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Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


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Seems you don't actually play it then. It has a rather small playing field.



Then they didn't actually fullfill that request did they? Seem you are mistake again. Kind alike the majority of that list you posted. Asked for things that didn't get done. And it doesn't seem to big a request or past their resources since they did do both for SoR. What happened? They get lazy?



Who needs numbers when it's historically accurate gamers hate old content and hate it when game companies try to spin old as new.



Actually damn near everyone but a small few I'd bet.. I'd wager few like to pay money month to month to see old content again and again. Kinda why SWTOR is suffering a bit in subs now. Too much old, not enough new. Gamers hate old content pushed as something new to do as they should.



Some like to gamble. After having the gearing system SWTOR has had for years and how well it worked. It's not something I'm looking forward to. There are no redeeming aspects about RNG gearing.






Big business getting in the way of good gaming along with greed. That usually keeps things pushed till the very last drop is squeezed out.


And this is why Bioware hates you.

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And that right there is a major part of their problem. There isn't much keeping folks around these days.


Some folks.. yep.


All folks..nope.


Nothing new. Nothing unique about this MMO either.


It's ok to take a break and play something more suitable to your wants/needs. You might find it healthy and you can always come back later. A good number of people have, and do, and have a better appreciation for the game as a result. Your choice though.

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Do you understand what the common term in gaming forums "citation needed" means? It means when you make hyperbolic statements, and do not clearly declare them to be your contemptuous opinion, it is prudent if you want to be taken seriously to cite supporting evidence.


However, since you have now clarified that you are simply expressing an opinion of contempt for the game... no further action required on your part. got it... you were simply expressing your contempt for the game in an opinion based comment with clear distortions to help reflect your level of contempt.


Please proceed, as I am sure you still have at least have a stomach full of contempt left to share with us all. :)


I misinterpreted the meaning. So I retract that statement regarding citation. But you don't need to be rude about it.

It's just another attack post from you to me. It seems every thread I post in isn't complete till you are rude to me and want to start an argument. I took you off ignore to see if you were contributing to the conversation or attacking people as usual. Or if you could behave. Obviously you can't, so it's back to the ignore list for you.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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What is cute here is you railing about someone objecting to your opinions, or expressing different opinions ... when you do exactly the same thing.


What? other forum members are not allowed to express their opinions if you do not agree with them? :D


It IS a game. Why is it necessary to express "volatile rage" (your words) about a game? It's not like there are not a lot of other choices in the market. You are a self declared PvPer... so I'm really not sure why you are playing this MMO when there are a number of others that actually cater more to your preferred play style.



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Some folks.. yep.


All folks..nope.


Nothing new. Nothing unique about this MMO either.


It's ok to take a break and play something more suitable to your wants/needs. You might find it healthy and you can always come back later. A good number of people have, and do, and have a better appreciation for the game as a result. Your choice though.


Thank you for letting me know what my options are. BW doesn't care if I stay or if I go. Neither should you.

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Lots of emotion and out rage at Bioware. It spills into the forums when people stick up for them or don't listen to why it's a problem for the majority of players. They think as long as they are happy in their own little world, then there is no problem and antagonise people with ledgitmate concerns. Some people feed off that and just want to argue and see how upset people can get. Add that to the already volatile rage at Bioware and people's emotions explode.


Good to see such emotion as well, it shows people still care about the game. I'd be more worried if there was just silence instead of all this arguing on the forums.


That said, it's very disappointing that this forum has become so toxic that if anyone wanted genuine info about the game they would be better of going to swtor reddit. Not something I'd ever thought I'd hear myself saying.

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Thank you for letting me know what my options are.


You're welcome.


But I don't see you taking proactive steps with respect to your feelings about the game. Why is that? Do you think going perpetually negative in the forum will make the studio suddenly drop everything and come meet your expectations? Are you holding your breath or something?


BW doesn't care if I stay or if I go. Neither should you.


I don't. We don't know each other, so why would I care one way or the other?

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All mmo's populations are getting smaller, year after year, even wows. FFIV bucked the trend for a while but their population is now in decline. Consumers want fast food gaming, which is why mobile app games are doing so well. It makes me want to cry but there it is.


BW are trying new things to try and keep their game relevant. I will support them fully because I love the game. We veterans could try and be a little more open minded in these forums instead of threatening to cancel our sub every 5 minutes when minor game changes don't go our way.


I'm all for innovation but innovation that seems to fly in the face of what the community want? That's insanity.


They could have added GC AND left other gear drops alone - that would be a good start.


I could go on about this but that's the gist of the issue here, they seem to be trying to rail road people into playing the game they think people want to play instead of actually trying to figure out what people want and making changes accordingly.


And no I'm not talking new content here, just QoL changes. Making your game more tedious isn't going to keep people playing more for the most part, it will work on some sure but after the DvL event and grind for alliances that meant nothing ... that straw has broken the poor camel's back.

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You're giving her far too much credit. Anyone who feels the need to broadcast their sexuality on a game forum doesn't even have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old.


Obviously, because you know what it's like to be trolled by guys private messaging you when or if they find out you're female. By putting that in my signature, it has pretty much stopped it completely.


Plus I'm proud of my sexuality and I like to champion it so that other lesbian or gay people don't feel like they are alone.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I'm all for innovation but innovation that seems to fly in the face of what the community want? That's insanity.


They could have added GC AND left other gear drops alone - that would be a good start.


I could go on about this but that's the gist of the issue here, they seem to be trying to rail road people into playing the game they think people want to play instead of actually trying to figure out what people want and making changes accordingly.


And no I'm not talking new content here, just QoL changes. Making your game more tedious isn't going to keep people playing more for the most part, it will work on some sure but after the DvL event and grind for alliances that meant nothing ... that straw has broken the poor camel's back.


Everything you've said is exactly spot on. Maybe if they actually listened to what people wanted and engaged the community, then people wouldn't leave as fast.

They seem so intent on giving us what they want us to have and not what we want, that they are actually being more detrimental to the game than natural player atrition.

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Oh, to be 16 again, I can only dream. When you get to 40 years, you'll wish you could go back and be 16 again when life was new and easy before adulthood and reality tarnishes your views and diminishes your idealist beliefs and you can't physically do all the things you used to be able to do with ease.


Calling someone 16 seems to be you're answer to your own immaturity. Insisting they are young constantly and you are wise, means you aren't secure enough in your own maturity to handle the discussion.


Don't feed the troll please. ;)

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A few months ago I would have agreed with you completely. But having played wow Legion and experienced its rng, my fears are not as profound as everyone else. Do I like it? Not really, but I can work with it and as long as I enjoy the game I don't really notice it tbh.


There is a huge difference, a massive world of a difference in fact, between Blizzard's implementation of RNG and BioWare's. Just to give you an idea of how much of a difference, Blizzard have access to and have refined their RNG heavily over the years with Diablo. Blizzard already know the pitfalls to RNG gearing, they already have years of real world data sets and not predicted algortihm data sets.


What does BioWare have that compares to the sheer volume of real world data Blizzard have, Cartel Market? What does BioWare have that compares to the sheer amount of feedback Blizzard have had over their RNG, Cartel Market? What does BioWare have in place to mitigate poor RNG, Cartel Market?


The only real world data BioWare Austin have is likely to stem from the Cartel Market, and we've all seen the complaints on these forums because Player A didn't get the item they wanted after buying 5 hypercrates, now translate that very same weighting (and it will be weighted against the players so you subscribe longer). Looking good is it?


I doubt you'll find the RNG Coming Soon™ to be anywhere near as refined as what Blizzard have given WoW players. If you want to look at the glass half full, that's fine, I take no issue with that. I'll just be cynical on the issue, I've seen how BioWare Austin has complete disregard for the players and community.

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Oh, to be 16 again, I can only dream. When you get to 40 years, you'll wish you could go back and be 16 again when life was new and easy before adulthood and reality tarnishes your views and diminishes your idealist beliefs and you can't physically do all the things you used to be able to do with ease.


Don't worry, he already called me a millenial, I took it as a compliment :D Would be nice to be that young again, like you I've gone the wrong side of 40 :p

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After replaying the video I have a couple of thoughts to add.


Musco didn't open 4 crates before our eyes. The first crate that had a set bonus piece in it was already open on the screen. So I ask you: how many crates did he have to open before that to get one with a set bonus piece?


Second thought. The set bonus piece was MK-15. Why is it not MK-1? Do set bonus pieces now come with poorly itemised mods?


If you freeze the video at just the right moment when he hovers over the set bonus piece you can see he's wearing MK-3 gear. Does any of this make sense to anyone?

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Obviously, because you know what it's like to be trolled by guys private messaging you when or if they find out you're female. By putting that in my signature, it has pretty much stopped it completely.


Plus I'm proud of my sexuality and I like to champion it so that other lesbian or gay people don't feel like they are alone.


from reading your post from past to previous..you express more of your sexuality for attention..let be real here who actually advertise them self as a lesbian gamer..if anything guys gonna message you more than often..even in your post always bragging how good you are at this class..


i get it you need some attention in your life and that's fine..a online video game isn't the time or place for it..i'm pretty sure they have lesbian gamer's in SWTOR but they not putting there business out there..alot of us come here to play a game not caring about somebody sexuality..


if you want random strangers on a online game to give you attention..they have other ways instead of saying i'm a lesbian..if anything you doing the opposite and setting yourself up for ridicule if it come your way..if you want to be known in the gaming community then do so with your own skills..not some cop out of using your acclaim sexuality..


lastly before you or anybody come saying im being a bigot..i have family members that are gay and play SWTOR..but you dont see them on forums or in game exposing themselves..trying to say there is a time and place for everything..online mmo not the place for your views in sexuality..i see enough of it on television..

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There is a huge difference, a massive world of a difference in fact, between Blizzard's implementation of RNG and BioWare's. Just to give you an idea of how much of a difference, Blizzard have access to and have refined their RNG heavily over the years with Diablo. Blizzard already know the pitfalls to RNG gearing, they already have years of real world data sets and not predicted algortihm data sets.


What does BioWare have that compares to the sheer volume of real world data Blizzard have, Cartel Market? What does BioWare have that compares to the sheer amount of feedback Blizzard have had over their RNG, Cartel Market? What does BioWare have in place to mitigate poor RNG, Cartel Market?


The only real world data BioWare Austin have is likely to stem from the Cartel Market, and we've all seen the complaints on these forums because Player A didn't get the item they wanted after buying 5 hypercrates, now translate that very same weighting (and it will be weighted against the players so you subscribe longer). Looking good is it?


I doubt you'll find the RNG Coming Soon™ to be anywhere near as refined as what Blizzard have given WoW players. If you want to look at the glass half full, that's fine, I take no issue with that. I'll just be cynical on the issue, I've seen how BioWare Austin has complete disregard for the players and community.


RNG is RNG, the only question is odds. No one knows outside of BW how good or bad the odds are getting the gear you need in swtor. WoW is pretty hit and miss. For example I'm well geared on my warlock, but my mage has been waiting 3 weeks now for a world quest to give me pants as an upgrade reward.


The only thing Blizzard have stated on their rng is that once you reach a certain threshold with legendary item attempts (boss drops, loot chests etc) then the next drop is guaranteed. No one knows what that threshold is and bad luck if that legendary is useless, like mine was. As I said before, not many like the rng but we put up with it and keep playing.

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No your wrong. you are confusing what is fact with what is your perception. Come back to me a month after the game launches and I'll be more open to your opinion. Until then everything is just perception bias.


But even if you are totally correct, and the new system is horrible and the rng is too unforgiving, BW can always tweak it or worse case scenario go back to a traditional gearing system. My bet is, an overwhelmingly large number of players will accept the changes and just play. My perception bias is based on playing wow legion the last few months and seeing players response to rng first hand.


Lol, you think that I am the one that is confused. Now that's funny.


Using math to model probable outcomes is not a sign of perception bias. There is plenty of information available to us at this point to create a predictive model. Just because you don't understand the models doesn't mean that they are wrong or are based on perception alone.

Edited by Exly
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The first crate that had a set bonus piece in it was already open on the screen. So I ask you: how many crates did he have to open before that to get one with a set bonus piece?




I wanted to write this but i wasnt sure about whether that was a setbonus piece as it was hard to freeze the video at the right time. He already had it and god knows how many packs he had to open to get it!

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I wanted to write this but i wasnt sure about whether that was a setbonus piece as it was hard to freeze the video at the right time. He already had it and god knows how many packs he had to open to get it!

my guess is a ton of them.


they know that this is a way to milk players both out of time and money and it's been shown time after time that they really don't care. if they did they would be talking to us.

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Lol, you think that I am the one that is confused. Now that's funny.


Using math to model probable outcomes is not a sign of perception bias. There is plenty of information available to us at this point to create a predictive model. Just because you don't understand the models doesn't mean that they are wrong or are based on perception alone.


With 1 of 5 Crates giving a purple item (20% Drop rate) you will have to open 227 boxes on average to get all 14 slots covered.... And the big part of this is the difference between the lucky and the unlucky, my model did give a min crates opened to get all 14 at 35, and max at 1154 crates.


This is based on how the boxes from Heroics are giving you gear now, below level 60.




So yeah I would hate being on the unlucky part of those drops.

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RNG is RNG, the only question is odds.


RNG is only as good as the loot tables you draw from, and how those loot tables have been weighted.


Unless BioWare come straight out and tell players what the loot tables contain and the percentage weighting for items in those loot tables, all we can do is guess until the cows come home. There is nothing in this system that is in the players favour, aside from given enough time we may get a complete set bonus. Although it has already been stated by BioWare and Eric that players may never get a complete set bonus.


So you can take a wild guess at how those loot tables have been weighted in favour of BioWare retaining subscriptions, because to actually earn this gear you have to stay subscribed. Which also excludes pref. players from the system, reducing the pool of players in group finder even further.


A question, for everyone.


How does this system benefit subscribers, with the above in mind?

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