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Class Balance


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Merc feel strong only if you get them with full cds and even then they are not that strong. On my jugg i'm not having any problem killings merc even when they have all cds up. If you get them with like half the cds its easy kill.


This. Seeing a merc with all their cool downs up is intimidating, but for the other two to three minutes they are down it's hard to deal with Jug/Guardians. What really compounds the issue is that a lot of the 8v8's have 3-5 jugs or guardians on their team.


Your assessment of guardian being top seems pretty accurate. I've been pvping all day and there's a strong correlation between which team wins and which has the most jugs.

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I can't believe people still think that jugg is the strongest. I just can't believe.

If you have issues as merc against juggs you should probably delete swtor, throw PC outta window and then cut off your arms (to prevent installing again).

Edited by DerSchneider
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Been playing madness sorc and it feels very underwhelming. Was doing some parsing and I'm actually hitting less than what i was hitting at 65 in 4.0. Not too mention empty body and corrupted barrier utilities healing effects were nerfed by 50%. It's funny how bioware stated that their goal was to give sorc better survivability, but I'm seeing the opposite effect.
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28-35k crits? Wow... On my madness sorc biggest hit is around 17-20k, on Lightning 20-22k... Nice balance...

Mercs are able to hit around 32... In general all classes besides sorceres dps are able to eat over 100k hp in 3 max 4 hits...

This is balance? WTH I mean to get hits close 20k I must use Polarity Shift, recklessness and Unlimited Power sience on my Carnage mara with 220 gear I can easly hit for 22-26k without using Berserk and Bloodthirst. Just pop in Ferocity + Devastating Blast, or Ferocity + Gore...

Sorry but right now balance in this game is worst then ever...

And pls don't start with all of that ******** with god bubble etc... Don't use Corruption sorcs for an example of sorceres OP's because I'm speaking about Sorceres DPS, and it is useless class right now... :mad:

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I think it's pretty much Merc, Mara, and sin being really good currently right?


Nah, a mara still has a very high skill cap. You'd do better on a jugg, sorc, sniper or op in addition to the others you listed.


Generally things are on the more balanced side now however.

Edited by RACATW
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i ilke this 5.0 PvP


1- bolster seems nice to avoid this gear system


2- 125k + life is a big good surprise


3- all classes can play without being ridiculous




1- mercs is obviously too strong, they are the new jugg at 30m range with 30% crit bonus aha...was obvious btw.


2- heal must be weaker because all classes now can have auto heal system.


3- the guard for dps spec..mmm not the thing i prefer.


ps : for me arsenal spec needs to be like it was before, not mobile, a turret. so why not have numerous defensive abilities and good damage but at least remove the ability to play blazing bolts whil moving, it's not logic.

Edited by Thaladan
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PTs are incredible underwhelming nothing new and their burst seems incredibly low compared to 4.0


The good thing is that new Firestorm can hit up to 25k even in tank gear. :o But beyond that i don't know...

Edited by Glower
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Jugg mobility got nerfed so hard this patch. No more endure pain 50% speed. :(


And all the while, every other class got a mobility or speed ability or multiple speed utility increases. After playing the early access on most of my classes now, I can say that the nerf to Juggs or even the buffs other classes have received for speed and mobility, have made the Jugg one of the least fun classes to play now. I would have preferred to take a small DPS nerf and received the same mobility or close to it, of the other classes. Being stuck in the mud is frustrating, especially when some classes got even got more stuns, slows or mez. You might as well just stand on the node and hit anything that comes at you and just hope you have a healer willing to keep you alive.

On my Mara I can just play with and tease a Jugg as I know he can't catch me or kill me. You can toy with them. On a Merc you can destroy them while they watch and eat popcorn. Sins can just play with their food till it's nice and tender. Snipers can have target practice. Operatives are deadly vipers. Sorcs don't really count now because they are wet noodles and are just like fleas.

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Nah, a mara still has a very high skill cap. You'd do better on a jugg, sorc, sniper or op in addition to the others you listed.


Generally things are on the more balanced side now however.


Dont the play a Jugg in this meta, better to learn the higher skill cap for the Mara. Juggs are so immobile now that they are sitting ducks and are probably harder to play well than just mashing buttons on a Mara.

Sorcs are wet noodles now. Unless you like running and hiding or healing yourself all pvp match, then it doesn't matter how easy they are to learn.

Snipers are still pretty complicated for newbies, much more so than button mashing a Mara.

Operatives require skill to play well, but are OP at the moment that it doesn't matter if you aren't that good.

Same goes for a Mercs. If you want to tank and do good DPS, then roll a Merc, :p

Sins are by far the easiest to play now. Good survivability, incredible speed, hits hard and button mashing is available to the less coordinated. Only disclaimer is you might experience hand cramps and dizziness trying to control the speed.

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PTs are incredible underwhelming nothing new and their burst seems incredibly low compared to 4.0


PTs are still doing incredibly well, which sort of tells me they may have been a little OP compared to some other classes. Some of the highest numbers I am seeing at the moment are from PTs

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PTs are still doing incredibly well, which sort of tells me they may have been a little OP compared to some other classes. Some of the highest numbers I am seeing at the moment are from PTs


I've been on harb pvping since early access...haven't been seeing many pts. Or them topping leader boards. Tons of merc/Mandos , juggs, snipers, sorcs, assassins. Other classes are few and far between. I main a sent so far in 5.0...maybe I'll see two in a 8 v 8 match. Pt's get smoked by mercs....same burst less dcds.

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Dont the play a Jugg in this meta, better to learn the higher skill cap for the Mara. Juggs are so immobile now that they are sitting ducks and are probably harder to play well than just mashing buttons on a Mara.


Bio should add double leap utility somewhere into Juggs tree. I do not know what they were thinking with speed nerf to Juggs... :(

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I've been on harb pvping since early access...haven't been seeing many pts. Or them topping leader boards. Tons of merc/Mandos , juggs, snipers, sorcs, assassins. Other classes are few and far between. I main a sent so far in 5.0...maybe I'll see two in a 8 v 8 match. Pt's get smoked by mercs....same burst less dcds.


Maybe it's the spec they are playing or the fact I kept popping with the same PTs in my time bracket and they knew what they were doing.

I saw one do 7mil DPS last night

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Considering the vast majority of us are in **** gear thats partially completed, ill hold my judgement, but early on merc and deception seem brutal. My veng jugg is putting up great fluff numbers, almost always top damage, but i'm not sure how much of it is really useful. Chilling scream pads that statline doe.
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Jugg > Mara = sin = op > Merc > rest


No way, you drunk bud. Jugg is not outperforming any of those classes , not even close if we suppose everyone is on a even playing field regarding skill (which never happens in a WZ)


Old merc was excelling DPS with great mobility and was hinged on keeping there enemies at bay (hence electronet and knockbacks, those were the key to beating any melee class)


5.0 upset all that balance... if your going to give merc good dcds and impressive self heals, then you need to remove mobility - as a range class, you can't have it all, just ask the snipers.


Right now mercs are like the best of all classes , and they have no crack in there armor to gain any type of advantage. It wouldn't be as bad if they were a melee class - but to have all that they have for a range class is too much.


Oh well, it is what it is. Doubt BW is gonna do anything about it. Begun the clone wars has.

Edited by DenariusJay
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Yeah, BW ****ed up and Surging Charge proc twice each time. So that means Discharge every 2 or 3 GCD. I really hope they fix that soon because it ****s up the rotation.


I heard that there might be a bug where if you haven't respecced since 5.0 you might get the benefits of your stance twice

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