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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Biggest 5.0 Gripes - List Yours!


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Who cares if you have an "innovative" team of experts who can program **** "good" ya'll clearly have zero people in your office with a business or marketing mindset. Get it together, it's not hard. 18 months of a good MBA program for one person should help solve this easy. Posting videos on facebook also doesn't count as intelligent marketing strategy, it's overused and abused.


This makes me think of an article I read recently where John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile was asked for advice in succeeding in business and he only had one bit of advice. He said, "Give your customers what they want and then don't be surprised if you do, that you make a ton of money."


I think of that quote because BWA is doing the exact OPPOSITE of his advice. Most likely it will also have the opposite effect - instead of making a ton of money, you are going to lose a ton of money.

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Way to go bw. Way to go. You implemented a totally broken system for gearing, trashing a well designed token system we had for years just to hide how little content there actually is as you hope gamers will once again do years old content.


Bingo. You have an "expansion" with 6-12 hours of new content. Four months ago, you introduced an "event" to have everyone run the same old content again and now you have a GCS and RNG gearing to do the same content we could do before the expansion.


Incidentally, I don't think it was a coincidence that it will take a full year to reach Cmd Rank 300, and reach full top tier gear. I have a feeling very little new content is coming in the next year and they will have an "expansion" next year that will add another 6 hours of one time content, and reset the RNG gear grind.


I guess it is time to start trying other MMOs. Got a long term guild of players to think about.

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Whoever balanced the Monolith fight in Dreams of Empire on Veteran mode for melee classes without healing needs to come on and show us what he was thinking.


I should say that as I didn't die I don't know if Valkorians magical powers keep you alive on 1% health and you can ignore the fight completely in all reality. But my gods if that was meant to be 'fun' they missed the mark. No Companion to help you and a fairly random heals from Valkorian meant that my Marauder (whose heals 1% of his health per use of rage) spent the entire fire mastering the 5 D's Dogde, duck, dip, dive and dodge. Being forced to kite the bastard while I waited on cool downs to allow me to get in and make sure I did used more rage using attacks than he did damage to me. So basically one hit was 30 rage using attacks unless I had undying rage up.


So I would love to see the guy that designed that show off how a melee class with no pocket healer completely reliant on self heals and if and when Valkorian chips in how to do it.

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Easily the crystal/commendation issue for me. It was very easy for me to keep track of endgame gear, so this will be a bit of an adjustment. Really need to log some more time to let it sink in, but really wish I had geared up faster a month ago so I have time to wrap my mind around things. There were plenty of "Whaaaat the?" moments last night.
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HATE the new menu bar.

HATE that I earn dark points now from missions because all of my missions say light even the dark ones.

HATE that my character 's head grows out of her armpit when on my favourite mount.

(See: http://imgur.com/pPLbUlM )

Hate that gearing up is so expensive now just to buy mods since I have to use so many credits.

Hate how expensive companion gifts are (seriously? I never have 250k onhand at once.)


They did increase drops for mission discoveries and companion gifts from mobs so that's awesome.

They also fixed the guild flagship bug so that's even more awesome.


agree with the hates. Also hate no slicing level 10 lockboxes, just stupid


really not much to like with 5.0


oh and if that stupid chapter three timer wasn't bugged that would be nice. there is always one relay i can't break and doesn't explode

Edited by ottomadduxone
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  • Cartel dyes DO NOT unlock in Collections
  • Most Cartel Market items are gated behind gambling packs with HORRIBLE RNG
  • The outfit designer doesn't work for weapons
  • The outfit designer doesn't work for companions
  • New companions do not have proper equipment slots
  • Rated PvP is a terrible joke
  • The CXP system is a blatant rip off of the Destiny Vanguard system and is terrible
  • Reputation vendors require Cartel Certificates which are all but lost to the game

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What bugs me about 5.0 so far:


* The fact that BW couldn't be arsed to write decent quest-lines to bring back, or merely hint at the fate of, Ashara, Andronikos, Jaesa, Temple, Nadia, Zenith, Iresso, Scourge, Risha, Akaavi, Elara, or Kira. Skadge, Quinn, and Tharan can stay MIA as far as I'm concerned. Strike that, Quinn needs to come back so I can kill him like I should have been able to do in the main story!


* The fact that companions from KOtFE can't be customized.


* That the "planets" aren't really. This would be OK if true, open-world, planets were added from time to time. Zakuul, despite it's shared bits, doesn't count.


This. Not one single companion guys, really? :rak_02: Floored. :rak_02:


ch3 relays were bad too, took me at least a half hour to complete that quest. I lost track of time. But I only encountered 2 defects that actually completely halted my progression and restarted swtor fixed both, but ch3 relays was really bad and on another level.


Also removing DvL achievs doesn't make any sense. Those're coming back to get archived, right? Just checkmarks in a database, put them back in the UI for everyone.


I still don't understand what Valkorians plan was or why the Sith Emperor was living a double life.


If you take it as a stand alone then Valkorian there is no need for him to be the Sith Emperor and that would have made more sense. If you take it with the events of the original game the guy seemed pretty entrenched in the Sith Empire and had a number of evil republic shaped plans which don't mesh with an Eternal Fleet, a family man or a benevolent god who as Koth puts it has always done right by Zakuul and is still worshiped 5 years after his 'death.' How is this the same person?


It makes about as much sense as why Emperor Palpydoodle controls the weaker of the two factions, shadow controls the stronger faction, builds up his own, wipes out the other one, only to control both at a significantly weakened military level then sits back and literally does nothing.

Edited by siegeshot
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Any one else notice that if you leave a chapter to go to fleet you can not return to finish chapter. Only option seems to be to reset it and start the chapter all over. Guess BW is really desperate to say they have more game content. I mean, they count running alts through the same exact thing as new game content.

So nice of them to give us two new worlds we cant ever visit except by repeating chapters, and 9 chapters of cut scenes as brand new content. Originally game was so playable with all the class stories and the nice additions of companions you could develop a re pore with. Oddly they have destroyed or killed off all the aspects of the game that people most cared about. now everything is the same for every class and the companions are all just cookie cutter bs.

To copy FTP android and iphone apps they are doing away with gearing without spending an assinine amount of time grinding old content or spending real money on worse then vegas style odds gambling on cartel gear.

And less we forget, they have decided that achievements are no longer permanent just a tool of theirs to get you to grind old content once again.

Game deserves to fail. They have done everything they can to ruin most of it. When game opened they had a record number of subscribers for a mmo. Now they have to cheat the few they have left to survuve

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Just the bugs tbh, ability lag, bad cutscenes jumpy as hell, armour that worked on vette before (mira) now giving her a human body in cutscene (very weird), loading screens seem a tad borked.


Aye anyhow just bugs tbh, noin much else bothers me

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I don't usually complain about game changes, and one of these is not really about KOTET.


I want Corso back! Come on! Start giving us chapters to bring back our LIs! I'm afraid when I play my smuggler girl through KOTET, she's going to make some DS choices she wouldn't ordinarily make because she's so frustrated and angry that he's still missing.


HATE that the gunslinger has lost Dirty Kick! That was one of the most fun stuns in the game, and it was so useful when you got grappled. Though I haven't tried it yet, I know Below the Belt won't be any substitute.


HATE the menu bar! What a nuisance not be able to just click on the thing you want without having to read down a list first. Should be customizable.


And what's up with the crew skills? I open that window and I see the companions listed, but there's nothing in the area above where you select which thing you want them to do. And it's not out beside their portrait either. I checked this on several characters, both yesterday and today, same problem. But I was able to go train on the new assembly component, which did not show up in the crew skills window. Bug? Or am I missing something?

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Too many people around make this bug happen. With all the kotet bugs I doubt this is high on list. Buy the gtn terminal from the CM and put it in your stronghold. Problem solved.

I have one of those.

It doesn't work.


  • If it bugs it now, how about before, when population was just as high?
  • You do know you can buy those decos for prefabs from a vendor right?

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Wait... The DvL is over? Did they make an announcement? I didn't see anything on the webpage or any email about it... I was 3 flash points away from the next level too... if I had known that I would have finished them last weekend.

They didn't definitively say anything and that's what drives me. I was 5 FP's off from the companion.

Edited by BrennanBrewer
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They didn't definitively say anything and that's what drives me. I was 5 FP's off from the companion.


They did, they said in a live stream that it was going to end this fall when 5.0 kicks in. I think they could've highlighted it a bit more tho especially here on the forums and maybe with an in game notice since there seem to be many who missed out on this info.

Edited by Gray
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They did, I never touched that event but I do remember that they mentioned something about it in a live stream a while back.

I could be wrong but i believe it was the live stream awhile back were they said it may end a week or two before launch. But in the latest live stream they talk about DvL in the new xpac and i assumed (I think many others did the same) that it was the event.

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I'm not happy about the DvL reset and how Bioware never gave a definitive end date.

Wait... The DvL is over? Did they make an announcement? I didn't see anything on the webpage or any email about it... I was 3 flash points away from the next level too... if I had known that I would have finished them last weekend.

Pretty sure they had clear, definitive announcements about the end of DvL, this being just one example:


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