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I hate Galactic Command & won't sub again till it's gone. Add your name if you agree.


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I'm 11...not ONE for me either.


I'm sorry to see you go OP...but you're right to do so. This grind is not "fun" in any way...in fact, it's killed the "fun" for many.


Im rank 9 and i have gotten 3 230's with set bonuses, bracer, boots and belt, and a 230 implant.


Im enjoying the RNG system 4/9 crates ive gotten good stuff.

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Good thing im a casual gamer. I play everyday but dont wanna even begin to stress about trying to be a top player. They have my support and i guess people like me must ruin it for all the other people. Yes my post is pointless but i wanted to give my 2 cents. Hopefully this will encourage vets to help new players learn the ways of older content to do new content. Enjoy all 🐵
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galactic command love it or hate it lol it works well for the majority of the games player base and that majority is the casual's (which is fine if your a casual gamer) nothing wrong with it nor am I trying to be rude when saying that.

I'm curious...can you explain why you think this is better for casual players? I see this as just the opposite...horrible for casual players. Sure, some will get lucky...but the vast majority will never get the gear they need...they'll be stuck in mismatched starter gear forever. Under the old system I could run a new player through a few Ops and get them geared up in no time. I PuG Ops all the time...I very often ran into players who were rolling on their first piece of 'set gear"...but at least they were assured one...in the new system, they aren't.


I just don't see the new gearing system as good for anyone. If you had a crappy chest in 4.0, you ran a few heroics, got your tokens and bought the new chest...but now? Now you're completely screwed if you don't get a RNG drop...there is no backup plan...and that's where RNG gearing fails everyone imo.

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Im rank 9 and i have gotten 3 230's with set bonuses, bracer, boots and belt, and a 230 implant.


Im enjoying the RNG system 4/9 crates ive gotten good stuff.


And therein lies the single biggest problem with RNG - it's random.


Effort isn't rewarded.

Skill isn't rewarded.

Having the tenacity to run content to get that specific bit of gear to complete your set isn't rewarded.


Nothing is rewarded - it's all down to dumb luck.


And whoever signed off on implementing RNG gearing is too dumb to be allowed to make such decisions in the future.


All The Best

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this rng system would have been ok if there was some sort of backup plan to counter bad luck. like every crate gets you some sort of new crystal currency guaranteed, and after enough bad luck you have enough cystals to buy a single piece from a new vendor.


makes more sense to me and is a lot more fair to everyone involved. time still = reward.

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And therein lies the single biggest problem with RNG - it's random.


Effort isn't rewarded.

Skill isn't rewarded.

Having the tenacity to run content to get that specific bit of gear to complete your set isn't rewarded.


Nothing is rewarded - it's all down to dumb luck.


And whoever signed off on implementing RNG gearing is too dumb to be allowed to make such decisions in the future.


All The Best


That i do agree with, i would rather have operation drops, or you get a random token drop guarantee from each operations boss per player if they wanted to make gearing easier. ex. Everyone gets a chest piece token from Boss X SM gives a 230 drop, Veteran gives that tier 2 and tier 3 for NiM. But also having the GC crates for those who don't want to run operations and try their luck with RNG.

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I mean, it really isn't that difficult to fix. Have a token for a piece of gear drop in each pack or every 5 levels or something so you can choose whatever piece you want. You can even keep the massive grind by not dropping tokens for the best gear until rank 180 or whatever. Just remove the RNG of whether you get a piece or not and whether you already have the piece.
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And therein lies the single biggest problem with RNG - it's random.


Effort isn't rewarded.

Skill isn't rewarded.

Having the tenacity to run content to get that specific bit of gear to complete your set isn't rewarded.


Nothing is rewarded - it's all down to dumb luck.


And whoever signed off on implementing RNG gearing is too dumb to be allowed to make such decisions in the future.


All The Best



'Nuff said

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I had my doubts, i have been angry, i have been slightly positive, but this is it for me.

After seeing people struggle (people who i have been playing with a lot) and watching the total crap dropping from RNG (watched it during livestreams) and seeing people investing 2 hours into an OP and getting 1,5 GC rank @ low level Galactic Command (imagine the time required to invest starting at tier 2) i have been convinced. 5.0 is ****. RNG is ****. I liked the story, but that's it. i'm out.


I hope you all have fun, i will miss everyone, even the drama queens. I hope you get cool RNG gear.


Lots of love

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Update rank 15 no set items no MH or OH, no earpiece or implants (purple quality 230).

All i got is one 230 relic from early first rank 2-3.


I dont care if someone is lucky with first 5-6 boxes got like half gear already done. What are others suppose to do? Keep grinding and wasting time? This is nuts. I cant think of any other game where this system is placed. If mmo's have rng gearing then the ydrop from bosses directly not with this idiotic command xp also.

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Well I have to say, I really don't like this new system, it's going to be difficult for raiding guilds to find replacements seeing operation bosses don't drop gear anymore and the gear you want starts to drop at galactic command rank 180. It's going to be incredible difficult to play alts, seeing the grind is too long for it, and the system isn't legacy wide. Just seems half assed and a way to re-grind the same old content for the 15th time. :rolleyes: Guess it's time to take a long break from SWTOR sadly. Edited by Theshadowbehind
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I'm curious...can you explain why you think this is better for casual players? I see this as just the opposite...horrible for casual players. Sure, some will get lucky...but the vast majority will never get the gear they need...they'll be stuck in mismatched starter gear forever. Under the old system I could run a new player through a few Ops and get them geared up in no time. I PuG Ops all the time...I very often ran into players who were rolling on their first piece of 'set gear"...but at least they were assured one...in the new system, they aren't.


I just don't see the new gearing system as good for anyone. If you had a crappy chest in 4.0, you ran a few heroics, got your tokens and bought the new chest...but now? Now you're completely screwed if you don't get a RNG drop...there is no backup plan...and that's where RNG gearing fails everyone imo.


They don't care what gear they have? You understand the vast majority of the games player base now doesn't even know what keybinding is.. Lol you know what they do know though? Opening cartel packs you know what command crates are? Cartel packs for 15 bucks a month lol they dont give a **** what gear they have they've probably never cleared ev and kp they sit in their anti social story mode player bubble do their chapters endlessly on alts and run heroics to give gifts too there romance options and live out their wet dreams of being thr hero or destroyers of the star wars galaxy...

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They don't care what gear they have? You understand the vast majority of the games player base now doesn't even know what keybinding is.. Lol you know what they do know though? Opening cartel packs you know what command crates are? Cartel packs for 15 bucks a month lol they dont give a **** what gear they have they've probably never cleared ev and kp they sit in their anti social story mode player bubble do their chapters endlessly on alts and run heroics to give gifts too there romance options and live out their wet dreams of being thr hero or destroyers of the star wars galaxy...



it's not better for casual players, because you can't even buy the old level 65 gear anymore. between level 60 and 70 there is no available gear for casual pve players outside of pvp beyond story rewards and crafted.


clearing an operation is not exactly a badge of honor. even at launch raiding was more buggy than hard here and it hasn't been the focus of this game for a couple years now.


you sound jaded, and clearly don't understand that there is a faction of the playerbase that is here entirely due to kotor and the EU books and are not looking to be cutting edge youtubers or twitch streamers or what not.

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They don't care what gear they have? You understand the vast majority of the games player base now doesn't even know what keybinding is.. Lol you know what they do know though? Opening cartel packs you know what command crates are? Cartel packs for 15 bucks a month lol they dont give a **** what gear they have they've probably never cleared ev and kp they sit in their anti social story mode player bubble do their chapters endlessly on alts and run heroics to give gifts too there romance options and live out their wet dreams of being thr hero or destroyers of the star wars galaxy...


Best post i ever've read on this forum.


Also remember cool posts like let us romance Arcann, Senya, Vailyn, Valkorian... Gameplay is poor, but best option will be adding romance with Our biggest enemy... won't comment that.

Edited by tummiswtor
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Devs - "Dude, now we have RNG gearing just like in Legion!":D

Me - " Nooooooooooooo!!!":confused:


Seriously, I've just unsubbed form that marasmatic "do RNG using RNG to drop RNG with RNG" crap to play SWTOR casually again... guess, I'd have to go play BF4 (since I don't enjoy VG changes - took away my lovely sticky nade, made volley 10m range (@&^%$#)- or the story - can't understand why a soldier would do all this stuff). I do really miss that awesome SWTOR 2011... :(

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Unsubbed after the NYCC cantina because no operation was announced(not even mentioned). And I won't resub even if they announce something interesting in January. This system is bad. Someone in BW probably doesn't want to have raiders/pvp players in this game. I am OK with that. Sub ends Feb5(I think) so by then I will do the story, some quests I'm missing and then leave.


Screw RNG, I am unlucky.

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between level 60 and 70 there is no available gear for casual pve players outside of pvp beyond story rewards and crafted.


Except players have wide access to low cost adaptive armor and mods now... all the way to level 65 on the mods (fleet vendors sell 210 mods for a few thousand credits each now, and these are fine for leveling to 70). The legacy armor vendor sells adaptive armor pieces for less then 2k each, so don't tell me it's difficult for any casual player to stay current on their gear all the way to level 70.


Now... optimizing gear for hard level content at level 70 will take some effort, but even then a crafter can make themselves 220/228 gear pretty easily, and crafters do sell and do take consignments. Said gear is adequate while running content in GC for command crates.


But how many players do hard end game content and still consider themselves casual? Whatever the number may be, they have unlimited access to command crates if they really want the best gear, and being casual... time should not be a factor.


This game is more casual friendly at cap level then ever before.

Edited by Andryah
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My god this would have to be the most miserable thread I've ever read. The heavy air of negativity and misery is really oppressive.


Luckily, if everyone in this thread holds true to their word and cancels their sub we might be able to breathe again.

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I wouldn't mind Galactic Command so much, if it didn't take so long to lv up. 20 points per side quest is just, bad. Ofc, I realize there are other ways to lv it up, but it still takes a boat load of lot time. Edited by ZeroTypeR
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