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Please let me romance Lord Scourge :)


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Vette is a Twi'lek she can romanced

Avaaki Spar is a Zabrak she can romanced


Just put a Star Destroyer sized hole in your argument :):p


But I do understand what you're saying, all the pixlated romaceable men are human... Oh wait no Aric Jorgan is a Cathar! :D:p


Reminds me of what happened after Mass Effect came out, there were cries of 'Why can't we romance Garrus?; and 'Why can't we romance Tali?' Well guess what happened in Mass Effect 2? We got to romance Garrus and Tali as well as Thane.


Admittedly it is easier to write/relate to a romance if they're human but it also comes down to what the character is like. Garrus and Tali proved to be far more popular as characters than what the ME1 team had thought.


Keep up the good fight ladies I'm sure you'll get what you want.... if BWA don't succeed in killing the game off first. Which they seem to be determined to do.


Im talking about the SoR+ npc's. Like you I've played this game also, and I know there are aliens you can romance from the base game. It just hasn't been that way for 3 years.


Arcann romance seems to be in high demand, another human, assuming that happens. Theron is loved by a lot of females, another human.

Don't they just love going by their flawed "metrics"

All of the vanilla females, with the exception of Vette and Akaavi are all humans, and the ones that are seems to be the most popular ones.

People like Vette, but they like Jaesa over Vette.


I'll let you take that spear out of my argument out.:p:):D


I like other species, I wanted zenith for my consular over iresso and I liked lord scourge, I was sad to find out I couldn't romance him when I saw he was a companion.

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Vette, Akaavi, Ashara, Kaliyo, maybe Nadia (not really sure what she is). Half of the female love interests are alien and half are human. Only one alien male love interest and he's not the kind of species one would normally go for.


Also I've never heard of Jaessa being more popular than Vette. Most I've talked to seem to like Vette better (me included).

Edited by Nefla
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Vette, Akaavi, Ashara, Kaliyo, maybe Nadia (not really sure what she is). Half of the female love interests are alien and half are human. Only one alien male love interest and he's not the kind of species one would normally go for.


Also I've never heard of Jaessa being more popular than Vette. Most I've talked to seem to like Vette better (me included).


I might be wrong on the Jaesa Vette thing, I just thought she was as there are quite a few threads on wanting her to return. Nadia is a near human too. I suppose in the end I don't know about their popularity, but they aren't the names I see popping up in discussions very often, with the exception of maybe vette and Ashara(i think)


I do think it's sad there aren't any aliens for females to romance or near humans, whatever you want to call it. after the vanilla base game, which only had Aric for the trooper. They could have at least made one for each factions for females. It's been focused on humans mainly if not only. I hope they'll change that! But then again star wars in general does feature humans to a large degree too, in comparison to near humans or aliens. (not saying they don't have any roles to play or are irrelevant)

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Vette, Akaavi, Ashara, Kaliyo, maybe Nadia (not really sure what she is). Half of the female love interests are alien and half are human. Only one alien male love interest and he's not the kind of species one would normally go for.


Also I've never heard of Jaessa being more popular than Vette. Most I've talked to seem to like Vette better (me included).


Out of all of the lovely alien males in the galaxy, I'm pretty sure Jorgan is the only one female pcs can romance. Even in Makeb there is an odd gender /alien imbalance. Human Lemda can be romanced by both men and women, but sexy pureblood Cytharat is male only.


(Nadia is a Sarkhai. I had to look that one up.)

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Out of all of the lovely alien males in the galaxy, I'm pretty sure Jorgan is the only one female pcs can romance. Even in Makeb there is an odd gender /alien imbalance. Human Lemda can be romanced by both men and women, but sexy pureblood Cytharat is male only.


(Nadia is a Sarkhai. I had to look that one up.)


Women always get the short end!

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I might be wrong on the Jaesa Vette thing, I just thought she was as there are quite a few threads on wanting her to return. Nadia is a near human too. I suppose in the end I don't know about their popularity, but they aren't the names I see popping up in discussions very often, with the exception of maybe vette and Ashara(i think)


I do think it's sad there aren't any aliens for females to romance or near humans, whatever you want to call it. after the vanilla base game, which only had Aric for the trooper. They could have at least made one for each factions for females. It's been focused on humans mainly if not only. I hope they'll change that! But then again star wars in general does feature humans to a large degree too, in comparison to near humans or aliens. (not saying they don't have any roles to play or are irrelevant)

It's especially weird to me that male characters are given so many alien love interests while female characters only get one because women tend to choose romance options much more outside the attractiveness box, (prioritizing personality or interesting traits) than men do. You'd think if there was an imbalance it would be slanted towards more alien love interests for women rather than men.


Out of all of the lovely alien males in the galaxy, I'm pretty sure Jorgan is the only one female pcs can romance. Even in Makeb there is an odd gender /alien imbalance. Human Lemda can be romanced by both men and women, but sexy pureblood Cytharat is male only.


(Nadia is a Sarkhai. I had to look that one up.)

Well there are nonhuman flings that certain female characters can have at least but still :(

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It's especially weird because I LIKE all the male aliens more than the human choices :( Can't have Lord Scourge OR Zenith. But we do get Aric, who I really like. My husband is in the military... so Aric really gets me going. They're quite a bit alike.


My consular meshes REALLY well with Zenith... but I can't have him. So... my love went to Theron instead... not an alien... but I can make exceptions. And it's not because of Troy Baker, I swear...!


This is coming from someone who only romances aliens in Mass Effect, too. Garrus had my heart at 'reach and flexibility', and long before that... back during ME1. I like Thane Krios, too... but... I can only have my heart broken so many times. I'd romance Javik if I could! That scene during the citadel dlc was hilarious.

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I definitely agree that we need more romanceable male aliens. So many interesting male purebloods - Scourge, Praven, Cytherat, Arkous, that guy on Korriban who wants you to scan all the overseers.... - and NONE of them romanceable! Gah!


I'd also love to see a romanceable male Twi'lek. I love watching my Twi'lek BH run around with his lekku swaying across his back. :o


How about a male chiss? Aristocra Saganu anyone?


I'm even more baffled though by BW's refusal to give us a male Force user. What is the hold-up??


Now, if they'd just give us Scourge, we'd have both an alien and a Force user. :D

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They can give us (some of us, anyway...) Arcann as well :p I'd be happy with both.


I also like male twi'leks... except the one I like to watch is my Sith assassin... I like his lekku, too. He just meshes well with the voice... he's incredibly sexy.


I forgot about Saganu, too! And that dude from the smuggler story on Balmorra... Numen Brock. I really liked him... he was feisty.


Why put in so many sexy aliens if they're not going to let us have more than a one night stand with most of them. I mean... I'd like a one night stand with Scourge. But I'd also like MORE. Just so much story potential there, and they didn't take it. It didn't even need to be a dark side thing :/

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Finally got Scourge up to max affinity and got some of his endgame conversations...he's so great!!

I definitely wanna romance him now...I'd roll a DS jedi in half a heartbeat.


Related but not quite but sorta:

Why isn't he in KOTET and KOTFE!? He's DEFINITELY got some personal interest there and it would have made sense for him to be involved!! (Prolly the VA strike huh?)

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Finally got Scourge up to max affinity and got some of his endgame conversations...he's so great!!

I definitely wanna romance him now...I'd roll a DS jedi in half a heartbeat.


Related but not quite but sorta:

Why isn't he in KOTET and KOTFE!? He's DEFINITELY got some personal interest there and it would have made sense for him to be involved!! (Prolly the VA strike huh?)


This I think this shows how badly thought out and implemented KOTET and KOTFE were. Some NPC's that would/should have been present weren't. Scourge and Kira are good examples as both have a vested interest in seeing Valkorain bite the big one. Kira was a Child of the Emperor and Scourge was the Emperor's enforcer. Yet they never show up. It also seemed to me that the companions that did return seemed to be picked more or less at random. And don't get me started on the Valor requirement to get Pierce/M1-4X. That was dumb and lazy game design pure and simple. I could go on but you get my point. KOTET and KOTFE could and should have been much better than what we got.

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This I think this shows how badly thought out and implemented KOTET and KOTFE were. Some NPC's that would/should have been present weren't. Scourge and Kira are good examples as both have a vested interest in seeing Valkorain bite the big one. Kira was a Child of the Emperor and Scourge was the Emperor's enforcer. Yet they never show up. It also seemed to me that the companions that did return seemed to be picked more or less at random. And don't get me started on the Valor requirement to get Pierce/M1-4X. That was dumb and lazy game design pure and simple. I could go on but you get my point. KOTET and KOTFE could and should have been much better than what we got.


You're right about that, they are two characters that should have been there to get the closure. Stuff like this makes me wonder if we'll every see or hear from either one again. I don't trust Bioware on their word anymore sadly. :/



Finally got Scourge up to max affinity and got some of his endgame conversations...he's so great!!

I definitely wanna romance him now...I'd roll a DS jedi in half a heartbeat.


Related but not quite but sorta:

Why isn't he in KOTET and KOTFE!? He's DEFINITELY got some personal interest there and it would have made sense for him to be involved!! (Prolly the VA strike huh?)


Yay! Welcome to the Lord Scourge Estrogen brigade :D Always nice to have another Lord Scourge fan aboard the ship! ^^

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SWTOR romances are so lukewarm and shallow.


Well, you're welcome to feel that way. Obviously some of us disagree. :)


I personally enjoy them and they're not always 'perfect' but hey, whichever is missing I'll just fill in in my headcanon as long as the basis for it is there. I'd like to see my pixels make out with Scourge pixels and hear that knee-buckling voice of his whisper sweet nothings... or dark and dangerous nothings, it's all good. :p

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Well, you're welcome to feel that way. Obviously some of us disagree. :)


I personally enjoy them and they're not always 'perfect' but hey, whichever is missing I'll just fill in in my headcanon as long as the basis for it is there. I'd like to see my pixels make out with Scourge pixels and hear that knee-buckling voice of his whisper sweet nothings... or dark and dangerous nothings, it's all good. :p


I enjoy them too. And you're right, it would be awesome if they got more creative with the romantic scenes like they do in some other games. I would love to get picked up and carried off by Lord Scourge. And hearing terms of endearment spoken in that voice would be nothing short of amazing.

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Evidently you need to A) Have Lana romanced, and B) Been betrayed by Koth, so done the bad sht that causes him to try and take the Gravestone in.. Chapter 10 of KOTFE I think? I may use up my free token to mess with that, make a fully DS Jedi. Might even make a guy for once.. Pureblood, of course. :D


I can confirm that Koth does not need to betray you for this line. I got it on my lvl5 LS knight.

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"Please let me romance Lord Scourge :) "


Here here... I support this request!


Why is it that only human companions get all the romance? Since there are so many to choose from, I suggest all companions be made romance-able. There are those odd ones players might not want to romance, but picking and choosing for the player is yet another unecessary guided decision made by the game.


So please.... let us all romance Lord Scourge, right now.:cool::D


Letting us pick and choose who we want needs to happen. Quite frankly it should have happened at the start of kotfe. I would love to get my Jedi Knight with Torian. Imagine the unstoppable Mandalorian Jedi babies. (Yes, those are a thing in the books)

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As far as class story romances go, I seriously doubt that they are going to make any changes there.


The dialog is all recorded and that's that. Nothing more.


For the merged stories? I think that there are a lot of characters that should have been romanceable, but Scourge is not one of them. With his backstory it just wouldn't make a lot of sense.


Just going with the companions for the 8 class stories, here are the ones I would have had on the romanceable list:

  • Pierce
  • Gault
  • Talos
  • Rusk
  • Vik
  • Cedrax
  • Zenith


I know that our characters are supposed to be on the younger side, so maybe I am misreading the age on some of these. Maybe they wanted to avoid having female characters getting romantic with what they felt were "old men".


I just thought that it was incredibly imbalanced that males for some classes might have two romance options but females of every class had one and one only.

The only non-romanceable "female" is a droid.


I mean, what is wrong with Zenith? If a Twi'Lek character can romance whoever then why can't a Twi'Lek NPC be romanced?


Again, this is all from the class story.

I have not yet started any of the Knights stuff, but any of these companions that make it over to that should be an option.

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