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A Soloist's Experience with Group Content


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I am an avid reader of the forums, though I rarely post. When the DvL event was announced, I agreed with much of the criticism, but decided to go for Legendary anyway. (Having completed it hasn't changed my mind about the event or about wanting to do group content. And I found the DvL reward crates very disappointing.)


I generally do not do group content for all of the reasons that have been mentioned before in these forums, so i was dreading the raids, pvp, and HM FPs. I had to use GF for all the FPs (the ubiquitous advice of "group with guildies" is easier said than done).


The reason for my post is to share my experience with the community because it was very good. Groups weren't always successful and there were many frustrating wipes and players quitting group for various reasons. But my experience with other players was entirely positive. Everyone was helpful and, for the most part, patient. No one was rude, or mean, or critical. And all advice and direction was given in a good-natured manner.


I know from reading here this has not been everyone's experience, which is why I wanted to put it out there. And, I wanted to issue a general thanks to the player base for helping me complete the event.

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Well im glad you had a good time with the DvL event, and you even got along with the community too :) I hope for the best to everyone who was doing the DVL event, and to those who continue to do so. Hopefully people realize that, while some of the content in the DVL will take you out of your comfort zone, it is not impossible and completely doable with a bit of effort and learning.
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I can safely say I'd never queue as a Healer using GF ever again. Although, it was a great way to determine which players are sacks of hammers quickly so I could ignore them.


I managed to get through the eternal level flashpoints but I found it more of a chore than fun. That being said, if I had a couple of good friends who played, that would likely be the opposite. As it stands right now though, I have a couple of operations to take down the Dread Masters that I know will forever be incomplete as I can't fathom getting a group of decent guys together to do them.


I was hoping Uprisings would be a good compromise... where things would just randomly happen and players could just jump in together to help take down something major. No grouping needed, everyone who fights it gets credit. It appears this isn't the case though.

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Thank you for posting this!!!


I'm fortunate to have some amazing players I get to play with regularly, but I also do a great deal of PuGing...and I couldn't agree more! There are a LOT of great people playing this game...grouping is a privilege, not a fear.

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Because this isn't Guild Wars 2, perhaps?


I wouldn't know about that. For example, assuming I'm playing an Imperial characters. A global message could pop up saying something like "Republic warships have are approaching Sobrik". This signals to me that something big is going to happen there and I could head there. After a period of time (say 10 or 15 minutes), another message like "Republic commandos have begun attacking Sobrik" could appear... at the same time, huge waves of commandos could begin spawning and attacking (a minimum number for sure, but could scale up if there are a lot of players). After these are defeated... "An experimental republic Siege bot has been spotted approaching Sobrik". Then a large super level boss appears and begins attacking. At the end, everyone in the area gets credit based on damage done, healing done etc. and is rewarded appropriately.


That's along the lines of what I', thinking. These could happen randomly with different scenarios on different worlds/locations. That's what I was thinking Uprisings were going to be... granted, I had zero information to actually think that. :)

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I did up to Eternal on Red Eclipse and that was painful enough.


I made a character on Jedi Covenant because it has far cheaper prices on GTN, tried a few FP's and decided not to bother with DvL on this server.


It's not so much group content I don't like, although I have always been a solo player, but I hate random groups.


I used to stick with guild groups but because I take extended breaks there is no point joining a guild anymore.


So, yeah, me and group content in this game really don't mix.

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Half a year ago, I was a solo player except doing warzones (loves it) and a few tacticals.

Thou I did not intend to hit legendary, I eventually got into an amazing guild, and have hit the legendary achievment. And you know what? I am now part of a progression team and have cleared 5 HM ops. So, thx Bioware! :)

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Thank you for posting this! I am also a solo player (outside of the random heroic), and it was with great trepidation that I que'd for the tactical FP's I needed for DvL. So far I've done 5/8, with only one wipe and a few deaths, and most of the people I was grouped with seemed pretty good-natured. Thanks to the wonderful folks on Harbinger I grouped with! If you meet a clueless bowcaster-wielding Op healer in Czerka Core, Red Reaper, or KDY this weekend, it may just be me. :D


To my fellow players that are nervous about grouping but want to make it to Eternal level, just give it a try; it probably won't be as bad as you think it will. :)


I do wonder how some of these tacticals are supposed to be smoothly completed by a group of 4 DPS though. In a couple of the groups I had to do a lot of spam healing.

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Thank you for posting this! I am also a solo player (outside of the random heroic), and it was with great trepidation that I que'd for the tactical FP's I needed for DvL. So far I've done 5/8, with only one wipe and a few deaths, and most of the people I was grouped with seemed pretty good-natured. Thanks to the wonderful folks on Harbinger I grouped with! If you meet a clueless bowcaster-wielding Op healer in Czerka Core, Red Reaper, or KDY this weekend, it may just be me. :D


To my fellow players that are nervous about grouping but want to make it to Eternal level, just give it a try; it probably won't be as bad as you think it will. :)


I do wonder how some of these tacticals are supposed to be smoothly completed by a group of 4 DPS though. In a couple of the groups I had to do a lot of spam healing.


The 4 DPS route, one of them has to be a kolto watcher (or two) and people have to be willign to cycle defensives and drop threat only after taking some hits specifically to spread the damage taken out and so the kolto can be used to hit everyone not just to save the same person over and over again. Basically everyone has to tank turns playing tank while others are rotating through being the kolto healer, albiet ranged make better kolto-ers. Sorc/Sage bubbles and anyone with HoTs should be using them, DPS Guard/Juggs can guardian leap to whoever is taking hits as well. Rotating stuns/dazes also helps as do the spamable specific cc's like the slice droid snipers have.

It is do-able, just need to play without focusing on a single role as much. When you find a group that can do it, it is actually a LOT of fun.

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