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Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


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if any of BW/EA managers can read this (i dont think they read, but in case of miracle...), so pay attention, please:










We want new stories, new flashpoints, new warzones, new opses. THIS and only THIS will make people happy, only THIS will force them to stay on subscription. Let system be same, all we want is...


guess what?




We asking for it for more than 2 years already. Not because we hate you, but because we do love SWTOR and we waiting for ...


right, you guessed it





You may not fix bugs (at least, we can get used to some of them), you may even delete something obsoleted or change crafting system again, but im begging you, please, PLEASE, do




... especially if you planning to kill that game. Release new content and THEN you can switch it off for good.

Edited by TangaroaOnDaMoon
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It's clear you are delusional then to what actually was requested.


Gamers asked for open space combat and flight. Not instances of space pvp.


Gamers did want faster updates but it was mainly. Balance and fixing bug. Sure, any gamers would want faster content updates given just how poorly Bw is at updating the game but again. You seem to be confused on what was really asked for and the end results no one asked for one story for all much less that one story once a month.


I guess I shouldn't say no one asked for it but damn near no one asked to make 5 year old content relevant much less the crap mechanic down leveling we got to do it. That's all Business and a Bw move, not gamers as i said and is historically accurate. Gamers do not like being fed a steady stream of old content over and over. They never will.



Like class stories! Bw heard what they wanted to hear, not what was actually asked for.


No no I'm pretty sure the forum did ask for everything I posted.

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I could probably live with this system, unenthusiastically, if it was legacy-based. You'd still have to spend the time getting the individual pieces for all your alts. It would still be a lot of work to gear 5, 10, 15.. 50 alts, but when you like to play difficult content on more than just one or two characters, this is a complete nightmare.


I will likely continue to play class stories. I now have a full xp suit on many servers, some more to follow soon, and I will probably enjoy myself with that and with dressing up my characters, but anything that requires any gearing.. yeah, not even going to bother anymore. I don't have a main and I don't want a main, I like all the roles and most of the specs.


One more thing I'd like to point out. I cannot understand this nonsense about "wait and see" and "it's not final" and so on. And it is nonsense. If right now the outlook seems to be unpleasant for me, even if this is not the final situation, then now is exactly when I should be voicing my opinion about it.


I just wish they'd make the game a whole bunch more alt-friendly.


(Perhaps for some new scream we could have the devs not use their dev powers to conjure up some gear, but get it the same way we're expected to. I wonder if they'd still be excited about what they have in store for us then.)

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No no I'm pretty sure the forum did ask for everything I posted.


Nobody ever asked for old content to be made relevant again, that makes no sense. People ask for new content. The only times I've seen "relevant" in the context if "old content" being used was to describe the direction BW has been taking as of 4.0, regardless of whether these remarks were positive or negative.

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and im pretty sure that we asked for new content.

So where is it?


Coming in a week.


Nobody ever asked for old content to be made relevant again, that makes no sense. People ask for new content. The only times I've seen "relevant" in the context if "old content" being used was to describe the direction BW has been taking as of 4.0, regardless of whether these remarks were positive or negative.


People asked for it. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean people wouldn't ask for it.

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Coming in a week.


People asked for it. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean people wouldn't ask for it.


Don't play idiot, I'm not talking about new CM packs and boring solo-mode story on rails. And i'm not talking about abilities removal, we DID NOT asked for it. Just because managers made stupid move doesn't mean we ALL asked for it. We did not asked "please, do something with gearing system - we don't want all those tokens from ops bosses, all we want is endless grind. And something with alts - make them impossable to maintain". Just point me on that person who asked for this. Can you?


I have few tank, DD and healing chars - to fill missing spots in my team and to help people to reach ops goals. All well-geared and finely tuned. Now i will be forced to abandon most of my chars (if not all of them) and concentrate only on one. Because in any other case my life will simply end before I'll gear them all. So in DvL we are welcomed to make some new chars and in 5.0 we are forced to abandon them. Brilliantly sick idea.


IMPORTANT NOTE: if devs planning to make "gearing cheat" legitimate thing, i'm up for it. May be as it was for personal ship upgrades long ago - you can buy CM pack with all-purple highest tier upgrades... not anymore, but if this thing will return as "top-tier gear for hardcore raiders, 10000СС/char", many people will prefer it in that way. Think about it, Bugoware.


Read this forum again - you will see how many people are deeply upset with announced changes.


Guess why.

Edited by TangaroaOnDaMoon
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Don't play idiot, I'm not talking about new CM packs and boring solo-mode story on rails.


Sorry, but this game isn't for you.


And i'm not talking about abilities removal, we DID NOT asked for it. Just because managers made stupid move doesn't mean we ALL asked for it. We did not asked "please, do something with gearing system - we don't want all those tokens from ops bosses, all we want is endless grind. And something with alts - make them impossable to maintain". Just point me on that person who asked for this. Can you?


Sorry, but you don't get to decide the direction this game goes.


I have few tank, DD and healing chars - to fell spots in my team and to help people to reach ops goals. All well-geared and finely tuned. Now i will be forced to abandon most of my chars (if not all of them) and concentrate only on one. Because in any other case my life will simply end before I'll gear them all. So in DvL we are welcomed to make some new chars and in 5.0 we are forced to abandon them. Brilliantly sick idea.


Well you better pick one then.


Read this forum again - you will see how many people are deeply upset with announced changes.


Guess why.


Because noone on the forum has any patience.

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Nobody ever asked for old content to be made relevant again, that makes no sense. People ask for new content. The only times I've seen "relevant" in the context if "old content" being used was to describe the direction BW has been taking as of 4.0, regardless of whether these remarks were positive or negative.


I think a lot of us raiders wanted old operations to be relevant again, i.e. brought up to current max level, but not at the expense of new content and operations. Unfortunately, that's what we got.


I had a great time in the first 7-8 months of 4.0 learning all the old raids that I missed out on because I was strictly pvp and solo content for the first 2 years I played this game.


The biggest, biggest problem with this game is content drought. BWA simply can't give us enough new content. Then while we're starving for new content, they give us some sweeping change to the game that obviously took a long time to develop, and we all think "***! why change something that isn't broken?! give us something new to do"

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Sorry, but this game isn't for you.

I see. You are not playing idiot, you ARE... If this game is not for me - for who it then?

Sorry, but you don't get to decide the direction this game goes.

If not WE (not me, but WE - players) deciding the way it should go, then who does?

Well you better pick one then.

Why instead of extending my abilities and getting more tactical and strategic advantages I should limit and cut down myself? Again - we were forced to build as many chars as we want and now we are forced to pick only one. This is very strange way to make people happy.

Because noone on the forum has any patience.

Patience for what? "This is only beta"-thing? But isnt Beta-Testing phase meant to fix things broken by design? And upcoming changes are surely broken by design, they are already terribly bad.

Edited by TangaroaOnDaMoon
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The days of Bioware doing what the forum base "asks for" are over.


You asked for space PvP, Bioware gave it to you and you spat in their faces.

You asked for monthly updates instead of yearly, Bioware gave them to you and you spat in their faces.

You asked to make old content relevant again, Bioware did and you spat in their faces.


If I were Bioware I wouldn't listen to any of you either.


I've been reading these forums nearly every day for years.


If anyone asked for space pvp they were a small minority compared to the people asking for off-rails space pve. Still waiting for that.


People did ask for more frequent updates, but I never saw a single person ask for episodic story. Content releases have never been only yearly. Before the conversion to f2p they were planning to bring out the content of RotHC in chunks about every 2 months, but they scrapped that and lumped everything into one xpac. We got a few nice small content releases with Czerka, Kuat & Oricon. SoR had the 4 flashpoint lead up and then the Ziost follow up. I'm sure most people would be thrilled if we got small content patches like those again. Everyone got something in a reasonably timely manner. People weren't unhappy with KotFE because of the pacing, they were unhappy because they were used to an expansion having something for everyone, if not at launch, then soon after in a smaller content patch.


And I never saw anyone ask for level-sync, let alone enough people asking for it for it to be a priority for limited resources. The people who enjoyed the old content enjoyed it just fine without level sync. The people who were tired of the old content weren't going to be re-invigorated by being sync'd.


You know what I have seen people asking for a lot?


New raids and to a lesser extent new flashpoints.

8v8 ranked pvp.

Server mergers or cross server queuing.

Customizations &/or gear slots for KotFE companions.

A hood-toggle.

Chat-bubbles & chair sitting.

Gear tabs.

Advance class reset.

Gender change.

Toys as a learnable skill.

Body tattoos.

Traditional Jedi Robes ;)

Credit bank.

A return to open planets.

Shorten the respawn on key mobs for heroics.

Weapons in outfit designer.

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No no I'm pretty sure the forum did ask for everything I posted.


Pretty sure doesn't cut it.


BW heard what they wanted to hear and like an evil genie, they warped our wishes into something we didn't actually ask for.


Once again, you are simply dilusional to what actually happened.

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I remember people on the forum screaming for space PvP.

I remember Bioware asking the forum before 4.0 hit if they preferred regular small updates or one big update a year.

I remember people on the forum asking to make old content relevant again.


Yes, lots of different people used to ask for lots of different things.


I do remember asking them to make the levelling planets relevant at end game. I asked them to give us a reason to go back. They seemed like such wasted space when we were done with them.


They kind of did that with macrobinoculars/seeker missions. They did that with bounty contract week. They could have done more event stuff with them and that would be great.


What nobody asked for was for them to stop creating new events and ask us to level 8 more characters as a way to make the planets relevant. The team has gotten lazy and uncreative. They don't really listen to us. Proof? Look at everything about 5.0. One-size fits all story. No new PvP. No new Ops. No(?) returning companions. New tedious gearing system for no apparent reason.


They had plenty of time to stop and rework whatever they had started by the time they got feedback about KotFE. They could have delayed by a few months and given people something they wanted. All they appear to be giving us is an excuse to go find something else to do with our time and money.

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People asked for it. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean people wouldn't ask for it.


Then you need to provide links for that, I'm not saying you are wrong, or that everyone else posting is right here. Back that assumption up, because I've been here for 4+ years and aside from the Macrobinoculars / Shroud Heroic 4 missions I've never seen a player request old content to be made relevant again.

Edited by Transcendent
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Then you need to provide links for that, I'm not saying you are wrong, or that everyone else posting is right here. Back that assumption up, because I've been here for 4+ years and aside from the Macrobinoculars / Shroud Heroic 4 missions I've never seen a player request old content to be made relevant again.


I have actually asked for that. Flash Points was the topic. I still want those to be made relevant again with a much better reward system. GC however as it will be released is not that.

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I have actually asked for that. Flash Points was the topic. I still want those to be made relevant again with a much better reward system. GC however as it will be released is not that.


Flashpoints being made relevant again was technically tacticals / solo modes and DvL. I do think that yours was primarily aimed towards the rewards? Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not assuming I'm correct on this.



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