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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Changing requirements on already earned items? That needs to be addressed.


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Also a big thanks to NSStember for making this thread. I think the title was really well stated to draw attention.


This issue was the first thing I checked when I logged in after the update, because after this thread in October, I was afraid they would listen to the people who wanted a high valor requirement (even though, as IanArgent said, the majority view was more like 5-10).


I wanted to make a thread about it right away, but with my luck, I bet it would have sunk like a stone if I had...so thanks!

Edited by Clarian
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Also a big thanks to NSStember for making this thread. I think the title was really well stated to draw attention.


This issue was the first thing I checked when I logged in after the update, because after this thread in October, I was afraid they would listen to the people who wanted a high valor requirement (even though, as IanArgent said, the majority view was more like 5-10).


I wanted to make a thread about it right away, but with my luck, I bet it would have sunk like a stone if I had...so thanks!


Thanks....especially to all those who added to this thread and kept it alive :)

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Hey folks,


This is unintended, the items should not have a valor requirement. The team is looking into ways to correct this in a future patch. I will pass on updates regarding how and when as I have them.




Thanks for the response; even if you did prove me wrong :)


Here's hoping for a quick fix.

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Hey folks,


This is unintended, the items should not have a valor requirement. The team is looking into ways to correct this in a future patch. I will pass on updates regarding how and when as I have them.



Well.... this drops my chances of quitting forever from 100% to 99%.


So... progress I guess. Please pass along my request for speedy rectification to the devs.

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Hey folks,


This is unintended, the items should not have a valor requirement. The team is looking into ways to correct this in a future patch. I will pass on updates regarding how and when as I have them.




While I am glad to hear this, could you please specify as to what is unintended:


a) that already purchased items such as weapons had a valor requirement added OR

b) that these items had a valor requirement added in the first place


I ask this because a month or two ago we had a thread going here regarding this issue, with you asking us for feedback on the matter. Originally, you wanted these "cosmetic" items only available for ranked tokens, which is even worse than what we have right now.


In any case, dropping valor requirements ASAP would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the response; even if you did prove me wrong :)

Well, we know they did intend to make this kind of change, at one point; apparently they reversed that decision but forgot to actually undo it. I think it's safe to say the valor reqs didn't just happen to appear from a random glitch, especially after Bioware said they would be adding them. So I don't think you were really wrong.

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While I am glad to hear this, could you please specify as to what is unintended:


a) that already purchased items such as weapons had a valor requirement added OR

b) that these items had a valor requirement added in the first place


I ask this because a month or two ago we had a thread going here regarding this issue, with you asking us for feedback on the matter. Originally, you wanted these "cosmetic" items only available for ranked tokens, which is even worse than what we have right now.


In any case, dropping valor requirements ASAP would be greatly appreciated.


I am also curious about which part was unintended. Given than of the complaints I've heard thus far there are at least three different Valor requirements among different weapons (48, 40, 30-something) I find it impossible to believe that the Valor requirements, themselves, were unintentional. Perhaps, as suggested by a couple folks as fixes, pre-earned weapons were not supposed to receive Valor requirements, but I doubt all of the various different Valor numbers were just randomly assigned to weapons by mistake.


Here's also hoping for a speedy sorting of this issue so that those affected can play the game the way they desire.

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but I doubt all of the various different Valor numbers were just randomly assigned to weapons by mistake.


Not really. There is like 1 weapon per class (1 saber, 1 pistol,1 rifle etc) that has a Valor Rank 2 requirement. Those seem to be intentionally added. With all the other weapons however, the value of the previous LEVEL requirement were added as a valor requirement. So for instance, the Dark Adept's Lightsaber previously had a requirement of being at least level 34 to use, now it requires valor rank 34 to equip.

Edited by BenKatarn
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Not really. There is like 1 weapon per class (1 saber, 1 pistol,1 rifle etc) that has a Valor Rank 2 requirement. Those seem to be intentionally added. With all the other weapons however, the value of the previous LEVEL requirement were added as a valor requirement. So for instance, the Dark Adept's Lightsaber previously had a requirement of being at least level 34 to use, now it requires valor rank 34 to equip.


Ah, fair. I had not noticed that correlation.

Benefit of the doubt tentatively restored, then.

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Hey folks,


This is unintended, the items should not have a valor requirement. The team is looking into ways to correct this in a future patch. I will pass on updates regarding how and when as I have them.




Thats all very good and well. but in the meantime those of us affected either have to avoid playing or buy some new equipment in th einterim and pay to pull the mods and augments to place in teh temp gear then do the same to switch it back if you ever bother to fix.

compensation? I doubt it. suppose I could always compensate myself by allowing my 5 year sub lapse instead of renewing.

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Exactly. A small part of me is almost tempted to try to grind out the new requirements. But what would be the point? If I finally got to valor 38, they'll just take the weapons away again by upping the requirement to 60. Putting in effort for NO REWARD? No thanks.


Sure, MMOs are notorious for the carrot-on-a-string approach. But it used to be that you'd eventually get the carrot, and then they'd have a new one for you to chase. Now, apparently they take away the carrot and want you to chase the same one again.


Hate to say this but....


The reason for the valor rank on items is not all on the devs. the instant they said they were taking out comms the hardcor PvPer's raged about how it is unfair that anyone can get the gear that they for years have been earning. So they came up with the rank requirement because of those people. So if you really wanna hate, hate on the people that complained about it so the devs did this to calm them down. Hence why they had a forum for suggestions on the valor ranks required for things.

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The reason for the valor rank on items is not all on the devs. the instant they said they were taking out comms the hardcor PvPer's raged about how it is unfair that anyone can get the gear that they for years have been earning.

No, I think this one's all on the devs. It was their decision to remove warzone comms in the first place, so they're responsible for all the consequences of that (such as, there no longer being a good way to require doing PvP for items that used to require doing PvP to buy*). I don't remember players ever asking for warzone comms to be removed (quite the opposite, as you can see in that thread.)


Also, as a number of people have said, I think it was generally assumed in that thread that we were talking about a valor requirement to purchase the items, not to equip them for people who already had them. Again, no players asked for that.


And I don't think anyone said they spent years earning these. These were the weapons that you could get for a weekly's worth of comms. So they were very easy to get, and in fact it seems clear that the whole point of them was to entice people to try out PvP by offering a cool reward that you could get after just a few matches. They were not hardcore PvP items, they were entry-level.

So if you really wanna hate, hate on the people that complained about it so the devs did this to calm them down.

Nope. Even if anyone had asked for this (and they didn't), that's still no excuse for devs making completely nonsensical decisions. Taking things away that people have earned is simply beyond the pale. And the reason is simple: it makes playing the game pointless. Destroying the fundamentals of the game in order to 'calm people down' would be utterly self-defeating and senseless (especially because it will only make even more people rage even harder). There couldn't be any excuse or blame-shifting for that.


*Having a valor requirement isn't a good way, because you don't spend the valor when you buy an item...so once you hit a given rank, you can buy as many things as you want without doing more matches.

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Hey folks,


This is unintended, the items should not have a valor requirement. The team is looking into ways to correct this in a future patch. I will pass on updates regarding how and when as I have them.




Thank you, Eric.


I, for one, am very relieved to hear that.

Edited by sentientomega
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Hey folks,


This is unintended, the items should not have a valor requirement. The team is looking into ways to correct this in a future patch. I will pass on updates regarding how and when as I have them.



No, its not unintended. You said this would come and after alot of backlash from the forum community you announced to abandon the idea. Yet here ingame it happened. This is why people dont trust devs.

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Good god people is there ANYTHING in this game the dev team did NOT mess up to the point of being unplayable??? The shear AMOUNT of issues is staggering. Every time I think "well at least THAT part of the game is fine" I find a tread that tells me that no, THAT part is a mess as well... This is an unprecedentedly horrid launch it seams... The rocked pretty much exploded on the table...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey folks,


This is unintended, the items should not have a valor requirement. The team is looking into ways to correct this in a future patch. I will pass on updates regarding how and when as I have them.




Was hoping this would be in Tuesday's patch. Any idea when this will be fixed for us?

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