She said he died a hero and all that.


I saved Vette because she IS a civilian and saving innocent lives is what my characters (who have gone through KotET at least) are all about. My DS characters will choose differently, if I run them through. Torian was a soldier. Soldiers die. None of my characters actually SAID that to him (it was an option) but that was the thought process behind it. On top of that, Torian EXPECTED to die. HE outright said it. I really thought he would get his honorable death and was surprised and sad that he didn't. And Torian isn't even on my radar of characters I especially like. He exists and that's about it (female BH hasn't met him yet in her vanilla story, so my opinion might change when I romance him). And I, as the player, was actually really sad.


(Which is nothing like the Virmire choice for me, because I didn't really like EITHER Ashley or Kaiden. I was just put out because I used them the most because I mostly got human gear so they were decked out in the second best armor and I lost all of Ashley's when she died.)


This is NOT to say that my character's weren't saddened by this fact and going forward, Torian's brutal death will haunt them though.

I wasn't saying that pride wasn't a big deal, I was saying that compared with every other killing method in SWTOR, this is a pretty merciful way to die. Which is weird considering it's Vaylin doing it.

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Sigh.. I'm pretty sure I will let Vette die every single time, unless it's on my Sith Warrior.

I love them both, I really do. I wish they made the Vermire choice between Jorgan and Kaliyo instead of those two.

But then again this is what we got, and I'm a sucker for Torian >_>


Also the death scene was brutal. I expected them to be impaled/slashed by the lightsaber, or something of the kind. This was just below the belt, even for Bioware :/

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Also the death scene was brutal. I expected them to be impaled/slashed by the lightsaber, or something of the kind. This was just below the belt, even for Bioware :/


They had a quick and painless death, how the hell is that worst than impales or slashed?

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Saved Vette and will save her on every toon I have lol ...


Torian Bieber will have to go . I have a BH who romanced him..can't wait to see him die lol


Between the 2 , I like vette more . She was Hilarious on the Sith warrior Story . And I'm still looking forward (hopefully?) with her reunion with Risha . So there is no way I'm letting the friend who cheered me on while I was back talking to Baras die .


Torian on the other hand , romanced or not . I found him dull..dull...dull....


Add to that , the whole Mando Attitude , bragging about Honor...well..there you go . Die on the battelfield....like a real Mando .

Edited by SerraShar
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While taking a shower, it occurred to me WHY Torian/Vette was so awful, and in fact is more awful than the Virmire/Fade choices. (Gotta love those shower revelations, lol.)


Ashley/Kaidan and Grey Warden (Whoever)/Hawke's death happened off screen. Their deaths were implied. Heck, even with the Fade, the wording was "Whoever is left behind will most likely die" which leaves a lot of room for headcanons and such.


Torian/Vette? It happened right on screen. BW animated their faces with pleading horror. We watched their necks twist. We actually heard the sound of bone cracking and the thud of their body hitting the ground. There was no implying they died. No. It happened right in front of us.


THAT'S what makes the choice so brutal.


*ETA: Of course, the more I think about it, the more I like it. It was a very dark and matured themed scene, something that really doesn't happen much in SWTOR. Everything is always implied or faded to black.


Edited by AngFour
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While taking a shower, it occurred to me WHY Torian/Vette was so awful, and in fact is more awful than the Virmire/Fade choices. (Gotta love those shower revelations, lol.)


Ashley/Kaidan and Grey Warden (Whoever)/Hawke's death happened off screen. Their deaths were implied. Heck, even with the Fade, the wording was "Whoever is left behind will most likely die" which leaves a lot of room for headcanons and such.


Torian/Vette? It happened right on screen. BW animated their faces with pleading horror. We watched their necks twist. We actually heard the sound of bone cracking and the thud of their body hitting the ground. There was no implying they died. No. It happened right in front of us.


THAT'S what makes the choice so brutal.


*ETA: Of course, the more I think about it, the more I like it. It was a very dark and matured themed scene, something that really doesn't happen much in SWTOR. Everything is always implied or faded to black.


This exactly, coupled with the dying character being humiliated and treated like a dog, them being helpless and broken like a toy at her whim. Their death had no meaning, no heroic sacrifice, no glorious warrior's death, no final eff you act of defiance towards an enemy and going out in a blaze of glory, taking the enemy with them...and we were completely helpless to do anything to stop it. It was also a shock because nothing like this had ever happened in SWtOR before. Like you said, in Mass Effect the death was implied and possibly a heroic sacrifice and afterwards it was treated with more weight. Not only that but we got more interactions with the one we DID save to remind us that it wasn't for nothing. In this scenario we didn't have that.


Plus being forced to fight alongside Vaylin in the final chapter as if she hadn't just murdered our friend in cold blood hours before, I was seeing red!

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I just ran Chapter 8 with another character...



...who also saved Vette for the same reason my first character did. My husband can confirm that I was literally shouting at my screen, "I'm sorry, Torian! I'm so sorry! It's nothing against you! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"


Damn. I care more about Torian now than I did when playing my (male) BH. I have to get my female up to the point where she even meets him, take her through KotET JUST SO I can save him. Torian's going to get the "I'm feeling super guilty and now I like you because I feel bad for you" save, LOL.


Edit: Wait. No. That's not funny, because then Vette will have to die.


And now I feel sad again.


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This exactly, coupled with the dying character being humiliated and treated like a dog, them being helpless and broken like a toy at her whim. Their death had no meaning, no heroic sacrifice, no glorious warrior's death, no final eff you act of defiance towards an enemy and going out in a blaze of glory, taking the enemy with them...and we were completely helpless to do anything to stop it. It was also a shock because nothing like this had ever happened in SWtOR before. Like you said, in Mass Effect the death was implied and possibly a heroic sacrifice and afterwards it was treated with more weight. Not only that but we got more interactions with the one we DID save to remind us that it wasn't for nothing. In this scenario we didn't have that.


Plus being forced to fight alongside Vaylin in the final chapter as if she hadn't just murdered our friend in cold blood hours before, I was seeing red!


I felt more than hours seemed to go by between the death of Torian/Vette and teaming with Vaylin.


Though really, she was already dead, you're mad at her for what she did, but wouldn't you also want her out of your head and so, help take out the one keeping her there.

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I felt more than hours seemed to go by between the death of Torian/Vette and teaming with Vaylin.


Though really, she was already dead, you're mad at her for what she did, but wouldn't you also want her out of your head and so, help take out the one keeping her there.


It can't have been that long since the eternal fleet was bombarding everything from the moment Vaylin died to the moment your *** hit that throne. I would want to destroy her spirit with her father's. In any case the game doesn't even give you the option to mention the companion she murdered :(

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Pride is a big thing for Mandalorians though. Better to go out in a blaze of gunfire overwhelmed by enemies than being brought to heel, made to squeak, and die on your knees like Torian did.


The ONLY thing that made that death a little bit okay was that Shae Viszla's letter indicated that she didn't get the full report on how he died. She said he died a hero and all that.


I saved Vette because she IS a civilian and saving innocent lives is what my characters (who have gone through KotET at least) are all about. My DS characters will choose differently, if I run them through. Torian was a soldier. Soldiers die. None of my characters actually SAID that to him (it was an option) but that was the thought process behind it. On top of that, Torian EXPECTED to die. HE outright said it. I really thought he would get his honorable death and was surprised and sad that he didn't. And Torian isn't even on my radar of characters I especially like. He exists and that's about it (female BH hasn't met him yet in her vanilla story, so my opinion might change when I romance him). And I, as the player, was actually really sad.


(Which is nothing like the Virmire choice for me, because I didn't really like EITHER Ashley or Kaiden. I was just put out because I used them the most because I mostly got human gear so they were decked out in the second best armor and I lost all of Ashley's when she died.)


This is NOT to say that my character's weren't saddened by this fact and going forward, Torian's brutal death will haunt them though.


Speaking of haunting. ...totally logged in today to see a gigantic Vette head on my screen. You know how she says if I die, i'll haunt you? Lol. Then I realised it was just someone beside me with a vette companion lol

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