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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

On a Serious note, how many are staying.


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I've been putting my toes in the water of a few games. GW2 was tossed in about 10 minutes. I just can't take the style of the design. ESO I always liked for the large scale pvp but a grind put me off about a year ago. It's gotten a lot better there so I think it's ESO time. Still buggy and I swear the combat designer is on crack with his stupid armor set procs but there's some fun to be had


The armor set procs are what made me quit that game. Seriously, work my toosh off to get all 9 traits on all gear and then some drops out perform my gear and I die from armor procs instead of actual abilities? Hell no. The combat team is just as coked up as the ones here.

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What game is everybody leaving for? :confused:


There really isn't, your only other option to to unsub and enjoy something away from multiplayer online games. They are all following the same metrics, and will end up in similar results. If you don't enjoy it, take up some other sport or hobby.


The voice acting effort put into TOR make it very unique, and even if the game play is dumbed down, it still sits apart without anything satisfying to move to.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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The armor set procs are what made me quit that game. Seriously, work my toosh off to get all 9 traits on all gear and then some drops out perform my gear and I die from armor procs instead of actual abilities? Hell no. The combat team is just as coked up as the ones here.


Haha Yeah. I left when I started falling way behind on champion points (which CXP here kind of reminds me of) then the proxy det builds in combo with some prog set was becoming king for Magicka NBs just unstealthing and nuking chunks of players. The champion points seems to be capped and accelerated in gain the less you have now so that is better; and I think those Magicka NBs got nerfed to hell, but now its stam users with a whole bunch of other crazy dropped proc sets. And its funny with the new "One Tamriel" thing they have going on now; dolmens and delve bosses are camped to hell to where it looks like launch with gold farmers, only people trying to get set pieces. I managed to get a 3 piece jewelry set in half an hour last night so I am not complaining.


Wrobel over there has got to be on crack for sure; but I will say that I at least see them communicating more than the devs here. I think the next update they will address the proc madness and they do update their game more than once or twice a year there.

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I'll probably stay for a little bit to try it out, but past that not sure. I play with a small group of people for PvP and it's been hard to even get them to want to log into this game at this stage. 5.0, from what little i've cared to look up, doesn't stir my desire to play and if anything brings back laughable memories of the old gearing boxes that made us lose interest in the game the first time.


PvP players don't have stuff :D


Truth. It's a good day if I can gather enough credits from all my toons to aug out my latest dick around toon. :p

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For me it's not a case of whether the PvP experience is any good ( I don't have high hopes over the gearing and I'm not clever enough to work out all the nuances of who's gonna rule and be FoTM in 5.0 ) , it really depends on whether there's enough to keep me entertained between pops. - Coz if the pops aren't frequent enough, I'm not entertained - and that's when I drift off to other things and other games and join my guild elsewhere. If that happens too much, in the next month or 2, I'm done. - And I'm keeping my stuff, though there may be a lot of credits to give away.:)


48 people on fleet prime time ATM on a not-dead server isn't filling me with hope.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I like playing alts in pvp and I have 30 ranked geared pvp alts. If 5.0 makes gearing impossible for that many toons I may take a break. I get bored with 1 or 2 mains. I'm not a fan of rng and have a bad taste in my mouth from old school battlemaster crates. I don't want to leave but they seem to be alienating my play style. I mean there is nothing I can do about that. If they don't want players to play the way I play...oh well. I'm still up in the air until I play 5.0.


If I ever do leave I'll give away one hell of an account. 30 65s 10 55+ 1 guild with guild ship 5 stronghilds and about 2 billion credits


This is my situation with Alts as well :o

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Unsubbed the day I heard about the 5.0 gearing changes, sub runs out next tuesday. pvp and gearing were nearly perfect since 4.0, especially for me as a casual pvp player with not so much time to play. Don't get it why they changed it.


What game is everybody leaving for? :confused:


I'm torn between ESO and TSW. ESO has good story lines, a very good character development and an alliance vs alliance pvp system, but the gearing is very grindy.


TSW has outstanding story lines, a very flexible character development without levels, and pvp is objective based, but with larger groups. They also have a bolster system to push everybody to BiS gear in pvp areas, so no worry about gearing.


atm I'm playing both to figure out what game best fit my needs.

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if the new ops utility mobile strategies stays like it is, i will clearly not force myself to PvP.


there are already enough (but enough) stuns and bump and root and knockbacks in this game. frustration is not a way to give players the fun needed to continue.

Edited by Thaladan
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I'm torn between ESO and TSW. ESO has good story lines, a very good character development and an alliance vs alliance pvp system, but the gearing is very grindy.


TSW has outstanding story lines, a very flexible character development without levels, and pvp is objective based, but with larger groups. They also have a bolster system to push everybody to BiS gear in pvp areas, so no worry about gearing.


atm I'm playing both to figure out what game best fit my needs.


I've only ever heard good things about the story side of TSW, for that alone I think it's probably worth a solid delve into.

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Game's PVP is fast-paced and to my liking, always has been. The conditions to which I leave are a) balance is way off, b) queues take too long, and c) there's no more separation of pvp and pve in terms of fairness (I don't care if there are other ways to get pvp gear, I do care if pve players can gear faster or to a higher degree). If any one of these things is violated, I usually unsub and go play something else.
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Unsubbed the day I heard about the 5.0 gearing changes, sub runs out next tuesday. pvp and gearing were nearly perfect since 4.0, especially for me as a casual pvp player with not so much time to play. Don't get it why they changed it.




I'm torn between ESO and TSW. ESO has good story lines, a very good character development and an alliance vs alliance pvp system, but the gearing is very grindy.


TSW has outstanding story lines, a very flexible character development without levels, and pvp is objective based, but with larger groups. They also have a bolster system to push everybody to BiS gear in pvp areas, so no worry about gearing.


atm I'm playing both to figure out what game best fit my needs.


Is this what you mean by TSW - http://www.thesecretworld.com/gameplay


It looks like it's a fairly old game from 2012

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Is this what you mean by TSW - http://www.thesecretworld.com/gameplay


It looks like it's a fairly old game from 2012


Yes, that's what I meant. Yes, it's from 2012, but it's still worth starting with.


It's not as populated as SW:ToR (compared to all players on all servers), but there is cross server pve and pvp, better graphics, you can play as f2p without any gameplay limitation (you have to buy the game itself and DLCs though), and most of the content they release is actual MMO content.


it's one of the best if you like story. but if pvp is your jam it's probably the worst.


They reworked Fusang (the most popular pvp area) a few months ago, and I read only positive things about that. Gonna give it a try.

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Unsubbed the day I heard about the 5.0 gearing changes, sub runs out next tuesday. pvp and gearing were nearly perfect since 4.0, especially for me as a casual pvp player with not so much time to play. Don't get it why they changed it.


This is whats so frustrating, for 4.0 they listened and got things right, now they're backtracking so far that pvp will be destroyed.

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