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Everything posted by Ellscry

  1. Please consider making these changes for GSF as well. All incentives to bring people in are appreciated, and honestly needed.
  2. First thing I tried, and I was unable to unlock the Legacy Command XP boost as well.
  3. Ebon Hawk is my primary server as well. I'm often on Ells (my main) or another toon with those starting letters around the same time you are flying, and would be more than happy to group up. I'll keep an eye out for you!
  4. I fly TEH almost Exclusively, and have would love to see this evidence. I've come across some pretty amazing things, but this has me truly curious.
  5. Bah! I just want to know if I was going to suddenly explode from a shot to the back while going after you!
  6. Welcome back! Did you bring Delphi with you?
  7. There are still a few pilots left on Ebon Hawk, myself and Irialle among them. We tend to fly in the evenings, around 8:00 PM Eastern until we stop getting pops, or one of us needs to leave. The pops do happen more frequently around that time, but it really depends on who's on.
  8. Myself and Irialle had fun flying in this, so thanks very much for setting it up. We flew Imperial side all night, until the disparity in capable pilots got to be a bit much. We still had a blast. I'll have to make sure to do my weeklies on Harbinger to get more ships reqed up!
  9. I will do my best to be flying. Most likely alone, unless I can convince some of my co-pilots to join me. It's kind of looking like things are stacked Pub side at the moment, so I'll probably fly Imp. Looking forward to it
  10. I've been away for a while, but I've been flying the last week or so, and I have two shout outs from last night. First, to Shayd: I'm not sure how many members of Eclipse Squadron you had with you, but you all flew as a team, and flew brilliantly. I only flew against you twice last night, but in the first match you took us 50-14 and I felt proud to have gotten 4 kills. In the second match it was 50-3 and I felt lucky to only have 6 (I think) deaths, and one kill. Really brings out what a good squad can do. Plus, I like a challenge. To Cheechong: You sir, are excellent. If we still have an ace list, you belong on it. In the matches we flew against you, you evaded so well, and were such a challenge, I just had to chase you. You are truly a great pilot. Thanks to everyone who flew yesterday, I am reminded why I love GSF.
  11. I wanted to pop in here and give some shout outs for the matches I flew last night. Germanium, Ga'raa (And I apologise most profusely, but your two wingmen whose names I can only remember barely..I think Trataine, and something starting with a K? Damn I bad with names...) I seriously had a great time, you guys are tough opponents I I think we lost more than we won, but it was a blast all around. You guys are great. Ga'raa you are a slippery devil. Aimbot / Leggogurl:: I hate you -.- ....................() Seriously, love flying against you, and with you.
  12. You bring up a very good point. I would have to say the two I miss the most are Delphi and Rainous. When I was first starting out, I would focus on surviving or harassing them, and if I survived it felt like an accomplishment. Everyone here makes the game fun, but I always love the matches with those two. Even when we lost, which was a fair amount, and the victories truly felt like it. ((PS Rhint, when you fly Gunship, you scare me.)
  13. Good grief Nemarus, between you and the rest of your Imp wingmen you trashed me hard last night. I was in a fight for survival from the moment I spawned in until one of you blew me away. I only recognized you and one other name, but damn. That was a fight. I only wish I could have done better.
  14. to add to Rhint's list, Irialle (republic) does not seem to be mentioned...
  15. Thanks! You can tell I'm not big on the channel thing I think. Also, you were seriously annoying (in a good way) in last night's match.
  16. Briefly reading through here, and I find out that there is a GSF Channel that I am currently not a member of... And not being hip on chat channels I have no idea how to find it or join it. It might have helped with my frame of mind after getting utterly facerolled in a Domination match last night. Or at least let me congratulate the folks who I was flying against. Any help for a fellow pilot?
  17. Awwww, Rhint you're making me blush.
  18. I finally created, and worked through bugs, just to post here. First; I want to shout out to the imps. I'm not going to be able to name everyone who gets my heart pumping, but: Ded'i, Rainous, Delphi, Kamie, Knickers (And more), you guys make the game FUN. Thanks for that, and as much as my death count goes up when you're about, I like to see you about. For my Allies: Damidez (Irialle), Large, Rhint, Jon-ik, Courtney, and again, More (Including my guildies in the 13th Legion). You people make it a race. I love to fly with you, and will do so any time. This part of the game has become my joy, and you all make it that much better. (And me just a little bit worse at it )
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