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PvP queue pops getting longer 5.0


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I agree the changes as they are aren't particularly favorable, but the concept is good.


I'm sure they will balance the rates people get command rank experience so that it is even overtime.


I believe Bioware's idea behind this is so that you can play whatever aspect of the game you want to get gear.

Edited by Ryanswtorone
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The PTS versions get regularily datamined. I'm sure you can find it using a google search like "swtor 5.0 pts datamined" or something similar.


As far as I'm aware only the daily/weekly PvP quests will reward cXP. That means playing 4 wzs to complete the dailies and playing for 12h is exactly the same cxp-wise. Gonna improve q-times real good.


If they really only reward the dailies and weeklies with cxp it would even make me queue less I guess... Because I also want to get maxed gear. So I will have to do other stuff after finishing the pvp-missions. Sad. They should reward every PvP-match with cxp, depending on medals, mvp-votes and win/loss (just measure it the same way you measure the Valor gain! With hardcap at 8 medals, I think its a fair system!)

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I think once 5.0 hits you will see que pops go up....... for about two weeks.

Once people who have re-subbed for a month to finish the story are done is when I think we will be in trouble.


Yup, but still they will have some subs at the start, which they will use as statement that "we have a lot of subs" and then when the subs go down they will be quiet about it :)

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If they really only reward the dailies and weeklies with cxp it would even make me queue less I guess... Because I also want to get maxed gear. So I will have to do other stuff after finishing the pvp-missions. Sad. They should reward every PvP-match with cxp, depending on medals, mvp-votes and win/loss (just measure it the same way you measure the Valor gain! With hardcap at 8 medals, I think its a fair system!)


It would be unfortunate if only daily/weekly missions reward CXP...That would be a deal breaker for quite a few PvP oriented folks.....


I understand the gear gate...or why they have implemented the gear gate....I'm just concerned they went from almost no gate to WAAAAaaay over the top.


I would even venture to say that a slower progression was needed for this game...That said in this case they are flipping a switch to a massive change overnight....maybe a bit much to be done in one shot.


It may turn out rather poorly......

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The easiest solution would be to boycott the rng gearing in pvp. Let's return to the naked pvp. That was the most fun period in this game. So we only queue naked and if we see someone with gear leave the wz





Although now we are not talking about potential stat differences. Its the lucky draw of sets we have to worry about.

Edited by Technohic
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And that's why pvpers like myself are so disheartened about the changes. Sure pop times might seem to improve after 5;0 arrives, but how about pop times for now? Have people seen the queue pops getting longer?


In TRE the queues got longer and the old players rarer. I log in Harbinger to get decent queues.

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It's Not the times that bother me. It's who is in queue.


The PvE geared, the tank statted healer and 194+ geared. They whitebar, CC break, non-focus and non-incoming calling let alone actually guard, the back walking and keyboard turning don't cleanse or interupt. The PvE Geared


Queue times are longer for PvP and FP. Then what you get are scrubs that are quick to call hacks on sorcs not taking damage when guarded and have probes running, and get cleansed when CC'd.


It's bad and I've replied to another one of your posts. But to save you from TL: DR BW screwed the SWTOR veterans, the dedicated subscribers. People are leaving faster than the new can replenish even with the returning wishing for a better game than the one they left months ago.

Edited by Liquor
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It's Not the times that bother me. It's who is in queue.


The PvE geared, the tank statted healer and 194+ geared. They whitebar, CC break, non-focus and non-incoming calling let alone actually guard, the back walking and keyboard turning don't cleanse or interupt. The PvE Geared


Queue times are longer for PvP and FP. Then what you get are scrubs that are quick to call hacks on sorcs not taking damage when guarded and have probes running, and get cleansed when CC'd.


It's bad and I've replied to another one of your posts. But to save you from TL: DR BW screwed the SWTOR veterans, the dedicated subscribers. People are leaving faster than the new can replenish even with the returning wishing for a better game than the one they left months ago.


Yeah, the amount of players in the queue can really affect that. The queue can pop instantly, but if there are only 16 people in the queue, you can get stuck with or against the same players every match. No variety or even worse, terrible players who you will pop with every match.

It what's worse is when you wait 30-60mins for a pop and then get basically the same people. That's enough to log out and not come back.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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And that's why pvpers like myself are so disheartened about the changes. Sure pop times might seem to improve after 5;0 arrives, but how about pop times for now? Have people seen the queue pops getting longer?



i dont know what your talking about or what server you are on. pvp times are around 1-5 MAXIMUM for me and it will be faster due to the people having no expertise this next expansion. you might be on a low pop server. last night my ques lastes 30 - 45 sec.

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i dont know what your talking about or what server you are on. pvp times are around 1-5 MAXIMUM for me and it will be faster due to the people having no expertise this next expansion. you might be on a low pop server. last night my ques lastes 30 - 45 sec.


I don't know what you are talking about or what server you are on. Pvp times are around 15-30 MINIMUM for me....

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The PTS versions get regularily datamined. I'm sure you can find it using a google search like "swtor 5.0 pts datamined" or something similar.


As far as I'm aware only the daily/weekly PvP quests will reward cXP. That means playing 4 wzs to complete the dailies and playing for 12h is exactly the same cxp-wise. Gonna improve q-times real good.


Are you sure about this? Sounds like the new most ridiculous thing about 5.0. Seriously.

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i dont know what your talking about or what server you are on. pvp times are around 1-5 MAXIMUM for me and it will be faster due to the people having no expertise this next expansion. you might be on a low pop server. last night my ques lastes 30 - 45 sec.


I did actually say Harbinger in my opening post, instead of being rude, maybe read the whole thread. I assume you must play on Harbinger as it is the "most" populated server. So what do you consider prime pvp time on Harbinger and what bracket are you pvping in.

Regardless, how many of those pops are with and/or against the same people?

Also, what does expertise have to do with it. If you were a full time pvper you would know how it works and how easy it is to use. The only effect having no expertise will have is that more pve noobs can come into pvp with higher end gear than pvpers will have,

It's not always how fast it pops, it's also the quality. If you pop against the same small sample of the queued people and most are bad on either side, then matches can be very one sided. Also, having pvp quality watered down so that people can farm CXP in ranked will drive even more of the dedicated pvpers out of this game.

There needs to be a balance, quality and good pop times. This new gear system will destroy what remains of good pvp. Pops might improv , but unless the quality is there, it will be like stealing preschoolers lunch money, which is not fun at all. What's the point if there is zero challenge.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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