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Petition for Dark V Light Achievements to be acknowledged / archived


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If the D/L achievements aren't given back I will unsub and go back to WoW where they know better than to take away achievements that people work so hard on. I didn't create 8 new characters and level them up just to have all that work wiped out because they want us to do it all again IF they decide to run the D/L event again sometime in the future.

Edited by Lusidious
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I didn't get to 100% but the idea of gratuitously wiping out achievements of any kind, without warning, is just jaw-dropping. The only thing I can imagine this act accomplishing is to remove motivation for participating in any potential future DvL event. Not to mention any new events of any kind that come down the pike, are those achievements also going to be wiped out without warning?

Achievements cost nothing, it's not like anyone is asking for any unearned rewards, just the acknowledgement of effort. That's all achievements do anyway.

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Reinstate this achievement ffs. Removing it was wrong on so many levels. In my 20+ years of gaming I have never had something taken away from me that I have earned, especially one that took that long to complete..:mad:

Edited by ekleberg
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I have to agree I am really ticked off right now. After the months and hours spent getting the Legendary Rank and then to have them all removed because you say it could reoccur at a later time...Seriously....You don't remove the achievements you have gotten for Rakghoul Events, Bounty Hunter Events, Gree Events, Life Day or Nar Shaddaa events even though those clearly aren't around all the time and could come back at a later date. If you want to bring it back great I have no issue with it. My problem is taking away achievements I earned and acting like it is no big deal to do so. You guys really need to rethink how people perceive this kind of thing and stop making decisions that clearly say the effort you put in means NOTHING. Other than our legacy titles there is now no way to prove what we got now as far as achievements go. So you could easily do what you did when you took away the Makeb achievements and end up screwing people out of things they actually got because there is no record, I know I was one of those people who did the Makeb achievements and should have gotten a Makeb Gazebo but didn't because instead of archiving achievements you chose to remove them all together. This is just not acceptable at all.

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No, and you've already been told why: they already said they may be running the event again in the future. Given that rewards are given out based on acquired achievements, those achievements have to be removed if you're going to run the event again, otherwise it will screw with the way rewards are distributed
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No if you read the dev tracker there is a post from Musco saying that it is intended as they plan to run the event in the future again and everyone would farm it again!


However there are some achievements for eg the purchase of the data cron you can only have one data cron decoration in your inventory so how would people do this again? I remember from watching the live stream Musco mentioned that the achievements had to be earned in the time period and if you failed to complete it in the time scale then you would need to do it all again the next time they ran the event. It was never mentioned that it would be reset for those that completed otherwise I would not have spent time doing it.


I am a founder I got legendary status more or less when it was launched as I love this game (loved this game is the way I feel now as it's being destroyed) I had every class and advanced class on rep and imp side prior to DVL I have even done dark side and light side choices in the story. I had to purchase server slots to roll the toons.


Personally I think this has to be a mistake and they think its fine to say "oh its because it may run again in the future" there are plenty of events that have run again in the future that have not reset for example Gree, Bounty Hunter, Rakghoul, The nightlife events.




Eric Musco needs to re read what he wrote and ask himself if he would be happy hearing those words after putting the effort in to complete the DVL to 100% tbh I doubt he or any of the Devs even have legendary status let alone 100% DVL status. I have looked at and played other games and I love Star Wars the graphical changes that they have made are really nice I am enjoying the new stuff they have added not that there is much of it. The problem I have is the direction that this game has now headed in is making me question if its worth me spending time and effort on anymore. Removing these achievements with no prior notification I think is insulting and shows that EAware do not care about their player base, I used to pay my subscription six monthly I have changed this to monthly and am seriously contemplating unsubbing.


You know what, now that I think about it I honestly don't think I give 2 rat ***** about achievements, other than ones that give things like titles etc... I have plenty of outfits and most I don't even use that much if not at all. As long as I get my rewards for doing the first DvL I don't care. Unless... they add MORE rewards then I have a reason to do them again otherwise I don't give a care. I learned not to care a long time ago. I retract my earlier statement but I'll still /sign this petition for the sake of... actually I don't even know o_O.

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Yes, they say it was intentional, because they designed it in this utterly lazy way.

Hell, I have worked with developers, don't let me quote you how many times I was told that this or that cannot be done, but if you were at least a little smart and understand what's going on, you could realize who was the lazy and smart ***, and who didn't want to work and went the easiest way possible.

If this was my department, some people would have to work their private parts off to fix this mistake, no beating around the bush about it.

Someone made a bad decision and other people let it slip, so they are responsible too.

It doesn't matter if they admit their mistake or not, and we as customers shouldn't care too, if they admit it or not.

Only the fix/retrieval of achievements will matter, anything else is BS.


Personally I blame EA, they do things like this to every game ther name is on that is multiplayer and online. They completely ruined SWG, I personally have hate for EA, they never listen to their players, they set ridiculous deadlines and force release product that isn't ready all the time. Which is clearly the case of this 5.0 update, IMHO. Lets just hope this game doesn't die like SWG did because of it.

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I was pretty disappointed by this change too. Their excuse of it possibly being recurring doesn't fly with me. If that was the case, why not just keep the achievements but remove the DvL eligibility from characters at the end of each event, like they did anyways? So that we have to repeat it from the beginning every time the event shows up? Forget that.
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I couldn't care less about the stupid packs and vehicles, I probably won't even use them. I spent the 100+ hours leveling and playing new characters because I'm a completionist about the achievements. If I wanted to spend time doing stuff I don't enjoy so much in order to get cosmetic rewards, I'd play ranked PvP.

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Ridiculously unfair to wipe away these achievements. Might have been acceptable if it was made clear the achievements were temporary at the beginning of the event, but achievements have never been summarily wiped like this so this completely blindsided everyone. Good luck getting anyone to play a repeat of DvL if you don't let them keep the hard-won record of their efforts for the first event.

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No, and you've already been told why: they already said they may be running the event again in the future. Given that rewards are given out based on acquired achievements, those achievements have to be removed if you're going to run the event again, otherwise it will screw with the way rewards are distributed


You're the second person in this thread I've seen defend Bioware over this.


Some people will just accept anything and everything, instead of suggesting solutions such as....oh I don't know....calling the next event Season 2 of Dark vs Light and giving them different achievements instead of copying and pasting the same event but changing rewards?


"Oh they removed all your achievements and deleted all your characters? Well do them again, it's just a game" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Edited by DarthWoad
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I mean common, i want to show hey i finished mine DvL on September 10th but not going to happen now and i lost those 500+ achievement points.


I mean u dont reset all the achievements for the gree event, or the bounty hunter event, or rak event why reset them now?

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How much you want to bet that there will be some who rightfully completed dvl, yet won't get credit, and cs will say there is no proof that they ever did! I busted my *** and got the legendary tier finished, and I would be royally po'd.


Myself and others got shafted on the Makeb Gazebo deco for instance. We should have gotten it but didn't, and we had no way of showing that we completed those achievements prior to their removal. CS's answer? They couldn't help and the devs would have to patch it. Just wait, DvL screwjob is coming.

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