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KOTET chapters - your opinion?


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Theron's got a novel and a 3 book comic series about him, though. Lana doesn't (that I know of).



That's one gripe I have about Lana's character. We don't really know much about what makes her tick. She's lacking a properly developed background, imo. We know some vague details but that's about it. She was born into a wealthy business family but we know nothing more. Does Lana like her family? Did she want to follow in their footsteps before becoming Sith? How did she feel about becoming Sith?


A part of this is the way her character was introduced into the story. Lana was mainly a quest giver that helped you move the plot along in the SoR expansion. It's similar to Theron's role but as you said, he as more development in material outside the game. Even if everyone hasn't read this, it's still there for those who are interested in him and is still a part of his character story.


They (unfortunately) removed the type of conversations we used to have with companions which limits how much info we can get about new ones. But it's also the way they write Lana. Koth is a new character, but I feel like I know more about him even since he's very open with his feelings and will let you know if you do something he likes/hates.


Basically, I wish Lana would talk about herself/feelings more and not focus her so much on just being support for the main character and their goals.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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I loved it but holy crap why did they have to Virmire us?


What is the meaning of "Virmire/Fade" :rak_02: us?!? No spoilers please!


I thought it was a great- I am sad how Valkorion dies- he was my favorite character, but it had a satisfying ending. Much prefer it over KOTFE.


I don't really buy that The Immortal Emperor died; I was surprised when I had been informed that the JK had destroyed Him back then and I had thought that BW had spoiled SW:TOR's main asset, thus it's hard for me to believe once more that BW eventually destroyed this Goldmine of that Galaxy far-far away...



P.S: I admit that I am very stupid... :rolleyes: I had bought back in December 2011 a lovely Corsair Force 3 120 GB SSD and now it's out of available space!!.... F*ck plus F*ck squared!! I just made use of this lovely SSD in order to have Windows 7 Pro En, NVIDIA drivers, Norton Internet Security, Microsoft Office AND SW:TOR ... and 111-114.5 GB gone by the bytes!! :mad:

Not to mention that two years ago the OS had to remove the "pagefile.sys" from the primary HDD to the auxiliary one ... and this is a file of 15.9 GB... Inform people about that issue, don't let them believe that SW:TOR needs at least 37 GB of HDD 'cause 120 GB ARE NOT ENOUGH!! :mad: Well, it just needed 38.3 GB so far but you have to install Windows, Anti-Virus, GPU drivers etc. ... AT LEAST!!

I am ready to buy a 480 GB SSD and reinstall the flaming game after reinstalling NIS... :o Any suggestions?!?

Edited by cunctatorg
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The new Dromund Kaas was nice to see (and Empress Acina reminiscing with my SI about killing slugs on Korriban shows how far both characters have come). It was nice to see some choices have some degree of impact (even though we are on the Railroad Express). Didn't care for the final chapter which felt more like Dragon Age than Star Wars (the final fight also bugged out for me but that's a separate topic).


Honestly, I hope this story arc is now over.

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Chapter 1-3 where probably the best IMO, I really enjoyed seeing Voss and Dromund Kaas again. Chapter 2 leaves me hopeful for the future content as it looks like we may be going back more to the Republic vs Empire stuff.


I didn't mind Iokath but it definintly could have been better and have a bit more of an impact.


Chapters 6-9 where it kinda fell off. The party stuff was fun for like 10 minutes, but you move around so slow and didn't have access to abilities, got boring. Nathema was kind of underwhelming and the ending while alright, could have been better.


At least Valkorian is gone.

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What is the meaning of "Virmire/Fade" :rak_02: us?!? No spoilers please!




Virmire is from Mass Effect 1 where you have a similar situation to Chapter 8 KOTET.


Your choice is save the male romance option or save the female romance option.


The Fade is from Dragon Age: Inquisition where you can sacrifice the former player character (equivalent of letting Jedi Exile from KOTOR II die) or you can sacrifice someone else.


Pretty much everyone saves their former PC and lets someone else die.

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At least Valkorion is gone.


I repeat, I don't buy this anymore!! I didn't play KotET so far (for the aforementioned :mad: reasons :( ) but IMO He'll be back sooner or later...


Virmire is....


The Fade is ....


Pretty much everyone saves their former PC and lets someone else die.



Thank you!

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I repeat, I don't buy this anymore!! I didn't play KotET so far (for the aforementioned :mad: reasons :( ) but IMO He'll be back sooner or later...




Thank you!


I think he's really gone at this point, he didn't actually have a physical body at the time, he was fighting over yours in chapter 9. But his spirit or mind or whatever is dead now too... so he has nothing. Can't seem him coming back

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I was glad to tie up a few loose ends like FINALLY getting rid of Valkorion, and Scorpio story.


But the missions were long, tedious and spam of Sky troopers ad naseaum. My god how many of those frakkers must I send to the scrap yard?!


Vaylin was very 1 dimensional, just nothing behind her, Arcann for the light side was nice to redeem him and have him help. Senya, just flat like usual.


No character interaction really, oh and thanks for Mandalore, and I can't use her freaking once during the 9 chapters! THANKS!


Oh and making me pick between Torian and Vette? Thanks *****, couldn't of been say Kaliyo and Vette? Cause Vette would be the instant pick to live. Had to be between 2 characters I really liked! And love interests to boot!


Oh and speak of that. Ok now everyone knows who I am, where the hell are Kira, Elara, Mako, Akaavi etc?


Come on already!


But one highlight, finally getting to deal with that witch Saresh, that made me giggle a lot. Thanks for that.

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Hello i have submitted numerous tickets and now that they havent even fixed it in today's part ch it m about to un sub and uninstall this game there is a quest blocker bug going on with vette in chapter 4 of kotet after you kill all the purifier droids on iokath she wont talk to me at all i have been a long time player and have been disappointed with swtor and this is my last straw if its not fixed i am leaving for good oh and the mission is called where dreams die. How ironic my dreams of playing this since early access have definitely died.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


Use fleet pass... go back into instance, if that doesn't work. Leave and reset mission. Seriously is it that difficult to figure these things out for some?

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I found it more enjoyable than a good portion of kotfe's story, however it did feel a little rushed overall seeing as it only has half the chapters (and it doesn't look like we're getting any more), like they just wanted to get it over and done with. Despite the striking similarities to Ilos, I probably enjoyed Iokath the most. A little more exploration before the confrontation with the AI would have been nice though. Having all the comps conveniently in one spot instead of finding a few on our own was kind of anti-climatic.


The biggest nitpick I have would be the Virmire choice in chapter 8. While as refreshingly different as far as BWA storytelling goes, it also felt more than a little pointless the more I thought about it. Hunters and warriors (for the most part) would naturally gravitate to their vanilla companion over the other, and the rest of the classes haven't had that much interaction with either choice outside of the respective chapters that introduced them to care either way. If both had been sent to secure an objective on the battlefield that would have somehow impacted the story later on, then it would have been worth while. As it stands now, it's killing one off just for the hell of it.

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to the op:

You were bored with this expansion?

I don't really have a response to that...


Vaylins voice annoyed you?

Well I guess that's a matter of opinion as I personally like the character and her voice actoress


No companions returning?

I completely agree with you here and that was total and utter bs. All of my original romances and none of my apprentices / padawans returned. I can't stress enough how much it sucks that most of the original companions haven't said a word since the makeb expansion nor has anything continued our relationships. Game needs repeatable romance stuff with you wife / husband as sort of a mini game or fun stuff with the companions you most enjoy.


You didn't like the final fight?

I agree it wasn't perfect but I liked it.


My other feedback


Vaylins fate

I am most let down that I wasn't able to save Vaylin by any means. She's the biggest victim when you get down to all the hell she was put through as a child. I didn't expect her to walk away alive or anything but I was hoping I could somehow spark a good change for her before she died. It was also disappointing that her mother didn't have one final conversation with her after the "death blow" as she laid there dying. Instead the cutscene completely jumps away as if nothing happened there despite it being a major advancement in the story.


Darth Acina - I want her clothes / armor please


Companions - Did I mention im sick of my original companions still not being used in the story? Oh just thought i'd mention it again.


Group content -

Im not in a guild anymore so i don't really do group content but bioware isn't be fair to those that enjoy do it but not making group content anymore.

Edited by Noyjitat
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I found it more enjoyable than a good portion of kotfe's story, however it did feel a little rushed overall seeing as it only has half the chapters (and it doesn't look like we're getting any more), like they just wanted to get it over and done with. Despite the striking similarities to Ilos, I probably enjoyed Iokath the most. A little more exploration before the confrontation with the AI would have been nice though. Having all the comps conveniently in one spot instead of finding a few on our own was kind of anti-climatic.


The biggest nitpick I have would be the Virmire choice in chapter 8. While as refreshingly different as far as BWA storytelling goes, it also felt more than a little pointless the more I thought about it. Hunters and warriors (for the most part) would naturally gravitate to their vanilla companion over the other, and the rest of the classes haven't had that much interaction with either choice outside of the respective chapters that introduced them to care either way. If both had been sent to secure an objective on the battlefield that would have somehow impacted the story later on, then it would have been worth while. As it stands now, it's killing one off just for the hell of it.

I agree with you on all points and especially about Iokath. I was immediately enchanted by it, and I wish we had more time there to explore and maybe figure out a mystery on our own. I'd love to read a book that used Iokath as a location <3

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I loved the whole thing except for the horrible and useless death choice in Chapter 8. I would rather have no "choices that matter" at all than have another one like this. No matter which one you pick, this is just hurtful to the player......no other way to describe it. I played on my female Bounty Hunter, who loves Torian to distraction so there was no way she would not save him. She'd sooner die herself. But poor sweet Vette was a very enjoyable character and having her die was just pointless....like they did it "just because they could". I really hated this and will be very careful about playing through future stories not to get blindsided by something like this again.



Also, I knew beforehand that we wouldn't be getting anymore of our old companions back this time around, but I really hated that we didn't. It's taking so long that it's completely ridiculous. I doubt there is a player in the game who isn't upset about it now. And I still haven't heard any kind of explanation about it that even makes sense. Did they REALLY think we didn't care about our companions?

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Overall Ioved it best expansion to date - great story I like that choices matter for the first time ever. I didn't mind them killing off a character, things like this make the story more meaningful.


I will concede it still would make 0 sense as a non force class though and since 4 of the 8 classes are non force Bioware probably should have considered that.


Also would have been nice for Revan to appear in the final fight and maybe even Meetra as well would be a nice touch for the whole Emperor storyline to have come full circle.

Edited by RTCBrad
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Overall Ioved it best expansion to date - great story I like that choices matter for the first time ever. I didn't mind them killing off a character, things like this make the story more meaningful.


I will concede it still would make 0 sense as a non force class though and since 4 of the 8 classes are non force Bioware probably should have considered that.


Also would have been nice for Revan to appear in the final fight and maybe even Meetra as well would be a nice touch for the whole Emperor storyline to have come full circle.


I'll admit. I'm a bit disappointed by the absence of Scourge... his whole purpose for the last 300 years was to find a way to stop Vitiate and his insane crusade. It's why he became the Wrath in the first place so he could get close to the Emperor.

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That's one gripe I have about Lana's character. We don't really know much about what makes her tick. She's lacking a properly developed background, imo. We know some vague details but that's about it. She was born into a wealthy business family but we know nothing more. Does Lana like her family? Did she want to follow in their footsteps before becoming Sith? How did she feel about becoming Sith?


A part of this is the way her character was introduced into the story. Lana was mainly a quest giver that helped you move the plot along in the SoR expansion. It's similar to Theron's role but as you said, he as more development in material outside the game. Even if everyone hasn't read this, it's still there for those who are interested in him and is still a part of his character story.


They (unfortunately) removed the type of conversations we used to have with companions which limits how much info we can get about new ones. But it's also the way they write Lana. Koth is a new character, but I feel like I know more about him even since he's very open with his feelings and will let you know if you do something he likes/hates.


Basically, I wish Lana would talk about herself/feelings more and not focus her so much on just being support for the main character and their goals.


I agree with this completely. While Lana and Theron are both writers' tools to advance the plot, and could both be seen as writers' pets due to the plentiful cool moments they're given, I personally only find myself irked by Lana. And this is pretty much for the reasons you state above. We know hardly anything about her background. (My preference does not, by the way, have anything to do with romantic choices. None of my characters romanced Theron, while one character romanced Lana and then dumped her when an old LI returned.)


The only thing that seems important to Lana is the player character. Nothing much else stands out about her. She has a sort of sithy philosophy, to which I think she's grimly dedicated, without showing any great passion. ("May the Force serve you" is a very mild expression.) She's dark-sided in that she aims for ruthless efficiency, to maximize results even if it hurts others. However, she doesn't commit cruel acts just for the sake of cruelty, and she will generally yield to the player's decisions (if the player gets an option to overrule her). She may be annoyed if you don't do what she wants, but at the next available opportunity she'll go back to treating the player character like a minor deity. Presumably this is because of just how pivotal the main character has been, how much they can change the shape of the galaxy.


Her main values, then, seem to be pragmatism and power. But we know nothing about how she came to be this way, and I don't see any indication that she changes in this respect from her first appearance to her last. I don't think she goes through any character development, except maybe insofar as she forms some bonds with people like Koth. But she'd toss any of them aside if circumstances call for it. I think the player character is the only one she wouldn't abandon. And given how differently you can RP your character, that honestly makes her seem kinda sycophantic. Koth is much more interesting. I do appreciate that the writers need some persistent characters who stick around no matter what, so they can reliably use them to advance the plot, but maybe they could at least show some more reactivity based on your choices.


Theron is a bit of a special snowflake with his interesting parents. But at least you know way more about his background and the forces that shaped him compared to Lana. You can agree or disagree with him, express admiration or disdain for him, but at least you know what you're reacting to. That being said, I do think that reactivity has unfortunately decreased a bit since SoR. I have only played from SoR through KotFE twice, and to the end of KotET just once so far. In SoR, my neutral-to-DS agent was a complete jerk to Theron at every opportunity, and the experience was amazingly different compared with my pure LS consular. But it seems like in KotET my agent will be forced to give Theron a compliment through auto-dialogue (as my consular was, but she would've anyway). Anyway, regardless of whether I played my character as liking Theron or hating him, I, as a player, enjoyed his character. With Lana, there wasn't enough there for me to really enjoy. So when she's placed in centre stage, I kinda resent it and wish someone more interesting could have her screentime. At least in KotET she didn't dominate the start of the story like she did in KotFE.


Re. the whole "how can you hate the person who saved you" question mentioned in another post (which I can't find right now to quote), this has been old since Liara in Mass Effect. We can be grateful for being saved while not liking the person who does it. In particular, both Lana and Liara when saving you seem to shut out people who might be more important to you. If Shepard romanced Ash or Kaidan, Liara won't tell them anything about Shep's status for two freaking years, leaving them to find out Shep's alive in a way that hurts them. If the SWTOR main character romanced anyone else, or perhaps has a padawan or apprentice they're close to, Lana doesn't involve those other characters either - not even in cases where someone might be desperately searching, like Nadia, as we find out from Ranos! Both Liara and Lana give the impression of an obsessed stalker who wants to prove that they love you the most by saving you, and tries to shut out anyone else who knows you even if that person might be able to help. What matters is not that you're helped, but that they help you.


I don't think we'd get this impression if someone else helped depending on circumstances - or, if that level of reactivity was beyond the available budget, maybe Lana could've at least mentioned why she couldn't work with some others.

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Theron is a bit of a special snowflake with his interesting parents. But at least you know way more about his background and the forces that shaped him compared to Lana. You can agree or disagree with him, express admiration or disdain for him, but at least you know what you're reacting to. That being said, I do think that reactivity has unfortunately decreased a bit since SoR. I have only played from SoR through KotFE twice, and to the end of KotET just once so far. In SoR, my neutral-to-DS agent was a complete jerk to Theron at every opportunity, and the experience was amazingly different compared with my pure LS consular. But it seems like in KotET my agent will be forced to give Theron a compliment through auto-dialogue (as my consular was, but she would've anyway). Anyway, regardless of whether I played my character as liking Theron or hating him, I, as a player, enjoyed his character.


This has nothing to do with anything, but I wanted to share this.


My Agent treated Theron the EXACT same way through SoR. He was SIS. She doesn't trust them (for good reason). I imagine she suffers from mild PTSD that, because of the dissolution of Intelligence, she wasn't able to get help for. So she was incredibly triggered by him. She tried to maintain her Imperial Intelligence calm, but sometimes her hatred for what the Empire did to her and how the SIS took advantage of that would rise to the surface. Logically she knew Theron had nothing to do with it, but things like that sometimes defies logic. My Agent is only human after all.


And then she was frozen for 5 years. Has Valkorion in her head, lost Vector. Lost her life.


And now instead of being an anonymous ghost, she's the leader of an Alliance. But keep in mind that for our characters that much time hasn't passed for them. They think maybe a week or so has gone by. But my Agent decided to make an attempt to rise above it. Enter Theron in Chapter 9. I totally meant to select the neutral conversation option with the thought of my character making a tentative attempt to be at least civil with a person she'd be working with for the Force knew how long.


Know what happened? I friggin' fat fingered the response. Instead of "So you're spying for us now? (Option 2)" I hit "It's good to see you again, Theron. (Option 1)."


And at that moment I realized that my Agent probably meant it. So instead of hitting Escape and redoing it, I rolled with it. Because while he was someone she didn't get along with, he was someone familiar in a very unfamiliar situation. Which opened up a whole bunch of potential (head canon) character development for my Agent and her professional, bordering on cautiously friendly, relationship with Theron.


Aha! I figured out how to tie this in with your post!


My FAT FINGERING A RESPONSE led to more character development for my Agent than Lana has had since we met her in SoR :D

Edited by AngFour
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The way it happened, man...if it had been like a glorious death in battle, they cover your escape or something, or they are fatally injured but you get to like comfort them and talk to them before they die or something it would have been sad but not...wow but no. It was horrific (but damn if it doesn't make for a better story).

I chose to save Vette because I think of her as more of a helpless civilian and I thought Torian would have a warrior's death or we'd be able to save him but seeing him butchered like an animal on his knees I just...T_T

Though I did find myself screaming "Take


instead!" I love both of our choice characters too, I mean there were so many other choices where I could have picked one and been mildly sad but not these two. I have a ton of alts but now I'm thinking I wont complete KotET with them, just the first few chapters. I don't want to go through that again T_T


That is exactly how I felt. I have a shadow that stopped after Chapter 7. I will probably play one of my dark side characters to see if I can kill Koth, but that's about it.

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I liked it for the most part, the new mechanics were at least refreshing, the story did feel a bit rushed but the thing that really bothers me is the lack of fidelity to old players, I now that with the new lvl 60 token and boost, some people will miss the origin story, but I think they could have gave the old players some hints, for instance:



In the last fight with Valkorion, when he pulls out Valyn and Arcaan's ghost, I was hoping that my Inquisitor would pull his ghosts out of the sleeve, or for that matter bind Valky's spirit once it was weak.



Thats the kind of fidelity I was hoping to see.

Edited by RolockAncetZydos
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My FAT FINGERING A RESPONSE led to more character development for my Agent than Lana has had since we met her in SoR :D

This made me laugh. :D


For the record, my agent disliked Theron for reasons similar to yours, but being something of an imperial fanatic he never overcame that dislike. He also exhibited less character development than your fat fingering a response. ;)

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I hated it, along with kotfe. We didn't get to rejoin our old factions at the end like I was hoping we would. When we were talking to Acina it felt like I wasn't Sith at all, it felt like I was just another cookie cutter gray Jedi, which really frustrated me. I would have felt infinitely better about commanding a new Sith Empire or even just being on the dark council instead of the Eternal Alliance (has to be the most flaccid boring name of all time, we don't even have the luxury of calling it an empire).


My inquisitor would have immediately used the eternal fleet to destroy Zakuul, but we didn't get that option. I was hoping we would get a chance to use our force ghosts against Valkorion, but we didn't get that option (I kept them bound in the class story). Overall extremely disappointed. I also hated that along with kotfe and sor, we had zero choice but to work with the Republic.


Even on the neutral character I played I was disappointed. The ending wasn't really epic, we didn't get to do anything cool like take Valkorion's power or bind the force ghosts of Arcann and Vaylin. It felt like they rushed everything.

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This made me laugh. :D


For the record, my agent disliked Theron for reasons similar to yours, but being something of an imperial fanatic he never overcame that dislike. He also exhibited less character development than your fat fingering a response. ;)


My IA, actually liked Theron, because he was something of an oddity in spies. He was honest. She could respect that, and the fact he'd of never pulled her strings like that.

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