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What is the Logic behind removing Iconic Class Abilities?


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No seriously, I want to know why Flamethrower is being removed from the game which has been iconic to Bounty Hunters from the start.


And then on top of that, you're adding a brand new exclusive ability to replace flamethrower for Powertechs and not giving Mercs one in return.


Another example:


"Phase Walk"


This was originally a Shadow/Sin only move and then you gave it base line to the class and now you're taking it away from Shadows and Sins? Like what the heck, really?


These changes are severely the wrong idea and I wanna know what logic and reasoning went into this nonsense.

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What? No more flamethrower? Next thing you know they'll change the tracer missile animation. Oh wait... :cool:


Switching Tracer and Fusion missile's animation is not quite the same as removing an iconic ability from day 1 and the movies outright for no reason other than changing to change.

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They must just be "simplifying".


But everyone just takes the abilities they don't use off their tool bar. No need to simplify. The players did the simplification for them. Meanwhile those who did use the abilities just lose out.

Edited by Darkbloom
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The class changes are pretty good in my opinion, I guess someone just couldn't resist and finding something else to complain about for 5.0


Let 5.0 come then complain!


If someone thinks something is a bad move, they should wait for it to go live before they say something?

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The class changes are pretty good in my opinion, I guess someone just couldn't resist and finding something else to complain about for 5.0


Let 5.0 come then complain!


uhh...Phase walk is kind of an important skill for tanking. A lot of people are confused over this change...:confused:


...Kind of legit thing to complain about. Not to mention it's been a sin/shadow skill since launch.

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I won't be too broken up about flamethrower being removed if it (or a flamethrower-looking replacement) is still the Legacy Heroic Moment ability for BHs.


I'd be okay with it being something my Merc only busts out in key moments for some cinematic flair - it's never been part of my regular rotation.


Phasewalk . . . yeah, that one's weird to me.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Switching Tracer and Fusion missile's animation is not quite the same as removing an iconic ability from day 1 and the movies outright for no reason other than changing to change.


Yes, I know. When you simmer down you'll see the humor. I was just teasing the tracer missile guy.

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I could never do phasewalk quite right that said I'm fine with all the changes except I think assassins are getting the short end of the stick. Pretty sure I utilize some skills being removed. Look for me posting in the class forum on best way to play my Assassin because I always felt she was so freaking weak compared to my sentinel and mara. I regret not taking a sorcerer :confused:
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Hm. Tad confused about phasewalk. It seems perfect for shadows/sins (even "lore-wise," fitting in with the rest of their abilities, relying on stealth and being sneaky and whatnot).


Not too happy about losing Dirty Kick for my gunslinger. I mean...yeah, I don't use it very much - but it's still an incredibly fun ability. :o Even if some of the bosses (in solo play!) I use it on aren't affected by it... Dirty Kick Grand Moff Kilran. Dirty Kick various members of the Dark Council/Darth Malgus. Dirty Kick


Skavak. Bonus points if that ends up being what, ultimately, kills him. Poetic justice at its absolute finest.


For that matter, I Dirty Kicked DARTH FLIPPING REVAN. And then promptly died in the ensuing fight, because I was too busy falling off my chair in hysterical laughter.


...so yeah. I'm a bit miffed about that. Because there's something hilariously beautiful about my tiny, body-type-one female gunslinger Dirty Kicking her way across the galaxy, purely for the bragging rights. ("I kicked [insert the name of any highly influential person here] between the legs! Who else can claim they did THAT??")


Anyway, other than those things, I was expecting these changes to be a lot worse. XD Overall, they seem like fairly decent changes. 'Course, time will tell what they're like in practice, when 5.0 goes live, but for the most part they seem all right.

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uhh...Phase walk is kind of an important skill for tanking. A lot of people are confused over this change...:confused:


...Kind of legit thing to complain about. Not to mention it's been a sin/shadow skill since launch.


Phase Walk was not at launch. It came afterwards but other than that it was given to a sin/shadow first and I agree that they shouldn't have removed it from us.

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It all depends on the animation of Searing Wave, right? Gameplay wise I see why it got changed. They don't want melee standing still anymore. It would be upsetting, however, if the animation still wasn't as cool or better then the old one.
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uhh...Phase walk is kind of an important skill for tanking. A lot of people are confused over this change...:confused:


...Kind of legit thing to complain about. Not to mention it's been a sin/shadow skill since launch.


No it hasn't been, phase walk was 2.0, but i agree it shouldn't be taken from tanks.

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With perhaps one exception, melee characters only have instant attacks. Basically all cast and channels were taken away, except for Shadow tanks. The reason appears to be to separate the classes further.


As for Phase Walk, I'm guessing two teleports were too much for them.

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1) I think it is wrong to single out specific changes, out of context of the total base of change made to classes coming in 5.0


2) Until we as the players get to actually play the classes after incoming changes, it's all speculation with a few sour grapes tossed in to condemn or question changes. And yes, as is typical with changes to game content and mechanics in MMOs... we as players will have to adapt and look at the totality of changes before judging.


3) It's a game. NOTHING is actually truly iconic in a game. Games can and do mimic features in the lore they pull from, but SWTOR is so far from traditional SW iconic that this sort of complaint is misplaced in my view.


I encourage players to take a wait/see/play approach to 5.0 before condemning it or arm chair design critiquing it 4 ways to the wind. There will be plenty of time to critique based on actual released game play in December.

Edited by Andryah
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