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just finished opening 5 HC and 1 supercrate of the scavenger packs,


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I don't think there's been any indication that 5.0 endgame gear will come with certain pieces having a less than 1% chance of dropping. But thinking in terms of a reasonable scale might not let you get as outraged, I guess.


While it may not be 1%, it very well could be for things like MH and OH. Any reasonable person can see that.


Thats the problem with RNG. It will always be weighted in what you can get and it will always be against you getting certain things. BW even said themselves it is possible to NEVER get all the gear you need. Thats RNG for you and thats hyper-crates from the cartel market and thats the same thing for loot crates in 5.0.

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While it may not be 1%, it very well could be for things like MH and OH. Any reasonable person can see that.

But why make that assumption? We currently have boxes in the game, and they give even chances (though they don't drop mainhands, granted) for all gear s'far as I'm aware. So at worst, that's a 7.5% or so chance of getting what you need (and that's assuming you only need one more piece). Yes, it's possible you'll never roll that last piece, but the odds are in favor of it turning up eventually.

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But why make that assumption? We currently have boxes in the game, and they give even chances (though they don't drop mainhands, granted) for all gear s'far as I'm aware. So at worst, that's a 7.5% or so chance of getting what you need (and that's assuming you only need one more piece). Yes, it's possible you'll never roll that last piece, but the odds are in favor of it turning up eventually.


We don't know the odds. And the reason they are changing it to rng is so that they can control the odds without us even knowing.

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But why make that assumption?


Because we have seen RNG in SWTOR before. It sucked.

I have seen RNG in plenty of other gamers. It sucked there too.


I am under no delusion what RNG is and what it is used for. It never was and never will be created to benefit the gamer. It is a business move only and the business is called the "house" here and it's always stacked in favor of the house. Not the gamer.


why make the assumption? Because when it comes to things like RNG, all things point to just how bad RNG is, how bad bw has handled it and just how bad bw will weight items against you ever seeing them.


We currently have boxes in the game, and they give even chances (though they don't drop mainhands, granted) for all gear s'far as I'm aware. So at worst, that's a 7.5% or so chance of getting what you need (and that's assuming you only need one more piece). Yes, it's possible you'll never roll that last piece, but the odds are in favor of it turning up eventually.


Problem is eventually. bw didn't come straight out and make sure you knew you might never get what you need because they thought the chances were fair or evened out across the board for all items. They are prepping you for it to actually happen.


You will get a whole lot more bracers and belts before other things.


Yep, i wouldn't be surprised to see CXP boosters on the CM


I fully expect to see those. EXP boosts are already there. Wouldn't take some genius coder to create that to work for CXP since everything will now revolve around CXP and how fast you can get them for another chance at the slot machine of gearing.


Expect to see that on the market really quick. There is just to much money to be made there.


I'm left wondering when Big Brother is going to step in and regulate the video game gambling industry.


I've often wondered if that shouldn't have happened already. Casinos fall under regulations so they cannot so blatantly screw over people with randomness. Even if they are gambling willingly. There had to be some regulation to keep things a bit "fair". ( I use that loosely just so you know.)


I could see someone wanting to regulation this type of gamble in video games. It's still real money in a chance game for rewards. I'm sure there are loopholes that currently don't make this work but that can be changed.

Edited by Quraswren
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I could see someone wanting to regulation this type of gamble in video games. It's still real money in a chance game for rewards. I'm sure there are loopholes that currently don't make this work but that can be changed.


The CC are the loophole. You buy them. not gamble for them. After that it's fictional currency so it's not real gambling by definition.

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The CC are the loophole. You buy them. not gamble for them. After that it's fictional currency so it's not real gambling by definition.


I thought as much.


All it would take is some regulatory committee to see that money could be made off gaming companies that do this and get things changed. I'm starting to think I like that idea of some regulation in cases like this.

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of course i know its gambling ffs ...this is not my first rodeo...guess i should have left the part out with how many i purchased and asked how many someone actually had to buy to get one.


The problem with that is there is no average with it mate.

It's just Random.

You opened all those & got nothing.

Player A: Opened one hypercrate & got one.

Player B: Opened one pack & got one.

Player C: Opened 8 hypercrates & still doesn't have one.


It goes on.

Not trying to rain on your parade but as my first post states, you're better off making credits & buying it when the prices regulate. It is just a flat out gamble.

You could open another 10 hypercrates & never get that pike, but you'd be out of a lot of RL cash trying for it. Which in turns just fuels BW's cash market.

Edited by CaptRogue
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One single pack. And I got it for free from this guy who always plays hide & seek on the fleet and he offered a pack for the first one who finds him and what can I say: Just a few seconds before he posted it in the chat, I passed the spot where he hid and was wondering "what is this guy doing down there?".


I cannot imagine that this answer will help the OP in any way, sorry. :o

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The problem with that is there is no average with it mate.

It's just Random.

You opened all those & got nothing.

Player A: Opened one hypercrate & got one.

Player B: Opened one pack & got one.

Player C: Opened 8 hypercrates & still doesn't have one.


It goes on.

Not trying to rain on your parade but as my first post states, you're better off making credits & buying it when the prices regulate. It is just a flat out gamble.

You could open another 10 hypercrates & never get that pike, but you'd be out of a lot of RL cash trying for it. Which in turns just fuels BW's cash market.



i have 11 crates to get a defiant saber 18 to get a arbiter ....plus a ton of hc's before that ...not to mention a certain amount of heroics ......out of this i have over 700 millon credits...its not the credits


its fun to see how many of reply to this as if i started playing yesterday ....maybe its because of the choice of words and build of sentences ....english is not my first language ...norwegian is.


my last reply to this thread ...thanks to those that answered my questions

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its fun to see how many of reply to this as if i started playing yesterday ....maybe its because of the choice of words and build of sentences ....english is not my first language ...norwegian is.

I think it's more that whining is kinda the typical around here.

But it seems this is more of a humble brag sort of thing "look how many credits I can afford to waste". Got it.

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I don't think there's been any indication that 5.0 endgame gear will come with certain pieces having a less than 1% chance of dropping. But thinking in terms of a reasonable scale might not let you get as outraged, I guess.

Well, let's took at it mathematically.


There are 39 possible pieces of gear for an Assassin tank disciploine. Assuming they're all evenly weighted, that would be a 2.6% chance to get the piece of gear you're looking for (e.g. Set Bonus Chest piece). But you have to remember the bell curve distribution. That 2.6% chance would be for people that fall in the middle.


One out of every 20 players is going to be towards the right end of the bell curve, with a 1.3% chance of getting it.


One out of every 100 players is going to be even further towards the right, with a less than 1% chance.


Can you imagine being a solo-only player, who gains CXP infrequently, is unlucky with RNG, and opens their 100th crate and STILL didn't get what they're looking for? OUCH.

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Yep. That is literally a game developers job. What's the problem?


RNG, I'm pretty sure thats been made clear.


Use the system we have been using for years that clearly does the same thing since it was also their job to create it. It's a much better system and could be adapted to GC than total RNG gearing for everything and bw still gets to control the distribution of gear.


No need for RNG unless you really just want to screw over your players.

Edited by Quraswren
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The CC are the loophole. You buy them. not gamble for them. After that it's fictional currency so it's not real gambling by definition.

CC's are still a form of value (consideration) that are risked (chance) to get a Platinum rarity item (prize). The dodge might be that you still get something like a warzone xp boost (pretty much worthless) but IMO (and IANAL) that's still sketchy enough that I'm astounded this hasn't gotten more interest from win-hungry DA's.


From http://definitions.uslegal.com/g/gambling/

A person engages in gambling if he stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under his control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that he or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome.
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Not many have followed your instructions of only posting how many packs to get the saber.


I haven't opened any packs, and I don't really want the pike / saber, but if I did...I would grind credits for a month before I would ever give BW a single cent via their cash shop.


The most disturbing thing about the RNG gearing crates coming with 5.0 is that I can easily see how this is all designed to get us addicted to gambling and make us more inclined to buy packs from the cartel market. Have the gear crates open with a similar look and feel interface, get players accustomed to that and they might become more comfortable with the idea of buying packs. This is psychology in action. I'm telling you guys, EA is trying to make us comfortable with the chance cube / pack opening / gambling experience. The RNG gearing makes no sense from a game design standpoint, so the root of it is someplace else - it's rooted in psychology and marketing.

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EDIT: IF YOU WANT TO TELL ME HOW STUPID I AM FOR POSTING THIS AND THAT IM GAMBLING AND ITS MY OWN FAULT BLA BLA BLA ETC ETC ...don't.... just simply answer how many did you have to open to get yours ....


i had to open 11 hypercrates to get a defiant saber and 18 to get the arbiter saber.


Don't care.


You are officially a part of the problem. Please stop.

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The CC are the loophole. You buy them. not gamble for them. After that it's fictional currency so it's not real gambling by definition.


That may be a part of the overall safeguards they've put up, but it's also legal because, no matter what, you do get something - it is just like Collectable Card Games booster packs, where you don't know which of the products you'll get in a container, but you do get the amount advertised. And those are legal even though they're bought directly with real money.

Edited by DarthDymond
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The most disturbing thing about the RNG gearing crates coming with 5.0 is that I can easily see how this is all designed to get us addicted to gambling and make us more inclined to buy packs from the cartel market. Have the gear crates open with a similar look and feel interface, get players accustomed to that and they might become more comfortable with the idea of buying packs. This is psychology in action. I'm telling you guys, EA is trying to make us comfortable with the chance cube / pack opening / gambling experience. The RNG gearing makes no sense from a game design standpoint, so the root of it is someplace else - it's rooted in psychology and marketing.

I contend it'll do the opposite. How many folks have been burned trying to get a chase piece? Instead of joy the emotion is probably closer to relief or even self-loathing (I spent how much?)


The 5.0 New Gearing Experience doesn't even give folks an "oooh! I got a shiny!" it's all... "I finally scraped enough pieces together to do the content... guys? hey guys?" "Sorry man, had to replace you." "*sobs* praise RNGesus"


"The only winning move is not to play." My plan is to stick to bolstered content and they can stick their NGE someplace dark.

Edited by PlasmaJohn
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I fully expect to see those. EXP boosts are already there. Wouldn't take some genius coder to create that to work for CXP since everything will now revolve around CXP and how fast you can get them for another chance at the slot machine of gearing.


Expect to see that on the market really quick. There is just to much money to be made there.


Not from me, my sub runs out pretty much as 5.0 lands and once the story is done I'm out. I'm not paying monthly for no real new content and RNG gearing, that's just stupidity once the class stories have been done and other content played over and over and over and .... you get the idea.


I've often wondered if that shouldn't have happened already. Casinos fall under regulations so they cannot so blatantly screw over people with randomness. Even if they are gambling willingly. There had to be some regulation to keep things a bit "fair". ( I use that loosely just so you know.)


I could see someone wanting to regulation this type of gamble in video games. It's still real money in a chance game for rewards. I'm sure there are loopholes that currently don't make this work but that can be changed.

The CC are the loophole. You buy them. not gamble for them. After that it's fictional currency so it's not real gambling by definition.


Both interesting points to raise. I know in my country it's now being looked at very hard, trying to hide it behind a virtual currency isn't going to wash, because you still pay real money to obtain the virtual currency. The whole industry is being looked at, including gambling for "skins". It is a very grey area currently in terms of the Gambling Act in my country, I certainly wouldn't like to be the developer that falls foul of that particular act. We're starting to see more movement in how the games industry is going to be regulated, along with all the other sources of gambling.


This is absolutely no different in gambling for "skins", because that is effectively what you are doing every time you purchase one of the Hypercrates or packs. The only way EA and BioWare can wriggle out of it long term is to stop and listen to paying customers, and put items up for direct sale before they end up being regulated along with everyone else.

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RNG, I'm pretty sure thats been made clear.


Use the system we have been using for years that clearly does the same thing since it was also their job to create it. It's a much better system and could be adapted to GC than total RNG gearing for everything and bw still gets to control the distribution of gear.


No need for RNG unless you really just want to screw over your players.


Oh yes, it has been made clear lol. I'm just thinking that every time they make a public change to how many credits or xp or resources you get from something, people get real ANGRY - one way or the other. Tweaking rng odds seems much easier for everyone involved. But maybe I'm just a shady person. :cool:

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It took me two hypercrates and a little heroic grinding to get enough credits to buy the unstable arbiter's lightsaber. And I think three to buy the vented lightsaber. If you bought five hypercrates, you've probably got enough stuff to sell to afford one of Senya's sabers in the next couple months, once the second pack they're in drops, and prices go down a bit.
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