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Everything posted by MorganLaFayy

  1. I had this exact same issue. Kind of a bummer to miss the apex of the story. Won't be playing it again until this is fixed.
  2. I am happy to see the roadmap with both OPS and story content coming. Both are important. Here is a question and a suggestion: - Can we get a real answer to the question of whether faction choice on Iokath will prevent us from re-recruiting some past companions in the future (other than Quinn or Elara)? As ridiculous as it is, I'm actually hesitant to progress some of my characters through that choice because of that possibility. - Suggestion: One way to bring new life to older (but still great!) content would be to introduce achievements for doing the planetary story quests, bonus quests, and other side quests. It's kind of a strange omission that there aren't achievements for these.
  3. I am really uncomfortable proceeding with the Iokath faction choice on characters who still have missing companions (i.e. basically every class but Trooper) without a straight answer about whether this faction choice could entirely prevent us from re-recruiting certain companions. Eric, can you provide any more clarity on this? If there are former companions whose future recruitment is entirely excluded by choosing Empire or Republic on Iokath, I think players deserve to know and you previously stated that you would tell us. Here are some example statements that would be reassuring: - There will be a way to recruit a particular class' former companions regardless of Iokath faction choice (i.e. previous connection potentially trumps Iokath choice) - Ease of companion recruitment will be affected by Iokath choice but future recruitment will not be outright prevented by this one decision - Companion X will not be available if you choose Empire on Iokath, etc. Please?
  4. It seems odd that there's no achievements for completing each (and all) of the planetary story quests and bonus story quests. These aren't repeatable so clearly they are already being tracked, and thus should be simple to add achievements for. Would be a nice way to give newer players a reason to do all that great content. Also would be a nice acknowledgement for completionists like me who have already done them all...
  5. Same for my group. Tried turning back into rakghouls, going to fleet and back, nothing worked.
  6. /signed Ridiculously unfair to wipe away these achievements. Might have been acceptable if it was made clear the achievements were temporary at the beginning of the event, but achievements have never been summarily wiped like this so this completely blindsided everyone. Good luck getting anyone to play a repeat of DvL if you don't let them keep the hard-won record of their efforts for the first event.
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