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I'd like to take this time to address


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That I am a bad loser. I cannot hide my feelings well, losing several in a row.


I apologize to those I have offended who not deserve it.


I play as hard as I can, and it may not be top notch work, but I try very hard. Doing things to the best of my ability.


I am not a Despon, a Krix, or a Vex....


But, I still like to win once in awhile.


I know reco0rd doesnt matter..it's how you play the game...blah blah.


I am a Cleveland Browns fan. So, I KNOW about losing, lol.


I think I look for the losing side, to help bolster them if I can. Maybe make it more competitive.


Sometimes it seems that people tend to forget, or dont care about the people on the other side, and how they are being devastated to the point of not coming back. There was a person in a guild, that, after one too many lopsided losses, left the guild, and on the way out of GSF chat said, I am not cut out for this.


That is what happens when a group of vets hang on one side too long.


I do my weekly, then switch sides and do my weekly there. Unless it is very competitive, or my side keeps losing.


But, I will not sit on a losing side for all seven for the weekly. I need, we ALL need to win sometimes.


One ting that is very, very clear.


That, starting a gsf toon at this late stage of the game, is WORSE than when we all started at the beginning.


Sure..they have the handy videos....the web pages.....the live video feeds...


They can 'mock' a vets set up. But the cannot 'mock' the ability of a vet.


New pilot stock ship vs Vet in maxed ships = dead new pilot


New pilot in stock vs vet pilot in stock ships = dead new pilot


New pilot in max ship vs vet in max ship = dead


Some actually bubble thru and become competent pilots. Very few stay long enough.


When your team is nearly winning it....and you have lost your behind most of the night...and the opposition pulls out the bombers...which your team cannot handle...as far as not equipped high enough. And the other team knows it...So, they pull out the win. The one you COULD have had, after all those losses in a row. And, not ONLY that, they did it twice in a span of 5 games.


I am just thinking its a shame.


Do dailies and switch..or send people over to match up against you. I know some are afraid to shoot their friends.


Let me just say, I would shoot my own mother if she were on the other side. Right Rose? :D


I know I will hear it. I'm a cry baby, etc. But that is fine.


GSF'ers are a special breed. Not everyone is cut out for it. But, it would be nice to get them trained up enough before they say 'I cant do this anymore!'


Signed appropriately....



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I'd also like to add...a reason for the bomber spam that has arisen.


It started with, it's the only way to fight off superior pilots.


If you have 4 or more aces against a rag tag team...they just might bomber spam you. Because that is their only chance to beat them.


Then it just became a cure all for not have great skills or up equipped ships.


It works very well against those that cannot defend against it.


Not so well against those who have the capability to fight it off.


So, it's not necessarily that they are jerks..they just havnt been taught, or built up the skills on the other ships.

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From my experience however in Reference to the bombers. Most of those same bomber pilots have been doing that for months, have clearly gotten req from dailies on other ships, but just refuse to leave the bomber spam to even learn how to fly anything else. (I could name many bomber pilots like this, but I won't do to the forums rules).


For pilots switching sides, while you are correct to a point, BW has just implemented the ultimate Stay on one character for all your game time due to Galactic command. Any player trying to get command ranks won't bother alt hopping, or switching factions anymore. 5.0 has basically killed that for awhile anyway.

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For pilots switching sides, while you are correct to a point, BW has just implemented the ultimate Stay on one character for all your game time due to Galactic command. Any player trying to get command ranks won't bother alt hopping, or switching factions anymore. 5.0 has basically killed that for awhile anyway.


I personally think this could be a good thing for the time being, and an additional disincentive against the rampant faction hopping that has become the elephant in the room, especially on the Harbinger.

Edited by Lavaar
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People usually flock to the winning side on Harb, so yes this should cut down on that IF these pilots are working on gear for their endgame toons. Sadly, the imp side on Harb is more dominant now than it has been in two years. So people like me that prefer to fly imp side is already "stacking" the winning side.
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the problem is that the best pilots who play REGULARLY always always always group together. Whoever they are but I know they know who they are :b they have a million excuses and it always adds up to an unwillingness to be challenged really :p not saying they aren't challenged, just not as much as they could be. And then once they have pulverized a group of players like this poor guy for long enough, they switch EN MASSE to the other side and do the same exact thing :) and this happens on ANY server with an active gsf community :b if you dare point that out to them you are labeled a ******* and hunting you becomes the next excuse for massively stacking the teams as they do everything possible to excommunicate the scrub who upsets things :o I've seen it multiple times on multiple servers TBH


I'm sorry to you philwil :( the best advice I can offer is to find a few people who fly at the same time as you and try to develop a small team. It's what a lot of the vets I've mentioned tend to do. :/

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I personally think this could be a good thing for the time being, and an additional disincentive against the rampant faction hopping that has become the elephant in the room, especially on the Harbinger.


1) shadowlands is srw sided: P


2) it is not especially harbinger lol, harbinger has a lot of people who work to keep things balanced and for the most part do :b look at TRE where after a certain point midday it goes to 100% imp wins basically every single day lol

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1) shadowlands is srw sided: P


2) it is not especially harbinger lol, harbinger has a lot of people who work to keep things balanced and for the most part do :b look at TRE where after a certain point midday it goes to 100% imp wins basically every single day lol


Call me up, we can definitely win if we put our minds to it.

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It can be tough..i try to solo as much as possible. Not saying groups are bad....


Soloing, you get what you get.


With a group, it is a known quantity/quality you are going into a match with.


But this was more for those...that are new.


It's a pretty fast turn off for gsf to be swamped the entire first few matches you try and play.


The one guy that left the guild had played maybe about a month and a half or so, lol.


I told him n whisper....to come back after you cooled off. but, I imagine if I could look at his face..he would just give the dead stare, lol.


I have no max ships on Harbinger anymore. I have spread them to the winds....


I made a slew of new ones......

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1) shadowlands is srw sided: P


2) it is not especially harbinger lol, harbinger has a lot of people who work to keep things balanced and for the most part do :b look at TRE where after a certain point midday it goes to 100% imp wins basically every single day lol


Shadowlands definitely is SRW sided, but it isn't due to SRW making concerted efforts to group there the way that has been done on other servers. Shadowlands has become in more recent memory a place where mostly solo players or new pilots have flown, mostly without premade or ace interference. This has lowered the overall skill level of the games there and has made it a good training ground for new pilots. That being said, when even one ace-tier SRW branded pilot takes to the skies, their presence alone (often solo) is enough to seriously impact most matches there, regardless of faction.


The unique issue I see with harbinger that doesn't seem to happen as often on other servers isn't so much the supergroups, but rather the presence of some form of intelligence network, where the "aces" know who's on both sides at any given time, and only seem to que when they are reasonably certain they will be going into the winning team. If they aren't sure, they either stop flying or switch to whatever side is the strongest. I am not sure how this happens but it is what I have experienced, and why an SRW group often goes wholly unopposed when 2 or 3 are together, but individual pilots are swarmed when alone.


This has been conveyed to us before, how often groups of pilots will "give up" when they see us. It happened the other night with only two of us online together (Yallia and I), and our response has been to more or less withdraw from the server and make more efforts on servers which are welcoming of competition such as TRE is lately.

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Yeah. Wonderful again this past night on Harbinger.


Basically....you dont want to fly pub on Harbinger for about 4 or 5 hours starting around 11 PM eastern or so.



What I suggested to my pub friends was that we all go imp side and q...so those 'friends' can fly together..but we all benefit by splitting up the several 4 man teams with the 4 man teams that keep getting thrown against a brick wall.


Basically..the fun is dying of on this old time gsf pilot. Wearing mighty thin. And a few are thinking the same thing.


Well..maybe more than a few.

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Or..if you are an able bodied pilot that would like to wreck this imp wrecking crew...feel free to transfer a maxed gsf toon to harbinger and play during this time. Preferably a Pub toon. We dont want to add to the imp side there, hehe.


Save the Pubs!!




And yes..this is an S.O.S

Edited by philwil
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Or you could fly somewhere people care. Don't get me wrong, balancing is important, but if you can't rely on the server regulars to do so it's a waste of time trying.


Most times on Harb I've been either stomped or stomping. Not much in between. You get a decent win, and next thing you know suddenly your side is 8 5-shippers against a bunch of players trying to figure out how to boost. You lose, and next match is you vs. a wall... It's pathetic.


I'd rather spend my time on servers that don't actively discourage competitive games.

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Or..if you are an able bodied pilot that would like to wreck this imp wrecking crew...feel free to transfer a maxed gsf toon to harbinger and play during this time. Preferably a Pub toon. We dont want to add to the imp side there, hehe.


Save the Pubs!!




And yes..this is an S.O.S




The problem with this is that the imps will immediately switch sides when they see that the pubs are strong. Or they will just stop queuing until you sign off.


I tried giving Harb the benefit of the doubt for a long time. It used to be a really good server because of fast pops and because it was kinda the central hub for traveling aces. Most of those aces barely play anymore, so what we're left with is the troll Kronies and the faction jumpers. No thanks

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I am rather addicted to GSFing and GSF on Ebon Hawk. Normally I find the group of regular flyers fun, challenging and all in all good people/players. I do have a few on ignore but that is just because I like to have fun. It is a game. WHAT I have a problem with and I so WISH the game would do things about it, is the cheats. The ones that have godmodes, autotargetting, infinite ammo, gunships that have a range of 30k and can fire through walls...players that can switch out a ship mid fight...You take screen shots, you offer evidence and nothing is done. I think that is what can ruin GSF and ruin fun for beginners.


I LOVE a challenging game of GSF but it is virtually impossible to fly against or even with players that use these cheats. Learn the ships, learn how to fly, learn how to GSF. Sure you may not win all the time but it is a heck of a lot more fun.

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Hm, I've never seen those cheats before.


As far as "infinite ammo", ships with heals/repairs can spec to reload ammo, so that would explain that. Otherwise I'm curious exactly how you're tracking how many missiles every enemy player is using.


The only cheat I see is the "lag-hack", which makes ships appear to skip around and difficult to hit. That one is really obvious, when you see their targeting-lead reticle go crazy and skip around all over the place.

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You take screen shots, you offer evidence and nothing is done. I think that is what can ruin GSF and ruin fun for beginners.

Please, oh please, post your evidence here. All of it, every last bit. Prove that these dastardly cheaters, whom I have never seen play in the roughly 7000 games of GSF that I have flown, exist. Unveil them, pull back the curtain on Ebon Hawk cheating hackers once and for all. Video their cheats, there's free screencap software for you to do it with. Lay it bare.


Or maybe, just maybe, the cries of hax that have rung out from the dank corners of TEH since time immemorial have no basis in reality. This is a server that considers strafing a hack, so judge that as you will. You do not need to hack to light up inexperienced players in GSF and have enormous numbers. You need to know how the game works and have good piloting skills. That's really all.


Don't cry 'cheater.'


Learn the game, understand the systems by which it operates, and then you, too can get accused of hacking as you're blowing away the people who would rather blame hacks instead of get better.


- Despon

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I am rather addicted to GSFing and GSF on Ebon Hawk. Normally I find the group of regular flyers fun, challenging and all in all good people/players. I do have a few on ignore but that is just because I like to have fun. It is a game. WHAT I have a problem with and I so WISH the game would do things about it, is the cheats. The ones that have godmodes, autotargetting, infinite ammo, gunships that have a range of 30k and can fire through walls...players that can switch out a ship mid fight...You take screen shots, you offer evidence and nothing is done. I think that is what can ruin GSF and ruin fun for beginners.


I LOVE a challenging game of GSF but it is virtually impossible to fly against or even with players that use these cheats. Learn the ships, learn how to fly, learn how to GSF. Sure you may not win all the time but it is a heck of a lot more fun.


I play on TEH. I haven't seen this, at all.


If you have any evidence, feel free to PM me. I'm curious.

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I am rather addicted to GSFing and GSF on Ebon Hawk. Normally I find the group of regular flyers fun, challenging and all in all good people/players. I do have a few on ignore but that is just because I like to have fun. It is a game. WHAT I have a problem with and I so WISH the game would do things about it, is the cheats. The ones that have godmodes, autotargetting, infinite ammo, gunships that have a range of 30k and can fire through walls...players that can switch out a ship mid fight...You take screen shots, you offer evidence and nothing is done. I think that is what can ruin GSF and ruin fun for beginners.


I LOVE a challenging game of GSF but it is virtually impossible to fly against or even with players that use these cheats. Learn the ships, learn how to fly, learn how to GSF. Sure you may not win all the time but it is a heck of a lot more fun.


I fly TEH almost Exclusively, and have would love to see this evidence. I've come across some pretty amazing things, but this has me truly curious.

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I get accused of lag hacking cause of my abominable internet, but of the 2000 matches I have played I have only once EVER seen what MIGHT have been a legitimate case of cheating in GSF, and this person was taking Proton Torpedoes (in a bomber) and loosing less than 1% of their health, and that was... God one and a half years ago.


I actually kind of regret reporting them, now that I know GSF as well as I do, I wish I could go back and watch that match again, and determine whether they really were hacking.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Not very useful, considering evasion means you can miss even if you're exactly on target.

infinite ammo

Repair drones, repair probes, yellow orbs all refill ammo. Why would you even try to cheat with ammo?

gunships that have a range of 30k

30k is farfetched, but lag can account for more than 15k. It's not uncommon for me to land shots from 15.2-3k on Harbinger. The flipside is that I also get hit at the same ranges...

...and can fire through walls

This is actually a possible exploit, but there's a much larger chance that said gunships are simply better positioned than you. If you're interested in joining the GSF Discord server, there was a long discussion on this very subject today.

players that can switch out a ship mid fight

Not possible. Or rather, not probable, unless you consider someone hacking the actual game servers just for the benefit of switching ships mid-battle probable.


The only exploit I know of is firing through one-way obstacles, and that only works behind specific obstacles or by actually getting inside of them. There is possibly an exploit (also discussed on Discord) that involves firing outside of the targeting reticule, but that requires you to be extremely close range. I doubt that's what you're talking about.


Any hack modifying actual stats is impossible without gaining access to the actual servers, since that is where numbers and stats are stored. As I said, it's highly unlikely that a hacker has that level of capability yet chooses to grief people in what must be the most underplayed minigame of any MMO. The only "hack" available client-side is lagswitching (since the client sends your position to the server). Not generally beneficial in a twitch shooter, because while you're not taking damage you also can't deal any... If you see someone doing that, it's pretty easy to record and prove.


For the record, I do have a recording of a hacker (in ground PvP) and BW actually did something about it when I sent it to them. I'm not sure if they'd extend the same courtesy to GSF, but just try it out.

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I am rather addicted to GSFing and GSF on Ebon Hawk. Normally I find the group of regular flyers fun, challenging and all in all good people/players. I do have a few on ignore but that is just because I like to have fun. It is a game. WHAT I have a problem with and I so WISH the game would do things about it, is the cheats. The ones that have godmodes, autotargetting, infinite ammo, gunships that have a range of 30k and can fire through walls...players that can switch out a ship mid fight...You take screen shots, you offer evidence and nothing is done. I think that is what can ruin GSF and ruin fun for beginners.


I LOVE a challenging game of GSF but it is virtually impossible to fly against or even with players that use these cheats. Learn the ships, learn how to fly, learn how to GSF. Sure you may not win all the time but it is a heck of a lot more fun.


I am TEH... never seen these hacks.. I've seen the lag spike ships were they are almost using mini revers thrusters every 3 seconds or so... I've also seen them hit a 5 second spike and then into a meteor so that was fun. I have been clipped inside a domination station where I couldn't move, if I tried it was hull damage... I could shoot, but getting shot was rare... i ended up killing myself because i couldn't roam and they gave up on B.

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