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Arcann is back?


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I have e that with pretty much all male companions. While they arent like Arcann, it's really one more boring than the other and none are force users.

On my SI, which ks my main, I could never see her with Andronikos. Random space pirate? No.


Arcann is hot! The actor that modeled him is, bit the 3d version is much better.:rak_03: He also has the best voice, is actually powerful, unlike any female LI, unless you're lesbian for Lana who is decent in strength.


But I do agree that there should be a choice to kill or romance or at least companion option.



Sexual orientation doesn't seem to get a lock, the thread about gender swap derailed into all sorts of things and didn't get a lock either.


It's weird to forbid this topic in a game that includes different orientations and what not. Its like not being able to pray in a church.


Haha fair enough. I don't see the appeal but each to their own and if they ever make him a LI, enjoy. :p I'd still sooner run him through but hey!


I overall agree though that women kinda get screwed in terms of LI's and it's always been that way. I think male players have the choice of 2 LI's per class for most part vs. the 1 we get. Sure, add Arcann and while you're at it, add Jonas and fix Scourge so we can play with him too kthnx. <3


And we're largely off topic but isn't that sort of what happens in most threads? They're not going to close this one down just because we're no longer on the actual subject title. :rolleyes:

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They did say there would be a large body count. And I know you girls like your Theron, but saying he's a really interesting character isn't really correct, imo anyway. Aside from being satele's non force using son, what is exactly special about him? Like what did he do that makes him so interesting?


What's so interesting about Theron???



Well, first off, he's not just Satele's son, he's REVAN's great great whatever son. And the fact that he cannot use the force is just tragic. What would that do to YOUR psyche if you come from the most famous family of force users in the galaxy and couldn't even manage Padawan. I'd probably off myself. lol. Yet, here he is, saving the galaxy with his smarts.


In his back story, he kills 2 dark council members, which is insane. If you just want SWTOR story, his part in the Revan expansion was pretty awesome. Like, intentionally getting captured and tortured by pirates to steal info, and then breaking himself out before the actual "hero" could save him. thumbs up. Most importantly, his voice actor is good. :D

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What's so interesting about Theron???



Well, first off, he's not just Satele's son, he's REVAN's great great whatever son. And the fact that he cannot use the force is just tragic. What would that do to YOUR psyche if you come from the most famous family of force users in the galaxy and couldn't even manage Padawan. I'd probably off myself. lol. Yet, here he is, saving the galaxy with his smarts.


In his back story, he kills 2 dark council members, which is insane. If you just want SWTOR story, his part in the Revan expansion was pretty awesome. Like, intentionally getting captured and tortured by pirates to steal info, and then breaking himself out before the actual "hero" could save him. thumbs up. Most importantly, his voice actor is good. :D


Pretty sure Lana got him captured, not he himself. While I agree he does have a great back story, none of that is brought to life in the game.

He also doesn't seem to be caring about being able to use the force, not in Swtor for as far as I remember.


It's kind of how they butchered Revan himself in Swtor. Guess his great Great great great great grandson got the same fate.

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I would be more than happy to kill Arcann, his mom and Koth. Their bodies on the floor I would gladly walk over. Theron being dead though will upset me, seriously Theron has a book about him: The Old Republic Annihilation by Drew Karpyshyn. After reading that book I liked Theron more and did choose him for my romance option for my BH female character. Why would you kill off a character that has had so much put into him, albeit not in game sadly but still. We need more background on him in game not to get rid of him!
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Haha fair enough. I don't see the appeal but each to their own and if they ever make him a LI, enjoy. :p I'd still sooner run him through but hey!


I overall agree though that women kinda get screwed in terms of LI's and it's always been that way. I think male players have the choice of 2 LI's per class for most part vs. the 1 we get. Sure, add Arcann and while you're at it, add Jonas and fix Scourge so we can play with him too kthnx. <3


And we're largely off topic but isn't that sort of what happens in most threads? They're not going to close this one down just because we're no longer on the actual subject title. :rolleyes:

I would have e loved to have scourge! Who is jonas:rak_02:




I would be more than happy to kill Arcann, his mom and Koth. Their bodies on the floor I would gladly walk over. Theron being dead though will upset me, seriously Theron has a book about him: The Old Republic Annihilation by Drew Karpyshyn. After reading that book I liked Theron more and did choose him for my romance option for my BH female character. Why would you kill off a character that has had so much put into him, albeit not in game sadly but still. We need more background on him in game not to get rid of him!


Revan has a great story too, look how that turned out in game:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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Pretty sure Lana got him captured, not he himself. While I agree he does have a great back story, none of that is brought to life in the game.

He also doesn't seem to be caring about being able to use the force, not in Swtor for as far as I remember.


It's kind of how they butchered Revan himself in Swtor. Guess his great Great great great great grandson got the same fate.


The game doesn't fully do Theron justice I believe but, he still by far tops Lana in my eyes. Theron has an actual place in the lore, imo, based on his heritage and the book Drew wrote. He's not just some nobody who was introduced to the game and had a quick community blog written about them to serve as a 'foundation' for the character which is what they did for Lana. They just threw her in there and quickly tried to force some substance into her character. Don't get me wrong, I like Lana and most of my females consider her a decent friend but I don't find her overly interesting. (and my IA is a little bitter that Lana got the big Intelligence promotion from Marr while she herself is a far more experienced Cipher got shafted with some secondary rank, as far as I understood it :p)

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I would have e loved to have scourge! Who is jonas:rak_02:



Jonas Balkar is an SIS Agent who appears throughout the Trooper main story arc and I believe him to be the contact who arranged Jorgan/Havoc Squad's arrival in the Endless Swamp to meet with the Outlander. During the original Trooper story there's a few flirts with him and I've always wanted to pursue those but BW is being mean. :rolleyes:

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Well, I don't RP, but I do like to write stories. :)


I stand with Misha, Jenny, Xia and everyone else who loves Theron. I really feel like we've only scratched the surface with him, there is so much more we can do with him, as a character, and as a love interest. It would be a terrible waste story wise to off him. And as Jenny says, I too, would enjoy Jonas Balkar made available to us and not just for trooper, for all classes. It would be great to run Theron and Jonas for missions. Like in Star Fortresses etc, I could run Jonas and Theron could guide the mission.


I also miss the regular love interest characters. I for one, don't care about Bieber Fett, I don't play my BH much...so I feel like I've had no love interests returned at all. I want Quinn and Vector and Scourge even if he's not a LI. I want him back and I want them to write him a proper story because they have underused the potential that is Scourge. They could do so much...it could be amazing and yet they persist with characters that few care about and dream sequences and crap that doesn't amount to much.



It's nice to see more Jonas Balkar fans! So disappointing that he has not been offered as an LI or companion. There are so many lost opportunities for LIs in this game, like Ardan Kothe, anyone?

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Jonas Balkar is an SIS Agent who appears throughout the Trooper main story arc and I believe him to be the contact who arranged Jorgan/Havoc Squad's arrival in the Endless Swamp to meet with the Outlander. During the original Trooper story there's a few flirts with him and I've always wanted to pursue those but BW is being mean. :rolleyes:


Ohhh I remember him now, yeah he was fun. It just kind of ended randomly. ;/

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The game doesn't fully do Theron justice I believe but, he still by far tops Lana in my eyes. Theron has an actual place in the lore, imo, based on his heritage and the book Drew wrote. He's not just some nobody who was introduced to the game and had a quick community blog written about them to serve as a 'foundation' for the character which is what they did for Lana. They just threw her in there and quickly tried to force some substance into her character. Don't get me wrong, I like Lana and most of my females consider her a decent friend but I don't find her overly interesting. (and my IA is a little bitter that Lana got the big Intelligence promotion from Marr while she herself is a far more experienced Cipher got shafted with some secondary rank, as far as I understood it :p)


Would be nice to have that history of Theron brought into game.


My agent agrees with your agent. *** was that :p

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It's nice to see more Jonas Balkar fans! So disappointing that he has not been offered as an LI or companion. There are so many lost opportunities for LIs in this game, like Ardan Kothe, anyone?


Kothe struck me as an old man!


But, there are definitely tumblr pages devoted to Captain Biron and General Hesker that I would agree with :D


And ladies definitely need some force user love, like Darth Ravage, Sajar, or Attros Finn.


Zenith and Scourge should have both been at least flirtable.

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Kothe struck me as an old man!


But, there are definitely tumblr pages devoted to Captain Biron and General Hesker that I would agree with :D


And ladies definitely need some force user love, like Darth Ravage, Sajar, or Attros Finn.


Zenith and Scourge should have both been at least flirtable.


Oooh yes and I want a piece of Vowrawn too! :o

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Kothe struck me as an old man!


But, there are definitely tumblr pages devoted to Captain Biron and General Hesker that I would agree with :D


And ladies definitely need some force user love, like Darth Ravage, Sajar, or Attros Finn.


Zenith and Scourge should have both been at least flirtable.


The fact that Zenith and Scourge weren't LI options is just irritating beyond all measure. Scourge would have been a perfect LI for a dark jk and Zenith would provide something more interesting than Lt. What's His Name (my memory is bad). There were so many great LI opportunities in the class and planetary stories, SO much wasted potential. I saw Kothe as a fallen Jedi, who by his own words, couldn't live up to the Jedi code. What better way to see that through than to fall for an IA?

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The fact that Zenith and Scourge weren't LI options is just irritating beyond all measure. Scourge would have been a perfect LI for a dark jk and Zenith would provide something more interesting than Lt. What's His Name (my memory is bad). There were so many great LI opportunities in the class and planetary stories, SO much wasted potential. I saw Kothe as a fallen Jedi, who by his own words, couldn't live up to the Jedi code. What better way to see that through than to fall for an IA?


Even though it's sad, Lord scourge is beyond emotion, he can't fall in love with you, because he can't feel love.

Its kind of like wanting a gay guy to be attracted to a female, there's just nothing there between the two. Though I'd still say Lord scourge is even more impossible lore wise than that.:rak_03:

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More importantly:




23 seconds in


hopefully its just dream. All. of. it.


Ikr?! The only male companion a gay person can have a relationship with in the entire game and they kill him off!? If he dies and it's not a vision I'll leave this game forever.


But as likely been stated before probably just a vision though why Lana isn't in the vision seems a bit, well, seem Bioware has a thing for Lana if you know what I mean... *gags*

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Even though it's sad, Lord scourge is beyond emotion, he can't fall in love with you, because he can't feel love.

Its kind of like wanting a gay guy to be attracted to a female, there's just nothing there between the two. Though I'd still say Lord scourge is even more impossible lore wise than that.:rak_03:


wellll.... it doesn't have to be "true" love. I mean, if he is trying to get you over to the dark side... seduction is one of the most obvious ways. And the fact that you can't even *try* to flirt with him is really the issue. It could have at least been like a Talos - a "oh good lord no thank you" moment.

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Even though it's sad, Lord scourge is beyond emotion, he can't fall in love with you, because he can't feel love.

Its kind of like wanting a gay guy to be attracted to a female, there's just nothing there between the two. Though I'd still say Lord scourge is even more impossible lore wise than that.:rak_03:


He could be fixed, there's lore related precedent for it. I think I once saw someone mention the mother machine on Belsavis I believe (actually that might have been Luna's fic, but it works). The Emperor himself who was in a similar state (from what I understood, forgive me if I'm wrong) found love, marriage and had three children with Senya. There's plenty BW CAN do in terms of curing Lord Scourge and making him a LI. God knows there's even plenty in his in-game dialogues that set it up but.. there's a difference between what they can do and what they actually do and BW is notorious for dropping the ball on a lot of interesting potential stories and moments so bleh.

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Ikr?! The only male companion a gay person can have a relationship with in the entire game and they kill him off!? If he dies and it's not a vision I'll leave this game forever.


But as likely been stated before probably just a vision though why Lana isn't in the vision seems a bit, well, seem Bioware has a thing for Lana if you know what I mean... *gags*


o.O Theron is not. There's Koth too.

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It's nice to see more Jonas Balkar fans! So disappointing that he has not been offered as an LI or companion. There are so many lost opportunities for LIs in this game, like Ardan Kothe, anyone?


I think having Jonas as a LI and companion for the trooper would have made playing female trooper a lot more fun. I know Aric has quite a loving following, and while I adore his VA, I don't like the character of Aric, he's not my cuppa. But Jonas...now we're talkin'. He would have made it fun for me. :D Actually I enjoy Jonas so much I made a clone of him and play him as an agent, Imp side. :p

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I think having Jonas as a LI and companion for the trooper would have made playing female trooper a lot more fun. I know Aric has quite a loving following, and while I adore his VA, I don't like the character of Aric, he's not my cuppa. But Jonas...now we're talkin'. He would have made it fun for me. :D Actually I enjoy Jonas so much I made a clone of him and play him as an agent, Imp side. :p


I loves me some Aric Jorgan. But, I have to agree. I would have loved a second trooper just for Jonas Balkar. :D

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wellll.... it doesn't have to be "true" love. I mean, if he is trying to get you over to the dark side... seduction is one of the most obvious ways. And the fact that you can't even *try* to flirt with him is really the issue. It could have at least been like a Talos - a "oh good lord no thank you" moment.


Hed be beyond even trying, thy make it seem like they wouldn't know how, even if they wanted to. He said he had fond memories of his first love, and things like that, when you tried to say"there's still hope" or something along those lines, he seemed not amused.


If you want them to stick with the original story, hes just off limits and legitimately so.

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So, to try and attempt to bring this thread back on topic ...


The screenshot of Arcann in yesterday's tweet shows Arcann, on Voss, with non-sith eyes. Without the white haze around the border of the screen.


He has the yellow eyes in the teaser at 0:09. So, choices mattering again? Spare Senya and Arcann, he comes back blue-eyed and ready to fight for you, attempt to shoot the betrayer and her son the tyrant prince down and he comes with pseudo-revanites to attack you?


As for Arcann, once again I don't believe the creative team are that bad to forget that the Scions hate him, he outlawed and did his best to wipe them out and killed their leader. What is strange is that they seem to be forgotten after all that build up through two chapters they have disappeared (have the writing team forgotten about them) but one thing is sure they would never work with Arcann, he doesn't believe in prophecy so wanted them all dead. They would turn on anyone working with him because if he came back to power he would finish the job or at the very least be outside of their control.


But there is already precedent of Heskal summoning Arcann to Asylum, knowing full well it meant his death and the death of many on Asylum, just to fulfill destiny. He called his mortal enemy ("Blood calls out for blood"). I wouldn't put it past any of the other Scions to do the same.

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