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The DISGUSTING state of general chat


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This is really getting far beyond acceptable. I understand there is always going to be some chat which is considered unacceptable by someone, but the current state of general chat is absolutely ridiculous. In fact it's so bad I cannot repeat any of it here, because I would get banned.


So why the double standard? Why is it not acceptable in the forums, but completely unmonitored in the game chat?


Yeah, yeah I know there is a profanity filter; I know I can turn general chat off, but I shouldn't have to. They bypass the filters with ALT letters or other means and since BioWare failed to put in a LFG channel, Gen chat is the best way to link up with other people for ops and heroics.


Where is the legacy ignore feature Eric talked about months ago? Why isn't there a TOS within the game chat like there is in order to use the forums (and a way to report people who violate that TOS)?


If there is a single biggest complaint I see or hear about SWTOR, this is it!

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This is really getting far beyond acceptable. I understand there is always going to be some chat which is considered unacceptable by someone, but the current state of general chat is absolutely ridiculous. In fact it's so bad I cannot repeat any of it here, because I would get banned.


So why the double standard? Why is it not acceptable in the forums, but completely unmonitored in the game chat?


Yeah, yeah I know there is a profanity filter; I know I can turn general chat off, but I shouldn't have to. They bypass the filters with ALT letters or other means and since BioWare failed to put in a LFG channel, Gen chat is the best way to link up with other people for ops and heroics.


Where is the legacy ignore feature Eric talked about months ago? Why isn't there a TOS within the game chat like there is in order to use the forums (and a way to report people who violate that TOS)?


If there is a single biggest complaint I see or hear about SWTOR, this is it!


Harbinger? It does get bad sometimes but Fleet general chat is where all the trolls fritter away their subs and make rest us cringe. They are slapped on the wrist and set back out, or allowed to make new accounts and unless the penalties got real and permanent, you wouldn't get rid of the worst of it.

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You're often contributing to the mess that is there... but I can't talk too much as I often interact with you.


We've all been there, we're on Fleet- doing things and something crops up we just can't help replying to- they key in knowing to run like hell to whatever you were doing next.


I hope it'll get better next week after the election is over.


It'd take a few weeks and I'm essentially breaking my rule, and logging in after work and camping on Fleet to watch if Trump actually wins because it'd go nuclear. At least I can queue PvP matches there as opposed to going to a real political forum.

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You live in a world with different kind of people and not everybody feels the same way you do. Now, I am not saying that I find everything in chat acceptable and it is still possible to report things, but you missed the most important tool you have: ignore.


Chat filters can be bypassed and turning off general chat has disadvantages as you say, but it's just not realistic to expect BW to regulate live chat everywhere. You have to understand that profanity is just part of the issue. There are always other ways to describe what they want to describe so you can't really filter it.


But you can put people on ignore.


You've got to understand that people will be people and not everybody has the same idea about profanity, sexual references, etc. Personally I can handle a fair bit but sometimes it does get annoying. Those people find themselves ignored.


But if you don't want any exposure to other people, don't play a game with other people in it like MMOs. I assume you're American and when I lived in the US I was amazed about how much PC stuff was going on in the media but on the streets people would swear left and right anyway. To me general chat is like walking around the street and hearing people talk crap left and right. Not all of them but some. I cannot turn off the street sounds unless you put on some headphones or something. In game you can do this by turning off chat but you will miss out on LFG/LFM messages as you say. So there is ignore to deal with individuals.


You can't expect BW to police every word spoken, so yes, as a community we have a few tools to work with and I suggest using them for it. I do not share your idea that you "shouldn't have to do this". This is part of being in a part of the world where there is freedom and as much as you may not like what some people say, don't forget that their freedom is a sign that you also have the freedom to say what you want.


Now, I would also have liked an official LFG chat channel, but from other games I've played I know that it's a channel that is often ignored by people and they still end up putting it in general chat. Though, GW1 had a pretty cool system for selling messages where the game would put any message containing WTB, WTT or WTS was automatically moved to the trade channel. So maybe something like that could be done for LFM and LFG but also there people will find ways to bypass it.


Still, I'm sure if you spoke up about it in general chat you will be met with derision and silence mostly. Like it or not, it does tell you that you are in a minority. Some people find it funny and some people already ignore it or don't care. I really don't think there are too many people that are in the same position as you are. Why does that matter? Because BW will have to use resources into what you want and they wouldn't do that normally unless it benefits a bigger group of people. So all I can say is that you'll have to find a way to deal with it, because I would be very surprised if BWA would actually do something, because it's basically a minefield for them to walk through and the cost vs benefit may not be there in the right balance.

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Yeah the Genchat is filled with idiots . They just park and run their mouth on and on all damn day .


If I go get something to eat , I get AFK warning . But these peoples stay there parked , and throwing toxic words all damn day on low level planets . Like Korriban , dromun , coruscant and Tython . But mostly Dromun and Coruscant .


As for the fleet , well that is the worst place . That's why I only go there for FP and I use the GTN that is on Nar shaddaa instead .


Would they do something ? No.......they are too afraid of the 'freedom of speech warriors' .


Should they ? yes . peoples are paying to have fun . Not to hear stupid things on the chat .


Should we turn off the Genchat ? who came up with that logic ? if you are in a move theather and someone start making problem , under the freedom of speech exuse . Does the manager kick you out for not letting him ruin the movie ? or is he kicked out ?


Does ignore list work ? it has a Limit..like everything else in this game lol .


I do though encourage reporting them trough a ticket . I personally do , since I keep seeing some stuff that shouldn't be there and are unacceptable . And I did receive a reply ''We cant tell you squat but we are gonna do something , we hope this didn't ruin your game '' .


So yeah , never stop reporting them .

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What is it about Imp chat?


Imp general is always a greater collection of morons and sociopaths, no matter the server.


Yeah it really is worse by far. When I'm on the rep side it's generally quiet or a few rather friendly people chatting about random things or being helpful.

On imp side its like people are constantly on laxatives.

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What is it about Imp chat?


Imp general is always a greater collection of morons and sociopaths, no matter the server.


Because playing Imperial means the player can be 'dark' or 'edgy' or 'EEEVILLL', so they feel like releasing their inner brat fits right into the game. Not nearly as many bratty Jedi as Sith.

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I was part of a game with a community that the owner had a very active team of moderators that kept t he chat clean. It was refreshing, and people who couldn't be an adult got the axe. Sadly, it is no more as the owner has other things in life to be busy with but Wulfram 2 was an interesting experience.


IMHO, they never really lost any potential player base by giving people a day ban for typing the three letters"***". They did a good thing in teaching people how to communicate correctly, or you didn't play the game.


I often just /cleave general. I also have other channels to talk in, and the nice thing about other channels, they cross planets.

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This is really getting far beyond acceptable. I understand there is always going to be some chat which is considered unacceptable by someone, but the current state of general chat is absolutely ridiculous. In fact it's so bad I cannot repeat any of it here, because I would get banned.


So why the double standard? Why is it not acceptable in the forums, but completely unmonitored in the game chat?


Yeah, yeah I know there is a profanity filter; I know I can turn general chat off, but I shouldn't have to. They bypass the filters with ALT letters or other means and since BioWare failed to put in a LFG channel, Gen chat is the best way to link up with other people for ops and heroics.


Where is the legacy ignore feature Eric talked about months ago? Why isn't there a TOS within the game chat like there is in order to use the forums (and a way to report people who violate that TOS)?


If there is a single biggest complaint I see or hear about SWTOR, this is it!


People suck. Deal with it.


No really, deal with it.


Go read Marcus Aurelius, learn to stop being that thin-skinned prig who goes around sermonizing his liberal use of the ignore feature and whining in the forums that people use naughty words. This is the Internet. No one gives a ****.


If I (and most) people can manage, I'm sure you can as well.


This is a non-issue.


Have a nice day.

Edited by Stultophobe
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This is really getting far beyond acceptable!


What's the matter? You don't like discussions about sexual acts with lunch meat?




Shadowlands is sooooo much fun....


When I go to fleet, I click on a premade chat tab that has all communication removed.


Deal with it.


Why? Why should I have to deal with someone who, if they said the same thing in public would have had them wind up in jail or, depending on what country they're from, with a body part or two chopped off?

Edited by dr_mike
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Please. Red eclipse DK chat is pure jem of stupidity. It should be treasured, not banned.


For all the overly-sensitive people that get offended by random people on internet writing random things - there's a solution for you. Don't read chat.

Edited by Frenesi
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