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(KOTET Chapter 2) Ding dong, the b**** is dead.


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It's extra great when your character is Sith or very Dark Republic. That reverse psychology that you are better than executing her..."Nope, see the red saber?"




That said, I also have to admit I consider the alternative scenario of sparing her (albeit while imprisoning her) to be pretty satisfying in its own right. Essentially directly saying, "I'm not like you. I'm better." Plus, leaving her alive means that she will live to see the Alliance thrive. To see the Republic Thrive. Without her. See will be forced to watch and see that the Galaxy is better off without her, and that she was a failure in every way.

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I'm doing both...


especially since I have more LS Toon and only a little of DS....my Sith wrath for exemple , Jailed her . And it was very satisfying .


But when Lana block her route..hahaha the look on her face was priceless .


And I gotta admit though . She make a good vilain . Yes yes...alot of peoples hate her...


But seriously , if she was a sith......she would've been a pain and that would've been great . Cose some Sith were utter losers....*cough*Tanathon*cough*....I would take Saresh over him as final boss any day .

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It's extra great when your character is Sith or very Dark Republic. That reverse psychology that you are better than executing her..."Nope, see the red saber?"


Hmm...no one tried that with my Wrath last night. Interesting!


Not that the outcome would've changed, mind you. >:3 You betray him, you get a saber through the chest.

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Hmm...no one tried that with my Wrath last night. Interesting!


Not that the outcome would've changed, mind you. >:3 You betray him, you get a saber through the chest.


Hmmm, maybe Dark alignment Sith don't get it. I know that Light Sith and Dark Sith have different dialogue when they shank Valkorion in the end of Chapter I of Fallen Empire.

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I'm doing both...


especially since I have more LS Toon and only a little of DS....my Sith wrath for exemple , Jailed her . And it was very satisfying .


But when Lana block her route..hahaha the look on her face was priceless .


And I gotta admit though . She make a good vilain . Yes yes...alot of peoples hate her...


But seriously , if she was a sith......she would've been a pain and that would've been great . Cose some Sith were utter losers....*cough*Tanathon*cough*....I would take Saresh over him as final boss any day .


LMAO, my LS Jedi punched then executed her. :D could not resist.

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My LS Sith Warrior had a little too much fun punching her in the face then letting her saber do the talking. Nat don't take betrayal very well, not after Quinn, whom she couldn't kill (even if we had the option like we were meant to) for she still loves him on some level.


Theron said it best "Is it wrong to say that I enjoyed that." or something like that after you kill Sersh.

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I'm actually a little disappointed by how they handled Saresh. It made her come off as too much like a tin-pot dictator instead of...


Look. Saresh's life story basically is punctuated repeatedly by "...and then the Sith came in and ruined everything."


She was a slave in the Sith Empire when young. A female Twi'lek slave. Not unreasonable to suspect that she did more than dance.


She escapes, grows in prominence, and gets the chance to restore her ancestor's homeworld that was cruelly and pointlessly destroyed by Sith a few hundred years before. Taris.


A world that the Empire then conquers and wrecks explicitly to flip off the Republic.


But through her leadership (...well, and the Empire's leadership having a lot of backstabbing idiots), she's putting the Sith on the ropes, getting closer and closer to wiping out the Sith one and for all... and then Zakuul comes in, wrecks everything and forces her to accept their dominion, for the proud Republic to become a vassal state under a Force User that acts an awful lot like a Sith...


Don't get me wrong. I get why they made her a moustache-twirling politician sort of villain, they were trying to wrap up as much of the mess KOTFE made as possible, but... I just wish they had given her a speech or two about why she did what she did, a big villain speech to help connect you to her.


Because I don't see her as an evil monster. I see her as a normal person that got pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed again by the Sith until she became as dark as the forces she was determined to defeat.

Edited by Kyrrant
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I'm actually a little disappointed by how they handled Saresh. It made her come off as too much like a tin-pot dictator instead of...


Look. Saresh's life story basically is punctuated repeatedly by "...and then the Sith came in and ruined everything."


She was a slave in the Sith Empire when young. A female Twi'lek slave. Not unreasonable to suspect that she did more than dance.


She escapes, grows in prominence, and gets the chance to restore her ancestor's homeworld that was cruelly and pointlessly destroyed by Sith a few hundred years before. Taris.


A world that the Empire then conquers and wrecks explicitly to flip off the Republic.


But through her leadership (...well, and the Empire's leadership having a lot of backstabbing idiots), she's putting the Sith on the ropes, getting closer and closer to wiping out the Sith one and for all... and then Zakuul comes in, wrecks everything and forces her to accept their dominion, for the proud Republic to become a vassal state under a Force User that acts an awful lot like a Sith...


Don't get me wrong. I get why they made her a moustache-twirling politician sort of villain, they were trying to wrap up as much of the mess KOTFE made as possible, but... I just wish they had given her a speech or two about why she did what she did, a big villain speech to help connect you to her.


Because I don't see her as an evil monster. I see her as a normal person that got pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed again by the Sith until she became as dark as the forces she was determined to defeat.


I suspect she didn't give a speech because in her eyes, she needs no justification for what she did. She's one of those people who thinks they're right about everything, that they're the only one who can fix things, and that anyone who disagrees is either an idiot, evil, or an evil idiot.

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I'm laughing like crazy reading all the posts here and getting a mental image of Saresh getting repeatedly punched by toons of all races, classes and alignments.


Seriously, someone needs to do a video of that.


or a vid of all those we can kill . Considering the amount of complain there was about Koth..I'm surprised there isnt a thread where there is a Party.....or even Arcann .


But yeah..the look on her face was so priceless lol can't wait to get my Trooper to do it......:D

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Ah yes. That was a good chapter. My Jedi knight was itching to throw her into jail ever since she basically forced workers and soldiers alike into continiously risking being eaten alive during the construction of Taris by simply not letting them leave the planet.
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I'm laughing like crazy reading all the posts here and getting a mental image of Saresh getting repeatedly punched by toons of all races, classes and alignments.


Seriously, someone needs to do a video of that.


If that cutscene didn't crash my game unless the graphics are set to low, I totally would! I have many alts of various races, classes, body types, and both genders :D

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I'm actually a little disappointed by how they handled Saresh. It made her come off as too much like a tin-pot dictator instead of...


Look. Saresh's life story basically is punctuated repeatedly by "...and then the Sith came in and ruined everything."


She was a slave in the Sith Empire when young. A female Twi'lek slave. Not unreasonable to suspect that she did more than dance.


She escapes, grows in prominence, and gets the chance to restore her ancestor's homeworld that was cruelly and pointlessly destroyed by Sith a few hundred years before. Taris.


A world that the Empire then conquers and wrecks explicitly to flip off the Republic.


But through her leadership (...well, and the Empire's leadership having a lot of backstabbing idiots), she's putting the Sith on the ropes, getting closer and closer to wiping out the Sith one and for all... and then Zakuul comes in, wrecks everything and forces her to accept their dominion, for the proud Republic to become a vassal state under a Force User that acts an awful lot like a Sith...


Don't get me wrong. I get why they made her a moustache-twirling politician sort of villain, they were trying to wrap up as much of the mess KOTFE made as possible, but... I just wish they had given her a speech or two about why she did what she did, a big villain speech to help connect you to her.


Because I don't see her as an evil monster. I see her as a normal person that got pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed again by the Sith until she became as dark as the forces she was determined to defeat.


Then she went on and did lots of terrible things. Ziost. Not truely giving up her position in the Republic, when she was done with her term.


She showed herself to be power hungry, while also feeling like she had the Jedi Order on stand by for her own whims.


She went to far. I would think most would imprison her, but it seems a lot of rage won out. :p

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I'm laughing like crazy reading all the posts here and getting a mental image of Saresh getting repeatedly punched by toons of all races, classes and alignments.


Seriously, someone needs to do a video of that.


I love this idea!


Punched by every gender, colour, and body type of every species in SWTOR!

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I'm laughing like crazy reading all the posts here and getting a mental image of Saresh getting repeatedly punched by toons of all races, classes and alignments.


Seriously, someone needs to do a video of that.

I imagine a long line of people, queuing up and paying to punch Saresh, all of that money funding her campaign.

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