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I'm not a fan boy. Not even a little bit...but the new content is gonna rock!


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Hi, I'm an old guy. A Grandfather.. And quite possibly great grand father in another couple years or so. I've been table top gamer since before the first star wars movie, and a computer gamer back when computer gaming was playing "trek" and /hack on a university main frame.


To the nay sayers, to the SKY IS FALLING crowd... Could ya ll just shut up? I mean ya know, really. Oh theres no new content.. uh yea there is.. the game is stale and no plays it any more..



No wrong, lots of people play it.. just no one plays it with you any more likely because you've turned into a negative elitist jerk all hooked into preening your ego's instead of socializing and enjoying what you have right in front of you. Two types of folks in the gaming world.. just two... Those that want to make the effort to help other people enjoy the game by getting them involved, and clued in, and run content with em so they can also get geared up to run end game content. That are friendly, social and all around positive folks


...and those that don't, and aren't.


I'm in a guild that role plays.(some better then others). that does group PvE content, That does group PvP content (also some better then others) ..but, it's not a contest or a competition to see who's got the most awesome gear.


We're all excited about the revamps to gear, and systems, and difficulty levels, and more story and lore. A little leery about the changes to class skills, but ya know, we'll see. Likely it'll be all good. You see something we all figured out.. your only gonna get as much entertainment out of the game as you put effort into it. It's not a race. It might be to some.. but not the folks I like to hang with. There's other types of MMO's that cater to the "Must have mad skilz" crowd (World of Warships and World of Tanks come to mind, and a but a dozen other titles I can think of off the top of my head)


Lots of negative vibes on these forums. Gets old.. older then me. All sour ****, and negative. I guess it folks trying to prep them selves to believe a head of time that it gonna suck.. that way they wont be disappointed if it does.



Few million people play SWTOR... pretty sure the vast majority of us love the game. And we're quite pleased with where the game has gone since launch. I wasn't even a subscriber until October last year as the game geared up for KOTFE. Though for the record, I've beenplaying since launch on and off. Now we get the next big story with KOTET.. and hey,, they even told ya cool part up front..YOU are going to rule the galaxy.. That's right YOU! And even more so, they've clued us in that what players DO (as a whole population), is going to effect the story arc in the future. Now that is like the coolest thing I've heard of in years. No one has ever really done it before. Will the light, or the dark dominate the galaxy? Don't know yet, but we're gonna find out over the next few months.


I'm no fan boy, but I do pay attention. And the future is look'n pretty damd cool for SWTOR. Yea, it's no Star Wars Galaxies. SWG failed in the long run because it didn't talk to the dreams of the players to go be hero's. Really most of us do not want to play a gme set in the starwars universe were life is hunting womp rats, scavanging droids, and being crafters and merchants etc tec tec.. That's what we do in real life I played SWG back in the day.. totally lost interest in it about 8 months after it launched. It was booring. It wasn't the stuff great fantasies were made of. The hero's journey wasn't there.. Joseph Campbell would have been displeased!


Years later we get SWTOR. Much better game. Yea it doesn't have anywhere near the sand box elements, but it does have story. It' has the hero's journey. You start as a sith acolyte, or a Jedi padawan, as an aspiring bounty hunter, or smugger, or republic trooper. are newly trained imperial agent. and even as a slave sent to Korriban to train as a Sith warrior. And along the way you eventually have a go at all the story lines for each of the classes and this tapestry of a story come together that tells the story of the Old Republic that predated the Galactic Republic of the Star Wars movies. And we see the origin of the Galactic Republic.. and can now surmise the the Galactic republic was formed from the uniting of the Sith Empire with the Old Republic, and apparently the Eternal Empire of Zakuul (not quite sure on that.. we haven't go all the story yet!)... oh yea, and at a guess YOU the players will be the one forming the Galactic Republic that will stand for a thousand years until the Empire is reformed by Palpatine from the shattered Galactic Republic during the clone wars and the galaxy enters a cycle of strife and warfare in the era of the movies.


Man, talk about your epic story lines! Pretty difficult to get any more epic then that!


The point of the game is to tell the story of the galaxy in it's repeating cycle of peace and war. (by the by, I strongly suspect that a year in the star wars universe is considerably shorter then a year in OUR universe. I'm wondering if we at some point are going to meet a young padawan named Yoda! He was a few centuries old by the time of the Star Wars movies after all.


Anyway.. nuff of this for today. Tomorrow morning I will be starting my computer, kicking the launcher into gear and starting KOTET. And I'm expecting every bit as fun of a romp as the last year has been. Should keep me busy for another year.. Of course where the game goes from there is anyone's guess.


TL_Roff sends




Yea, SWTOR is cool with me.

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My god we are calling him grandpa...


TL_Roff I here by dub thee grandpa of the swtor community!


It's a shame some of your grandkids here are telling their grandpa to shut up.. :rak_03:


Kicking at the elderly... How far we have fallen. Well Op I stand with you in not judging a book by its cover, but by the quality of its contents.

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Don't break a hip falling off of that high horse. People aren't whining they are bringing up serious game issues that the devs are ignoring in 5.0, the greatest of these issues is the RNG gearing. I don't know if your RP guild raids but in many raiding guilds being able to consistently gear mains (and possibly of spec and alts) is a requirement so we can get back to work clearing HM and NM raids when a new expansion drops. RNG completely destroys that in order to force people to grind for longer before they can get back to enjoying the game the way they want to. Want to role play? Sure go ahead, want to PVP, go ahead have at it, want to gear for raids...wait now you can't do that the non-raiding PVE guys will get jealous so go back and grind nonsense 5 year old content to get the change to appease the RNG gods to maybe gear your toon for raids.


If you like the changes I'm happy for you, but the dissenters have a right to voice their opinions too because they love the game just as much as you do, and they don't want to see a drop in the player base due to a horrible grind being added in 5.0.

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